It just doesn't doesn't feel like Christmas on BF without Purdy Murdie's jingling good cheer!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What, no dead mom jokes? Ya fuckin creature even my dead dog wasn't off your radar maggot! You had a wash today Mr "I don't even wanna wake up!" boohoo bubbles boohoo!


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OOpps :LOL3:


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What, no dead mom jokes? Ya fuckin creature even my dead dog wasn't off your radar maggot! You had a wash today Mr "I don't even wanna wake up!" boohoo bubbles boohoo!

fuck your fake dead mom and pussy dog you fuckin muppet, kids are off limits for molesters like you, you need to shut your fucking muppet mouth and keep your hands off of the ladies ffs


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Ahhh the last word's on me...

Keep biting at my heels while I'm totally oblivious to your repeats... Ahhhh!!!

Show evryone how much you care by multiposting like a burnt out fahget! "I don't even wanna wake up!"



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What, no dead mom jokes? Ya fuckin creature even my dead dog wasn't off your radar maggot! You had a wash today Mr "I don't even wanna wake up!" boohoo bubbles boohoo!

fuck your fake dead mom and pussy dog you fuckin muppet, kids are off limits for molesters like you, you need to shut your fucking muppet mouth and keep your hands off of the ladies ffs
So let me get this straight... I lied about my mum dying but not my dog and yet the truth is something that I've never said? You've actually lost it!! :LOL3: DO IT PISS!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis


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look how many anger poasts directed at me LMAO ... WHAT, 5 ??? :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:



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and are stymied by the sight of a dood in a dress .... whats going on the jailbird ask's, is that a woman ?? fists of fury ready for action if so :LOL3::LOL3::LOL3:


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I took a look at the guy's channel, Shamp, and it seems to consist mostly of eyewitness accounts and older alleged photo and video documents. The problem with visual proofs is that they can easily be doctored. That famous 1967 video of a "Sasquatch" purposefully striding through a clearing (as though he were late for work) still remains the best video evidence for the existence of this cryptid. And it's not very good. Blurry. Distant. Short. Could be a guy in a gorilla costume, for all we know. And it probably is.

Keep in mind, I'm a skeptic by nature and I'll always abide by Carl Sagan's famous dictum that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs." While the claim that there exists an uncatalogued (and highly secretive) primate species is certainly extraordinary, the evidence for it is weak.

There have been over 10,000 "sightings" of Bigfoot over the last fifty years (according to
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), most of them easily explained as hoaxes or pranks. Or even as accounts delivered by those with vested interests in their being considered authentic.

Oddly enough, though, this paucity of extraordinary evidence isn't enough for me to just pooh-pooh the whole thing away. Like most skeptics, I try to keep an open mind when it comes to these things (and, by "things," I mean claims about natural, real world events or persons or creatures that could fall under the purview of scientific scrutiny but for which adequate proof is currently lacking).

No, my "objection" to the possibility of Bigfoot's existence has more to do with the following:

- We humans WANT to believe. We NEED to believe, it seems.This makes us poor interrogators of our own senses (which deceive us, more often than not);

- We humans will often prey on those who want or need to believe. It's in our nature to seek an advantage over others. This makes us (among other things) pranksters and hoaxsters and all manner of deceivers;

- And finally, this, the most serious refutation for the existence of lone cryptids such as Bigfoot: any biologist will tell you--as will any zoologist--that for any member of a complex species (such as primates) to reach adulthood and autonomy with no evidence for the existence of a supportive group, clan, or tribe is highly, highly unlikely. For even one Sasquatch to roam the northwestern woods (or a Yeti in the Himalayas), there has to be a whole slew of them that do so. Yet no hunter has ever accidently shot a Sasquatch. No driver has ever hit one on the highway. No wildlife official has ever tagged or bagged one while culling the wolf population. No firefighter has ever found the charred remains of one on the edge of a burned down forest. No skulls or bones have ever been found by a curious hiker. It's hard not to conclude that tales of Bigfoot are taller than the animal itself is said to stand.

Like I said, though, I try to keep an open mind. As far as I'm concerned, and based on the evidence (such as it is), the jury's still out on this one.
I liked the whole idea of it being an expert at avoiding us in ways our brains cannot comprehend and the like, from minute things like disturbed cobwebs and so on... The photos of the apes at the zoo in a pen/enclosure meant to maximise viewing looking quite shit on a new iphone camera etc...
You wanna suck whaaaa?
????????????? I can't believe you're still upset ffs, what happened to you? Yer pal X gets that hurt he talks about raping peoples dead mothers then has fits of the moral highground when he gets rough treatment, but you, hurt for days? WTF man it's just a troll if I really thought you were that way inclined I'd have NEVER spoken to you nevermind like ya... Snap fuckin out of it!
I’m learning Portuguese on the side here. I love learning different languages.
Boa noite…however in your case it’s bom dia.
But I digress…

I’ve snapped out of it, but I was hoping that you would learn your lesson. Pick your troll, don’t use my child as fodder. As a parent I don’t appreciate it. And my ex wife didn’t leave a great impact on my her as it is. Quite simple. So it’s up to you now. You know what I want?
Look man, nothing's real on here ffs... Like I said if I genuinely thought there was any truth to it I'd have disowned you the same as you would if it was somebody else, it's just a shitty troll... Forget about it...
I’m still waiting for an apology? Do you have an issue with a supposed mate asking for an apology? I’m well aware of the troll…again, it’s been ten years dealing with the shiite.

The funniest fucking thing here, is you trying to explain how an off topic forum works!? I was doing it when you were smoking ciggies in high school.
Well if you know how it works it would be water off a ducks back, no cunt has ever apologised to me for anything... Like I said probablt the worst thing, taste wise I've ever seen was fuckin X saying something like he was going to dig up my mum and fuck her frozen corpse or similar, I didn't ask for an apology for that, I didn't fucking want one... If me typing sorry makes you feel better I'll do it because my aim here is not to actually fucking upset people irl so...
I have fromHell on ignore because of a similar thing with my own mother. The cancer, the panty troll, the alcohol…you know the story.
But you decide to bring it up around Xmas, a time for celebration for some and time of despair for others.

You’ve been a bit of a shit in your private life of late. My advice to you is grow the fuck up little man. The world isn’t out to get you, merely teach you some life lessons before you throw it all away. And believe you me, carry on the way you’re going, and we all won’t be seeing much of you.

I have bantered with you over the years like an older brother to his younger sibling. I realise that you think you’re a man, but you’re a little mungbean struggling to find his way at the moment. Nobody is proud of your actions.

I simply asked for an apology because you decided to jump on @Blurt ’s bandwagon and go foul with my only child. You two…not too cool.
Blurt had the common decency to at least apologise, but you….would rather act like a self-centred little prick that knows better than everyone else. Hail Hitler and all that childish shiiiite. Balls in your course Stephan!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I took a look at the guy's channel, Shamp, and it seems to consist mostly of eyewitness accounts and older alleged photo and video documents. The problem with visual proofs is that they can easily be doctored. That famous 1967 video of a "Sasquatch" purposefully striding through a clearing (as though he were late for work) still remains the best video evidence for the existence of this cryptid. And it's not very good. Blurry. Distant. Short. Could be a guy in a gorilla costume, for all we know. And it probably is.

Keep in mind, I'm a skeptic by nature and I'll always abide by Carl Sagan's famous dictum that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs." While the claim that there exists an uncatalogued (and highly secretive) primate species is certainly extraordinary, the evidence for it is weak.

There have been over 10,000 "sightings" of Bigfoot over the last fifty years (according to
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), most of them easily explained as hoaxes or pranks. Or even as accounts delivered by those with vested interests in their being considered authentic.

Oddly enough, though, this paucity of extraordinary evidence isn't enough for me to just pooh-pooh the whole thing away. Like most skeptics, I try to keep an open mind when it comes to these things (and, by "things," I mean claims about natural, real world events or persons or creatures that could fall under the purview of scientific scrutiny but for which adequate proof is currently lacking).

No, my "objection" to the possibility of Bigfoot's existence has more to do with the following:

- We humans WANT to believe. We NEED to believe, it seems.This makes us poor interrogators of our own senses (which deceive us, more often than not);

- We humans will often prey on those who want or need to believe. It's in our nature to seek an advantage over others. This makes us (among other things) pranksters and hoaxsters and all manner of deceivers;

- And finally, this, the most serious refutation for the existence of lone cryptids such as Bigfoot: any biologist will tell you--as will any zoologist--that for any member of a complex species (such as primates) to reach adulthood and autonomy with no evidence for the existence of a supportive group, clan, or tribe is highly, highly unlikely. For even one Sasquatch to roam the northwestern woods (or a Yeti in the Himalayas), there has to be a whole slew of them that do so. Yet no hunter has ever accidently shot a Sasquatch. No driver has ever hit one on the highway. No wildlife official has ever tagged or bagged one while culling the wolf population. No firefighter has ever found the charred remains of one on the edge of a burned down forest. No skulls or bones have ever been found by a curious hiker. It's hard not to conclude that tales of Bigfoot are taller than the animal itself is said to stand.

Like I said, though, I try to keep an open mind. As far as I'm concerned, and based on the evidence (such as it is), the jury's still out on this one.
I liked the whole idea of it being an expert at avoiding us in ways our brains cannot comprehend and the like, from minute things like disturbed cobwebs and so on... The photos of the apes at the zoo in a pen/enclosure meant to maximise viewing looking quite shit on a new iphone camera etc...
You wanna suck whaaaa?
????????????? I can't believe you're still upset ffs, what happened to you? Yer pal X gets that hurt he talks about raping peoples dead mothers then has fits of the moral highground when he gets rough treatment, but you, hurt for days? WTF man it's just a troll if I really thought you were that way inclined I'd have NEVER spoken to you nevermind like ya... Snap fuckin out of it!
I’m learning Portuguese on the side here. I love learning different languages.
Boa noite…however in your case it’s bom dia.
But I digress…

I’ve snapped out of it, but I was hoping that you would learn your lesson. Pick your troll, don’t use my child as fodder. As a parent I don’t appreciate it. And my ex wife didn’t leave a great impact on my her as it is. Quite simple. So it’s up to you now. You know what I want?
Look man, nothing's real on here ffs... Like I said if I genuinely thought there was any truth to it I'd have disowned you the same as you would if it was somebody else, it's just a shitty troll... Forget about it...
I’m still waiting for an apology? Do you have an issue with a supposed mate asking for an apology? I’m well aware of the troll…again, it’s been ten years dealing with the shiite.

The funniest fucking thing here, is you trying to explain how an off topic forum works!? I was doing it when you were smoking ciggies in high school.
Well if you know how it works it would be water off a ducks back, no cunt has ever apologised to me for anything... Like I said probablt the worst thing, taste wise I've ever seen was fuckin X saying something like he was going to dig up my mum and fuck her frozen corpse or similar, I didn't ask for an apology for that, I didn't fucking want one... If me typing sorry makes you feel better I'll do it because my aim here is not to actually fucking upset people irl so...
I have fromHell on ignore because of a similar thing with my own mother. The cancer, the panty troll, the alcohol…you know the story.
But you decide to bring it up around Xmas, a time for celebration for some and time of despair for others.

You’ve been a bit of a shit in your private life of late. My advice to you is grow the fuck up little man. The world isn’t out to get you, merely teach you some life lessons before you throw it all away. And believe you me, carry on the way you’re going, and we all won’t be seeing much of you.

I have bantered with you over the years like an older brother to his younger sibling. I realise that you think you’re a man, but you’re a little mungbean struggling to find his way at the moment. Nobody is proud of your actions.

I simply asked for an apology because you decided to jump on @Blurt ’s bandwagon and go foul with my only child. You two…not too cool.
Blurt had the common decency to at least apologise, but you….would rather act like a self-centred little prick that knows better than everyone else. Hail Hitler and all that childish shiiiite. Balls in your course Stephan!
Do you think you're fuckin better than me or what? Like I said before you know fuck all about me at all except the shite I talk so save the fuckin drama for some cunt else and man up... I've seen you go on countless, embarrassing drunken meltdowns over the years and here you are trying to talk down to me? See if you wanna talk shit to people be prepared to take it back you moron, you're gettin fuck all apology ffs what do you think this is? Fuckin idiot, aye you say what you like and I'll apolgise for finding your weak spot! Just fuckin put me on ignore and go bitch to some cunt else gimp... See if you can control yourself eh... Manlet...