Another anti-vaxxer, dead dead dead at 46


Factory Bastard
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Vaxxed people can infect others why not restrict them equally?

I double vaxxed got my vaxx card and while I could go into all of these places you anti vaxxers covet entry to, I voluntarily stay away from them now @The Prowler.
Bars restaurants art galleries concerts hockey games government buildings.The ski Hill. Indoor skating. I could go to all these places but I don't want to.

It's an infectious time Prowler. The world has changed. Accept it. Nothing is safe right now. Anyone can get covid. 4 members of my family came down with it on Christmas Day.

They were all double vaxxed with Pfizer.

I already gave you an affirmative answer dolt. I deprive myself of the venues by choosing not going to them just like non vaxxers are deprived because they do not have vaccine access cards.

There. So we all 'suffer' together.

I havent gone out in ages since the Pandemic began and I'm careful where I go who I come in contact with.

So Prowler. Man up ffs.

Quit whining like a spoiled teenager

It's hard on all of us.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You are the biggest closet case I have ever run across, and I lived in San Francisco.

This is the kind of fucked-up logic I expect from this mental midget.

She is implying that she would have come across a lot of closet homos in San Francisco. She says San Francisco because it is know for its large gay community.

Newsflash LettuceButt: Homos do no stay in the closet in San Francisco because they are readily accepted there more than almost anywhere else because of their large gay community.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I already gave you an affirmative answer dolt. I blah blah blah
We were talking about government restrictions, not what you chose to do personally.

Fuck, you are one dumb fucker.

Well then yer a fucking immature whiner, Prowler. Wahhh! Me Pwolah! I can't takes these lockdown! Wahhh!

..yer a fuckin crybaby.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
^^running to daddy to say "look at me, dad, look at me"

You are the biggest closet case I have ever run across, and I lived in San Francisco.

This is the kind of fucked-up logic I expect from this mental midget.

She is implying that she would have come across a lot of closet homos in San Francisco. She says San Francisco because it is know for its large gay community.

Newsflash LettuceButt: Homos do no stay in the closet in San Francisco because they are readily accepted there more than almost anywhere else because of their large gay community.

No shit, Sherlock. But I still met closet cases there. When you feel the need to remain in the closet in SF, you've got serious issues. Much like Strapon. He's the biggest closet case on the planet.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well then yer a fucking immature whiner, Prowler. Wahhh! Me Pwolah! I can't takes these lockdown! Wahhh!

..yer a fuckin crybaby.

Show one time that I complained. Just a direct link, you delusional fuckwad.

Tick Tock, Joe.

Time is ticking and you do not seem to have a whole lot to back up your Airclaim!!

Well you appear to be complaining about these government lockdown and restrictions Pwolah.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Nice how you deleted your stupid post and the part of my post explaining. Gaslighter. Low IQ gaslighter, to boot.

Your logic was flawed.

Any place where homosexuality is not widely accepted (and even encouraged) would have been better than San Francisco.

Your brain just does not work well enough to realize that using San Francisco as an example of closet homosexuality was stupid.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Hey, Biggie Closet Case Smiles, how's the fapping going?
Hey, Trump cock craver, how's the fantasies about Trump dicking in you in your stinky cardboard textured asshole going?
She is such an idiot.

She shows a complete lack of understanding of basic logic.

"Yer must be gay because you say your hatez the gayz!!!"

"I hatez Trumpzzzz!!!!"

She cannon connect the dots.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hey, Biggie Closet Case Smiles, how's the fapping going?
Hey, Trump cock craver, how's the fantasies about Trump dicking in you in your stinky cardboard textured asshole going?
She is such an idiot.

She shows a complete lack of understanding of basic logic.

"Yer must be gay because you say your hatez the gayz!!!"

"I hatez Trumpzzzz!!!!"

She cannon connect the dots.
This is why I love fucking with them.

They're too stupid to realize the plainly fucking obvious

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
They're too stupid to realize the plainly fucking obvious

Sometimes I try to explain in hopes that something will click in their weak little minds and they will realize how stupid they are.

I also do it in hopes that other people find it entertaining to watch them struggle to understand. Picking on retards can actually be a fun activity.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh and another point..... Joe, you are vaccinated. So why are you worried about anti vaxxers at venues?

That makes no sense. If anyone should worry it's the people going out to venues without a vaccine. They are the ones accepting the risk of a Covid infection.

What are YOU worried about, Joe? That YOU will spread it to them? Wear an N95. Problem solved.

Dovey I don't even trust the fully vaccinated at those events either.

And that Pfizer vaccine us the shits.
It doesn't work very well.
So if you put infected people vaxxed or non vaxxed inta the same room together they're all gonna get sick one and the same.

But to shut these unsafe events down period so no one can go. That way no one feels deprived because we're all equally deprived.


We should shut down everything because of a virus?

So people should be prisoners and not allowed to live their lives because of viruses?

Well you even noted that the number of deaths has not declined over last year.

Yeah so doesn't it occur to you that it's not business as usual?

Things are not normal

We can't just do willy nilly like it was pre pandemic anymore.

World has changed and a new reality has been forced upon us.

I wish it wasn't true but unfortunately it is.

People die everyday from a ton of different issues

Why doesnt the government ban people from driving Joe?

I just dont understand wanting a panel of self interested sociopaths to manage my personal medical decisions or deciding who can do what. Why do you see the government like that? Like they are smarter and better at looking after you than you are?

I didn't follow government mandates Dovey.

Just my gut instincts.

I felt early in the Pandemic that the coronavirus was a Bioweapon hatched in a lab. Therefore I've since then taken the necessary precautions.

Even when the government said last year that it's safe to go out I didn't because I felt it wasn't time yet to let our guards down.

Sure enough the rising infections and deaths merely confirmed these assumptions.

I guess when people have not experienced hardship or near death situations they don't understand danger either. I have and I suppose that's why I understand dangerous situations and how to deal with them better.

We're living in a dangerous time. The Pandemic is a dangerous situation. Therefore you have to understand how to assess it & survive it.

That's the name of the game. SURVIVAL. Gotta come outta this COVID tunnel alive. In that regard this Pandemic is no different than any life threatening life and death situation.

I know this because I've been there before and I'm a survivalist. The weak & stupid die and only the smart strong AND Lucky survive.

Survival is the name of the game. It's not fair but people have to get used to it eh.

Survival looks different for everyone. So it's best for the government to provide info and suggestions and resources and leave the people to their business.

Nazi Germany was a rough time. So was Stalin. We dont need to walk down the totalitarian path over some virus.

Survival is keeping the balance of power.

Let me put it this way. Would you marry off your daughter to an abuser so he would "take care of her" even though shes capable of taking BETTER care of herself?

I personally left an abusive sham of a marriage where I was more of a prison than a human being. Sure my Bill's were paid and there wa as food and he had part ownership of his parents business. They have a hobby store that focuses on toy trains of all things. My ex introduced things like Warhammer. They all do surprisingly well of that business. I wouldnt have ever had to worry about money or anything.

But I wasnt allowed to hang out with my friends. Every single holiday was made miserable before it even started. Every single interaction we had with anyone came at the cost of a huge fight either before or after. He screamed at me in the car and drove off the expressway ramp towards the road all because evidently I was LOOKED AT while we were shopping. I may as well have worn a burka and it would have saved me a lot of stress.

I exhausted myself trying to make this raging fuckhead happy. I drove myself nuts trying to "decode" him and figure out how I should BE to please this person. And i was becoming a total stranger to myself and it DIDNT EVEN WORK anyway. And he was a cheater. He sabotaged my birth control to trap me with a pregnancy and while I was pregnant he CHEATED. With a fucking white trash ogre named Jamie who got drunk and peed on him all over his clothes because her bladder was "dropped" and she was only 22. Wtf.

So I wasnt allowed to work. Or have unsupervised visits with my friends or even my family members. I had to constantly watch everything I said or did.

All that drama and manipulation and abuse.....was it all worth it because I didnt have to be poor?

Fuck no. Never allow that power balance to tip. Ever. Its NEVER good for the one who gave up power. This stands true in all relationships. There has to be a proper balance of power and proper boundaries.

This is the SAME thing. Yeah the government will come and start deciding where you can go, curfews, whose business can run, what precautions we take. People will still get sick anyway only now our general quality of life is total shit because we have submitted to an abusive and dehumanizing entity that really only cares about its OWN interests.

Dont be foolish. You are perfectly capable of looking after yourself. You dont NEED another person to do for you what you can do for yourself. The government will never be a caring and loving parent or spouse. It will always be predominantly interested in itself and its optics and abusive to the individual. No amount of conformity will ever really be enough once you start down that path. Let your government demand a Covid shot? You've just given permission for ANY other demand. THINK about that long term "greater good" thing.

You have a particular fear of Covid, moreso than you do of other risks that you are statistically more likely to die from. Like a CAR WRECK. You know why? You dont get pumped with the same sort of messaging regarding car accidents.

You gotta be aware that here is the western first world countries we are VERY fucking pampered and mostly we can afford some emotional thinking and dumb decisions. You have never lived in an African village experiencing an Ebola outbreak. If you were talking right now to someone who HAS? You would start feeling very....very silly.

I'm not trying to degrade your concerns. It's a big deal to people who havent really lived through waves of death and actual poor medical care. But try to have a more global perspective here and think about how much power you should be giving up to a machine like government. Start really digging into what it's like to live under totalitarianism and imagine it. Because it CAN happen. It's all in those little steps and then suddenly its massive. So even a small thing like government coerced vaccines should not be tolerated at all.

I'm vaccinated and I'm not going to participate in no vaccine mandate bullshit showing proof to anyone. It's no ones gotdamn business what I shove in my body. Whether it's the Covid vaccine or Lotuses most skilled fingers.

We HAVE to defend our individual rights. It's not about feeling deprived. It's about an appropriate balance of power and boundaries.


An Claidheam Anam
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The story I heard was that he and some injun were snorting what they thought was angel dust off the top of a barrel of Agent Orange that they were loading onto helicopters to spray on the gooks, but it turned out it was Draino™ and it fucked up his nose real bad.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The story I heard was that he and some injunction were snorting what they thought was angel dust off the top of a barrel of Agent Orange that they were loading onto helicopters to spray on the gooks, but it turned out it was Draino™ and it fucked up his nose real bad.

Have you no class? I try to differentiate you from your brethren but it's becoming impossible anymore.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They're too stupid to realize the plainly fucking obvious

Sometimes I try to explain in hopes that something will click in their weak little minds and they will realize how stupid they are.

I also do it in hopes that other people find it entertaining to watch them struggle to understand. Picking on retards can actually be a fun activity.

I'm a hopeless optimist


An Claidheam Anam
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The story I heard was that he and some injunction were snorting what they thought was angel dust off the top of a barrel of Agent Orange that they were loading onto helicopters to spray on the gooks, but it turned out it was Draino™ and it fucked up his nose real bad.

Have you no class? I try to differentiate you from your brethren but it's becoming impossible anymore.

You never heard that story? It was all over Bad Yahoo back in the day. Wolfie, the injun, even kinda confirmed it when he talked about how he never got any bad dust in Nam.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?
So it was a helicopter blade that turned his big jew nose into a big bay window for his brain?


I don't know where Edna is. I think he might be on facebook still crying about Trump and wut not

The story I heard was that he and some injunction were snorting what they thought was angel dust off the top of a barrel of Agent Orange that they were loading onto helicopters to spray on the gooks, but it turned out it was Draino™ and it fucked up his nose real bad.

Have you no class? I try to differentiate you from your brethren but it's becoming impossible anymore.

You never heard that story? It was all over Bad Yahoo back in the day. Wolfie, the injun, even kinda confirmed it when he talked about how he never got any bad dust in Nam.

He who?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
They're too stupid to realize the plainly fucking obvious

Sometimes I try to explain in hopes that something will click in their weak little minds and they will realize how stupid they are.

I also do it in hopes that other people find it entertaining to watch them struggle to understand. Picking on retards can actually be a fun activity.
Not going to happen

you see, you have to be pretty fucking stupid to be a liberal in the first place. Self Enlightenment is hopeless pursuit for these imbeciles