Another anti-vaxxer, dead dead dead at 46


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter

I will carry on, missy.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter

I will carry on, missy.
that’s what I said, Jupiter. Duh


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter

I will carry on, missy.
that’s what I said, Jupiter. Duh

I agree missy. Tell me, do you have to have the last word to win the interwebs, hmm? If so, you now can have the last word, missy.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter
“Cocks!” Paunchy Potatoe.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter

I will carry on, missy.
that’s what I said, Jupiter. Duh

I agree missy. Tell me, do you have to have the last word to win the interwebs, hmm? If so, you now can have the last word, missy.
no, Jupiter


Domestically feral
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United states
Amazing how many people run with that fear that was pumped into them via corporate media and roll over and turn everything over to the government.

That's vastly more frightening than any virus.

You dont see this level of fear mongering and exploitation over any other virus. Or any other risk. And there are people comfortable with mandated and coerced vaccines even full well KNOWING the vaccines dont stop it from spreading. Covid has joined us. As it mutates it gets weaker. Yet people have been fed so much ridiculous propaganda they actually feel like the government should swoop in and shut everything down. Put people out of business. Force medical interventions. Spew hysterical hatred.

That's the scariest thing about Covid 1984. The total abandonment of critical thinking, respect of personal responsibility, basic boundaries and hysterical hatred. People literally wanting a government to step in and call all the shots no matter how much harm is done. The government should be giving objective factual info, suggestions and resources. But people want a ruling class to force its will on individuals. Because of a virus on it's way to becoming a head cold.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.
Planet earth is better without you.

Okie dokie drama queen. I hope you posted that from the comfort of your fainting couch, faggot.
Mad? Jupiter?

Not at all. Wannabe badasses that post like girls amuse me.
okay so you big mad then

Carry on, Jupiter
“Cocks!” Paunchy Potatoe.

It’s dinner time for you already?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Amazing how many people run with that fear that was pumped into them via corporate media and roll over and turn everything over to the government.

That's vastly more frightening than any virus.

You dont see this level of fear mongering and exploitation over any other virus. Or any other risk. And there are people comfortable with mandated and coerced vaccines even full well KNOWING the vaccines dont stop it from spreading. Covid has joined us. As it mutates it gets weaker. Yet people have been fed so much ridiculous propaganda they actually feel like the government should swoop in and shut everything down. Put people out of business. Force medical interventions. Spew hysterical hatred.

That's the scariest thing about Covid 1984. The total abandonment of critical thinking, respect of personal responsibility, basic boundaries and hysterical hatred. People literally wanting a government to step in and call all the shots no matter how much harm is done. The government should be giving objective factual info, suggestions and resources. But people want a ruling class to force its will on individuals. Because of a virus on it's way to becoming a head cold.

admin has a lot of cock pumped into him


An Claidheam Anam
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh and another point..... Joe, you are vaccinated. So why are you worried about anti vaxxers at venues?

That makes no sense. If anyone should worry it's the people going out to venues without a vaccine. They are the ones accepting the risk of a Covid infection.

What are YOU worried about, Joe? That YOU will spread it to them? Wear an N95. Problem solved.

Dovey I don't even trust the fully vaccinated at those events either.

And that Pfizer vaccine us the shits.
It doesn't work very well.
So if you put infected people vaxxed or non vaxxed inta the same room together they're all gonna get sick one and the same.

But to shut these unsafe events down period so no one can go. That way no one feels deprived because we're all equally deprived.


We should shut down everything because of a virus?

So people should be prisoners and not allowed to live their lives because of viruses?

Well you even noted that the number of deaths has not declined over last year.

Yeah so doesn't it occur to you that it's not business as usual?

Things are not normal

We can't just do willy nilly like it was pre pandemic anymore.

World has changed and a new reality has been forced upon us.

I wish it wasn't true but unfortunately it is.

People die everyday from a ton of different issues

Why doesnt the government ban people from driving Joe?

I just dont understand wanting a panel of self interested sociopaths to manage my personal medical decisions or deciding who can do what. Why do you see the government like that? Like they are smarter and better at looking after you than you are?

I didn't follow government mandates Dovey.

Just my gut instincts.

I felt early in the Pandemic that the coronavirus was a Bioweapon hatched in a lab. Therefore I've since then taken the necessary precautions.

Even when the government said last year that it's safe to go out I didn't because I felt it wasn't time yet to let our guards down.

Sure enough the rising infections and deaths merely confirmed these assumptions.

I guess when people have not experienced hardship or near death situations they don't understand danger either. I have and I suppose that's why I understand dangerous situations and how to deal with them better.

We're living in a dangerous time. The Pandemic is a dangerous situation. Therefore you have to understand how to assess it & survive it.

That's the name of the game. SURVIVAL. Gotta come outta this COVID tunnel alive. In that regard this Pandemic is no different than any life threatening life and death situation.

I know this because I've been there before and I'm a survivalist. The weak & stupid die and only the smart strong AND Lucky survive.

Survival is the name of the game. It's not fair but people have to get used to it eh.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.
So it didnt massacre your entire family the way these idiot paranoia freak liberals claim?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh and another point..... Joe, you are vaccinated. So why are you worried about anti vaxxers at venues?

That makes no sense. If anyone should worry it's the people going out to venues without a vaccine. They are the ones accepting the risk of a Covid infection.

What are YOU worried about, Joe? That YOU will spread it to them? Wear an N95. Problem solved.

Dovey I don't even trust the fully vaccinated at those events either.

And that Pfizer vaccine us the shits.
It doesn't work very well.
So if you put infected people vaxxed or non vaxxed inta the same room together they're all gonna get sick one and the same.

But to shut these unsafe events down period so no one can go. That way no one feels deprived because we're all equally deprived.


We should shut down everything because of a virus?

So people should be prisoners and not allowed to live their lives because of viruses?

Well you even noted that the number of deaths has not declined over last year.

Yeah so doesn't it occur to you that it's not business as usual?

Things are not normal

We can't just do willy nilly like it was pre pandemic anymore.

World has changed and a new reality has been forced upon us.

I wish it wasn't true but unfortunately it is.

People die everyday from a ton of different issues

Why doesnt the government ban people from driving Joe?

I just dont understand wanting a panel of self interested sociopaths to manage my personal medical decisions or deciding who can do what. Why do you see the government like that? Like they are smarter and better at looking after you than you are?

I didn't follow government mandates Dovey.

Just my gut instincts.

I felt early in the Pandemic that the coronavirus was a Bioweapon hatched in a lab. Therefore I've since then taken the necessary precautions.

Even when the government said last year that it's safe to go out I didn't because I felt it wasn't time yet to let our guards down.

Sure enough the rising infections and deaths merely confirmed these assumptions.

I guess when people have not experienced hardship or near death situations they don't understand danger either. I have and I suppose that's why I understand dangerous situations and how to deal with them better.

We're living in a dangerous time. The Pandemic is a dangerous situation. Therefore you have to understand how to assess it & survive it.

That's the name of the game. SURVIVAL. Gotta come outta this COVID tunnel alive. In that regard this Pandemic is no different than any life threatening life and death situation.

I know this because I've been there before and I'm a survivalist. The weak & stupid die and only the smart strong AND Lucky survive.

Survival is the name of the game. It's not fair but people have to get used to it eh.
lily follows her gut too

But that’s only cause her gut is a full 5 feet in front of her at any time


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.
didn’t pay the electric bill again, Jupiter?


An Claidheam Anam
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.
So it didnt massacre your entire family the way these idiot paranoia freak liberals claim?


Yeah, it's really odd. I was sick for three or four days, then I got all better except for a cough that lasted for another week or so. Same thing happened to my brother and my daughter. A bit of the flu and then you get better, just as it's been for thousands of years.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.
didn’t pay the electric bill again, Jupiter?

Yeah, the electric bill is sent every other week and every other week I don't pay it. You're soooooooooo smart your trolls are incoherent.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.
So it didnt massacre your entire family the way these idiot paranoia freak liberals claim?


Yeah, it's really odd. I was sick for three or four days, then I got all better except for a cough that lasted for another week or so. Same thing happened to my brother and my daughter. A bit of the flu and then you get better, just as it's been for thousands of years.
so what are these weak pussies whining about then?

The snowflakes

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.
didn’t pay the electric bill again, Jupiter?

Yeah, the electric bill is sent every other week and every other week I don't pay it. You're soooooooooo smart your trolls are incoherent.
You need better lies, Jupiter


An Claidheam Anam
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.

Neither was I. I walked by the comp a few times and thought about posting an insult to every loser hanging out here on Christmas and New Years, but I was too busy nerding out with shit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.

Neither was I. I walked by the comp a few times and thought about posting an insult to every loser hanging out here on Christmas and New Years, but I was too busy nerding out with shit.

I spent time with my extended family and most importantly my grandson. He's the best thing ever...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.

Neither was I. I walked by the comp a few times and thought about posting an insult to every loser hanging out here on Christmas and New Years, but I was too busy nerding out with shit.
Jupiter was busy lighting candles cause her electricity was out

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Yer God hates fags too rite?
God does hate faggots. Yes.
He must really hate you, then. How many times have you fantasized about Admin sucking cock today?

Are you Catholic? Hve you been to confession about this problem of yours?
I'm not a faggot you brain dead idiot

You must really love Trump considering all the times you whine about him

logic, fuckstick, apply it.

That's what all closet cases say. You are the biggest closet case I have ever run across, and I lived in San Francisco. You should be in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the 'straight' man who talks about sucking cock more than anyone else on the planet in the history of humankind.

I do not fantasize about Trump sucking cock, you tool, nor have I ever once posted about it. Nor do I post about him anywhere near as much as you post -- longingly and sexually, always sexually -- about Admin. Your logic is way off, fuckbuckle.

Seriously Big is so straight, so comfortable and secure in his straightness, that he has no issue posting homo erotic anything about sucking cock.

He is more likely to just say "Admin still sucks cock tho" to this than defend his hetro status lol.

And this is coming from someone who KNOWS. Big will do things that closeted gay men trying to seem straight would never ever do....with enthusiasm. Big will leave work early to do those things too :D

He does have a problem with it. It seems to be an addiction. He simply cannot not post about admin sucking cock. You know, plenty of closet cases sleep with women. I think you've been gaslit. When was the last time you slept with him?

Its called trolling, you dopey wench.

Aidsman is definitely a fag though, likely a cross-dresser too.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
^^running to daddy to say "look at me, dad, look at me"

Peaches is gay alright. Running to Edna with his pants around his ankles cause I made fun of the LGBTQ branch of the military

you got that one correct, Jupiter

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

The holidays are better without BF.

Then why were you here?

I see everyone had happy and fulfilling holidays.

I had a horrible Christmas.

Worst Holiday ever.

Family members caught COVID and I had to take care of em.

Even if a person doesn't get Covid somebody else does and the healthy still end up paying the price because they have to take care of the sick ones.

Yeah, some of my family got the sniffles too, but we all got better.

I wasn't here, duh.

Neither was I. I walked by the comp a few times and thought about posting an insult to every loser hanging out here on Christmas and New Years, but I was too busy nerding out with shit.

I spent time with my extended family and most importantly my grandson. He's the best thing ever...
Bet you spent time with your extended waistline too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
All these folk bitching about the 'hardships' they'very had to 'endure' during this Pandemic. ....get a grip ffs.

You know what yer General Patton would do if he were alive today? He'd slap ya'll in the fuckin' this:

I guess people were jes tougher back in the day.

But I think many of ya whine too much.

Harden the fuck up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yer God hates fags too rite?
God does hate faggots. Yes.
He must really hate you, then. How many times have you fantasized about Admin sucking cock today?

Are you Catholic? Hve you been to confession about this problem of yours?
I'm not a faggot you brain dead idiot

You must really love Trump considering all the times you whine about him

logic, fuckstick, apply it.

That's what all closet cases say. You are the biggest closet case I have ever run across, and I lived in San Francisco. You should be in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the 'straight' man who talks about sucking cock more than anyone else on the planet in the history of humankind.

I do not fantasize about Trump sucking cock, you tool, nor have I ever once posted about it. Nor do I post about him anywhere near as much as you post -- longingly and sexually, always sexually -- about Admin. Your logic is way off, fuckbuckle.

Seriously Big is so straight, so comfortable and secure in his straightness, that he has no issue posting homo erotic anything about sucking cock.

He is more likely to just say "Admin still sucks cock tho" to this than defend his hetro status lol.

And this is coming from someone who KNOWS. Big will do things that closeted gay men trying to seem straight would never ever do....with enthusiasm. Big will leave work early to do those things too :D

He does have a problem with it. It seems to be an addiction. He simply cannot not post about admin sucking cock. You know, plenty of closet cases sleep with women. I think you've been gaslit. When was the last time you slept with him?

Its called trolling, you dopey wench.

Aidsman is definitely a fag though, likely a cross-dresser too.

'Trolling' is the go-to excuse for all kinds of defects of character.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Vaxxed people can infect others why not restrict them equally?

I double vaxxed got my vaxx card and while I could go into all of these places you anti vaxxers covet entry to, I voluntarily stay away from them now @The Prowler.
Bars restaurants art galleries concerts hockey games government buildings.The ski Hill. Indoor skating. I could go to all these places but I don't want to.

It's an infectious time Prowler. The world has changed. Accept it. Nothing is safe right now. Anyone can get covid. 4 members of my family came down with it on Christmas Day.

They were all double vaxxed with Pfizer.


An Claidheam Anam
:LOL3: Yo Reggie. You missed one of monster’s best meltdowns

So I was making fun of the navy cause they’re all gay and pussies and what not right? And he got so mad he went crying to Edna about it.

He wasn't Gayvy, I think he was some kind of Army grunt gassing up helicopters and whatnot, why should he care?

And where's Edna these days? Still hanging out on Facebook pretending to be a man?