I went to my Grandson's School District School Board Meeting Last Night, I am still angry.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Watching lily suck ass and wholesale any credibility she has left just to gain allies is a site to behold indeed

pigs gonna pig

I just realized Break probably got so shitty with Reg over Reggies point about the hateful and damaging lies.

This point

during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?"

That's probably what triggered the venom and it was totally dodged. Breaks response to this was pretty bizzare and overly hostile....as usual when you point out their inconsistencies.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
[Writers embellishment] I may have forgot to mention, later that evening as everyone was leaving the School Board Meeting, The School District Superintendent a petite curly ginger haired hard body with thighs that could split coconuts and a little sass and a black belt in hotness(for an older girl, I mean), i'd guess mid late 40's.....inbox me 49.95 for access to the rest of this story, and a boneless dick pickchure.
Last edited:


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I was just examining the board posting metrics, this thread of mine, that I created, wrote, produced, and directed is on a travel rate exceeding all measurements of someone else's lame-0 look at me Imma a legal beagle! thread.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I find it interesting that Gallium claims Robert Mugabe wasn't a man of the Left and in the very same breath calls him a "nationalist of the Marxist persuasion."

This is called cognitive dissonance and is quite common amongst Leftists

Robert Mugabe certainly was a man of the Left, and he used what you, Gallium, have already admitted was a lie regarding the myth of Anglo White Supremacy to stir up racial animus that led to the tragedy of Zimbabwe. The exact same kind of lie that your fellow Leftists here in America spew constantly regarding "systemic white racism" here in the U.S.

I just asked you nicely to explain to your fellow Leftists here in America what tragedy such lies can lead to.
Saying he was a leftist is a fucking joke. How old are you by the way?

I am 12,567 years old. I was born in a cave in southern France during the Neolithic and my teacher was named TWAP. He always bitched about all this newfangled technology and longed for the good old days of the Clactonian.
So you really don’t know a damn thing about Mugabe in other words? Righto…got you!

I know many things. Robert Mugabe was clearly a Marxist. I believe he went to a University somewhere in Europe and studied quite diligently with the Marxist vermin that inhabit such places. That's a capital M Marxist, which makes him a man of the Left. Any schoolchild could tell you so.

Anyway, I'm sure I lack the intimate knowledge that you have of the still unfolding tragedy going on in southern Africa ... that you ran away from so long ago. And you told the story so well. It was a compelling narrative and drew my interest. Congratulations.

But during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?
What you read and what many have experienced under his rule , completely throws your garbage out the window. And I could say the same thing about Nelson Mandela. They have serious blood on both of their hands. And in fact, one of Mandela’s bombs nearly blew me apart. So fuck off with your little search engine, you have no fucking idea what’s what in the motherland. Shut the fuck up!

I apologize for ignorant American twats.
I don’t profess to know everything about American politics, but how’s this cunt telling me where it’s all at in my home country. Fucking hell….how’s the hide of the fucking wanker!

Americans are very arrogant. I do suffer from the affliction as well sometimes.

I think bad men glom onto whatever political philosophy that works for them in the moment. Mugabe was a tyrant, he was tribal, violent and corrupt. Marxism was just something to call himself that he thought Zimbabweans would support after British colonialism.

Not that Marxism works either. There is a denial of human nature that I can't quite understand.
Mugabe was a serious racist, not only to whites, but to other ethnicities, including neighbouring tribes. The older he got, the worst he became. The behind-the-scenes atrocities were heavy. Maiming, torture, murder…and it didn’t matter if you were man, woman or child. He refused to give up his presidency, even when he was voted out. He would just kill off any would-be opposition. He stays in power right up until he was almost on his deathbed at a ripe age of 95 years old. A bad figure in African history. What should have been a new racial equality for the entire country, became a nightmare for all. Zimbabweans would flood across all borders illegally: South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia…wherever they could to escape the tyranny. It’s such a shame. I could tell you of such natural wonders the country had. Granite hills, rolling valleys, majestic waterfalls (Victoria Falls on shared borders) , leopard, monkeys, baboons, zebra…all manners of African wildlife.

So many lives ruined by the corrupted mind of a greedy tyrant.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I find it interesting that Gallium claims Robert Mugabe wasn't a man of the Left and in the very same breath calls him a "nationalist of the Marxist persuasion."

This is called cognitive dissonance and is quite common amongst Leftists

Robert Mugabe certainly was a man of the Left, and he used what you, Gallium, have already admitted was a lie regarding the myth of Anglo White Supremacy to stir up racial animus that led to the tragedy of Zimbabwe. The exact same kind of lie that your fellow Leftists here in America spew constantly regarding "systemic white racism" here in the U.S.

I just asked you nicely to explain to your fellow Leftists here in America what tragedy such lies can lead to.
Saying he was a leftist is a fucking joke. How old are you by the way?

I am 12,567 years old. I was born in a cave in southern France during the Neolithic and my teacher was named TWAP. He always bitched about all this newfangled technology and longed for the good old days of the Clactonian.
So you really don’t know a damn thing about Mugabe in other words? Righto…got you!

I know many things. Robert Mugabe was clearly a Marxist. I believe he went to a University somewhere in Europe and studied quite diligently with the Marxist vermin that inhabit such places. That's a capital M Marxist, which makes him a man of the Left. Any schoolchild could tell you so.

Anyway, I'm sure I lack the intimate knowledge that you have of the still unfolding tragedy going on in southern Africa ... that you ran away from so long ago. And you told the story so well. It was a compelling narrative and drew my interest. Congratulations.

But during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?
What you read and what many have experienced under his rule , completely throws your garbage out the window. And I could say the same thing about Nelson Mandela. They have serious blood on both of their hands. And in fact, one of Mandela’s bombs nearly blew me apart. So fuck off with your little search engine, you have no fucking idea what’s what in the motherland. Shut the fuck up!

I apologize for ignorant American twats.
I don’t profess to know everything about American politics, but how’s this cunt telling me where it’s all at in my home country. Fucking hell….how’s the hide of the fucking wanker!

Americans are very arrogant. I do suffer from the affliction as well sometimes.

I think bad men glom onto whatever political philosophy that works for them in the moment. Mugabe was a tyrant, he was tribal, violent and corrupt. Marxism was just something to call himself that he thought Zimbabweans would support after British colonialism.

Not that Marxism works either. There is a denial of human nature that I can't quite understand.
Mugabe was a serious racist, not only to whites, but to other ethnicities, including neighbouring tribes. The older he got, the worst he became. The behind-the-scenes atrocities were heavy. Maiming, torture, murder…and it didn’t matter if you were man, woman or child. He refused to give up his presidency, even when he was voted out. He would just kill off any would-be opposition. He stays in power right up until he was almost on his deathbed at a ripe age of 95 years old. A bad figure in African history. What should have been a new racial equality for the entire country, became a nightmare for all. Zimbabweans would flood across all borders illegally: South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia…wherever they could to escape the tyranny. It’s such a shame. I could tell you of such natural wonders the country had. Granite hills, rolling valleys, majestic waterfalls (Victoria Falls on shared borders) , leopard, monkeys, baboons, zebra…all manners of African wildlife.

So many lives ruined by the corrupted mind of a greedy tyrant.

That's all leftwing marxism ever accomplishes. Death and suffering.

And none of you will ever listen or learn from any of it. You just march right along with the same mindset thinking its other people who are the problem because they wont just submit to your ideas.


An Claidheam Anam
Watching lily suck ass and wholesale any credibility she has left just to gain allies is a site to behold indeed

pigs gonna pig

I just realized Break probably got so shitty with Reg over Reggies point about the hateful and damaging lies.

This point

during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?"

That's probably what triggered the venom and it was totally dodged. Breaks response to this was pretty bizzare and overly hostile....as usual when you point out their inconsistencies.

Yes. I hit the nexus of his typical Leftist cognitive dissonance with a ball peen hammer.

HE is the one that admitted in this very thread that the standard Leftist narrative regarding Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, that of "Anglo White Supremacy" and "systemic white racism" was a lie. According to his own testimony here, blacks and whites got along just fine until the shit hit the fan; shit stoked by that Leftist narrative and used by an opportunistic madman to impose tyranny.

He didn't seem to like it very much when I pointed out that Leftists here in America are using the exact same kind of lies to create racial discord and animus: The 1619 Project that claims America was founded upon slavery, the claims of "systemic white racism" that not a single Leftist here can provide a single example of, etc ...

It probably hurt his little brain a bit when I pointed out that the Leftist lies here in America are no different than the Leftist lies that destroyed Zimbabwe. He didn't know whether to shit or go blind, so he just lashed out and called me names.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Watching lily suck ass and wholesale any credibility she has left just to gain allies is a site to behold indeed

pigs gonna pig

I just realized Break probably got so shitty with Reg over Reggies point about the hateful and damaging lies.

This point

during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?"

That's probably what triggered the venom and it was totally dodged. Breaks response to this was pretty bizzare and overly hostile....as usual when you point out their inconsistencies.

Yes. I hit the nexus of his typical Leftist cognitive dissonance with a ball peen hammer.

HE is the one that admitted in this very thread that the standard Leftist narrative regarding Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, that of "Anglo White Supremacy" and "systemic white racism" was a lie. According to his own testimony here, blacks and whites got along just fine until the shit hit the fan; shit stoked by that Leftist narrative and used by an opportunistic madman to impose tyranny.

He didn't seem to like it very much when I pointed out that Leftists here in America are using the exact same kind of lies to create racial discord and animus: The 1619 Project that claims America was founded upon slavery, the claims of "systemic white racism" that not a single Leftist here can provide a single example of, etc ...

It probably hurt his little brain a bit when I pointed out that the Leftist lies here in America are no different than the Leftist lies that destroyed Zimbabwe. He didn't know whether to shit or go blind, so he just lashed out and called me names.
TLDR but thanks for the Bump Raggy, I didn't want to bump it mufself.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did any vermin leftist scum rat around here ever get around to providing a single verifiable example or either Trump’s racism or a modern example of this systemic racism thing they keep whining about?

it’s almost as if someone behind the courtain saw blacks and whites starting to really get along and said. “Fuck that time for a get rich scheme to hustle off divide”


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.

I wish they'd stop lying.
It seems that conservatives only know how to lie. No wonder America is in such a state.
Oh aye I forgot you're a liberal now...




I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Did any vermin leftist scum rat around here ever get around to providing a single verifiable example or either Trump’s racism or a modern example of this systemic racism thing they keep whining about?

it’s almost as if someone behind the courtain saw blacks and whites starting to really get along and said. “Fuck that time for a get rich scheme to hustle off divide”
LOL I Emoji abused your plump ass!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Watching lily suck ass and wholesale any credibility she has left just to gain allies is a site to behold indeed

pigs gonna pig

I just realized Break probably got so shitty with Reg over Reggies point about the hateful and damaging lies.

This point

during the course of that well-told narrative, you did admit that the MYTH of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being built around Anglo White Supremacy was just that. A myth and not reality. You have witnessed first hand the tragedy that such vicious and evil lies can cause.

Why would not join me in explaining to the Leftists here in America the evil that such lies do?"

That's probably what triggered the venom and it was totally dodged. Breaks response to this was pretty bizzare and overly hostile....as usual when you point out their inconsistencies.

Yes. I hit the nexus of his typical Leftist cognitive dissonance with a ball peen hammer.

HE is the one that admitted in this very thread that the standard Leftist narrative regarding Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, that of "Anglo White Supremacy" and "systemic white racism" was a lie. According to his own testimony here, blacks and whites got along just fine until the shit hit the fan; shit stoked by that Leftist narrative and used by an opportunistic madman to impose tyranny.

He didn't seem to like it very much when I pointed out that Leftists here in America are using the exact same kind of lies to create racial discord and animus: The 1619 Project that claims America was founded upon slavery, the claims of "systemic white racism" that not a single Leftist here can provide a single example of, etc ...

It probably hurt his little brain a bit when I pointed out that the Leftist lies here in America are no different than the Leftist lies that destroyed Zimbabwe. He didn't know whether to shit or go blind, so he just lashed out and called me names.

Exactly. And of course, this is too many words for them.

I would have a degree of respect for them if they just admitted their entire platform is to destroy other parties. Admit they do not care about the truth, that they want what they want and intend to force it just because they hate all of us.

And admit they know all the smears and attacks are also lies but they believe the end goal to be worth it. And then admit they dont even know what that end goal is.

They are literally the party of destruction and death. When you realize their goals are destroy or "dismantle" everything about the country and western way of life.....their shit makes a lot more sense.

They wont just openly admit this, though. I'm sure many of them arent even genuinely aware of what they are supporting but they have been so propagandize to hate other parties that they dont really care.

The only way they are gonna wake up and care is when the damage is so deep that it directly impacts their quality of life that they realize it's not a game and what's being done will have serious consequences. Like that Russian KGB defector said....you can shower demoralized people with authentic info and facts all day, they do not even CARE. They have to feel the boot on their own necks to care and bu then the damage is so bad it takes a full on revolt. The defector also said these are the first people targeted by the regime they worked to build.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.


An Claidheam Anam
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.
Are the defiled societal norms watching you right now?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.
I think you should report this to J. Edgar Hoover Immediately, STAT!


An Claidheam Anam
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.
I think you should report this to J. Edgar Hoover Immediately, STAT!

Seriously. Conservatives loved his fruity ass...


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Do you know I went to an event and was asked to write my pronouns on MY name tag? Can you imagine me having to say that I’m “SHE/HER”

You’ve seen my tits… did I look like I needed to determine that I’m “SHE/HER?”

People had non-binary pronouns. WTF?

Common courtesy could have prevented this is my theory and I’m sticking to it.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.
You're the first speller, post hoc ergo propter hoc, you are the right feller.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Do you know I went to an event and was asked to write my pronouns on MY name tag? Can you imagine me having to say that I’m “SHE/HER”

You’ve seen my tits… did I look like I needed to determine that I’m “SHE/HER?”

People had non-binary pronouns. WTF?

Common courtesy could have prevented this is my theory and I’m sticking to it.
Situations like that require "inclusiveness" Like wearing a Beanie at a Jewish Funeral, not a major disaster just do it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.


An Claidheam Anam
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Do you know I went to an event and was asked to write my pronouns on MY name tag? Can you imagine me having to say that I’m “SHE/HER”

You’ve seen my tits… did I look like I needed to determine that I’m “SHE/HER?”

People had non-binary pronouns. WTF?

Common courtesy could have prevented this is my theory and I’m sticking to it.

Yes, I have seen your tits and they are magnificent.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Do you know I went to an event and was asked to write my pronouns on MY name tag? Can you imagine me having to say that I’m “SHE/HER”

You’ve seen my tits… did I look like I needed to determine that I’m “SHE/HER?”

People had non-binary pronouns. WTF?

Common courtesy could have prevented this is my theory and I’m sticking to it.

My pronouns are "fuck off"...


An Claidheam Anam
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?
What are you perceptions on it's purpose and necessity, were toddler's being taught bj techniques in Kindergarten, or what?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.

I wish they'd stop lying.
It seems that conservatives only know how to lie. No wonder America is in such a state.
Oh aye I forgot you're a liberal now...


I have always lent that way and went with you guys for the ride. We’re still mates though surely? Lol