This economy is killing me!!!!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Well, the queer jokes are bound to follow a 50 yr old guy in a dress around. You really ought to be used to it by now....

Here I thought you were talking about me, when in fact it's clear as fuck that you're describing UncleMiLKDUD.

Post a pic of your gums.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you think it's living in Soyattle that turned you gay?

Do you think gulping down 3 litres of male semen daily had something to do with your ongoing tooth decay?

Or did you make those dudes wear a condom while you played with their dicks with your half a tooth? Did you also use your infected gums to add more sensation while they played with your anus?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Which could quite easily have been a $20 hooker which the Mongtini twins hired for the voiceover.

See I know you're an idiot and are grabbing at straws here. As everyone knows that "The Martini twins" don't have $20 to purchase a "hooker."

Way to own yourself half tooth dick sucker.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Sorry my mistake, do you charge more for your services?

I charge 5 teeth.

Will you be paying by tooth or by tooth?

Sir, I'm afraid there's not enough funds in your mouth. You still owe 4.5 teeth as you only had half a tooth left in there.

Please find more teeth to cover this charge.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.

Yes. Melty you attention seeking dullard.

Look at you releasing and rehashing more intimate details of your joke of a relationship off the shitty boards. You're just soo fucking stupid that you cannot see you are the very cause of your unhappiness.

Then you'll start crying how people are picking on you with your own P.I. that you personally put out there.



"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

You are saying this ^^ is "intimate details" of my joke of a relationship with a dead beat who lies and says I had a relationship with him?

That's a post from his super secret stalky board that like 4 people sent to me. How is that "details" of anything to do with me?

God you people are fucking stupid.
So that fuckin riot was looking you up on the internet? Jesus wept he's fuckin weird... I'd love to get my hands on him lol honestly I'd knock seven shades of shite out of him, wee prick man!

That's what he was ranting on his stalk board. That he found me on a "government website" :LOL3:

See. More "poor Dovey" posts.

You are pathetic.

Hahahaha :LOL3: do it to yourself lol.

Look how the stupid fuck tries to deflect from actions that can only be described as unhinged and stalkerish.

This delusional retard thinks that by jumping on the post that shows who the psychopathic liar is and twisting it into some "poor Dovey" thing... trying to turn it into me "playing victim" somehow, that sane and rational people will see this that way.

Because the ONLY reason to put that unhinged shit on blast would be if I felt "victimized" right? Right. Hahaha. BUT even if I DID feel victimized? I would have a valid fucking reason considering that psychotic piece of shit has no business camping on a secret stalk board wailing about searching for real life info on another poster who has made it clear more than once that any off board contact would be met with legal action.

Poor Poofer and Flynn! They just wanna STALK YOU ON GOV WEBSITES!! :Crazy:

Flynn pulls this gaslighting shit all the time and actually thinks it works. It hasnt worked at all.

They do it to themselves.
That's fuckin mental, they're like parasites... These clearly have mental health issues, guaranteed they're prescribed anti-depression tablets...

If you think the display here is bad?

He once melted for 3 days straight on SG with this psycho bullshit.

You know I'm gonna be fair. It's not really JUST about me. It's the fact that I know HIM off the board. So I know who he is. And that is something he tries to escape by coming here.

I never would have ever said a word though had it all just been kept private. This fucking prick went on BC and was telling people I give my KIDS drugs. WTF?!

This has been over for more than two years. They cant shut the fuck up. They bring it on themselves and then cry about it.

More Meltdown from Dovey.

She did this at SG then blamed everyone when she relapsed.

Same cycle of stupidity.

So Flynn, if I'm always "melting down" why is it that instead of poking it to milk the most amusement out of decide to start repetitively all cap announcing it?

That's like....the 3rd time? Are you clicking your heels?


You are melting down.

Who starts putting out their own P.I.?

You do.



What PI did I post?

You stupid fuck.


Re-read the majority of your posts.

Still no proof that my account is shared? That's what I thought.

None of my post contain my PI, you stupid lying fuckwad.

Quote this "PI" I posted. Retard.
I don't know why you bother with that rodent, what's the end game? What's the outcome? It's just a stupid hard on the internet but guaranteed wee cowards if you came face to face, I'd fuckin love it! Poof would get knocked into next week! FACT!

Sometimes pinning him down and watching him melt is amusing lol.

Of course he is a coward.

I dont think there is an "end game"

SHAMPAIN is nothing more than a child in an ugly mans body. Dovey is nothing more than a mentally ill drug addict having sexual relations off a forum.

Yeah, and everyone else is fucking nuts!

I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you? Yes, you're a head case who's always seething and so is that pal of yours... Poof is the most fucked up guy I've EVER seen on boards... Bananas!!!! Oh and "Child" lmao How do you come to that conclusion? You're off your head man seriously...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.

Yes. Melty you attention seeking dullard.

Look at you releasing and rehashing more intimate details of your joke of a relationship off the shitty boards. You're just soo fucking stupid that you cannot see you are the very cause of your unhappiness.

Then you'll start crying how people are picking on you with your own P.I. that you personally put out there.



"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

You are saying this ^^ is "intimate details" of my joke of a relationship with a dead beat who lies and says I had a relationship with him?

That's a post from his super secret stalky board that like 4 people sent to me. How is that "details" of anything to do with me?

God you people are fucking stupid.
So that fuckin riot was looking you up on the internet? Jesus wept he's fuckin weird... I'd love to get my hands on him lol honestly I'd knock seven shades of shite out of him, wee prick man!

That's what he was ranting on his stalk board. That he found me on a "government website" :LOL3:

See. More "poor Dovey" posts.

You are pathetic.

Hahahaha :LOL3: do it to yourself lol.

Look how the stupid fuck tries to deflect from actions that can only be described as unhinged and stalkerish.

This delusional retard thinks that by jumping on the post that shows who the psychopathic liar is and twisting it into some "poor Dovey" thing... trying to turn it into me "playing victim" somehow, that sane and rational people will see this that way.

Because the ONLY reason to put that unhinged shit on blast would be if I felt "victimized" right? Right. Hahaha. BUT even if I DID feel victimized? I would have a valid fucking reason considering that psychotic piece of shit has no business camping on a secret stalk board wailing about searching for real life info on another poster who has made it clear more than once that any off board contact would be met with legal action.

Poor Poofer and Flynn! They just wanna STALK YOU ON GOV WEBSITES!! :Crazy:

Flynn pulls this gaslighting shit all the time and actually thinks it works. It hasnt worked at all.

They do it to themselves.
That's fuckin mental, they're like parasites... These clearly have mental health issues, guaranteed they're prescribed anti-depression tablets...

If you think the display here is bad?

He once melted for 3 days straight on SG with this psycho bullshit.

You know I'm gonna be fair. It's not really JUST about me. It's the fact that I know HIM off the board. So I know who he is. And that is something he tries to escape by coming here.

I never would have ever said a word though had it all just been kept private. This fucking prick went on BC and was telling people I give my KIDS drugs. WTF?!

This has been over for more than two years. They cant shut the fuck up. They bring it on themselves and then cry about it.
Maybe he feels rejected and he's psycho mania because he just CANNOT get over you, you must've been goooood hahaha
That's what it is, he's infatuated with you and all this anger is desperation... What a nut!

I don't think anybody would believe him about giving stuff to your kids, that's just another SCUMBAG move...

Yep. Exactly.

I dont think it's so much that IM "good" so much as I'm probably much better than he is used to.

He was able to fool me for a bit. He is probably very serious when he says he didnt want us to meet. But I had went to hang with some friends in Chicago and I told him he either meets me or we stop all private communication.

I just do not do cyber flings. It's easy to develope feelings and be manipulated if its exclusively online and I wasnt gonna do that so I gave him the choice of meeting or stopping. He chose to meet.

Now he tells people I FORCED him to meet me :Crazy:

To be honest I totally believe he sees it that way and he is just a generally powerless person dependent on pathological lies, manipulation and abuse to feel in control. So yeah I can see how someone like that would have taken my boundary as "making" him. He wanted to remain in some cyber romantic fantasy because he doesnt feel good enough for anyone healthy and that's exactly how he lives.

It's sad as fuck BUT as viscious and vengeful as he became and how he drug all that mess online I dont really care about his "feelings" or his "privacy". He didnt think once about mine, he wanted to do damage.

So fuck him. Im still waiting for Flynn to quote me posting my own "PI". I've never posted my own PI. I just might go ahead and tell this whole story from my side though since it never stops being a convo. It's a good one really. I would talk it out in a video though before typing it. The difference between his delusional version and mine is....I havent changed anything and, I have receipts.

We shall see. Dovey story time is up in the air. One thing about him and Flynn is, they are overly angry bad sports who like to dish shit out but meltdown easy.

The best part of the summer of poofer was the fate of the poor nintendo switch and if it was going to be mailed back to KM with USPS tracking or if it was going to be left at the police department.

but as relationship forum drama goes, it was actually tame when compared to the stuff that went on with those KOF imaginary dungeons and dragons flaming gang from webtv.

get TWAP in here and he can tell you about some of the crazy shit like that one guy who was married but spent all his time posting in the webtv gay mens group then we find out he posted an add on some internet usenet forum saying he was offering free blowjobs at this hotel 6 and wanted to know if anyone was interested so I ask his wife, who posted on the webtv forums if she was really happily married and why she suddenly was taking horse riding lessons. She got frisky and accused me of wanting to cum to the party she was having in her mouth and I told her to sit the fuck down.

and of course their was Aylana. that is a troll that even TWAP still remembers

and yea, one of our posts is linked in the article where my "lawyer" is there and then Kirk is talking to Aylana. If you think dinky diana is hot, fuck that, aylana had all the KOF members in a perpetual hard on state. It's still a mystery who aylana was.

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Who's that in your avi?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.

Yes. Melty you attention seeking dullard.

Look at you releasing and rehashing more intimate details of your joke of a relationship off the shitty boards. You're just soo fucking stupid that you cannot see you are the very cause of your unhappiness.

Then you'll start crying how people are picking on you with your own P.I. that you personally put out there.



"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

You are saying this ^^ is "intimate details" of my joke of a relationship with a dead beat who lies and says I had a relationship with him?

That's a post from his super secret stalky board that like 4 people sent to me. How is that "details" of anything to do with me?

God you people are fucking stupid.
So that fuckin riot was looking you up on the internet? Jesus wept he's fuckin weird... I'd love to get my hands on him lol honestly I'd knock seven shades of shite out of him, wee prick man!

That's what he was ranting on his stalk board. That he found me on a "government website" :LOL3:

See. More "poor Dovey" posts.

You are pathetic.

Hahahaha :LOL3: do it to yourself lol.

Look how the stupid fuck tries to deflect from actions that can only be described as unhinged and stalkerish.

This delusional retard thinks that by jumping on the post that shows who the psychopathic liar is and twisting it into some "poor Dovey" thing... trying to turn it into me "playing victim" somehow, that sane and rational people will see this that way.

Because the ONLY reason to put that unhinged shit on blast would be if I felt "victimized" right? Right. Hahaha. BUT even if I DID feel victimized? I would have a valid fucking reason considering that psychotic piece of shit has no business camping on a secret stalk board wailing about searching for real life info on another poster who has made it clear more than once that any off board contact would be met with legal action.

Poor Poofer and Flynn! They just wanna STALK YOU ON GOV WEBSITES!! :Crazy:

Flynn pulls this gaslighting shit all the time and actually thinks it works. It hasnt worked at all.

They do it to themselves.
That's fuckin mental, they're like parasites... These clearly have mental health issues, guaranteed they're prescribed anti-depression tablets...

If you think the display here is bad?

He once melted for 3 days straight on SG with this psycho bullshit.

You know I'm gonna be fair. It's not really JUST about me. It's the fact that I know HIM off the board. So I know who he is. And that is something he tries to escape by coming here.

I never would have ever said a word though had it all just been kept private. This fucking prick went on BC and was telling people I give my KIDS drugs. WTF?!

This has been over for more than two years. They cant shut the fuck up. They bring it on themselves and then cry about it.

More Meltdown from Dovey.

She did this at SG then blamed everyone when she relapsed.

Same cycle of stupidity.

So Flynn, if I'm always "melting down" why is it that instead of poking it to milk the most amusement out of decide to start repetitively all cap announcing it?

That's like....the 3rd time? Are you clicking your heels?


You are melting down.

Who starts putting out their own P.I.?

You do.



What PI did I post?

You stupid fuck.


Re-read the majority of your posts.

Still no proof that my account is shared? That's what I thought.

None of my post contain my PI, you stupid lying fuckwad.

Quote this "PI" I posted. Retard.

Re-read the majority of your posts. Even Flea told you to stop at SG.

This is going to be a huge MELTDOWN from you.

Now prove that my account is shared, slut.

Listen dumb ass, YOU just made a claim that I "post my own PI".

I asked you exactly what I posted that was my "PI"

This should be an EASY answer. If you were not a spastic, obsessive LIAR, you wouldnt be coming back with this stupid fucking "jUsT rEaD uR pOsTs". And don't go trying to drag Flea into the mix here to clean up the pieces of your broken psyche. I asked YOU.

What PI did I post? You stupid fucking idiot.

No. YuO listen

I haven't "listened" to your dumb unhinged ass in 3 years. Why you think I'm gonna start now is a mystery.

No one cares, fuckhead.

And post where I posted my own PI, you stupid lying fuckwit. Its seems your several day long psychotic break down at SG left you with some delusions.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Which could quite easily have been a $20 hooker which the Mongtini twins hired for the voiceover.

Or a voice changer. Or anything. Anyone can alter their voice or use another voice on a recording.

Fuckhead here is not just illiterate and too stupid to understand anyones posts, but it also a bad liar.

AND also pretends lying on the internet is some high crime :LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.

Yes. Melty you attention seeking dullard.

Look at you releasing and rehashing more intimate details of your joke of a relationship off the shitty boards. You're just soo fucking stupid that you cannot see you are the very cause of your unhappiness.

Then you'll start crying how people are picking on you with your own P.I. that you personally put out there.



"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

You are saying this ^^ is "intimate details" of my joke of a relationship with a dead beat who lies and says I had a relationship with him?

That's a post from his super secret stalky board that like 4 people sent to me. How is that "details" of anything to do with me?

God you people are fucking stupid.
So that fuckin riot was looking you up on the internet? Jesus wept he's fuckin weird... I'd love to get my hands on him lol honestly I'd knock seven shades of shite out of him, wee prick man!

That's what he was ranting on his stalk board. That he found me on a "government website" :LOL3:

See. More "poor Dovey" posts.

You are pathetic.

Hahahaha :LOL3: do it to yourself lol.

Look how the stupid fuck tries to deflect from actions that can only be described as unhinged and stalkerish.

This delusional retard thinks that by jumping on the post that shows who the psychopathic liar is and twisting it into some "poor Dovey" thing... trying to turn it into me "playing victim" somehow, that sane and rational people will see this that way.

Because the ONLY reason to put that unhinged shit on blast would be if I felt "victimized" right? Right. Hahaha. BUT even if I DID feel victimized? I would have a valid fucking reason considering that psychotic piece of shit has no business camping on a secret stalk board wailing about searching for real life info on another poster who has made it clear more than once that any off board contact would be met with legal action.

Poor Poofer and Flynn! They just wanna STALK YOU ON GOV WEBSITES!! :Crazy:

Flynn pulls this gaslighting shit all the time and actually thinks it works. It hasnt worked at all.

They do it to themselves.
That's fuckin mental, they're like parasites... These clearly have mental health issues, guaranteed they're prescribed anti-depression tablets...

If you think the display here is bad?

He once melted for 3 days straight on SG with this psycho bullshit.

You know I'm gonna be fair. It's not really JUST about me. It's the fact that I know HIM off the board. So I know who he is. And that is something he tries to escape by coming here.

I never would have ever said a word though had it all just been kept private. This fucking prick went on BC and was telling people I give my KIDS drugs. WTF?!

This has been over for more than two years. They cant shut the fuck up. They bring it on themselves and then cry about it.
Maybe he feels rejected and he's psycho mania because he just CANNOT get over you, you must've been goooood hahaha
That's what it is, he's infatuated with you and all this anger is desperation... What a nut!

I don't think anybody would believe him about giving stuff to your kids, that's just another SCUMBAG move...

Yep. Exactly.

I dont think it's so much that IM "good" so much as I'm probably much better than he is used to.

He was able to fool me for a bit. He is probably very serious when he says he didnt want us to meet. But I had went to hang with some friends in Chicago and I told him he either meets me or we stop all private communication.

I just do not do cyber flings. It's easy to develope feelings and be manipulated if its exclusively online and I wasnt gonna do that so I gave him the choice of meeting or stopping. He chose to meet.

Now he tells people I FORCED him to meet me :Crazy:

To be honest I totally believe he sees it that way and he is just a generally powerless person dependent on pathological lies, manipulation and abuse to feel in control. So yeah I can see how someone like that would have taken my boundary as "making" him. He wanted to remain in some cyber romantic fantasy because he doesnt feel good enough for anyone healthy and that's exactly how he lives.

It's sad as fuck BUT as viscious and vengeful as he became and how he drug all that mess online I dont really care about his "feelings" or his "privacy". He didnt think once about mine, he wanted to do damage.

So fuck him. Im still waiting for Flynn to quote me posting my own "PI". I've never posted my own PI. I just might go ahead and tell this whole story from my side though since it never stops being a convo. It's a good one really. I would talk it out in a video though before typing it. The difference between his delusional version and mine is....I havent changed anything and, I have receipts.

We shall see. Dovey story time is up in the air. One thing about him and Flynn is, they are overly angry bad sports who like to dish shit out but meltdown easy.

The best part of the summer of poofer was the fate of the poor nintendo switch and if it was going to be mailed back to KM with USPS tracking or if it was going to be left at the police department.

but as relationship forum drama goes, it was actually tame when compared to the stuff that went on with those KOF imaginary dungeons and dragons flaming gang from webtv.

get TWAP in here and he can tell you about some of the crazy shit like that one guy who was married but spent all his time posting in the webtv gay mens group then we find out he posted an add on some internet usenet forum saying he was offering free blowjobs at this hotel 6 and wanted to know if anyone was interested so I ask his wife, who posted on the webtv forums if she was really happily married and why she suddenly was taking horse riding lessons. She got frisky and accused me of wanting to cum to the party she was having in her mouth and I told her to sit the fuck down.

and of course their was Aylana. that is a troll that even TWAP still remembers

and yea, one of our posts is linked in the article where my "lawyer" is there and then Kirk is talking to Aylana. If you think dinky diana is hot, fuck that, aylana had all the KOF members in a perpetual hard on state. It's still a mystery who aylana was.

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Who's that in your avi?


Who's that?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

:Crazy: :LOL3:

So there is a lot to unpack here that really doesnt deserve to he unpacked Flynn while you are here obsessing, could you perhaps give YOUR perspective on exactly what "bull shit" and "manipulation" I did to "get to the spot"(the eviction i supposedly had) i was in?

Like how do you bullshit and manipulate yourself into an eviction?

I swear you wackjobs dont even make sense with your crazy ass blather lol. All anyone has to do is watch you morons spew and they can see how fucking unhinged you people are.

You done did it to yourselves.

Retarded fucking idiots. Lulz.

More "gas lightining."



Sure thing retard. A melty like this?

"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini


In the future, fuckface... just go right to screaming "MeLtDoWn" and save you and Scrote the mental anguish.

And dont forget to stab yourself in the neck with a fork.

Yes. Melty you attention seeking dullard.

Look at you releasing and rehashing more intimate details of your joke of a relationship off the shitty boards. You're just soo fucking stupid that you cannot see you are the very cause of your unhappiness.

Then you'll start crying how people are picking on you with your own P.I. that you personally put out there.



"Long story short, shes getting what she deserves. As cold hearted as that sounds, I'm sorry, it's the truth. There is a lot of bullshit and manipulating she has done to get in the spot shes in. And dont believe this shit she isnt getting evicted. It's on a government website she is. The government isnt gonna lie about shit like that." ~ Scrotini

You are saying this ^^ is "intimate details" of my joke of a relationship with a dead beat who lies and says I had a relationship with him?

That's a post from his super secret stalky board that like 4 people sent to me. How is that "details" of anything to do with me?

God you people are fucking stupid.
So that fuckin riot was looking you up on the internet? Jesus wept he's fuckin weird... I'd love to get my hands on him lol honestly I'd knock seven shades of shite out of him, wee prick man!

That's what he was ranting on his stalk board. That he found me on a "government website" :LOL3:

See. More "poor Dovey" posts.

You are pathetic.

Hahahaha :LOL3: do it to yourself lol.

Look how the stupid fuck tries to deflect from actions that can only be described as unhinged and stalkerish.

This delusional retard thinks that by jumping on the post that shows who the psychopathic liar is and twisting it into some "poor Dovey" thing... trying to turn it into me "playing victim" somehow, that sane and rational people will see this that way.

Because the ONLY reason to put that unhinged shit on blast would be if I felt "victimized" right? Right. Hahaha. BUT even if I DID feel victimized? I would have a valid fucking reason considering that psychotic piece of shit has no business camping on a secret stalk board wailing about searching for real life info on another poster who has made it clear more than once that any off board contact would be met with legal action.

Poor Poofer and Flynn! They just wanna STALK YOU ON GOV WEBSITES!! :Crazy:

Flynn pulls this gaslighting shit all the time and actually thinks it works. It hasnt worked at all.

They do it to themselves.
That's fuckin mental, they're like parasites... These clearly have mental health issues, guaranteed they're prescribed anti-depression tablets...

If you think the display here is bad?

He once melted for 3 days straight on SG with this psycho bullshit.

You know I'm gonna be fair. It's not really JUST about me. It's the fact that I know HIM off the board. So I know who he is. And that is something he tries to escape by coming here.

I never would have ever said a word though had it all just been kept private. This fucking prick went on BC and was telling people I give my KIDS drugs. WTF?!

This has been over for more than two years. They cant shut the fuck up. They bring it on themselves and then cry about it.
Maybe he feels rejected and he's psycho mania because he just CANNOT get over you, you must've been goooood hahaha
That's what it is, he's infatuated with you and all this anger is desperation... What a nut!

I don't think anybody would believe him about giving stuff to your kids, that's just another SCUMBAG move...

Yep. Exactly.

I dont think it's so much that IM "good" so much as I'm probably much better than he is used to.

He was able to fool me for a bit. He is probably very serious when he says he didnt want us to meet. But I had went to hang with some friends in Chicago and I told him he either meets me or we stop all private communication.

I just do not do cyber flings. It's easy to develope feelings and be manipulated if its exclusively online and I wasnt gonna do that so I gave him the choice of meeting or stopping. He chose to meet.

Now he tells people I FORCED him to meet me :Crazy:

To be honest I totally believe he sees it that way and he is just a generally powerless person dependent on pathological lies, manipulation and abuse to feel in control. So yeah I can see how someone like that would have taken my boundary as "making" him. He wanted to remain in some cyber romantic fantasy because he doesnt feel good enough for anyone healthy and that's exactly how he lives.

It's sad as fuck BUT as viscious and vengeful as he became and how he drug all that mess online I dont really care about his "feelings" or his "privacy". He didnt think once about mine, he wanted to do damage.

So fuck him. Im still waiting for Flynn to quote me posting my own "PI". I've never posted my own PI. I just might go ahead and tell this whole story from my side though since it never stops being a convo. It's a good one really. I would talk it out in a video though before typing it. The difference between his delusional version and mine is....I havent changed anything and, I have receipts.

We shall see. Dovey story time is up in the air. One thing about him and Flynn is, they are overly angry bad sports who like to dish shit out but meltdown easy.

The best part of the summer of poofer was the fate of the poor nintendo switch and if it was going to be mailed back to KM with USPS tracking or if it was going to be left at the police department.

but as relationship forum drama goes, it was actually tame when compared to the stuff that went on with those KOF imaginary dungeons and dragons flaming gang from webtv.

get TWAP in here and he can tell you about some of the crazy shit like that one guy who was married but spent all his time posting in the webtv gay mens group then we find out he posted an add on some internet usenet forum saying he was offering free blowjobs at this hotel 6 and wanted to know if anyone was interested so I ask his wife, who posted on the webtv forums if she was really happily married and why she suddenly was taking horse riding lessons. She got frisky and accused me of wanting to cum to the party she was having in her mouth and I told her to sit the fuck down.

and of course their was Aylana. that is a troll that even TWAP still remembers

and yea, one of our posts is linked in the article where my "lawyer" is there and then Kirk is talking to Aylana. If you think dinky diana is hot, fuck that, aylana had all the KOF members in a perpetual hard on state. It's still a mystery who aylana was.

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Who's that in your avi?


Who's that?

I think its Elon Musks first born.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.

Well I look like a scrawny crackhead who no one wants and I'm on welfare and the state removed my kids.

So chin up buttercup lol.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.
Well he is part of their gang now, poofer keeps shouting X for mod... I think you'd agree that that is absurd! :LOL3:


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.

Well I look like a scrawny crackhead who no one wants and I'm on welfare and the state removed my kids.

So chin up buttercup lol.
They'll say anything to insult you and I mean any little thing from a spot to a 6mm gap in a door frame... :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.
Well he is part of their gang now, poofer keeps shouting X for mod... I think you'd agree that that is absurd! :LOL3:

Its because X is cool towards others. Anyone nice to Poofer, Poofer sees as a possible flying monkey.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.

Well I look like a scrawny crackhead who no one wants and I'm on welfare and the state removed my kids.

So chin up buttercup lol.
They'll say anything to insult you and I mean any little thing from a spot to a 6mm gap in a door frame... :LOL3:

It is pretty sad and desperate isnt it?

Flynn started on the my kids removed by the state thing and we were all ignoring it because its fucking stupid

Then he started demanding proof my kids were NOT taken by the state.

So he basically started claiming in the Hope's I would argue it so he could demand "proof". And when no one bothered and just kept mocking him....he started demanding proof anyway.

You know why? Because Flynn is a pervert who wanted pictures of someones minor children. There is literally NO REASON for anyone to demand "proof" like that (which is basically pictures) unless they are a pervert predator.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I've NEVER been called ugly until you and flea so don't think I'll take your ugly comment to heart, you're never gonna say I'm good looking or even alright are you?

Maybe X is using the handle, everyone is ugly apart from him apparently Lol.
Well he is part of their gang now, poofer keeps shouting X for mod... I think you'd agree that that is absurd! :LOL3:

Its because X is cool towards others. Anyone nice to Poofer, Poofer sees as a possible flying monkey.
Nah, X is cool with anybody who trolls people that troll him...