United States Achieves Energy Independence !


....only not quite.

I remember back at the end of the Gulf War (1991) when the majority of you were still poopin in yer diapies
..I thought:

At least now the United States will understand the need to abandon fossil fuels and move into the future with alternatives.
..but here we are, and here are our allies in Europe still crappling with the consequence of being dependent on Russian energy and gagging on a "friendship" with the Sauds.

. This is the price of conservatism.

How many countries are decades ahead of "the most advanced country in the world" (the First World - LoLz)

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20% - Ooooo, so amazing. When Iceland is at 89%. (I read 98% for a recent month)

Muzzies and Socialists, commies even, are ahead of the "First World" !!!!

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin still sucks dick daily tho

If media was telling these people gas was at an time low and just reframed a bunch of shit......they would be on here "owning" us with media links and gloating over it.

There they go STILL claiming no one is open to moving towards alternatives when in reality it's the way they want to do it.....literally devasting the poor and working classes....that people object to.

If they addressed what people ACTUALLY are saying instead of twisting it and lying and using strawmen.....they would have to have an actual response and it just might mean they have to admit there are better possible solutions and work with other people.

They cant do that at all because they dont genuinely care about any of it. They just love to hate other Americans.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Spare me the bullshit. Solar and wind will never replace fossil fuels. Unless you wanna go back to living like its 1860.