Posters I would like to see come back...and the bag on Lily thread.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Does panel abuse consist of a panel shoved up your rectum?

See you're getting tired and cranky now. The new, more subtle Flynn wouldn't go round fascinated by a blokes rectal workings.

There is no "new Flynn" you jerk off, just because I take pity on you stupid fucks from time to time, doesn't mean I won't nuke you when you say something rather stupid.

I'm only interested in your rectum to see how big of a panel I can shove up in there. Relax, you might enjoy it!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Lily it means I tolerate all points of view and hate censorship except for gross crimes like child exploitation and illegal BDSM.... There are lines that shouldn't be crossed

I censor myself from my worst impulses in the real world. It came with adult status. I think being foul with people about things like race, sexuality, etc is a poor reflection on me.

Just be kind. There is no law against kindness. :)

*disclaimer* it's opener season in meltdown though...;)

I would never utter an unkind word if I were left alone.

But they can't do it. Lokmar, Deport and who knows how many others are holding onto to grudges that are over 10 years old, as many as 15. I think that's totally weird.
Well dummy, it aint a grudge. I simply reminded everyone who you've been.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How many hours has Lardass spent melting tonight?


What interests me is this new alliance of Flynn and Oak.

A match made in hell indeed.

The discordant howling of Oak lining up in a slaughter house mingled with the rabid dog snarling of a constantly menstruating Flynn makes for vapidity in verse at the best of times.

At worst it makes your eyes bleed.
Dont forget about their co-pet, aidsmong. He gets big mad when he's left out.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tell the whole truth. Lily and myself had our share of disagreements and yes we went at it a few times. But who hasn't gone few rounds with me?

no troll:

He can't deal with the here and now. The truth is that he lets hate consume him and he has vendettas, over words, on a troll forum or four. He hates Peaches so badly he is actively wishing for his death.

What he does is grabs at things wildly, anything, even the kitchen sink in a desperate attempt to "win". Doesn't matter how old, irrelevant and inconsequential it might be. He never has figured out what he's winning.

Another failed forum? Is that winning?

What has Lokmar won by being angry with me for 15 years? Deport Liberals as well.

Their own rage, hate and fears are indictments. Nothing I can ever say will be as punishing as the hate and anger they carry. They drink poison and expect me to die.

It's tragic.
LOL! Spin it, liar!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And you'd get on that roller coaster without a dick.

Toothy eh?

Bad at Flaming, bad at blow jobs.

Don't put that on your CV.

I love how you resort to misogyny when you're being beaten over the head with your own aluminium walker.

Talk about weak sauce.

All the shit they have is misogyny. They actually believe that because they are better than women.
Well, I'm better than you but that aint got shit to do with your vagina. Too bad you arent black too so you could cry about that too.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two posts today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoiding me



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And you'd get on that roller coaster without a dick.

Toothy eh?

Bad at Flaming, bad at blow jobs.

Don't put that on your CV.

I love how you resort to misogyny when you're being beaten over the head with your own aluminium walker.

Talk about weak sauce.

All the shit they have is misogyny. They actually believe that because they are better than women.

Should we tell them that they're not better than most women? Perhaps the only woman they're better than is Lokmar.

Yes, they are at least better than that stupid bitch.
Aww, dont cry, nigger bitch.


Factory Bastard
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In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:
Oak has a delete button


Should we alert Ukraine?

Cause this could get dangerous in forum land





Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Meltie Day 5



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Does panel abuse consist of a panel shoved up your rectum?

See you're getting tired and cranky now. The new, more subtle Flynn wouldn't go round fascinated by a blokes rectal workings.

OH I SEE NOW ... scoundrel being handed his arse in this thread by two girls and so doesn't want to do a proper match with me.

*** post frowny face***


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?
Shit for brains, you tards and your crying are the only reason I'm here. Never fear, I'll be back on politics to shit on your domain in no time at all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?
Shit for brains, you tards and your crying are the only reason I'm here. Never fear, I'll be back on politics to shit on your domain in no time at all.

No you won't or you'll be locked up again.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?
Shit for brains, you tards and your crying are the only reason I'm here. Never fear, I'll be back on politics to shit on your domain in no time at all.

No you won't or you'll be locked up again.
LMFAO! Quiet clown! Maybe you could get a form letter to BF filled out to save time!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?
Shit for brains, you tards and your crying are the only reason I'm here. Never fear, I'll be back on politics to shit on your domain in no time at all.

No you won't or you'll be locked up again.
LMFAO! Quiet clown! Maybe you could get a form letter to BF filled out to save time!

Nah...all I need is this @


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In other news

THe politics sub has two post today

courtesy of a couple of drooling fucktards

cause everyone is busy avoid me

After they've successfully ran everyone off, Oak can take a REEEEEALLLY long break! :Happy5:

Yet here you all are...whining. :GiggleBitch:
Oh, so I was just supposed to shut up and leave.... I dont think so nigger bitch. Homie dont play dat!

No, whining is not addressed in the TOS or board rules.

You're talking about being RUN off and yet being right where you were yesterday. It's a simple contradiction.
As in TRYING to run us off, ya fukin retard. Make some sense!!!

No one wants you to leave. No one. Act like you don't pick up your food with your toes, and we're all good.
Oh brother. Do I really have to break it down to the atomic level for you? Fuk sakes, woman....

Here, I aint changing bitch.

Then suffer the consequences. No skin off my back.
No skin of my nuts, nigger bitch. You definitely think I've got more invested than I do. Your power trippin ass is super ineffective.

I think I've been most effective. How many days are you going to bleed on this monstrous menstrual cycle you're experiencing? Or is it menopause and you're hot flashing?
Shit for brains, you tards and your crying are the only reason I'm here. Never fear, I'll be back on politics to shit on your domain in no time at all.

No you won't or you'll be locked up again.
LMFAO! Quiet clown! Maybe you could get a form letter to BF filled out to save time!

Nah...all I need is this @
Get to it bitch. More reporting, less talking.