Is Dovey Pregnant?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I owned a business in Manchester city centre, and did work for the Bradford Bulls. That compelled me to drive across da M62, and I did indeed see that farmer not giving a fuck. However never quite understood where hope surrendered to capitalism.

One has to presume he's happy there. They musta thrown a shitload of money at the ornery twat though.

I beleive it cost a good few mill more to build the M62 because of that so I guess he goes to sleep with a smile on his face?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
What is your opinion on a woman's reproductive rights old man?

Women have the right to reproduce. They also have the right not to reproduce.

If we lived in a society of semi imntelligent beings though there'd be no reason for abortion. You have sex and you know that day that you have a chance of being pregnant. Go get the morning after pill. Only abortions needed are for medical reasons. Easy


Factory Bastard
I owned a business in Manchester city centre, and did work for the Bradford Bulls. That compelled me to drive across da M62, and I did indeed see that farmer not giving a fuck. However never quite understood where hope surrendered to capitalism.

One has to presume he's happy there. They musta thrown a shitload of money at the ornery twat though.

I beleive it cost a good few mill more to build the M62 because of that so I guess he goes to sleep with a smile on his face?

I fink they threw a shitload of money at him and he just actually surrendered to his own genealogy, and heritage S.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I fink they threw a shitload of money at him and he just actually surrendered to his own genealogy, and heritage S.

I genuinely think he's got bodies buried on the land and couldn't take the risk of them being dug up. That's the only reason I can think for a Yorkshireman refusing bundles of cash.It will come out one day he was a mass murderer and responsible for many disappearances.


Factory Bastard
Well I did actually see him one day, and I couldn't work out if he had a subway to his flock of sheep, or he was going to commit suicide on the motorway.

I liked da guy at that moment S. He struck me like a car that wid strike him at 70mph.


Factory Bastard
I was driving eastbound at the time S, and I looked across and seen him doing his daily tasks. As a Scotsman I feel honoured to have seen dat. Is he still alive?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I was driving eastbound at the time S, and I looked across and seen him doing his daily tasks. As a Scotsman I feel honoured to have seen dat. Is he still alive?

Since it was such a long time ago I'm guessing his son is now hiding the bodies to keep the family name in tact.

I do genuinely believe he was hiding some dark secret.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin is freaking out so bad you’d think the Supreme Court ruled that he couldn’t suck cock anymore

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
You could possibly be right you Scouse cunt, but let's face it you usually aren't!

Think about it. Many, many people disappeared on the moors and in days pre M62 that would have been one secluded spot.

Given that he refused lottery style money to protect 20 sheep and a couple of historic drystone walls don't you think there's something fishy?


Factory Bastard
You could possibly be right you Scouse cunt, but let's face it you usually aren't!

Think about it. Many, many people disappeared on the moors and in days pre M62 that would have been one secluded spot.

Given that he refused lottery style money to protect 20 sheep and a couple of historic drystone walls don't you think there's something fishy?

Stop fucking reminding me why I am here you Scouse cunt. You are talented.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.

You do realize this ruling doesn't outlaw abortions, right?
After 8 weeks it does... Most countries have a cut off at 12 weeks ...after that an abortion might be because it is life threatening to the mum or its not a viable fetus or its a deformed fetus.... either way it's none of the government or judiciary fucking business and it hasn't been for 1/2 a century.
The US is leaving the rules up to the individual States to decide. Canada has always been this way, with Provinces to decide rules/cutoffs, etc, since each Province runs its own healthcare system. Essentially the US is now operating like Canada has been.

I'm sure Australia is similar...

Yes, and 26 states that have been jerry rigged to death are making it virtually impossible for women to get abortions as a result of the SCOTUS's politicking. That affects a hell of a lot of people.

So any sort of laws people decide that you dont like are "Jerry rigged"?

How is it impossible to get an abortion? Where and how? Explain.
Electoral college doesn't produce the outcome they want every single time? Dismantle it

The supreme court doesn't produce the types of decisions they want every single time? Pack it

These people are the mental equivalent of toddlers and should be locked away somewhere to protect normal thinking people from their gross disabilities

They are authoritarians who think democracy should only ever work for 1 party or it's not "democracy".

I mean all people have to do is get informed and educated on how our government works. Stop the retarded and highly manipulative activist bullshit and get together to foster real positive change within the boundaries of democracy.

Recognizing that it's better to win people to your cause then fight for an authoritarian government so you can force your cause.

At this rate they are just repeating the tactics and methods of every other authoritarian regime that has brought death and tyranny and oppression.

If they TRULY cared about "democracy" and the greater good of all? They would be fucking HONEST. They would have genuine stances and acknowledge the problems so the problems can be addressed.

Just look at what they are willing to look PAST in the name of their cause. They look past violence, rape, death, destruction.

They want what they want and if they get it and it harms thousands and causes way more problems than it ever solved and strips rights from others? They simply fucking dont care. And when people fight back democratically and win they throw tantrums and fits and start trying to gain support with hysterics and spewing hatred.

We are truly fucked. All the parties do is engage in cold civil war. There is no addressing issues, working towards solving them, or compromise and no desire to build a stronger country. No interest in the lives of ordinary people.

There is really nothing anyone can do besides go on offense and put up a fight because these people on the left are only interested in their supremacy.

Dats all well and gid, but you don't know how your government works. You actually fink SCOTUS wid ne arguing over something that wasn't a human right.

All of Trump's appointees lied during their congressional hearings. Wade was precedent. That is indeed reason for impeachment.

It's not open to debate.

Bland YOU are the one who doesnt understand how the US government works. Your posts are barely even coherent. You really are demonstrating you do not even unstand the function of the court or how issues make it there.

You are correct that there is no debate. You are factually wrong and clearly ignorant of this topic. There is nothing TO debate because of this.

And ALL precedents are open to challange. That's how democracy works, Bland. Roe was NOT a law. It was a ruling. Rulings can be and are challnged all the time. Thats how this works. The ruling that overturned Roe can and probably will be challanged.

You are arrogant in your stupidity here. It's pretty sad.


Factory Bastard
They want to flood the market with unwanted babies so infertile couples can get their grubby hands on babies that don't really belong to them. For free. I beats hiring overseas surrogates that cost a mint. And same sex couples wanting to adopt child sex slaves.

Grrrrr. Making babies a comodity again. It makes me sad for the kids who will have no say in their fate.

All those kids that started with donor sperm are demanding to know their fathers and fathers side of the family and some of them are really suffering mentally from it.

Nobody really cares about the children who are the innocent victims of this backward decision and the real culprits are the men who dump their loads in single women and fertile female children.

You do realize this ruling doesn't outlaw abortions, right?
After 8 weeks it does... Most countries have a cut off at 12 weeks ...after that an abortion might be because it is life threatening to the mum or its not a viable fetus or its a deformed fetus.... either way it's none of the government or judiciary fucking business and it hasn't been for 1/2 a century.
The US is leaving the rules up to the individual States to decide. Canada has always been this way, with Provinces to decide rules/cutoffs, etc, since each Province runs its own healthcare system. Essentially the US is now operating like Canada has been.

I'm sure Australia is similar...

Yes, and 26 states that have been jerry rigged to death are making it virtually impossible for women to get abortions as a result of the SCOTUS's politicking. That affects a hell of a lot of people.

So any sort of laws people decide that you dont like are "Jerry rigged"?

How is it impossible to get an abortion? Where and how? Explain.
Electoral college doesn't produce the outcome they want every single time? Dismantle it

The supreme court doesn't produce the types of decisions they want every single time? Pack it

These people are the mental equivalent of toddlers and should be locked away somewhere to protect normal thinking people from their gross disabilities

They are authoritarians who think democracy should only ever work for 1 party or it's not "democracy".

I mean all people have to do is get informed and educated on how our government works. Stop the retarded and highly manipulative activist bullshit and get together to foster real positive change within the boundaries of democracy.

Recognizing that it's better to win people to your cause then fight for an authoritarian government so you can force your cause.

At this rate they are just repeating the tactics and methods of every other authoritarian regime that has brought death and tyranny and oppression.

If they TRULY cared about "democracy" and the greater good of all? They would be fucking HONEST. They would have genuine stances and acknowledge the problems so the problems can be addressed.

Just look at what they are willing to look PAST in the name of their cause. They look past violence, rape, death, destruction.

They want what they want and if they get it and it harms thousands and causes way more problems than it ever solved and strips rights from others? They simply fucking dont care. And when people fight back democratically and win they throw tantrums and fits and start trying to gain support with hysterics and spewing hatred.

We are truly fucked. All the parties do is engage in cold civil war. There is no addressing issues, working towards solving them, or compromise and no desire to build a stronger country. No interest in the lives of ordinary people.

There is really nothing anyone can do besides go on offense and put up a fight because these people on the left are only interested in their supremacy.

Dats all well and gid, but you don't know how your government works. You actually fink SCOTUS wid ne arguing over something that wasn't a human right.

All of Trump's appointees lied during their congressional hearings. Wade was precedent. That is indeed reason for impeachment.

It's not open to debate.

Bland YOU are the one who doesnt understand how the US government works. Your posts are barely even coherent. You really are demonstrating you do not even unstand the function of the court or how issues make it there.

You are correct that there is no debate. You are factually wrong and clearly ignorant of this topic. There is nothing TO debate because of this.

And ALL precedents are open to challange. That's how democracy works, Bland. Roe was NOT a law. It was a ruling. Rulings can be and are challnged all the time. Thats how this works. The ruling that overturned Roe can and probably will be challanged.

You are arrogant in your stupidity here. It's pretty sad.

While you refuse to admonish a single point I have made, or answer a single question.

What's dat like lassie, claiming you know what you refuse to show you know?


Factory Bastard
I fink everyone knows you do not know whit ye never knew Dovey, and that in not knowing dat you just simply confuse and abuse yourself. Much like Proxy.