Peace out BF (#2)


Philosopher King
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West Coast
To everything there is a season, and my season here has ended -- at least for the summer. Don't be thinking I went somewhere else to post, I kind of think I preferred forum retirement.

My calendar is just too full this year, lots of work and lots of family stuff. And I've been here a little over a year, I said my say, and now I'll go. I had a bet with Peaches and I ain't saying how it turned out or who won, but I'll just say he deffo had his own little club of haterz here when I arrived and he's got them still. They are so firmly HIS that they think I'm him even though there are plenty of clues that I'm not. And that's okay...he is welcome to them. I have my own "club" from long ago.

Some of the rest of ya have been fun to read, but unfortunately it's hard to hear yer voices here among so many thin skinned, humorless losers.

Best regards to @Bastard Factory and good luck til we meet again.

Here's a great old song @Blazor may like, to remember me by.



Factory Bastard
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Awww... I wish you'd reconsider, but understand that life gets busy! Hopefully, we'll see you again in the fall/ winter months. Enjoy your summer and be safe!


Put your glasses on!
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Here's a great old song @Blazor may like, to remember me by.

Aww thanks for the mention man, you always got me, for the most part lol.

Been a LONG time since I heard that song! I'd honestly forgotten all about it.

I know how you feel though, busy busy, tis the season. Same here my friend. Wont be posting much on the weekends, nor at night unless Im home lol.

Hope your Summer has some fun and adventure in it!

Think of us when you poop, and pop in and say hi before you wipe. lulz

I always find time to text when I poop lol.

I feel like Im obliged to return a song. But I shall do TWO!!! While were talking number two lol.

One to remember me by......

And one for the Summer Im gonna have lol.....



we're all on way out. we should all act accordingly. you got me curious like a cat though who didn't like him so much that they were cruel to him... how? in what way? we talking online and or real life? vastly different types of cruel


Factory Bastard
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I didn't see this thread when he posted it. Sorry I missed it. Keep them in line over there, Spoon. I'm sure you'll try.


Domestically feral
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United states
Maybe this could get moved out of the assbox and stickied somewhere for a while? Since this was his last thread here :/


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Maybe this could get moved out of the assbox and stickied somewhere for a while? Since this was his last thread here :/

I want it to remain here… where the epic disease of the human race dwells.

I resent YOU and Big for the shit you put him through. And I will never forgive either if you for your two faced liar ass antics making me believe I could tell MY friends the truth and it not explode into a Vietnam vet being ridiculed for serving during agent Orange.

Fuck YOU and all the other internet sleaze who tormented him for this disfigurement.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Maybe a memorial thread isn't the place for personal conflicts?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Maybe this could get moved out of the assbox and stickied somewhere for a while? Since this was his last thread here :/

I want it to remain here… where the epic disease of the human race dwells.

I resent YOU and Big for the shit you put him through. And I will never forgive either if you for your two faced liar ass antics making me believe I could tell MY friends the truth and it not explode into a Vietnam vet being ridiculed for serving during agent Orange.

Fuck YOU and all the other internet sleaze who tormented him for this disfigurement.

Nobody that plays deserves to be cut any slack, and Peaches to his credit never asked for mercy either. It was all water off a duck's back for him.

So fuck you for acting like a weakling and trying to suggest he was as weak as you and Oak.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So disgusting.

1. Completely inappropriate to spew personal issues one has with someone else in this thread

2. I dont care one single bit what she thinks or feels. That ship sailed a long time ago. Her grievances mean absolutely nothing to me. She can choke on her "resentment" and her very poor boundaries.

Die mad. I have no interest in her cesspool of hateful bullshit. She's wasting her time. Her time would be better spent in therapy and focused on her own heap of issues that even allow her to act out horribly on behalf of other adults who do not need or want her as some representative. How controlling and patronizing to assume some authority over an adult man who is capable of managing his own relationships and absolutely doesnt want her speaking for him or rewritting HIS history with someone else. She does this shit all the time and has no idea how not normal or inappropriate it is.

She has zero respect for his privacy, has no problem blathering his real life issues on a forum and making them about HER, and she talks about him like he is some pet or a toddler who she has to speak for or "protect". He is like an object to her that she uses to boost her massive ego.

That's glaring and blatant narcissism. Everything is about HER. Even other people's relationships are about her.

Go fuck right off with all that mess. You do shit like that you deserve to be miserable and full of hate and resentment. It's your own damn choice.

All this nasty and vindictive behavior has been nothing short of revolting and I'm not ever gonna have anything to do with anyone this self important and toxic ever again.

This disgusting shrew blocked me, ran to the forum and used private stuff about my daughter as a weapon. Who fucking does that? And she's talking to me like I care what her problem is? Omg. Take your venom, your hate, your entitlement, your bitterness and resentment and shove it up your self absorbed ass. Choke on it. I am NEVER giving you any of my personal time again. Ever. You are a shitting and vile human being and I'm not interested. Your feelings are not my problem and I couldn't possibly care less about any of them.

Had you have approached me privately to discuss why you feel like Big is your object and why you are offended by how I "treat" him (as if it's any of your fucking business) maybe....just maybe I'd be open to your cluster b dysfunctions. But that's not what you did is it? No you had to run to a message board and go on the attack using my daughter. Every issue you have is completely invalid with me and I am never gonna have shit to do with you again. You are a sick sick person and you need help. Seriously go drive off a cliff. The fact you think you still have a platform with me where I'm going to listen to your selfish drivel and excuses for being a shit fucking person just shows how completely narcissistic you are.

The minute you started using my daughter your ass was DONE and I'm not receiving shit you have to say.

And she's taking Peaches last thread here and shitting on it making it about her stupid and meaningless one sided, self absorbed crap with me that I do not care to bother with. I'm not gonna be responding to any of this shit moving forward.

Maybe at least move that ghoulish and unsolicited tantrum out of this thread? @Bastard Factory can we please keep this thread clean? Like as a memorial thread?

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip

Thought about moving it or removing hate to Misplaced Meltdowns.
We do have a tribute in the Death forum, so this remains here.

People are speaking their minds. I don't want to alter or censor.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Maybe this could get moved out of the assbox and stickied somewhere for a while? Since this was his last thread here :/

I want it to remain here… where the epic disease of the human race dwells.

I resent YOU and Big for the shit you put him through. And I will never forgive either if you for your two faced liar ass antics making me believe I could tell MY friends the truth and it not explode into a Vietnam vet being ridiculed for serving during agent Orange.

Fuck YOU and all the other internet sleaze who tormented him for this disfigurement.

That cruel juvenile behavior toward him was reprehensible.

He's in a better place now and these earthly trials and tribulations are of no consequence now. It is up to these supposed Christians to learn from their behavior.

He's at peace and no longer suffering for any reason. Let that be your final thoughts on Peaches and not them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Shame on all of you!.... Especially you, Dovey.. you should have IGNORED Murdock :/
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But has "he" really dieded? does someone have any proof of this? like a picture of him in a coffin? his dead body at home? who WHO on the entire internet can substantiate this. also too provide pics of "his" so called disfigurement. i mean there is no way in Hell I will waste my mourning on a so mangled faced nigger if "he" is still alive.

proof? PROOF?? any of it. til than time to do some jizzing, pissing, and shitting. have a nice day all


Put your glasses on!
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Dang it, now I'll REALLY have to remember him by that song now!

Him and I always got along great. A Lefty, but he always understood me, and I understood him, which is why we always got along. Think it was back in the TBC days, him and I PMing each other, that we figured out that each of us were good folks.

See ya around man, thanks for always supporting my Southern beliefs.


DUDE its all a damn lie. No proof at all. Hell no proof he ever really existed. It was probably one of his "mourners" that was Peaches all along. He laughing at anyone that believes this horseshit.

Hell I just wanna see this so called deformed face of "his"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
DUDE its all a damn lie. No proof at all. Hell no proof he ever really existed. It was probably one of his "mourners" that was Peaches all along. He laughing at anyone that believes this horseshit.

Hell I just wanna see this so called deformed face of "his"

Oh my, it's a basturd. Quick, everyone run and hide...:GiggleBitch: