A tale of two heifers. The "cease and desist" edition. M**d.



Domestically feral
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United states

Blandy...I'm gonna try to respond to what I understood of that, okay?

I did not ride the bus. I have a DL and I drive. I bought the bus ticket for HIM(Poofer).

And also, I'm actually NOT the one who brought this information to the forum. Poofer did that.

Like I don't understand why I'm the one who gets shit for "posting about" the Poofer thing, when I'm not the one who brought it to the forum. HE did that. He did that while I was talking to him and his constant need to post about me was a good part of why that is over.

I mean there are many many reasons why it had to end and it never should have happened period. But his podcasting and carrying on and his bragging was so very off putting.

And Blandy I ignored it for a good chunk of time before a few friends of mine....that know who there are....told me watching him slam me while I took the high ground was pissing them off and that I should ....yanno, go ham.

I'm just one of millions of people who has a regretful and embarrassing sexual incident. Have YOU ever slept with someone you regret sleeping with? Are you really gonna slut shame me forever now? Because that's not very open minded or understanding now is it?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Blandy...I'm gonna try to respond to what I understood of that, okay?

I did not ride the bus. I have a DL and I drive. I bought the bus ticket for HIM(Poofer).

And also, I'm actually NOT the one who brought this information to the forum. Poofer did that.

Like I don't understand why I'm the one who gets shit for "posting about" the Poofer thing, when I'm not the one who brought it to the forum. HE did that. He did that while I was talking to him and his constant need to post about me was a good part of why that is over.

I mean there are many many reasons why it had to end and it never should have happened period. But his podcasting and carrying on and his bragging was so very off putting.

And Blandy I ignored it for a good chunk of time before a few friends of mine....that know who there are....told me watching him slam me while I took the high ground was pissing them off and that I should ....yanno, go ham.

I'm just one of millions of people who has a regretful and embarrassing sexual incident. Have YOU ever slept with someone you regret sleeping with? Are you really gonna slut shame me forever now? Because that's not very open minded or understanding now is it?
Why you would even bother explaining yourself to a termite like blandsoggy is beyond me


Put your glasses on!
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@Blazor or @Frood

a chop of fat Oak in full Santa Clause get up if you will?


This bitch would come down your chimney, eat all your cookies and milk, look for more food to raid in your cabinets and fridge, shit on your couch, and leave a trail of slug slime on the way out..... and you want me to portray her as SAINT Nick!?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
This bitch would come down your chimney, eat all your cookies and milk, look for more food to raid in your cabinets and fridge, shit on your couch, and leave a trail of slug slime on the way out..... and you want me to portray her as SAINT Nick!?

Why would I come down your chimney, redneck? You ain't got shit.


Put your glasses on!
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So every single one of us has told you specifically why we dont like you.

And yet you STILL dont get it. It's like "NU UH....its cuz imma boss bitch and they are just WEAK and small dick energy and want fawning females!"

Sure thing.

You are easily THE most unlikable, unreasonable, entitled and viscious posters and this sort of shit is why people dont like you. It's because YOU want weak and fawning people to meatshield you and serve your ego.

That's why you are such a level of asshole you actually chat with people you supposedly hate.

Yuck. This is why I've diagnosed you with narcissism.
"Imma boss bitch" hahaha, yeah..... maybe of the kitchen, when she cracks that whip and tells her cuck hubby make her a sammich or TEN!


Put your glasses on!
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Oak? Where the fuck is your neck, dear? Your face looks like juggernaught's head just plopped onto a fatbody

Imagine neckless Oak dating Noodle Neck the sissy boy with the E.T neck? :LOL3:

Fuckin' hell, now I got them voices in me head....

"Jabba no botha"


"ET phone hooooooooooome"


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
"Imma boss bitch" hahaha, yeah..... maybe of the kitchen, when she cracks that whip and tells her cuck hubby make her a sammich or TEN!
Boss bitch


Boss BLimp maybe

but boss bitch? Nigga please -- the only thing she's bossing is a fork and a knife on a dinner plate

for real


Put your glasses on!
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Boss bitch


Boss BLimp maybe

but boss bitch? Nigga please -- the only thing she's bossing is a fork and a knife on a dinner plate

for real

I can hear that fuckin' SCRAAAAAAAAAAPE on the plate. You know..... where you try and get all the last of whatever gravy/juices are left.


Domestically feral
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United states
This bitch would come down your chimney, eat all your cookies and milk, look for more food to raid in your cabinets and fridge, shit on your couch, and leave a trail of slug slime on the way out..... and you want me to portray her as SAINT Nick!?

Another pro of living in a trailor.

NO chimney. And people just assume you are poor so....no food robbery lol.


Domestically feral
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United states
Update for safety reasons.

So the husband I didnt meet in rehab got home around 6:30 ish and we went out to the town over to get cat litter. Sometimes he has metal playing in the car....but lately he either listens to Crowder or Voddie Bachman sermons. Tonight it was Voddie talking about socail justice.

I buy 4 40 pound bags and two large containers of cat pee absorbing crystals. 80 bucks per month.....its a really good deal. Small grain, soft, clumping litter with no fragrance or dust. The cats LOVE shitting in it.

We stopped at the......Dollar General....on the way back and grabbed prilosec for mom and a gallon of milk. And a few other things. I actually love the Dollar General.

Then we got home and ate chicken soup I made earlier in the slow cooker and got into the pie. Then Squish took her bath, got her favorite lotion on and we painted her nails, read from the children's BIBLE....prayed and she went to sleep. This girl never puts up a fight to go to bed. As long as we stick to the routine with serial killer level precision it's the easiest thing ever to get her to settle down for bed.

She will be gone all day tomorrow as Thursdays are Babba days. She wont be home until Friday night. I pack up her homeschool stuff when she goes to Babbas and Babba does really good with it. The Disney shit thankfully slowed down. No I dont like Disney, I do not give money to Disney, and absolutely NO newer Disney is shown to my child. If someone is planning on kidnapping me, now you know I'm home alone on Thursdays (expect for mom. And my 17 year old....who usually goes to her friends house

My 17 year old is currently on the PC again playing her game with friends and she has actually cussed 3 times in the past hour and it's very likely I'm gonna smack her upside the head if I hear it again.

Mom is laying on the couch watching videos of these shows about fat people. I'm not even kidding. Shes been watching some reality show about big fat fatties. The kind of fat where people need to cut holes in the side of the house to load the fatty up into a Uhaul to take them to the hospital fat.

I have two cats laying next to me. My Tom boy and Murry.

There goes my whole life on the forum. Exciting isnt it?!

Still not a mental case over the man who sent me packing and clearly wants nothing to do with me whatsoever. Even after essentially marrying me by telling me all about his childhood. I've even sat and watched videos of him as a child with his mother so we are definately cosmically bound for eternity. Even though he sent me packing. EVEN if there is a fire.

I dont know how anyone could post PI about Big and NOT talk about his incredible break dancing .....js.

Prudence has finally accepted the kittens and groomed one ♡ she was angry and shitty at first but I've been working with my cats and trying to make a food association with the kittens. So Prudey just got a tube of chicken flavored paste....they LOVE that shit. It smells BAD but they love it. She took the kitten from me And loved all over it so she just got spoiled.

I'll probably be up super late stalking Murd. Or reading. More than likely.....reading ;)


Domestically feral
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United states
I wonder if this is another thing Oak feels I'm accountable to her and the forum over.

She thinks what happened at my job is something I have to be accountable for HERE....so she probably does feel I owe her and the board "accountability" over the issues my marriage had almost 5 years ago.

It's really bizzare and entitled but this fat fuck actually thinks shes some holy figure who gets to decide if people have been "held accountable" for things that do not involve her.

I've never entered into any sort of contract with her and she thinks I need to make these things "right" with her.

Or....and this is much more likely.....shes just cycling through all these reasons she feels she can call upon to justify her personal hatred of me.

Either way it's an intensely narcissistic mentality.


Have kink will travel.
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@Blazor or @Frood

a chop of fat Oak in full Santa Clause get up if you will?




Have kink will travel.
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I wonder if this is another thing Oak feels I'm accountable to her and the forum over.

She thinks what happened at my job is something I have to be accountable for HERE....so she probably does feel I owe her and the board "accountability" over the issues my marriage had almost 5 years ago.

It's really bizzare and entitled but this fat fuck actually thinks shes some holy figure who gets to decide if people have been "held accountable" for things that do not involve her.

I've never entered into any sort of contract with her and she thinks I need to make these things "right" with her.

Or....and this is much more likely.....shes just cycling through all these reasons she feels she can call upon to justify her personal hatred of me.

Either way it's an intensely narcissistic mentality.

Oak is a braindead beaner fatso.

Pay no heed to the stupid words that come out of her fat and ugly middle aged blow hole.

Now, Flea...however. Hot and sexy as fuck and with a brain to meet the same thresholds. Pay heed to Flea. FLUSH Oak like the fat brown turd that she is.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oak is a braindead beaner fatso.

Pay no heed to the stupid words that come out of her fat and ugly middle aged blow hole.

Now, Flea...however. Hot and sexy as fuck and with a brain to meet the same thresholds. Pay heed to Flea. FLUSH Oak like the fat brown turd that she is.

So basically keep doing what I'm doing lol.


Have kink will travel.
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Yup... when anybody says "Thar She Blows"... it's code to decimate Fat Stupid Oak because the land whale has surfaced.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Blandy...I'm gonna try to respond to what I understood of that, okay?

I did not ride the bus. I have a DL and I drive. I bought the bus ticket for HIM(Poofer).

And also, I'm actually NOT the one who brought this information to the forum. Poofer did that.

Like I don't understand why I'm the one who gets shit for "posting about" the Poofer thing, when I'm not the one who brought it to the forum. HE did that. He did that while I was talking to him and his constant need to post about me was a good part of why that is over.

I mean there are many many reasons why it had to end and it never should have happened period. But his podcasting and carrying on and his bragging was so very off putting.

And Blandy I ignored it for a good chunk of time before a few friends of mine....that know who there are....told me watching him slam me while I took the high ground was pissing them off and that I should ....yanno, go ham.

I'm just one of millions of people who has a regretful and embarrassing sexual incident. Have YOU ever slept with someone you regret sleeping with? Are you really gonna slut shame me forever now? Because that's not very open minded or understanding now is it?
Don’t call him Poofer anymore Dove…call him Poofter. If he wants to choose a ridiculous name so close to that of a faggot…well he deserves to stew in it. Biggest arsehole on the forums by far!

There’s nothing like an absolute turd being scorned!
