A tale of two heifers. The "cease and desist" edition. M**d.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Well… I don’t know about you, but I would take being called a heifer over a has-been harem dweller of Piggie Smells any day of the week.

On the realzzzzzzzzzzz


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Well… I don’t know about you, but I would take being called a heifer over a has-been harem dweller of Piggie Smells any day of the week.

On the realzzzzzzzzzzz

Shush, Garden Gnome with Downs...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@Blazor or @Frood

a chop of fat Oak in full Santa Clause get up if you will?





Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t call him Poofer anymore Dove…call him Poofter. If he wants to choose a ridiculous name so close to that of a faggot…well he deserves to stew in it. Biggest arsehole on the forums by far!

There’s nothing like an absolute turd being scorned!


I've always enjoyed calling him Scrotini.

Since he really is such a fucking scrote.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Safety? Who is in danger?
Turdy's ego is in danger. That is about it. Frankly, herbego needs a check because maybe then she will spew less racist stuff, learn to keep her anger directed at the people she has a dispute with instead of dragging other people's families whom she does not know, and possibly (we can hope) actually learn a liitte but about a topic before she makes a complete fool of herself.

It would be nice if she learns to deal with her racism before trying to project it on to other people as well.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well… I don’t know about you, but I would take being called a heifer over a has-been harem dweller of Piggie Smells any day of the week.

On the realzzzzzzzzzzz

That rings a little hollow given you spent the better part of a decade raging about him rejecting you. Please start being honest with yourself if not everyone else, Merde.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well… I don’t know about you, but I would take being called a heifer over a has-been harem dweller of Piggie Smells any day of the week.

On the realzzzzzzzzzzz

***LONG Post Alert***Dovey finally "fights" over Biggie Smiles sorta** Rant/vent***just shit I've been biting my tongue on for a few years, enjoy if you read it!**** ITS GONNA BE LONG.

Bitch WHAT harem? I was always the ONLY woman around these boards he was ever genuinely into. I dont know where you get this shit. I really dont. A "harem"? Really? ANY drooling idiocy you can to continually try to degrade and minimize my real relationship with a man who injured your massive ass ego by simply not responding to your constant advances.

Your silly and embarrassing "Chaos40" shit does not a harem make. Also I was not ever fighting with other women....especially NOT on a forum, for a man I knew I had in real life. Big does not play games. He is honest, direct, and easily one of the most trustworthy people I know. He went out of his way to PROVE to me that he was a man of his word. And I have never doubted that. I realize it's cute and funny for you to pretend I have felt threatened or jealous or whatever retarded game you usually enjoy.....but this is a man I would trust with my LIFE. My actual life in my body that makes me alive. I absolutely will always believe Big over fucking anyone on the internet. Including you. Fuck especially you.

You know I've been in his office, on his lap, my hands on his keyboard and mouse, on his account... AS Chaos40? I've SEEN the shit you've sent him? And while I was doing that he had his lips pressed on this spot on the curve of my neck that he really liked and he was chuckling at me trolling as him? And I used to care about your feelings here but nope....fuck that. You certainly wiped your flat ass with mine. In fact you never miss an opportunity to throw Big in my face like some petty and jealous child.

Notice I dont sit and go into details about my time with him and his family? You understand that doesnt mean that history doesnt exist? There are things I've posted yes...and consider that an iceberg, sweetheart. Just because I dont blast every intimacy I've shared with him does not mean it didnt happen. Why the fuck would I need to do that? WHY the fuck do you?

I would be so fucking MAD if Biggie ever got on here and started sharing graphic details about fucking me or talking about me SO personally. HE isnt garbage so I know that will never happen. I lived in this mans house....he has NEVER came on a message board blasting shit about me. Nor have I done that stupid shit to him. There are many things about me and Biggie that are just ours. And we LIKE it that way.

It's called "value", Turdock. A clearly alien concept to people such as yourself....who are such gaping and never ending pits or vortexes of need for validation that you do not truly value anything. Evidently not even your current situation-ship of which you use in some clumsy and feeble attempt to assert yourself as some at peace, happy person that you clearly are not. It's as if in order for you to enjoy something, you have to feel like its something others want and do not have.

You can have your gross coerced sex story of a flaccid and uninterested Big, with the pancake tits flopping, and I'll keep my good ones.. thanks. If I were gonna start a whole thread talking about me and Biggie to match your 20 hundred "Chaos40" threads ....I'd have a lot to say. I'd fill pages. I'd talk about stuff like....watching him play basketball with the kids from the kitchen window and his laugh. That mans laugh is the best. Its life. All the way. I lived for making him laugh. And I'm fucking GOOD at doing it even still to this day. He is probably laughing right now. You would learn real quick how utterly insignificant your idiotic "harem" or forum fling crush with Biggie really is to me and why.

Who the fuck is this "harem" , Murd? Who in your fucking pea brain was sharing Biggie with me? YOU? Pfftt ...just stop. Moonie? I notice you enjoy throwing her under the bus. A woman who was SO much on team "Choas and Dovey" she literally cried WITH me when it ended. And thank God for her when I went through that. ALL Moonie ever wanted was for her friends to be happy. That's it. There is not a malicious or jealous bone in her body. Moonie has more genuine empathy and integrity in her toe nail than you would ever have period. Moonie was not ran off of any board, least of all by ME. No idea where THAT wack ass shit comes from.

Is it FLEA? Havent you claimed Flea wanted Biggie as well? Because fuck that's nutty. Flea actually DOES view Biggie as a board brother. AND she has legit never thrown her pussy at him or tried to antagonize ME. WHO is this harem? Because in reality he just had me, I'm afraid. There has never been a fucking harem or "fan club". That's all a delusion in your ridiculous competitive mind.

I have watched your ass twist things, rewrite history, blather on and on your bizzare and bitter version of MY personal relationship with a man you just fucking attached to one day because he was one of the only men who wasnt interested in beating off to your tit pics for YEARS and I've barely said a word about it.

Are you really....REALLY this insecure and unstable?

What I dont get though is WHY him? Out of all these dudes on the forums you chat with and cyber sex or whatever the fuck you do....WHY fixate on Big? WHY have this crush on HIM? Because of me? Because you need to try to compete with another woman? Because he is brown and you are this white shitlib Cali Karen? His 6 figure income? You dont even really know Big at all. You created a fantasy in your mind and THAT is what you supposedly "loved" like a "brother"(right).

Even if I didnt exist and never caught the eye of Mr Chaos40....he still would not have been interested in you like that.

And while I'm at it.... WHY do people like you and Scrote feel the need to blast your sexual encounters with people you met on the forum? You guys really so hollow inside you need the ego boost of making sure every one knows you got into Doveys panties? Does it make you feel powerful to share such private matters without consent from the other person? Did you feel like you "won" something over me with all those long and grotesquely detailed posts about having sex with MY ex boyfriend(I hate that word. Man friend? Better) who I genuinely loved so much?

I mean you had make it worth something right? And if not to get some sort of approval from forum posters or some opportunity to make another woman jealous it really wouldnt have meant shit and we both know that, dont we? If you had left it between the two of you it would have faded into total irrelevance. So you chose to put it on blast. And guess what? When I found out about it he came to me....again....to talk about it and make sure I was okay. So I've known for a while what actually happened there. That piss you off? Too bad.

How did it work out for you trying to tell him that stupid fucking bullshit about my daughter? And all that other shit you tried to get him to turn on me for you with?

Overshot your importance to him on THAT one, didn't you? I cannot believe that you had the audacity to go behind my back, to Big, and shoot your shot on lying to him and trying to turn him on me. Not only does he know me deeply enough to know you were full of shit, but you advertised to him that you are a backstabber. Good job.

Doesnt look like a harem from where I'm sitting, girl....and it never did. Sorry not sorry but I've never ever had to compete. I LET shit get said on a forum, because forums are not serious and I've never been an insecure person. Please. Feel FREE to try to "flame" me by using the fact I loved my ex. That should make me look really fucking stupid yeah? No one here has any exs they loved. Nope. That's not relatable at all. That's a total freakish loser thing the plebs do. And I'm sure it's a big huge dirty secret that absolutely no one knows, too. Only outdone by the revelation that Biggie is Puerto Rican.

You can get your sumo sister in here and you guys can "flame" me about how he "sent me packing" while meanwhile we all know if Big and I were single we would be balls deep in round two and probably not even telling you maggots.


And good afternoon :D

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well… I don’t know about you, but I would take being called a heifer over a has-been harem dweller of Piggie Smells any day of the week.

On the realzzzzzzzzzzz
you referring to anyone, anyone at all, "piggie" is simply the irony of the decade :LOL3:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
***LONG Post Alert***Dovey finally "fights" over Biggie Smiles sorta** Rant/vent***just shit I've been biting my tongue on for a few years, enjoy if you read it!**** ITS GONNA BE LONG.

Bitch WHAT harem? I was always the ONLY woman around these boards he was ever genuinely into. I dont know where you get this shit. I really dont. A "harem"? Really? ANY drooling idiocy you can to continually try to degrade and minimize my real relationship with a man who injured your massive ass ego by simply not responding to your constant advances.

Your silly and embarrassing "Chaos40" shit does not a harem make. Also I was not ever fighting with other women....especially NOT on a forum, for a man I knew I had in real life. Big does not play games. He is honest, direct, and easily one of the most trustworthy people I know. He went out of his way to PROVE to me that he was a man of his word. And I have never doubted that. I realize it's cute and funny for you to pretend I have felt threatened or jealous or whatever retarded game you usually enjoy.....but this is a man I would trust with my LIFE. My actual life in my body that makes me alive. I absolutely will always believe Big over fucking anyone on the internet. Including you. Fuck especially you.

You know I've been in his office, on his lap, my hands on his keyboard and mouse, on his account... AS Chaos40? I've SEEN the shit you've sent him? And while I was doing that he had his lips pressed on this spot on the curve of my neck that he really liked and he was chuckling at me trolling as him? And I used to care about your feelings here but nope....fuck that. You certainly wiped your flat ass with mine. In fact you never miss an opportunity to throw Big in my face like some petty and jealous child.

Notice I dont sit and go into details about my time with him and his family? You understand that doesnt mean that history doesnt exist? There are things I've posted yes...and consider that an iceberg, sweetheart. Just because I dont blast every intimacy I've shared with him does not mean it didnt happen. Why the fuck would I need to do that? WHY the fuck do you?

I would be so fucking MAD if Biggie ever got on here and started sharing graphic details about fucking me or talking about me SO personally. HE isnt garbage so I know that will never happen. I lived in this mans house....he has NEVER came on a message board blasting shit about me. Nor have I done that stupid shit to him. There are many things about me and Biggie that are just ours. And we LIKE it that way.

It's called "value", Turdock. A clearly alien concept to people such as yourself....who are such gaping and never ending pits or vortexes of need for validation that you do not truly value anything. Evidently not even your current situation-ship of which you use in some clumsy and feeble attempt to assert yourself as some at peace, happy person that you clearly are not. It's as if in order for you to enjoy something, you have to feel like its something others want and do not have.

You can have your gross coerced sex story of a flaccid and uninterested Big, with the pancake tits flopping, and I'll keep my good ones.. thanks. If I were gonna start a whole thread talking about me and Biggie to match your 20 hundred "Chaos40" threads ....I'd have a lot to say. I'd fill pages. I'd talk about stuff like....watching him play basketball with the kids from the kitchen window and his laugh. That mans laugh is the best. Its life. All the way. I lived for making him laugh. And I'm fucking GOOD at doing it even still to this day. He is probably laughing right now. You would learn real quick how utterly insignificant your idiotic "harem" or forum fling crush with Biggie really is to me and why.

Who the fuck is this "harem" , Murd? Who in your fucking pea brain was sharing Biggie with me? YOU? Pfftt ...just stop. Moonie? I notice you enjoy throwing her under the bus. A woman who was SO much on team "Choas and Dovey" she literally cried WITH me when it ended. And thank God for her when I went through that. ALL Moonie ever wanted was for her friends to be happy. That's it. There is not a malicious or jealous bone in her body. Moonie has more genuine empathy and integrity in her toe nail than you would ever have period. Moonie was not ran off of any board, least of all by ME. No idea where THAT wack ass shit comes from.

Is it FLEA? Havent you claimed Flea wanted Biggie as well? Because fuck that's nutty. Flea actually DOES view Biggie as a board brother. AND she has legit never thrown her pussy at him or tried to antagonize ME. WHO is this harem? Because in reality he just had me, I'm afraid. There has never been a fucking harem or "fan club". That's all a delusion in your ridiculous competitive mind.

I have watched your ass twist things, rewrite history, blather on and on your bizzare and bitter version of MY personal relationship with a man you just fucking attached to one day because he was one of the only men who wasnt interested in beating off to your tit pics for YEARS and I've barely said a word about it.

Are you really....REALLY this insecure and unstable?

What I dont get though is WHY him? Out of all these dudes on the forums you chat with and cyber sex or whatever the fuck you do....WHY fixate on Big? WHY have this crush on HIM? Because of me? Because you need to try to compete with another woman? Because he is brown and you are this white shitlib Cali Karen? His 6 figure income? You dont even really know Big at all. You created a fantasy in your mind and THAT is what you supposedly "loved" like a "brother"(right).

Even if I didnt exist and never caught the eye of Mr Chaos40....he still would not have been interested in you like that.

And while I'm at it.... WHY do people like you and Scrote feel the need to blast your sexual encounters with people you met on the forum? You guys really so hollow inside you need the ego boost of making sure every one knows you got into Doveys panties? Does it make you feel powerful to share such private matters without consent from the other person? Did you feel like you "won" something over me with all those long and grotesquely detailed posts about having sex with MY ex boyfriend(I hate that word. Man friend? Better) who I genuinely loved so much?

I mean you had make it worth something right? And if not to get some sort of approval from forum posters or some opportunity to make another woman jealous it really wouldnt have meant shit and we both know that, dont we? If you had left it between the two of you it would have faded into total irrelevance. So you chose to put it on blast. And guess what? When I found out about it he came to me....again....to talk about it and make sure I was okay. So I've known for a while what actually happened there. That piss you off? Too bad.

How did it work out for you trying to tell him that stupid fucking bullshit about my daughter? And all that other shit you tried to get him to turn on me for you with?

Overshot your importance to him on THAT one, didn't you? I cannot believe that you had the audacity to go behind my back, to Big, and shoot your shot on lying to him and trying to turn him on me. Not only does he know me deeply enough to know you were full of shit, but you advertised to him that you are a backstabber. Good job.

Doesnt look like a harem from where I'm sitting, girl....and it never did. Sorry not sorry but I've never ever had to compete. I LET shit get said on a forum, because forums are not serious and I've never been an insecure person. Please. Feel FREE to try to "flame" me by using the fact I loved my ex. That should make me look really fucking stupid yeah? No one here has any exs they loved. Nope. That's not relatable at all. That's a total freakish loser thing the plebs do. And I'm sure it's a big huge dirty secret that absolutely no one knows, too. Only outdone by the revelation that Biggie is Puerto Rican.

You can get your sumo sister in here and you guys can "flame" me about how he "sent me packing" while meanwhile we all know if Big and I were single we would be balls deep in round two and probably not even telling you maggots.


And good afternoon :D

Now, THAT was a dragon dragging complete with incinerating gusts of fire breath to which I believe it's best if she just continued pretending she is ignoring you.



Site Supporter
***LONG Post Alert***Dovey finally "fights" over Biggie Smiles sorta** Rant/vent***just shit I've been biting my tongue on for a few years, enjoy if you read it!**** ITS GONNA BE LONG.

Bitch WHAT harem? I was always the ONLY woman around these boards he was ever genuinely into. I dont know where you get this shit. I really dont. A "harem"? Really? ANY drooling idiocy you can to continually try to degrade and minimize my real relationship with a man who injured your massive ass ego by simply not responding to your constant advances.

Your silly and embarrassing "Chaos40" shit does not a harem make. Also I was not ever fighting with other women....especially NOT on a forum, for a man I knew I had in real life. Big does not play games. He is honest, direct, and easily one of the most trustworthy people I know. He went out of his way to PROVE to me that he was a man of his word. And I have never doubted that. I realize it's cute and funny for you to pretend I have felt threatened or jealous or whatever retarded game you usually enjoy.....but this is a man I would trust with my LIFE. My actual life in my body that makes me alive. I absolutely will always believe Big over fucking anyone on the internet. Including you. Fuck especially you.

You know I've been in his office, on his lap, my hands on his keyboard and mouse, on his account... AS Chaos40? I've SEEN the shit you've sent him? And while I was doing that he had his lips pressed on this spot on the curve of my neck that he really liked and he was chuckling at me trolling as him? And I used to care about your feelings here but nope....fuck that. You certainly wiped your flat ass with mine. In fact you never miss an opportunity to throw Big in my face like some petty and jealous child.

Notice I dont sit and go into details about my time with him and his family? You understand that doesnt mean that history doesnt exist? There are things I've posted yes...and consider that an iceberg, sweetheart. Just because I dont blast every intimacy I've shared with him does not mean it didnt happen. Why the fuck would I need to do that? WHY the fuck do you?

I would be so fucking MAD if Biggie ever got on here and started sharing graphic details about fucking me or talking about me SO personally. HE isnt garbage so I know that will never happen. I lived in this mans house....he has NEVER came on a message board blasting shit about me. Nor have I done that stupid shit to him. There are many things about me and Biggie that are just ours. And we LIKE it that way.

It's called "value", Turdock. A clearly alien concept to people such as yourself....who are such gaping and never ending pits or vortexes of need for validation that you do not truly value anything. Evidently not even your current situation-ship of which you use in some clumsy and feeble attempt to assert yourself as some at peace, happy person that you clearly are not. It's as if in order for you to enjoy something, you have to feel like its something others want and do not have.

You can have your gross coerced sex story of a flaccid and uninterested Big, with the pancake tits flopping, and I'll keep my good ones.. thanks. If I were gonna start a whole thread talking about me and Biggie to match your 20 hundred "Chaos40" threads ....I'd have a lot to say. I'd fill pages. I'd talk about stuff like....watching him play basketball with the kids from the kitchen window and his laugh. That mans laugh is the best. Its life. All the way. I lived for making him laugh. And I'm fucking GOOD at doing it even still to this day. He is probably laughing right now. You would learn real quick how utterly insignificant your idiotic "harem" or forum fling crush with Biggie really is to me and why.

Who the fuck is this "harem" , Murd? Who in your fucking pea brain was sharing Biggie with me? YOU? Pfftt ...just stop. Moonie? I notice you enjoy throwing her under the bus. A woman who was SO much on team "Choas and Dovey" she literally cried WITH me when it ended. And thank God for her when I went through that. ALL Moonie ever wanted was for her friends to be happy. That's it. There is not a malicious or jealous bone in her body. Moonie has more genuine empathy and integrity in her toe nail than you would ever have period. Moonie was not ran off of any board, least of all by ME. No idea where THAT wack ass shit comes from.

Is it FLEA? Havent you claimed Flea wanted Biggie as well? Because fuck that's nutty. Flea actually DOES view Biggie as a board brother. AND she has legit never thrown her pussy at him or tried to antagonize ME. WHO is this harem? Because in reality he just had me, I'm afraid. There has never been a fucking harem or "fan club". That's all a delusion in your ridiculous competitive mind.

I have watched your ass twist things, rewrite history, blather on and on your bizzare and bitter version of MY personal relationship with a man you just fucking attached to one day because he was one of the only men who wasnt interested in beating off to your tit pics for YEARS and I've barely said a word about it.

Are you really....REALLY this insecure and unstable?

What I dont get though is WHY him? Out of all these dudes on the forums you chat with and cyber sex or whatever the fuck you do....WHY fixate on Big? WHY have this crush on HIM? Because of me? Because you need to try to compete with another woman? Because he is brown and you are this white shitlib Cali Karen? His 6 figure income? You dont even really know Big at all. You created a fantasy in your mind and THAT is what you supposedly "loved" like a "brother"(right).

Even if I didnt exist and never caught the eye of Mr Chaos40....he still would not have been interested in you like that.

And while I'm at it.... WHY do people like you and Scrote feel the need to blast your sexual encounters with people you met on the forum? You guys really so hollow inside you need the ego boost of making sure every one knows you got into Doveys panties? Does it make you feel powerful to share such private matters without consent from the other person? Did you feel like you "won" something over me with all those long and grotesquely detailed posts about having sex with MY ex boyfriend(I hate that word. Man friend? Better) who I genuinely loved so much?

I mean you had make it worth something right? And if not to get some sort of approval from forum posters or some opportunity to make another woman jealous it really wouldnt have meant shit and we both know that, dont we? If you had left it between the two of you it would have faded into total irrelevance. So you chose to put it on blast. And guess what? When I found out about it he came to me....again....to talk about it and make sure I was okay. So I've known for a while what actually happened there. That piss you off? Too bad.

How did it work out for you trying to tell him that stupid fucking bullshit about my daughter? And all that other shit you tried to get him to turn on me for you with?

Overshot your importance to him on THAT one, didn't you? I cannot believe that you had the audacity to go behind my back, to Big, and shoot your shot on lying to him and trying to turn him on me. Not only does he know me deeply enough to know you were full of shit, but you advertised to him that you are a backstabber. Good job.

Doesnt look like a harem from where I'm sitting, girl....and it never did. Sorry not sorry but I've never ever had to compete. I LET shit get said on a forum, because forums are not serious and I've never been an insecure person. Please. Feel FREE to try to "flame" me by using the fact I loved my ex. That should make me look really fucking stupid yeah? No one here has any exs they loved. Nope. That's not relatable at all. That's a total freakish loser thing the plebs do. And I'm sure it's a big huge dirty secret that absolutely no one knows, too. Only outdone by the revelation that Biggie is Puerto Rican.

You can get your sumo sister in here and you guys can "flame" me about how he "sent me packing" while meanwhile we all know if Big and I were single we would be balls deep in round two and probably not even telling you maggots.


And good afternoon
Excuse mam but that load exceeds the weight limits of boring bullshit for der inferwebZ thank you

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Welp, admong is very quiet now that murdy has logged off and taken his tiny nuts and spaghetti spine with her

guess we'll just have to wait for the other half of the cow cartel to log in to give that sissy emo nonce enough gumption to start spamming again


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I've always enjoyed calling him Scrotini.

Since he really is such a fucking scrote.
Yeah he fucked up majorly by acting like such a biatch publicly. That voice of his would drive anyone mad enough to shove a boot in his mouth. Does he really think that by living in Chicongo makes him come of as some tuff bloke? The bloke is a fucking fairy that plays dress up on The Fortnites.


Site Supporter
Yeah he fucked up majorly by acting like such a biatch publicly. That voice of his would drive anyone mad enough to shove a boot in his mouth. Does he really think that by living in Chicongo makes him come of as some tuff bloke? The bloke is a fucking fairy that plays dress up on The Fortnites.
You play dress up you masquerade as a man

No One

Factory Bastard
Or maybe she was pretending to know it to make dovey like her so dovey would get biggie to get flea to ban deport_liberals from SG for following her around and hacking her emails.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Or maybe she was pretending to know it to make dovey like her so dovey would get biggie to get flea to ban deport_liberals from SG for following her around and hacking her emails.


Since she hates me so much and always has....she was nice to me and chatting me up for a reason.

Who expects to be used by a fucking grandma?!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Excuse mam but that load exceeds the weight limits of boring bullshit for der inferwebZ thank you

I put a disclaimer on them so posters more your level can know to scroll past.

I mean you know what *LONG POST ALERT* means or nah?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It was a crafty plan, a real strategem.

Trying to buddy up with mods or admins so you can try to control how the board is ran is mental.


Who wants to constantly have some genuine fight all the time like that? Those two spend the most time on forums when they are legitimately fighting and angry.

I'm not even mad. It is what it is. Some people are just fucked. If they go trying to contact anyone in my life I wont have a single shred of respect for their privacy anymore. They have a problem with PI usage.

Imagine being so controling that you post peoples off board childhood memories, weaponize their families, and insert yourself into other peoples lives. They need to go touch some grass lol.

Does Turd even know what an intimate relationship looks like? Shes sad af.
Last edited:


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Trying to buddy up with mods or admins so you can try to control how the board is ran is mental.


Who wants to constantly have some genuine fight all the time like that? Those two spend the most time on forums when they are legitimately fighting and angry.

I'm not even mad. It is what it is. Some people are just fucked. If they go trying to contact anyone in my life I wont have a single shred of respect for their privacy anymore. They have a problem with PI usage.

Imagine being so controling that you post peoples off board childhood memories, weaponize their families, and insert yourself into other peoples lives. They need to go touch some grass lol.

Does Turd even know what an intimate relationship looks like? Shes sad af.
“Touch some grass”….hahahahahaaaa. Beautifully said! :GoodPost:


Site Supporter
I put a disclaimer on them so posters more your level can know to scroll past.

I mean you know what *LONG POST ALERT* means or nah?
didnt even get that far :LOL3::LOL3:

just your fucking name is boring