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Hey Breakdoll
Hi you going Krispiss...hanging in there I hope? The world is so full of doom and gloom these dayz. Just think of me as your older brother, I’ve been through such political drama and military unrest. Things that would make your shit turn white in absolute fear. I am your rock my friend, when you need to stand strong and face your toughest battle.

While I go to sleep now, know that I’m only a touch of the keypad away bro.

My brother’s keeper braaah!


how long until you felt like you were on your way to healing ??
Depends on what the problem was. Mine was my mother being eaten alive with cancer. Brain tumour, spinal tumour, stomach tumour, lung tumour, sternum tumour, bowel tumour, breast tumour.... there’s more, but now you have an understanding.

This was happening to someone that I couldn’t heal.

When she passed away, I gradually drank less and less.
I’ve personally never have hang ups over myself. If there’s something in my life that’s not going to plan, I assess the situation and make the necessary changes to make it go to plan.

What’s hassling you?

hope mine slowers down ..

did you administer the palliative care ? or did you get off easy ?
Palliative care. I thought that she was going to come home after some respite, so I went on a surf trip overseas that was pre-booked 18 months prior. I said goodbye and that I’d see her at home in a couple of weeks. When I got back, she mumbled that she had had enough, and then went into a coma. She died 4 days later.

so yeah, you got off easy
we don't compare
She initially batted cancer for 4 years, went into remission for 15 years, and then went terminal with a gradual decline over the next 4 years again. She fought hard until the bitter end. What a fucked up and insidious disease.

What’s the comparison?

Nothing man ... nothing
No...out with it. I shared my problem dealing with a huge impact on my life and offering some justification for my excessive drinking in the past. Do me the same?

this isn't the place .. I've been cryptic enough .
my world is falling apart and like you, not one fucking thing I can do about it .. !!

Well PM then if it helps. You’ll be surprised at the amount of compassion I have when it comes to lending an ear. Anyway...hope you get through this one sooner than later.

That's why my original question
I hope so as well, but atm there seems to be no end in sight .
You need a support base maybe? While I was going through my mother’s ordeal, I had my wife to get help me through it. Alcohol just deadened my senses. And forums, particularly Canadian ones (because they seem so pretentious at best) allowed me to let off some steam. Havoc for uninitiated and naive moderators, and fuck the consequences!

sounds like a good woman
I have one as well .. I try my best to shield her.. thus mah drunkin naght times
I will persevere, get through this ..they say stronger in the end .
we'll see .


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I’ve just been researching a few figures on the 1918 Spanish flu from 1918-1920, and the total death toll was around 500 million. A third of the world population, which was a 1.5 Billion estimate.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
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I read an article a long time ago that said once we reach 10 billion in population there wont be enough food to sustain everyone