Adoption not a panacea

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You asked the question

The questions were rhetorical, you fuckin' stooge.

The Leaker blames disproportionately high numbers of coloured kids in foster care on "racist whitey who will not adopt the little coloured babies!!!"

But coloured people can adopt too.

The number of coloured kids entering the foster care system is disproportionately high. The Leaker blaming whites for not adopting coloured kids is laughable.

Again, the number of coloured kids entering the foster care system is disproportionately high.

The Leaker throws out these facts, but is unable to articulate why the situation has developed this way.

Is it maybe because a disproportionately high number of coloured people are unfit to be parents? Is it because of their Thug Life culture? Is it because of their lower average IQ?

The thing is, I know many of these answers. You people cannot handle The Truth.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
The Leaker: "Black and Brown people are over-represented in foster care!!!!"

Me: "So what does that really mean? Why is that the way it is?"

The Leaker: "Who are these coloured people? I am offended."

Admin: "Trummmmmmmpppppp!!!!!!!"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It's been well established that anti-choice people do not care about born children. They applaud laws that hurt children all the time: anti-welfare, anti-education, anti-school fucking lunch, anti-single payer, anti-gun control, pro-separating families with immigration issues, anti-woman, and anti-fucking choice.



Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
My neighbours temporarily adopt crack/heroin babies from time to time. The last one they had was a cute little blonde kid.

How it works, is the Province decides that the biological parents are unfit, because they are junkies or whatever. The kid is removed, and then for its first two years is placed with people like my neighbours. It's rural and safe out here. If the biological parents can prove they've cleaned up their act, they can have a second chance. Very rarely does this happen though, since crackheads are crackheads. So the kid is given a new identity... The biological parents cannot find them.

Then after the initial two year period has passed, the kid is placed in its forever home. It's a seamless process, with regular contact/communication maintained between its forever home parents, the kid, and my neighbours.


Factory Bastard
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My neighbours temporarily adopt crack/heroin babies from time to time. The last one they had was a cute little blonde kid.

How it works, is the Province decides that the biological parents are unfit, because they are junkies or whatever. The kid is removed, and then for its first two years is placed with people like my neighbours. It's rural and safe out here. If the biological parents can prove they've cleaned up their act, they can have a second chance. Very rarely does this happen though, since crackheads are crackheads. So the kid is given a new identity... The biological parents cannot find them.

Then after the initial two year period has passed, the kid is placed in its forever home. It's a seamless process, with regular contact/communication maintained between its forever home parents, the kid, and my neighbours.

That kind of shit is never, ever seamless. It hurts the kids immeasurably.


Factory Bastard
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theres something weird about men who flip out and crusade over womens rights type o shit the moment a ruling is made

hairdressers in pink smocks,


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
theres something weird about men who flip out and crusade over womens rights type o shit the moment a ruling is made

hairdressers in pink smocks,

Well it changes things Jeannie.

It's too simplistic to claim that nothing has changed nor will.

And although it wont affect me adversely I feel badly for the women who it will.

It also affects things like workplace environments. As if relations between men & women weren't already strained it'll add even more fuel to the fire.

1/2 the population walks around bitter and angry about this Court decision. Just like it was with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Only this time it'll be worse.

Who needs this shit?