An Interview With Flynn

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Alright, before Covid and the protocols, I was a volunteer at an animal shelter called N.O.A.H. It was quite a drive but well worth it. I could only volunteer a few days a week, usually on Friday and Sunday. I really enjoyed myself there knowing that it was a non-kill shelter.

Hmm a kind act and nice gesture if true. I've considered doing this myself, although I'd end up wanting to bring half of the animals home with me.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Alright, before Covid and the protocols, I was a volunteer at an animal shelter called N.O.A.H. It was quite a drive but well worth it. I could only volunteer a few days a week, usually on Friday and Sunday. I really enjoyed myself there knowing that it was a non-kill shelter.

Hmm a kind act and nice gesture if true. I've considered doing this myself, although I'd end up wanting to bring half of the animals home with me.

That was the issue with me as well, I'd leave there half tempted to bring a kitten, dog and cat home everytime to our already full house of pets. That just made my time there more special as I cherished each day there with the different kinds of animals I dealt with. It also helped knowing that each and every one of them would eventually go to a great home. The vetting process there was the most stringent I've ever seen, N.O.A.H. doesn't advertise this but there's a 7 day waiting period for all prospective adopters. They run your name through the State criminal database along with a National database called the NCIC. Any abuse to animals, domestic violence, assault, murders, sex crimes, robbery and or terrorism/treason gets you disqualified. Kind of extreme but I'm sure well worth it. Things like forgery, theft and DUI's of that nature were usually looked at on a case by case basis.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Kindness to animals is normally the sign of a good heart. Anyone who can be cruel to a defenceless creature is capable of anything, including harming you if they get the chance.

Maybe so. My barometer is how my dogs and cats act when someone is around, animals have a sixth sense and will generally let you know if you're dealing with an unsavory character. I have numerous examples of this.

Do you have any pets?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Pets can be weird around strangers though, like some female cats don't like men etc.

I don't have pets now but I had 2 rescue cats with my ex GF. We had just moved into a new flat and she asked me for £100 to get some food shopping and other bits and bobs and when I came home from work I was greeted with 2 kittens peering at me on the couch.

They were terrified of strangers, but that was due to them being rescue animals, some horrible cunt had supposedly tied them up and left them in a skip. The black and white tuxedo cat soon recovered and was normal, but the tortoise shell one was a nervous wreck and evidently scarred for life from the experience. Pretty sure he was semi-retarded too as he fell out of a window once, but luckily we only lived on the 1st floor.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I was mildly wary of all dogs except golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers growing up. We had Eastern Europeans on one side of the fence and Italians on the other, so plenty of Doberman's, German Shepard's, and other aggressive dogs....and as young kids who tried to put fingers through fences, it was burned in my soul to never trust a dog.... except those dopey retrievers....

Even Poodles and Chihuahuas have more cunt in them than a Retriever.

That original fear dissipated as I grew bigger but the wariness has never left.... and that's good.

I've had plenty of ferocious dogs come up to me and nudge my hand for a pat while their owners were present and they were in protect mode.... but I never give them the full pat. Avoiding the ears and making minimal effort, they get a 1-2 second glancing almost unintentionally soft pat and I don't let their prior barking or snarling effect my tiny effort.

This I found was the key.... find your Zen, ignore them mostly, give them hardly any attention but something....stay engaged in fun conversation throughout with the owner, and the meanest dog will melt in your hands as you progressively give it just a little more each time. Eventually you can get down on the floor and wrestle with the pooch.... both our tails wagging...

I got bit only once after that. Another owner peered into his basement, saw the pitbull sleeping, and told me to quietly walk into a different room after him.... except the pitbull was playing dead and snuck up quietly behind me, and between my legs did a beautiful Top Gun reverse groin bite manoeuvre with pivoting head yet adorable eyes looking up.

I slapped him, he let go, and I tried to maintain the prior pace to the room without letting myself think about what just happened. Passed the threshold and ninja slammed the door shut just as he was lunging. The dog was just testing the waters....

Wasn't the dog's fault at that point. The owner had already freaked, started screaming, lost control of the situation.

Had the dog wanted to do damage, it wouldn't have released its jaw after getting bitchslapped. Then the hollow commands and yelling notched up the dog's spidey senses...

I like dogs.... they're easy to understand. Cats are a chamber-pot of chaos.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The stray cat from hell that we adopted.. He is completely besotted with Kurt. He is only alive because I care about dumb animals.

I'll do an update maybe this week!!! Kurt looks like a bogan.. just ignore

The most beautiful girl on the planet... dearly missed..

Cats are great Frood... If this isn't the most perfect tempered cat on the planet I don't know what is...I'll never replace her. Losing is toooo cruel.


The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
My little sub is for those of us that want to be free of politics and repetitive comebacks/spam. Where we can have adult discussions and a little back and forth jabbing minus the personal attacks. So far, so good.

Did ya sort anything about the theme hunny?

As it stands I can hardly read it. :SadFace:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The stray cat from hell that we adopted.. He is completely besotted with Kurt. He is only alive because I care about dumb animals.

I'll do an update maybe this week!!! Kurt looks like a bogan.. just ignore

The most beautiful girl on the planet... dearly missed..

Cats are great Frood... If this isn't the most perfect tempered cat on the planet I don't know what is...I'll never replace her. Losing is toooo cruel.

Some cats are great.... most are fuckwits.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
My little sub is for those of us that want to be free of politics and repetitive comebacks/spam. Where we can have adult discussions and a little back and forth jabbing minus the personal attacks. So far, so good.

Did ya sort anything about the theme hunny?

As it stands I can hardly read it. :SadFace:

I asked but not sure if they replied. Thanks for reminding me. I’ll ask again.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter

Fashion and standard poodles = classier than any other breed of anything else in the world. Don't believe me? Watch this; when the dentist arrives at his clinic, a standard poodle walks right by him - on purpose! Check this gem out, and watch closely at the scripted scene:

Now, compare standard poodles to that stupid looking dog in Prowler's avatar - a dog that few know what those are even called, let alone see them in movies or any competitions, be they beauty contests or athletic competitions. None. Standard poodles always list as one of the smartest breeds of all dogs, Google "dog intelligence ratings" where Poodles score second of all dog breeds:

  • Border Collie. Border Collies consistently top rankings for intelligence in dogs. ...
  • Poodle. ...
  • German Shepherd. ...
  • Golden Retriever. ...
  • Doberman Pinscher. ...
  • Shetland Sheepdog. ...
  • Labrador Retriever. ...
  • Papillon.
Google rankings aren't biased, another drop down list also list Poodles as having the second highest IQ of all dogs too. Google isn't a poodle site, and the one dog smarter than poodles are Border Collie, but those outside flea bags have no fashion sense whatsoever...

- Poodles are so close to text book perfection that they're too good to care.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Mate. Honestly. Purleese stop with that dumbfuck airclaim.

It's getting embarrassing. Derp!

Agreed, being a registered member of that dump is embarrassing. So is getting obviously, publicly all shook up about that airclaim I keep making to see who here actually cared about that lewd spam dumping pit. Observing genuine tard commotion is what I found somewhat worthwhile there, unlike the flame championship I effortlessly won in week two.

I remember you getting all fussy when I divulged my story about my very short stay there; why, you even haughtily declared that you were once a mod there and are proud of yourself for that miraculous lifetime achievement. That's why you incessantly keep calling bullshit on my somewhat honest claim on that dramatic tale - the speck of truth in it clearly irks you the fuck out. Every time.

Easily trolled by a pro *pops first, second, and third collars*, quickly exposed you for actually caring about a site that wasn't even a blip on the internet. Nice goin', faggot - the Ass Box here could use a new mod and your humorous resume as one at a similar forum makes you first in the running for that essential position here. You've certainly got my vote...

- That job would make you more essential than your last one.
Last edited:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

Fashion and standard poodles = classier than any other breed of anything else in the world. Don't believe me? Watch this; when the dentist arrives at his clinic, a standard poodle walks right by him - on purpose! Check this gem out, and watch closely at the scripted scene:

Now, compare standard poodles to that stupid looking dog in Prowler's avatar - a dog that few know what those are even called, let alone see them in movies or any competitions, be they beauty contests or athletic competitions. None. Standard poodles always list as one of the smartest breeds of all dogs, Google "dog intelligence ratings" where Poodles score second of all dog breeds:

  • Border Collie. Border Collies consistently top rankings for intelligence in dogs. ...
  • Poodle. ...
  • German Shepherd. ...
  • Golden Retriever. ...
  • Doberman Pinscher. ...
  • Shetland Sheepdog. ...
  • Labrador Retriever. ...
  • Papillon.
Google rankings aren't biased, another drop down list also list Poodles as having the second highest IQ of all dogs too. Google isn't a poodle site, and the one dog smarter than poodles are Border Collie, but those outside flea bags have no fashion sense whatsoever...

- Poodles are so close to text book perfection that they're too good to care.

It's a bit gay owning a poodle though, fella. But he/she seems to be your pride and joy, so I hope you are both very happy together.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Scoundrel got tossed from his TRF mod job when he moved a post that was nothing but a "dog taking a shit" gif from a match thread. Bra1in became enraged because the "dog taking a shit" gif was fucking high quality flame material at his forum and should never have been removed from the match.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
why, you even haughtily declared that you were once a mod there

Nothing haughty about it pal.

Being a mod anywhere is like being promoted to head portapotty cleaner at Woodstock.

In fact it's easy to compare 'Flame' sites to overcrowded, under planned shit fests.

Pretty much everyone took the Brown Acid and burbled shit for a week (presumably how you 'won' your shiny badge). Somebody has a baby and somebody dies. I guess Brawl Hall was more like Altamont where somebody got shot? I'm not too sure which festival outed P E D O S but I'm sure Gary Glitter would have been the headliner?

But to drunkenly moisten your panties squealing ' I was teh greytest at TRF' when in another breath you also state you were a member of a forum that lasted 7+ years for a whole fuckin month is truly an embarrassment even by your standards.

Bra1n purposely fucked the site over a 2 year period and yeah, I think some of that was down to his paranoia at getting busted by the Net Patrol but who's to say what went on in that nigger's mind?

Most of the people here have little or no experience of 'Flame' sites whatsoever and really couldn't give a shit so why do you care what folk may think of your past achievements? It's like having your prize poodle *Faggot* win best leg humper at a truckers fair then posting a pic of dog spunk on your leg to a crowd full of vegan Koreans.

If you were a Brawl Hall alumni it may explain how your sexual preferences got Rotwanged though. BH was Flaming in a porn mag. FC had the better content without having to wade through a plethora of cunt pics and casino Ponzi schemes before you hit the main board.

If you're so intent on proving your worth here then sober up and post something that makes people laugh. You're shock tactics were passe in 2010 and they haven't aged well.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Scoundrel got tossed from his TRF mod job when he moved a post that was nothing but a "dog taking a shit" gif from a match thread. Bra1in became enraged because the "dog taking a shit" gif was fucking high quality flame material at his forum and should never have been removed from the match.

Hm. As a mod I had no access to a real panel and once the mistake had been noted it would have been the easiest of actions to replace said magnificent flamage. Instead a general hooha ensued. It turned out well though as it was Bra1n's final nail in the coffin as it confirmed my suspicions as to who was running the Stan troll. I think Bra1n went slightly mental at the end. He could have left Flametown with a good reputation and having run probably one of the longest lived and busiest sites. Instead he's remembered as captaining the ship of a royal clusterfuck.

Niggers are as Niggers do eh?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
Has anyone broken this news to Poark? She's been busy rearranging her personal resume to include her life changing promotion

Flynn's vocabulary has also been stretched beyond the rabid dog in a rusty acid bath verse. If they actually have any control over their subs I'm awaiting the first instance of panel abuse when things turn ugly.

I doubt i'll be waiting too long.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Has anyone broken this news to Poark? She's been busy rearranging her personal resume to include her life changing promotion

Flynn's vocabulary has also been stretched beyond the rabid dog in a rusty acid bath verse. If they actually have any control over their subs I'm awaiting the first instance of panel abuse when things turn ugly.

I doubt i'll be waiting too long.
When you were homeschooled in a barn and your parents started out as cojoined twins what do you expect?

A Rhodes scholar?