Libtard? See ya round, moron. Had enough of your sour brand of bullshit. Clearly your ethics and mine are oil and water.Hey racist - Why not admit you're a playbook libtard non-thinky troll type?
.You brought race into a discussion where it has no place and tried to use it to defend a religion with a 1400 year of violent aggression wherever it is found. Here it was again, right on the heals of the same sort of attack in Germany. But oh yes, lets not find islam culpable...that would be racist. Grow up, jack. Think, and quit being a playbook libtard. It's no better than being a playbook contard. But hey, if you want to persist I will be happy to continue schooling you.
btw, since you are so learned - what is the pillars of islam? Do they not imply practices?
. Did you not say that some muslims do not practice islam, before attempting to blow smoke up my ass about sufism? My advice to you, jack. You don't know about something...STFU.
Oh and PS:...again. What race is islam?
be well.