At Least 10 People Killed On New Orleans’ Bourbon Street After Car Drives Into Crowd Officials Say


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
Hey racist - Why not admit you're a playbook libtard non-thinky troll type?
.You brought race into a discussion where it has no place and tried to use it to defend a religion with a 1400 year of violent aggression wherever it is found. Here it was again, right on the heals of the same sort of attack in Germany. But oh yes, lets not find islam culpable...that would be racist. Grow up, jack. Think, and quit being a playbook libtard. It's no better than being a playbook contard. But hey, if you want to persist I will be happy to continue schooling you.

btw, since you are so learned - what is the pillars of islam? Do they not imply practices?
. Did you not say that some muslims do not practice islam, before attempting to blow smoke up my ass about sufism? My advice to you, jack. You don't know about something...STFU.

Oh and PS:...again. What race is islam?
Libtard? See ya round, moron. Had enough of your sour brand of bullshit. Clearly your ethics and mine are oil and water.

be well.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
Libtard? See ya round, moron. Had enough of your sour brand of bullshit. Clearly your ethics and mine are oil and water.

be well.
See yeh, poser.

Oh but wait - your ethics? You want to make excuses for a religion which promotes violence towards others and the individuals who carry out those orders. Yeah...yer real ethical.
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An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Thread to Holliday.

jack's injection of race into the discussion was typical Libtardism, as Holly pointed out, as well as a bit desperate and quite pathetic.

I did closely skim, so semi-well done on content creation.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
I think you and Doc are more alike than different.
I must admit, I was reading one of his poasts as he went off on Islam and thought for a minute I was reading me. After a brief shudder, I remembered that I hate fishing because it sucks and the world came back into focus.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
I, too, could have been reading you.
Really, Raggs despises islam as he does all radical conservative movements such as MAGA?
.. Otay, good to know.

What's interesting is how certain people, let's call them libs (not Liberals) who claim to oppose rabid conservatism, never have a word of criticism for islam even though it is the most vile, filthy, truly evil radical conservative entity on Earth today (along with MAGA). That's what's interesting.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
Really, Raggs despises islam as he does all radical conservative movements such as MAGA?
.. Otay, good to know.

What's interesting is how certain people, let's call them libs (not Liberals) who claim to oppose rabid conservatism, never have a word of criticism for islam even though it is the most vile, filthy, truly evil radical conservative entity on Earth today (along with MAGA). That's what's interesting.
Considering what total bullshit that is, I'm not surprised that's what you believe. I don't support Islam, I said it was rather insane to punish ALL Muslims for the actions of a few radicalized ones. Your response was "being a muslim means you had to be radicalized, or some such.

Complete bullshit. Radical Islam needs to be eradicated. People who drive trucks into crowds shouting "Allah Akbar" need to be shot on sight.

I'm sick of radicalized violence whatever it's fomented from. People shouldn't be targets for others beliefs.


Eating your pancakes
Goderator ☠️
Upper US
Considering what total bullshit that is, I'm not surprised that's what you believe. I don't support Islam, I said it was rather insane to punish ALL Muslims for the actions of a few radicalized ones. Your response was "being a muslim means you had to be radicalized, or some such.

Complete bullshit. Radical Islam needs to be eradicated. People who drive trucks into crowds shouting "Allah Akbar" need to be shot on sight.

I'm sick of radicalized violence whatever it's fomented from. People shouldn't be targets for others beliefs.
and btw since you can only relate to people once you've labeled them to your satisfaction I'm an independent fiscal conservative that leans liberal. Dont spend more than you have. Equal rights for all.