Blowback from Texas abortion BS continues to mount


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^ it’s a constitutional right upheld Supreme Court ruling

omg this is fucking painful *face palms @ you… you… you hysteria*
Yea, I'm sure the founders totally intended for whores to be able to rip a 6 month old baby apart long after feeling regret for taking a heavy load to the twat by some random dude at a bar on a one night stand! Sounds legit!

What century are you living in exactly, Puritan wannabe? But more importantly, why do you care so much about what nameless and faceless many are doing that the taxpayers of this nation will inevitably have to support?

You do realize that states are starting to purchase savings bonds for children born into poverty because their parents are too big of fuck ups to know better….. ?

Then YOU support all these unwanted babies, Captain Save a Hoe… make sure they become upstanding citizens and not a burden like their parents already are.
You're completely full of shit, tramp.

IF there were shitloads of unwanted babies and the adoption process were easy, people wouldnt be taking $30K in cash with the to China to buy kids.

If abortion was rare and only in the very early stages of fertilization, we wouldnt have pics of dismembered, fully developed, normal children.

If women werent using abortion as birth control (birth control is 100% free in this country for low income "birthing bitches"), my friend who works for the State of Illinois wouldnt have cases where women had 3 abortions in just 2 months, i.e, 2 in a single fucking month!

America was sold abortion on demand on the belief that it would be very very rare and only used to destroy a pregnancy in the first weeks of pregnancy. YOU assholes pushed for it to be available right up until the end of pregnancy. Of course the shock of that shit was gonna come home to roost, idiot! You make me sick, tramp! Its good to see you hoes about to get your asses locked up until you give birth. Maybe we could start a taliban outreach program for you tramps. A bit of religion being good for the soul and all. You liberal slunts do like coddling muhzies still, right?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

NO it’s not, you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment.

You are too fucking stupid to live.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
^^^^ I'm guessing dumb whores like Murdock dont wanna spend all that money getting their roast beef sammie restored only to have some baby come along and fuck it all up like a 10 car pile up again!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

See how sociopathic they are?

They are disgusting, heartless mutants and shouldnt be worried about the laws other people pass while women in their own states are being forced to share prison cells with men

They dont think though. They parrot common propaganda and rage. It's the only two things they do. They literally view themselves as the righteous judges of everything who have superior insight and they dont need to reflect on their own "stances". Or take human life seriously.

They will interact to tell you why they are right and spew venom if they fail to support any of their bad arguments. They dont see at all how imposing on another state is authoritarian.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

See how sociopathic they are?

They are disgusting, heartless mutants and shouldnt be worried about the laws other people pass while women in their own states are being forced to share prison cells with men

They dont think though. They parrot common propaganda and rage. It's the only two things they do. They literally view themselves as the righteous judges of everything who have superior insight and they dont need to reflect on their own "stances". Or take human life seriously.
I'd love to see you be able to take all that anti abortion info back to the 70's and share with the public. The public had a better sense of morality then. They would have burned the fukin SCOTUS down!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Thinking a bit more about this, I'm reminded that libtards forced us to remove The Bible and prayer from public school, things that were part of the public school system from its inception, which caused a tidal wave of degeneracy, and of course libs force us through the courts to accept and accommodate the tidal wave of degeneracy. All the while these cunts scream that the country keeps moving to the right so we need more leftism. Yea well all we've done socially is moved left for 150 fukin years, fukin liars!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

See how sociopathic they are?

They are disgusting, heartless mutants and shouldnt be worried about the laws other people pass while women in their own states are being forced to share prison cells with men

They dont think though. They parrot common propaganda and rage. It's the only two things they do. They literally view themselves as the righteous judges of everything who have superior insight and they dont need to reflect on their own "stances". Or take human life seriously.
I'd love to see you be able to take all that anti abortion info back to the 70's and share with the public. The public had a better sense of morality then. They would have burned the fukin SCOTUS down!


If only. We always want to believe that with advancement and education, that people will adjust their views around the facts.

These sociopaths would get rid of facts and block advancements to push their partisan abortion stance. They would openly continue to blatantly LIE to women.

Pro abortion cretins fight SAFETY standards, claiming its "undo burden". They intentionally block full informed consent.

It's not about women or rights. It's about money. Flat out. Corporate elites make billions on abortion. Politicains are even bought(including pro life ones). Its a cash cow.

These dumb pro abortionists are a marketing campaign. They go the distance to ignore facts, fight safety standards, allow clinics to continuously fail to report rape(and they go further and pass laws allowing MINORS to get abortions with NO parents knowing....of course, many parents FORCE their daughters to abort....but this no parent thing is to protect RAPISTS while making money on abortion).

They simply dont care about the abuse or poor practices or anything that happens in reality as a result of abortion. They are a perfect corporate meatsheild to make sure women continue being abused, assaulted, injured and coerced.

They are heartless shills. Watch eventually they'll get tax funded abortions to women in prisons and theyll feel like heros of "womyns rights". They have no love or care for human beings on a human level. They just want their way regardless of the outcomes and dont think they should have to work with other people in the country. It's all about THEM.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement. Perfect little corporate grunts.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*
Nice hysterical outrage, tramp! If parents dont take care of their kids, take em away. If you dont want to raise a kid, its easier than ever to give it away. There are years long lines of people waiting to adopt babies. YEARS! As far as voting against school lunches, you overly dramatic gutter whore, WE GIVE FREE FOOD ALREADY! If you cant get up and make your kid lunch, take the kid away. Simple, really. Sorry if I didnt hit all of the unassociated points you were trying to muddy the waters with. My ignorant tramp tolerance is low today.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

quantity over quality is never a good plan…


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*
Nice hysterical outrage, tramp! If parents dont take care of their kids, take em away. If you dont want to raise a kid, its easier than ever to give it away. There are years long lines of people waiting to adopt babies. YEARS! As far as voting against school lunches, you overly dramatic gutter whore, WE GIVE FREE FOOD ALREADY! If you cant get up and make your kid lunch, take the kid away. Simple, really. Sorry if I didnt hit all of the unassociated points you were trying to muddy the waters with. My ignorant tramp tolerance is low today.

Oh wow… you just have all the answers and it’s that simple, isn’t it???

Do you even know what child services is like in Texas? Thank GAWD you’re not in charge.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….

I know you wrongly think it but most people do not want to live in a shit hole like L.A. even Santa Monica. I live in California, grew up around La Jolla, and would never chose to live there. It is wonderful you inherited but please stop pemretending you hit a triple when you clearly did not.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Oh, isnt that just a total fukin travesty? They had to drive to get a scrape! OMG!

this is exactly what Roe v Wade was trying to prevent, ignoramus

Stop being stupid. Federalism means each state gets to decide and people can travel to other states if they dislike it. There is nothing either wrong or out of the ordinary here.

How the fuck are you going to tell me that I’m wrong???

I have a tenant in Texas who came to me because her daughter is about to lose custody of her granddaughter. I reached out to several of my friends here who work to reunite families AFTER they complete drug rehabilitation and they all advised that Texas is the worst state of them all. Kids are murdered there constantly while in protective services.

You’re not even a real parent. Your opinion means zero outside of your obvious political agenda.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….

I know you wrongly think it but most people do not want to live in a shit hole like L.A. even Santa Monica. I live in California, grew up around La Jolla, and would never chose to live there. It is wonderful you inherited but please stop pemretending you hit a triple when you clearly did not.
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….

I know you wrongly think it but most people do not want to live in a shit hole like L.A. even Santa Monica. I live in California, grew up around La Jolla, and would never chose to live there. It is wonderful you inherited but please stop pemretending you hit a triple when you clearly did not.

you couldn’t afford to live here if you wanted to


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*
Nice hysterical outrage, tramp! If parents dont take care of their kids, take em away. If you dont want to raise a kid, its easier than ever to give it away. There are years long lines of people waiting to adopt babies. YEARS! As far as voting against school lunches, you overly dramatic gutter whore, WE GIVE FREE FOOD ALREADY! If you cant get up and make your kid lunch, take the kid away. Simple, really. Sorry if I didnt hit all of the unassociated points you were trying to muddy the waters with. My ignorant tramp tolerance is low today.

They view people who are not as priviledged as they are as less valuable and as disposable.

If someone is facing difficult circumstances they think that person was better off dead. The only people who should live are those with ideal homes. They hate adoption too.

So we should just inhumanely kill human beings and letting wealthy elites get wealthier by SELLING abortion, mostly to impoverished black women. Impoverished people period. It's such a sacred thing that abortion clinics shouldnt even have to give full information or be up to basic standards. You dont even have to be nurse to give drugs or perform procedures(yep that happens too).

So that middle/upper class leftists dont have to be bothered or bummed out by the struggles of others.....its better if these people are tossed in medical waste bins and never born.

That's why you never see these people helping any outreach efforts for women in crisis. Shit they dont even KNOW what's available for women in crisis. They donr need to know. Theyll make sure your boyfriend will get his way and dump you at the clinic (pretty much the biggest reason why abortions happen....the man pressures for it by hammering down why it's a "bad time") and tell themselves they fight for "womyns rights" while voting away our sex based rights.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How backwoods, inbred, country bumpkin does one have to be to actually believe that being a total POS in every arena of life while serving a *cough* Christian “GOD” and impeding on the rights of everyone else in this nation by attempting a hostile takeover of the courts in one state is going to get you into heaven???

You both are fuckin NUTS :Crazy:
What kind of sick fuk of a dirty whore fights for ripped apart babies in a bucket? YOU!

You sound like a disgruntled man who was trapped into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy… who now wants revenge in the form of force feeding your religion on the masses. Thank GAWD we have a constitution protecting us from dumb fuck hicks cracked out on Jesus:LOL3:
Wait, a bad marriage "trapped by kids" makes me want to force kids on others? Did you fall off your mattress and bump your dead head, bitch? And BTW, the Constitution is silent on ripping babies from the womb but the entire government is founded upon God given inalienable rights. I'm guessing God isnt pro abortion, skank.

no it’s not you ignorant fucktard… it’s protected by our right to privacy with all things concerning medical treatment

You are too fucking stupid to live.
LMFAO! OK, killing babies is now "medical treatment"! Good one, skank!

I have never had an abortion… I’m just not going to dilude myself into this kumbaya trance of retardation believing that these pieces of shit deserve to be parents *rolls eyes*

But you go ahead and let the Republitard party drag you around by the nostrils thinking that you’re more important than you actually are, you savage piece of dog shit who voted against free lunches in school and is against health insurance for everyone.

In the interum, my state has to endure your BS in the form of its poor who would rather come here and be homeless than stay in your neck of the woods.

Maybe after we go back to infiltrating society with all these unwanted children that we can implement the RepubliTARD work for welfare AGAIN… cause that didn’t churn out children shooting them selves and others with guns while their mom’s worked 60+ hour weeks. But hey, as long as they don’t take away your right to conceal and carry *rolls eyes*
Nice hysterical outrage, tramp! If parents dont take care of their kids, take em away. If you dont want to raise a kid, its easier than ever to give it away. There are years long lines of people waiting to adopt babies. YEARS! As far as voting against school lunches, you overly dramatic gutter whore, WE GIVE FREE FOOD ALREADY! If you cant get up and make your kid lunch, take the kid away. Simple, really. Sorry if I didnt hit all of the unassociated points you were trying to muddy the waters with. My ignorant tramp tolerance is low today.

They view people who are not as priviledged as they are as less valuable and as disposable.

If someone is facing difficult circumstances they think that person was better off dead. The only people who should live are those with ideal homes. They hate adoption too.

So we should just inhumanely kill human beings and letting wealthy elites get wealthier by SELLING abortion, mostly to impoverished black women. Impoverished people period. It's such a sacred thing that abortion clinics shouldnt even have to give full information or be up to basic standards. You dont even have to be nurse to give drugs or perform procedures(yep that happens too).

So that middle/upper class leftists dont have to be bothered or bummed out by the struggles of others.....its better if these people are tossed in medical waste bins and never born.

That's why you never see these people helping any outreach efforts for women in crisis. Shit they dont even KNOW what's available for women in crisis. They donr need to know. Theyll make sure your boyfriend will get his way and dump you at the clinic (pretty much the biggest reason why abortions happen....the man pressures for it by hammering down why it's a "bad time") and tell themselves they fight for "womyns rights" while voting away our sex based rights.

50 years ago you would have been deemed unfit by the courts and sterilized…. so….


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….

I know you wrongly think it but most people do not want to live in a shit hole like L.A. even Santa Monica. I live in California, grew up around La Jolla, and would never chose to live there. It is wonderful you inherited but please stop pemretending you hit a triple when you clearly did not.

Why does she try to make every discussion about her whatever? What does her inheritance or job or any of that have to do with ANY of the POLITICAL discussions they get brought into? Lmao.

NONE of that makes her right. And it absolutely doesnt make her smarter or better than anyone either regardless she thinks otherwise.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Here is a study showing a decline in empathy among the "educated" elitists on the left. They think they have their stances because they are "mOrE eDuCaTeD". Really they are just self important sociopaths with entitlement.

"Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students – Twenty One Toys"
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The left doesn’t care about your unwanted pregnancies because we have to deal with them in the form of homeless drug addict tent camps. DUH.

But go pump out a few more… isn’t it time for school to let out? *rolls eyes @ halfassed motherhood*
You should move your ass south of the 10 so you can be surrounded with bums, dumb ass.

^^^ zip code envy LOLzzzzz

But it’s not even bad south of me… so….

I know you wrongly think it but most people do not want to live in a shit hole like L.A. even Santa Monica. I live in California, grew up around La Jolla, and would never chose to live there. It is wonderful you inherited but please stop pemretending you hit a triple when you clearly did not.

Why does she try to make every discussion about her whatever? What does her inheritance or job or any of that have to do with ANY of the POLITICAL discussions they get brought into? Lmao.

NONE of that makes her right. And it absolutely doesnt make her smarter or better than anyone either regardless she thinks otherwise.

I didn’t bring it up…. lokmar and oerdin did:LOL3:

quick! Put me in my place and back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant before your entire argument collapses