California's say NO to recall

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs

I haven’t seen a homeless person anywhere near my neighborhood tbh. I saw one in the market near the MTV headquarters and an armed security guard was following him. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seattle was sooooo much crazier.

How would you feel if someone came along and shitted right there, there in front of your ivory tower? Would you be upset?

it’s a beach shack

But I have a pooper scooper, a pressure washer and a very large boyfriend who would kick their ass tbh

But why would he kick their ass? Don't they have a right to be there shitting all over your sidewalk and leaving their needles around ? What are you, a right wing fucking finantic or something?

he would kick their ass on principal… he would probably kick the ass of a dog walker who left a turd on my lawn too, so there is that

Is he seeing a therapist for these aggressions? I mean, what principle could you possibly cite as a justifiable reason to assualt someone who just shitted on your lawn?

yes he has gone to therapy… he is a former navy seal who has killed people… he won’t give me specifics because he knows it will upset me… but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to shit like disrespect

He will not give you specifics because it is not as impressive as you might think it is.

How many guys about his size have you seen him square off with in what seems like a fair fight?

He will not give me specifics because he is a gentleman and treats me like his princess.

I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street. It’s his presence that is most intimidating.

I’ve known him since 1991. I’ve never seen him in a fight. He is very reasonable and well liked.

5.0 on the dismount


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
It would be cheaper to let them have all the free drugs they want and see them die happy.

You mean encourage them to overdose?

Yes. I wouldn't put a gun to anyone's head, but hey, if you want these drugs, well have at it.

Christians always want to “save” everyone.

But you can’t rehabilitate someone who doesn’t want to stop using… just like you can’t force someone to participate in society.

Saving while looking down on them is right wing "virtue signaling".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs

I haven’t seen a homeless person anywhere near my neighborhood tbh. I saw one in the market near the MTV headquarters and an armed security guard was following him. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seattle was sooooo much crazier.

How would you feel if someone came along and shitted right there, there in front of your ivory tower? Would you be upset?

it’s a beach shack

But I have a pooper scooper, a pressure washer and a very large boyfriend who would kick their ass tbh

But why would he kick their ass? Don't they have a right to be there shitting all over your sidewalk and leaving their needles around ? What are you, a right wing fucking finantic or something?

he would kick their ass on principal… he would probably kick the ass of a dog walker who left a turd on my lawn too, so there is that

Is he seeing a therapist for these aggressions? I mean, what principle could you possibly cite as a justifiable reason to assualt someone who just shitted on your lawn?

yes he has gone to therapy… he is a former navy seal who has killed people… he won’t give me specifics because he knows it will upset me… but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to shit like disrespect

He will not give you specifics because it is not as impressive as you might think it is.

How many guys about his size have you seen him square off with in what seems like a fair fight?

He will not give me specifics because he is a gentleman and treats me like his princess.

I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street. It’s his presence that is most intimidating.

I’ve known him since 1991. I’ve never seen him in a fight. He is very reasonable and well liked.

5.0 on the dismount

Hates peaches, uses his concept. Just precious.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet

Seriously saying stupid shit like that without ever meeting an individual.

after saying he would walk down my street just to let his dog shit in my yard… like what is up with this machismo BS lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet

Seriously saying stupid shit like that without ever meeting an individual.

after saying he would walk down my street just to let his dog shit in my yard… like what is up with this machismo BS lol



Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.
LMFAO! You disingenuine lying gutter slut. Is that why cali has all those sanctuary cities? Is that why you people screamed "RAYCIS" at the top of your lungs over immigration reform? PWN3D!

For your meltdown:

Yea, it hurts when you get called out on your blatant bullshit! Its california thats to blame with openly declaring its defiance of federal immigration law. Bitch, you've been dismissed once again! PWN3D!

you really channeled your inner sassy black tranny with this one bwahahhha

I’m mildly impressed
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stop serving ketchup on a bowl and calling it salsa, refugee
Hey supertramp, set any land speed records yet sailing your cum soaked mattress across LA?

I’m not the jackass who can’t hack it in the wild Wild West. Go curl up with a blanket and suck your thumb in crackerville.
Keep working on it tramp, you'll get there!

You mean get through your cornmaze of Tourette’s shit on the sidewalk strokes this morning?

Here is a hint ~

Speaking of sidewalks

Do they still shit randomly anywhere they want out there in LA?

Or is that still Fache NOOs

I haven’t seen a homeless person anywhere near my neighborhood tbh. I saw one in the market near the MTV headquarters and an armed security guard was following him. He stuck out like a sore thumb.

Seattle was sooooo much crazier.

How would you feel if someone came along and shitted right there, there in front of your ivory tower? Would you be upset?

it’s a beach shack

But I have a pooper scooper, a pressure washer and a very large boyfriend who would kick their ass tbh

But why would he kick their ass? Don't they have a right to be there shitting all over your sidewalk and leaving their needles around ? What are you, a right wing fucking finantic or something?

he would kick their ass on principal… he would probably kick the ass of a dog walker who left a turd on my lawn too, so there is that

Is he seeing a therapist for these aggressions? I mean, what principle could you possibly cite as a justifiable reason to assualt someone who just shitted on your lawn?

yes he has gone to therapy… he is a former navy seal who has killed people… he won’t give me specifics because he knows it will upset me… but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to shit like disrespect

He will not give you specifics because it is not as impressive as you might think it is.

How many guys about his size have you seen him square off with in what seems like a fair fight?

He will not give me specifics because he is a gentleman and treats me like his princess.

I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street. It’s his presence that is most intimidating.

I’ve known him since 1991. I’ve never seen him in a fight. He is very reasonable and well liked.

5.0 on the dismount

Hates peaches, uses his concept. Just precious.

Are you certain it was his first to begin with? Lol

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Backpedal Alert!!!!!

It would be cheaper to let them have all the free drugs they want and see them die happy.

You mean encourage them to overdose?

Yes. I wouldn't put a gun to anyone's head, but hey, if you want these drugs, well have at it.

You are full of hate.

Typical Democrat.

I don't hate. I shitpost. One day you might just understand. But I won't hold my breath.

Oh, so you would not want them to overdose.

Then what is your real stance? Does it scare you to be honest?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

I agree, you need therapy. You think you're an expert on dogs and people. Do you have a MD/DVM, and MTV?!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Backpedal Alert!!!!!

It would be cheaper to let them have all the free drugs they want and see them die happy.

You mean encourage them to overdose?

Yes. I wouldn't put a gun to anyone's head, but hey, if you want these drugs, well have at it.

You are full of hate.

Typical Democrat.

I don't hate. I shitpost. One day you might just understand. But I won't hold my breath.

Oh, so you would not want them to overdose.

Then what is your real stance? Does it scare you to be honest?


I was honest. I shitpost.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

the dogs are owned by his father who lives in our neighborhood


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

the dogs are owned by his father who lives in our neighborhood

Don't tell that malcontent jack shit. He's going to now say that your guy beats them.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet

Seriously saying stupid shit like that without ever meeting an individual.

after saying he would walk down my street just to let his dog shit in my yard… like what is up with this machismo BS lol



Let the Group Therapy Session commence.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

I agree, you need therapy. You think you're an expert on dogs and people. Do you have a MD/DVM, and MTV?!

my father is a hobby breeder and I’ve been around dogs and an owner myself since I was a little girl lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

I agree, you need therapy. You think you're an expert on dogs and people. Do you have a MD/DVM, and MTV?!

my father is a hobby breeder and I’ve been around dogs and an owner myself since I was a little girl lol

Yeah, but are you CANADIAN?!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
With all the screeching and fluffing we still have yet to see a single thing that Newsom has done for the people of his state.

Oh, and shitting on sidewalks is totally uncouth


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
With all the screeching and fluffing we still have yet to see a single thing that Newsom has done for the people of his state.

Oh, and shitting on sidewalks is totally uncouth

The profundity of your ignorance is not my problem. If I wanted that problem, I would move to Fl.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’ve watched German shepherds cower when he walks down the street.

They must sense that he is unstable.

you can assume what you want about a person you will never meet
It is not an assumption.

When a dog cowers, it is because they sense that they are in danger.

It is not because they are in the presence of a strong leader, like you are hoping. When in the presence of a strong, stable alpha, dogs will show respect and will actually be more relaxed because there is structure. Or, if they are an alpha dog that feels challenged, they will show confidence, maybe even dominance, and maybe even aggression.

But a dog cowering from someone who has not overtly threatened them has for sure sensed that the person is unstable.

It might be time for more therapy.

the dogs are owned by his father who lives in our neighborhood

Don't tell that malcontent jack shit. He's going to now say that your guy beats them.

I’m still laughing over his post declaring that he wants to fight my boyfriend to test his manhood:LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
With all the screeching and fluffing we still have yet to see a single thing that Newsom has done for the people of his state.

Oh, and shitting on sidewalks is totally uncouth

The profundity of your ignorance is not my problem. If I wanted that problem, I would move to Fl.
We don't have people shitting all over the streets here.

Does that trouble you? Feeling at home in all that shit? lolz


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.

Did you sleep at ToonTown?! I'm so jealous!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
With all the screeching and fluffing we still have yet to see a single thing that Newsom has done for the people of his state.

Oh, and shitting on sidewalks is totally uncouth

The profundity of your ignorance is not my problem. If I wanted that problem, I would move to Fl.
We don't have people shitting all over the streets here.

Does that trouble you? Feeling at home in all that shit? lolz

I see you're now switching from "obtuse" troll to "redundant" troll. :ThumbsUp1:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.

Did you sleep at ToonTown?! I'm so jealous!!
You cant afford it. PWN3D!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
With all the screeching and fluffing we still have yet to see a single thing that Newsom has done for the people of his state.

Oh, and shitting on sidewalks is totally uncouth

The profundity of your ignorance is not my problem. If I wanted that problem, I would move to Fl.
We don't have people shitting all over the streets here.

Does that trouble you? Feeling at home in all that shit? lolz

I see you're now switching from "obtuse" troll to "redundant" troll. :ThumbsUp1:
The only thing redundant is how much you'll actually piss whine and moan to defend people shitting on your streets but then take offense when they start doing it close to where you live.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can I remind everyone that Loktard brought his family to California on vacation and took them on a tent city tour?

I mean, that's like the best thing I read today. LMFAO...
Yea, nice try, tramp. We went there to visit my homestate and where many of my peeps are buried as I've said many times before. We also went to Disneyland and California Adventure and visited Hollyweird, because who doesnt do that on a first time Cali Trip. Seeing all your street shitters wasnt the primary reason. However, IMO, it was an excellent opportunity to let em see it all with their own eyes. We wound up driving from Hollyweird to LAX on the city streets because it was faster than getting on the 101 where we were. THATS when we wound up seeing how bad your street shitter problem really is!!!

I guess it's cheaper than going to Universal Studio.
Thats 100% incorrect. We stayed at The Disneyland Hotel. Ya dipshit.


You boasting?!
Yea. Disneyland is more expensive than Universal. Now in Florida, I prefer to stay at Universal for at least 2 days at the Royal Pacific because you get the express pass upgrade for staying there. Universal Florida is only good for about 2.5 days and then I've done everything.

Did you sleep at ToonTown?! I'm so jealous!!
You cant afford it. PWN3D!

Sure loktard, only you can afford Disney... :Awesomeness: