Confederates were Patriots, Antifa and BLM are SCUM of the Earth!


Have kink will travel.
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I'd like to see how Lotusbud fares if she was still living in California when a Chinese satellite passed over and an atmospheric burst of EMP fried most unprotected systems in a circumference around her.

What we should do? Who would she go to? How much would she help out the neighbours?

I think about that shit, a LOT. The possibility of an EMP here. I would do ok for the most part. Kinda like camping lol. Society isnt prepared for it. And they would turn on each very quickly.

We should make sure we can all make contact in the event some shit hits the fan.

Just so that we all have people.

We all may have to form some sort of commune in the future and make sure we dont end up like the Davidians :D

My husband and I were arguing about what would happen if DC got nuked lol

Carrier pigeons. Thats how we'll communicate lol.

I've talked to family and friends before about a situation like that, where we would all meet in the event of something. We all had our own unique abilities to aid one another too. Like medical, or gardening, or weaponry, or construction, or cooking, or inventory, etc.

Nontransister based radios and transmitters would still work. As long as you had a local power source and didn't blow a vacuum tube. BTW I have five from the Korean War. Sadly, none of them work and my generator only lasts as long as the gasoline in it lasts.

So still not an ideal solution.

Even if you had the fuel....fuel, even treated with stabilisers, goes bad eventually.

Far better to stuff a bunch of solar panels, various smaller motors and alternators, pll radios, nicad and lithium batteries, pumps, portable fridges/freezers and whatever tx devices you'd want for later in a well insulated and sealed steel Faraday box with desiccant, then place it in a basement and forget about it.

...and electric components for repair, if you want to be ocd...


Factory Bastard
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The most annoying thing about the old vacuum tube radios is if they sit unused for a while then you plug them in there is around a 50% chance one of several dozen vacuum tunes will probably pop. It os a full time job to keep these 70 year old machines running and now days the only way to get parts is to buy another example of the radio, if you can find one, because absolutely no one has the parts.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.

So unfair!


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
I like how libertarians are "alt right" now.

That alone tells you how far left things have gone. These people are channeling Stalin.

I'm a classical liberal... I believe you and Blazor and even Biggie are too... hell, I'd even say Shampain and Scouse are, amongst others. @Bastard Factory and @Addie seem like classical liberals... so many...

So why do so many of us live and let live types (sorry if I didn't mention your names), have to deal with these monumental onslaughts against rhyme and reason?

It's fucking retarded.
I was a registered Democrat for years. I am registered Republican now. I was young and dumb voted for Clinton and boy I learned from that.


Factory Bastard
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I try to read/watch a wide variety of sources including ines which I mostly disagree with. At worst it helps me understand what the other side is saying so I can better argue against it but every once in a while you do find one of them making sense. This guy who runs V-Radio is a Democratic Socialist (which is really just socialist) but he is at least a supporter of nonviolence and has done some wonderful breakdown videos on Rittenhouse (he supported Rittenhouse's right to self defense) and another on the Antifa murderer in Portland (where he clearly shows it was just murder committed by Antifa terrorists.

Watch this video on why BLM and Antifa's tactics are counter productive and do amount to terrorism.



Domestically feral
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United states

Why would you post that? You people are doing the exact opposite of trying to reunite the US. You are constantly posting about a new civil war. That's the ultimate in hatred of your fellow Americans. You are an evil creature with an "Aw, shucks, aren't I cute" veneer.

Excuse me? Have you been isolated? Hello? Reality calling, RING RING RING!

I hope that when you speak of "you people doing the opposite of reuniting", I hope you are speaking of these people....


Anarchists and opportunists who show up at protests do not equal protesters. Please learn just some basic critical thinking skills. I don't believe in wreaking havoc during a demonstration, and I am not making excuses for it. But I am sick of people with no powers of discernment claiming that all protesters and protests are violent. It's just not true. That's click bait shit.

Haha, you crack me up sometimes.

I want you to read that first sentence you typed again..... "Anarchists and opportunists who show up at protests do not equal protesters."

Now think about what happened on January 6th.

Lotus: "But thats different!"

No Lotus, I know the difference between an actual peaceful protest, and burning cop cars while stealing Nikes.

No. See, you don't know me. I think the people should be allowed to protest the government, and I have no issue with anyone who was there to peacefully protest. There were a lot of assholes there, though. Those who were breaking the law should be brought to account. Same with BLM protests.

Well, I guess we can agree a lil, this one time :Whatevr2:

I have never once said I agree with looting and violence, at ANY protest. I have called out the looters and anarchists over and over and over. But most of you cons are partisan hacks and you CHOOSE to believe that because I am a progressive, I approve of looting and violence. I DO NOT, nor does anyone I know. You listen to too much right wing propaganda.

I will go to my grave defending ALL Americans' rights to protest the government, law enforcement, and the war machine, AND to maintain the right to free speech. I will not defend the idea of killing your fellow Americans because you disagree with them. Even talking about it is reprehensible and completely un-American, imo.

Um, I do not wish to kill someone cause of disagreement lol, sheesh.

Far left rioters in Portland shot an unarmed man because he was with a prayer group.

He was labeled a white supremacist.

Leftists not only talk about killing those who disagree with them. They do it. Like the girl who said "all lives matter".

After she was shot....blm supporters were harassing her family and trashing her on the internet.

It's disgusting. They run on hate.

Lotus doesnt notice the Civil War has already begun. The only difference is the Patriots have not risen yet. We've seen a few, but we see what happens to them, and how the BLM get a pass or set free in an hour out of jail.

The ONLY war should be American workers against the corporate masters. It should not be American vs American.

Interesting words from someone who called American workers insurrectionists when they went and made the ruling class skerred

And who doesnt condemn the violent BLM/antifa riots. Who do you think those riots hurt, Lotus? The government?

You know the big corporations support BLM and the founders are rich as fuck off the backs of all these innocent people?

You say you want the workers to fight.....but you want it the way YOU think they should. You legit refuse to listen to any American workers unless they are spewing progressive sentiment.

The rest of US workers are evil "cons" and "white supremacists" and morons.

Remember you guys pulling up that graph that showed how more "educated" Americans voted Democrat and the more "uneducated" voted Trump and YOU guys decided that was proof Trump supporters were stupid dummies?

Yeah that was the working class.

You progs are WAY MORE ELITEST than you will ever see or admit.


Domestically feral
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United states
Just to be clear.

That "work from home" journalist or graphic designer living in Seattle paying 2500 dollar rent on a swanky hipster studio is NOT THE WORKING CLASS.

The working class will NEVER want MORE taxes and MORE government.

You guys spew hate at American workers every single day. You just dont see it.

Nearly every American worker I know is promaga. And all those poor bastards like my family wedged firmly between the poverty line and the middle class. Promaga AF.

When the working people form their own party, will hate them. FACT.


Put your glasses on!
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When the working people form their own party, will hate them. FACT.

I've said this for a LONG time. We need WORKING people elected. Not some one that is rich, and takes bribe money from corporations.


Domestically feral
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United states
When the working people form their own party, will hate them. FACT.

I've said this for a LONG time. We need WORKING people elected. Not some one that is rich, and takes bribe money from corporations.

I dont care if that person is rich or not. So long as they represent the people who voted for them and their policies benefit the people.

That's what I look at. I dont give a shit about party affiliation either.

You can only get in there if you are labeled Republican or Democrat, really. Trump had to run Republican even though he first ran as Reform. And they expect whoever runs to conform to this two party game. Now we know what happens when they dont.

Notice how these progs here dont even call out AOC for her shilling? Ridiculous.


Put your glasses on!
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The sacrifices made by the Confederate soldier put the question of motive beyond cavil. There never was a time between Fort Sumter and Appomattox, when, even in the death struggle, the Confederate soldier did not feel that he was fighting for his country—for the legal right to local self-government under the existing constitution made by his fathers. And he never doubted the right to claim for the South an equal share of glory won, and sacrifices made by revolutionary ancestry. He remembered with pride that the first declaration for colonial independence was made at the South, in Mecklenburg, N. C.; that Thomas Jefferson, a Southern man, wrote the Declaration of Independence adopted by our fathers. He remembered that Patrick Henry, another Southern man, when doubt and hesitation had paralyzed the popular heart, raised the battle cry, "Give me liberty, or give me death," and aroused all patriots to decision and action. He also remembered that George Washington, a Southern man, led the army to final victory securing liberty to American colonies; and that when the turning point of the struggle came, Southern heroes from this valley, at King's Mountain, after the misfortune at Camden, turned the tide of war, and were the initial that led to the climax of victory at Yorktown. Such assured historic facts nerved the Confederate on to deeds of valor, and made him a willing sacrifice to his convictions. --- General William B. Bate


Put your glasses on!
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First person accounts are the best way to know what was in the minds and hearts of those who fought for the Southern cause. Only a fool would think some modern day “historian” on the History Channel knows better. Here are the words of a Confederate soldier, Randolph McKim:

“Now with these facts before him, the historian will find it impossible to believe that these men drew their swords and did these heroic deeds and bore these incredible hardships for four long years for the sake of the institution of slavery.
“Everyone who was conversant with the opinions of the soldiers of the Southern Army, knows that they did not wage that tremendous conflict for slavery. That was a subject very little in their thoughts or on their lips. Not one in twenty of those grim veterans, who were so terrible on the battlefield, had any financial interest in slavery.

“No, they were fighting for liberty, for the right of self-government. They believed the Federal authorities were assailing that right. It was the sacred heritage of Anglo-Saxon freedom, of local self-government, won at Runnymede, which they believed in peril when they flew to arms as one man, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande.

“They may have been right, or they may have been wrong, but that was the issue they made. On that they stood. For that they died.”


Factory Bastard
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Additionally, how many threads have been started about CRT? We libs should be melting the fuck down over these never-ending threads.


Put your glasses on!
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How many threads has Blazor posted about the confederacy?

Asking for Oerdin.

Well, I started one initially, but one you soy squad members decided to be a lil pussy bitch and had it moved down to politics, a HISTORY thread, got moved into politics. So now, I'll make as many as I want, so y'all have to see it lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
How many threads has Blazor posted about the confederacy?

Asking for Oerdin.

Well, I started one initially, but one you soy squad members decided to be a lil pussy bitch and had it moved down to politics, a HISTORY thread, got moved into politics. So now, I'll make as many as I want, so y'all have to see it lol.

Yeah, when I post about history and science and religion, my posts are also considered political. Get used to it.


Put your glasses on!
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How many threads has Blazor posted about the confederacy?

Asking for Oerdin.

Well, I started one initially, but one you soy squad members decided to be a lil pussy bitch and had it moved down to politics, a HISTORY thread, got moved into politics. So now, I'll make as many as I want, so y'all have to see it lol.

Yeah, when I post about history and science and religion, my posts are also considered political. Get used to it.


Well, Im gonna continue posting about the Confederacy, get used to it.



Put your glasses on!
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“The fact that one army was fighting for union and the other for disunion is a political expression; the actual fact on the battlefield, in the face of cannon and musket, was that the Federal troops came as invaders and the Southern troops stood as defenders of their homes and further than this we need not go.” General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard
