Day in the Life of an American.


Apparatus Of Satan
☠️Private Forum Access
Rockford, IL
- Wake Up at 4:00 AM to the sound of gunshots.

- Fall back asleep until your alarm rings at 6:00 AM.

- Make a 3 course breakfast of pancakes topped with enough syrup to kill a small child, 4 eggs, and a half pound of bacon. Drink an entire pot of coffee in 45 minutes while watching fox/cnn news.

- Hop in your SUV that is 15 years old and gets 12 miles per gallon, refuel it twice on your 30 minute commute to work at white castle.

- Clock in at 7:02, get written up immediately for being 2 minutes late.

- See your entire crew of 16-21 year old children in the freezer vaping their weed pen.

- Give all of them a final write up for contaminating the food and vaping indoors, only to have it repealed by the general manager because they are Black/Latino. (There was 1 lightskin vaping in the freezer with a bunch of white people).

- You get written up instead for discriminating against employees.

- Finally you get to go to lunch, you are 5 hour into your 10 hour shift.

- Eat 6 sliders and 2 orders of fries with an XL Dr. Pepper.

- Halfway through your break see corporate come through the door, immediately clock back in to pick up the slack for your infantile work force.

- Time to order for drive thru is at 2:15, your storewide goal is 2:30. Corporate tells you that you need to bring it down to 1:50, which is literally impossible because of how long it takes for the speaker to register a car.

- Corporate doesn't care, they promptly walk out and threaten a demotion if you can't make this quota.

- Leave the office only to see a 9 car long drivethru with half of your crew in the bathroom and the other half walked out.

- Run the kitchen by yourself.

- Phone call comes in "well, Daniel, we think that Jamal is actually a better fit for your job, so we are going to need you to step down. Plus, he is autistic AND black! How cool is that?"

- Get home at 9 PM because so many people called off. refuel SUV another 2 times on your commute home.

- You made 42K/year

- You worked 60 hours a week minimum.

- No benefits whatsoever.

- No overtime because you where salaried.

- Look in the mirror and blow your brains out.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
- Wake Up at 4:00 AM to the sound of gunshots.

- Fall back asleep until your alarm rings at 6:00 AM.

- Make a 3 course breakfast of pancakes topped with enough syrup to kill a small child, 4 eggs, and a half pound of bacon. Drink an entire pot of coffee in 45 minutes while watching fox/cnn news.

- Hop in your SUV that is 15 years old and gets 12 miles per gallon, refuel it twice on your 30 minute commute to work at white castle.

- Clock in at 7:02, get written up immediately for being 2 minutes late.

- See your entire crew of 16-21 year old children in the freezer vaping their weed pen.

- Give all of them a final write up for contaminating the food and vaping indoors, only to have it repealed by the general manager because they are Black/Latino. (There was 1 lightskin vaping in the freezer with a bunch of white people).

- You get written up instead for discriminating against employees.

- Finally you get to go to lunch, you are 5 hour into your 10 hour shift.

- Eat 6 sliders and 2 orders of fries with an XL Dr. Pepper.

- Halfway through your break see corporate come through the door, immediately clock back in to pick up the slack for your infantile work force.

- Time to order for drive thru is at 2:15, your storewide goal is 2:30. Corporate tells you that you need to bring it down to 1:50, which is literally impossible because of how long it takes for the speaker to register a car.

- Corporate doesn't care, they promptly walk out and threaten a demotion if you can't make this quota.

- Leave the office only to see a 9 car long drivethru with half of your crew in the bathroom and the other half walked out.

- Run the kitchen by yourself.

- Phone call comes in "well, Daniel, we think that Jamal is actually a better fit for your job, so we are going to need you to step down. Plus, he is autistic AND black! How cool is that?"

- Get home at 9 PM because so many people called off. refuel SUV another 2 times on your commute home.

- You made 42K/year

- You worked 60 hours a week minimum.

- No benefits whatsoever.

- No overtime because you where salaried.

- Look in the mirror and blow your brains out.


I cannot relate to any of that.

Do you take any responsibility for the position you find yourself in?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
For the record, I treat fast food employees with the utmost respect. I see how hard that job can be dealing with entitled idiots that think they're all that. I refuse to be that guy.

Did you not read the OP?

3/4 of the people working there are smoking dope in the freezer and doing next to no work. Why do you respect that?

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Deep Space
Did you not read the OP?

3/4 of the people working there are smoking dope in the freezer and doing next to no work. Why do you respect that?
I did...the OP is full of shit and a hysterical troll whose posts receive little traction.
.. okay - I helped here but only mockingly.
This PoS (so bad) could be a gAylana dual. So sad.
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Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
Did you not read the OP?

3/4 of the people working there are smoking dope in the freezer and doing next to no work. Why do you respect that?
I recognize that maybe they are having addiction issues because of the employment they have. Minimum wage doesn't create an incentive to stay sober.


We want you to like us, say nice things about us.
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I recognize that maybe they are having addiction issues because of the employment they have. Minimum wage doesn't create an incentive to stay sober.

Before you go degrease your fry station, I want you to know that Store #8650 Thinks of you as family!



We want you to like us, say nice things about us.
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you

  • The song is about British laborers who had to find work in Germany due to Thatcher's economic program. cf Mark Knopfler

  • **For the trogs in the audience, sometimes songs are resurrected and given a new meaning.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you think about me?

I mean, not like you hope.

Only when I read your posts. And maybe I get a chuckle out of you for a few seconds after I troll you about one thing or another.

So back to my question to you: Do you think that I am lying about owning a 2023 C8 Corvette, @Admin. ?


We want you to like us, say nice things about us.
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☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I mean, not like you hope.

Only when I read your posts. And maybe I get a chuckle out of you for a few seconds after I troll you about one thing or another.

So back to my question to you: Do you think that I am lying about owning a 2023 C8 Corvette, @Admin. ?
TLDR, you may learn something from this youngsters struggles with being undersized and underhaired.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Do you think that I am lying about owning a 2023 C8 Corvette, @Admin. ?

I am giving you a chance to step up and say it. I know it is scary for you....