Do you believe in god?


Factory Bastard
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Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
Your boobs are really little.
Much like your brain.

Whoa! I bet that witty putdown shuts him up for good! Awesome attack!!!
Why are you even here you have your own site where you can do whatever the fuck you want, post how you want, order people around yet you come here and contribute what ? Not a fucking thing except for telling everyone how they should or shouldn’t post. :facepalm: I mean you clearly don’t enjoy being here you don’t enjoy the other posters so why bother logging in and making everyone else miserable just like that other fucking douche bag who does nothing but complain about rudeness?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Your boobs are really little.
Much like your brain.

Whoa! I bet that witty putdown shuts him up for good! Awesome attack!!!
Why are you even here you have your own site where you can do whatever the fuck you want, post how you want, order people around yet you come here and contribute what ? Not a fucking thing except for telling everyone how they should or shouldn’t post. :facepalm: I mean you clearly don’t enjoy being here you don’t enjoy the other posters so why bother logging in and making everyone else miserable just like that other fucking douche bag who does nothing but complain about rudeness?
Yeah, I’ve never thought he was anything other than a troll Iggy...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Iggy is a pretty cool girl idk why you got a problem with her. You must have a harsh case of the anal roids.

She's outspoken, may smile one moment, then call that same person out for being a bitch the next without hesitation which is sincere and refreshing in a social venue where people are often wearing a poker face, being frenemies, giving passive agressive vibes and all that other phoney shit.

Of course, she ain't told me to fuck off yet though, so.. lol
You are extremely observant. I used to do all that fake ass bullshit but it’s exhausting. Why put up with people that make me uncomfortable or miserable, it wouldn’t make sense. knife wielder just....... man I dunno he seems like serial killer material to me. Probably has a collection of his victim’s noses and cocks glued together on display in his freezer.

The ending deserves the Ray Liotta laugh too but I don't wanna wear out the meme lol.

For the rest.. When I think of all the time wasted from not being straightforward, it's crazy, and not good to keep tensions bottled up. Breaking up with people is a major one where you don't wanna hurt them and I'd dread having that 'It's me, not you.." talk, (whether true or not lol) so I'd do it "tomorrow" and next thing you knew a month went by in my hope they take the hint and drift slowly to avoid all the drama. It's like pulling the bandaid off slooooowly, or going into the cold water slooooowly. But fuck that, yank that bandaid and diving right in, and in reteospect it would have better for all involved.

I saw all that stuff on the other thread and know why you were patient.
It's like this scene where further reasoning is futile.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And the middle eastern god/race traitor logic? To be honest, it's a big stretch for a weak pay off and I'm feeling no shame lol.

Not feelin' it, huh? Maybe you think "Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah" was invented in Pittsburgh or somethin'. Can't help ya with that. Best of luck finding your favorite flavor of crayon, though.
That sounds like lots of words that don't say anything at all, unless you're talking riddles or having a stroke lol.
Maybe take a moment, sharpen up that crayon of yours and try again. :IggyMcLulz:

I'm addressing this: "And the middle eastern god/race traitor logic?"

I'm wondering what confuses you about that. The Abrahamic (that's Jewish, Islamic, and Christian) god originated in the middle east. I'm not sure why you seem to be confused by that or why -- if you insist that gods actually exist -- you're confused by the idea that following the god of other people instead of your own gods is a betrayal of your own gods. I mean, if you believe in this silly-ass shit, then surely you should believe in your own people's gods instead of somebody else's.

I think some atheists only appear to be on the surface. They were raised with religion and the belief that He sees all, pulls all the strings, thus responsible for everything, including tragedy. They're pissed off and they know the thing He despises most isn't killing, lying or stealing, it's denying He exists and they're as loud as they can for their feeling betrayed and forsaken. A lot like spitting at your executioner despite it not altering the outcome, sometimes a FUCK YOU is all you can do. I know it happens because I've felt that myself at times.

Anyway, I wanna clarify that the stuff I was saying about atheists being neurotic obsessive train wrecks wasn't with you in mind, I'm referring to the equivalent of the irritating bible thumping hypocrite who quotes, "thou shalt not judge!", while condemning you to hell in the same breath like who the fuck they are. Or others who donate a big wad into the offering plate so others can see it but wouldn't give a red cent anonymously. I could go on and on there... They claim to be noble and preach, but all they do is taint a pure message that was about love, compassion, tolerance and giving instead of getting, things I aspire for personally but fail every day at, and I'll try again tomorrow.
People are responsible for the evil under its name, not the one who practiced what he preached right to the end and used his last breaths to forgive the ones who nailed him up.
Anyway just saying, blaming Christianity for how its been wielded by men to achieve self serving objectives by hiding behind it is to blame the gun rather than the shooter.

If the theological aspects were removed from the equation, both of the aforementioned extremes would be those same dreaded pain in the asses to everyone and the type we wanna dive in the bushes when we see them coming.
I saw a comment on You Tube recently, "Oh my God, that ship is huge" which triggered some jerk off to immediately chime in, "THERE IS NO GOD, YOU WERE INDOCTRINATED!!", then
when told to fuck off, demanding he be debated lol.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I see your point, and I can well understand it. But it's all beside the point of whether or not a god exists.

Logically, when you factor in parsimony (aka "Ockham's Razor") and the burden of proof, one must logically conclude that a god doesn't exist until its existence is proved. The demand that anyone prove that something doesn't exist is absurd. I can't prove there's no god; by the same token, you can't prove that I am not your god.

Which leaves us with atheist ethics: doing the right thing -- not out of fear, not for a reward, but because it's the right thing to do. You don't need a god for that. Just a moral compass.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
You want to know what's wrong with the Christian god? It's the same as the Jewish god, and the Muslim god. Now some want to contest that, but bullshit. All three of their "holy" texts are linked. Both the Bible and the Qur'an are linked to the Talmud. All the same god, just different versions for different packs of morons. So let's look at Islam, where it's "god's will" for gays to be thrown to their deaths off buildings, for little girls to be married off to skeezy old men, for women to be put to death for the "crime" of having been raped.

And we're supposed to believe that's the height of fucking morality?! That that shit is godly?!


Site Supporter
Your boobs are really little.
Much like your brain.

Whoa! I bet that witty putdown shuts him up for good! Awesome attack!!!
Why are you even here you have your own site where you can do whatever the fuck you want, post how you want, order people around yet you come here and contribute what ? Not a fucking thing except for telling everyone how they should or shouldn’t post. :facepalm: I mean you clearly don’t enjoy being here you don’t enjoy the other posters so why bother logging in and making everyone else miserable just like that other fucking douche bag who does nothing but complain about rudeness?
Yeah, I’ve never thought he was anything other than a troll Iggy...
Who asked ??


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You want to know what's wrong with the Christian god? It's the same as the Jewish god, and the Muslim god. Now some want to contest that, but bullshit. All three of their "holy" texts are linked. Both the Bible and the Qur'an are linked to the Talmud. All the same god, just different versions for different packs of morons. So let's look at Islam, where it's "god's will" for gays to be thrown to their deaths off buildings, for little girls to be married off to skeezy old men, for women to be put to death for the "crime" of having been raped.

And we're supposed to believe that's the height of fucking morality?! That that shit is godly?!

See, there you go again, you calling people morons and making this one smirk at the irony of it.
See, a Christian can identify what he is by simply stating it and an atheist can't do it without taking a shit on someone else. I like that part.