Dow Jones down another 1000 points!


Factory Bastard
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Senile @Joe is going to invest his entire life's savings.

$50 and a stack of Richie Rich comic books.

...and yet. ..the stock market is NOT a Savings Account @The Prowler.

That's the major misconception many people have including onE of this forum's members, @Fashionista .

The market doesn't care how many years a person saved or slaved away at a job. It doesn't care how much they contributed to their RRSPS or 401k plans.

These days it can go poof in an instant like we've witnessed with the recent market mayhem. Worse yet are people who measure their self worth by their 401k plans.

If this market goes down hard like many think it will today's investors many not see their portfolios come back for another 10 years. I know people who lost a lot in the 2008 crash and that's how long it took them to break even with their losses.

It takes a long time to come back from epic crashes @The Prowler.

Here you go, Senile @Joe. Figure out where you stand.

I dunno @The Prowler.

Gotta check!

Maybe a crash will also make collectible comic books affordable again.

It was like $500 USD for a decent collectible marvel comic book. A crash like 2008 might bring down their values considerably.

My collection is worth over $20,000.

I could add a few more. I haven't bought any for several years because the prices were too high.

I actually own one of the rarest comic books in the world.

But thats the problem @The Prowler.

Everything had become way too expensive to afford. What good is a collection of anything if it's priced too high?

So what if your collector car is $1,000,000?

Suppose you wanna buy another collector car but due to inflation and speculation it's $2 million?

Same idea. You cant but that other car you've been salivating over cuz it's simply too high!

Get it? When prices are too high it makes everything less affordable.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Senile @Joe: "My comic book collection is worth too much! I can hardly wait until it loses a lot of value!!"


Hey Senile @Joe, what comic book are you salivating over? Hahahahahaha!!!!!


Factory Bastard
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Bloomberg says they project a 40% drop in stock prices due to the recession and inflation. Dems did this; never forget.


Factory Bastard
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Senile @Joe: "My comic book collection is worth too much! I can hardly wait until it loses a lot of value!!"


Hey Senile @Joe, what comic book are you salivating over? Hahahahahaha!!!!!

I don't care if it falls in value.

I'd like to buy more.

What it's worth now is still way more than what I paid for it.

But it got to be too expensive to buy any more.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Senile @Joe is going to invest his entire life's savings.

$50 and a stack of Richie Rich comic books.

...and yet. ..the stock market is NOT a Savings Account @The Prowler.

That's the major misconception many people have including onE of this forum's members, @Fashionista .

The market doesn't care how many years a person saved or slaved away at a job. It doesn't care how much they contributed to their RRSPS or 401k plans.

These days it can go poof in an instant like we've witnessed with the recent market mayhem. Worse yet are people who measure their self worth by their 401k plans.

If this market goes down hard like many think it will today's investors many not see their portfolios come back for another 10 years. I know people who lost a lot in the 2008 crash and that's how long it took them to break even with their losses.

It takes a long time to come back from epic crashes @The Prowler.

Here you go, Senile @Joe. Figure out where you stand.

I dunno @The Prowler.

Gotta check!

Maybe a crash will also make collectible comic books affordable again.

It was like $500 USD for a decent collectible marvel comic book. A crash like 2008 might bring down their values considerably.

My collection is worth over $20,000.

I could add a few more. I haven't bought any for several years because the prices were too high.

I actually own one of the rarest comic books in the world.

But thats the problem @The Prowler.

Everything had become way too expensive to afford. What good is a collection of anything if it's priced too high?

So what if your collector car is $1,000,000?

Suppose you wanna buy another collector car but due to inflation and speculation it's $2 million?

Same idea. You cant but that other car you've been salivating over cuz it's simply too high!

Get it? When prices are too high it makes everything less affordable.

Maybe we should stop letting Democrats print ever more money? That might be a good start.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Senile @Joe is going to invest his entire life's savings.

$50 and a stack of Richie Rich comic books.

...and yet. ..the stock market is NOT a Savings Account @The Prowler.

That's the major misconception many people have including onE of this forum's members, @Fashionista .

The market doesn't care how many years a person saved or slaved away at a job. It doesn't care how much they contributed to their RRSPS or 401k plans.

These days it can go poof in an instant like we've witnessed with the recent market mayhem. Worse yet are people who measure their self worth by their 401k plans.

If this market goes down hard like many think it will today's investors many not see their portfolios come back for another 10 years. I know people who lost a lot in the 2008 crash and that's how long it took them to break even with their losses.

It takes a long time to come back from epic crashes @The Prowler.

Here you go, Senile @Joe. Figure out where you stand.

I dunno @The Prowler.

Gotta check!

Maybe a crash will also make collectible comic books affordable again.

It was like $500 USD for a decent collectible marvel comic book. A crash like 2008 might bring down their values considerably.

My collection is worth over $20,000.

I could add a few more. I haven't bought any for several years because the prices were too high.

I actually own one of the rarest comic books in the world.

But thats the problem @The Prowler.

Everything had become way too expensive to afford. What good is a collection of anything if it's priced too high?

So what if your collector car is $1,000,000?

Suppose you wanna buy another collector car but due to inflation and speculation it's $2 million?

Same idea. You cant but that other car you've been salivating over cuz it's simply too high!

Get it? When prices are too high it makes everything less affordable.

Maybe we should stop letting Democrats print ever more money? That might be a good start. which case the stock market will still fall. Because the rise of the stock market after 2020 was in large part fuelled by all this money printing which began under Trump & has continued under Biden.

So if they stop or at least slow down the printing press it will still impact the stock market. Cuz all those speculators were depending on US Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to keep printing money and to keep the interest rates low. Those forces were also fueling a real estate boom. But the rise in interest rates should affect that market too.

A bad situation whomever is to blame.

Plus that War in the Ukraine will only make it worse. Not good for stock market investors who at this point are caught between a rock & a hard place.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Senile @Joe's entire comic book collection could not buy a new Honda Civic.


Actually I could if I sold them

I could scan some of these items & post their values if u like @The Prowler. Some of those items are worth thousands of dollars but I bought them for a few hundred when they were cheap.

Truth be known I didn't collect for their value but only as a hobby. Actually I kinda switched to collecting gold and antiques because they're cheaper. Elusive and rare solid gold antique coins are now more affordable than a comic book made out of cheap newsprint which once sold for 10 cents. 1 of a kind paintings by famous artists as well.

Who woulda thunk eh @The Prowler?

I bet there'll be a Lotta good deals to be had in fine art. Imma gonna look out for French art eh, @The Prowler.
Last edited:


I don't care if shareholders and petty investors lose their shirts.
. They should get real jobs in which they produce something of actual tangible value rather than paper and cyber numbers. Fuckin worthless lazy bastards.


Factory Bastard
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Libs cut their own throats by protecting abortion for babies who could be birthed naturally and live without ever seeing the inside of a NICU.

Dow is down nearly a 500 points this morning.... @Lokmar & @The Prowler

Down Baby, Down!

This one's goin down!

What the doctor ordered ta cleanse the system of fake companies & fake assets.

Flush out the fakes I tell ya.

I hope it crashes ta 10,000.

We need it.
LOL! Yea, that biden administrations doing a bang up job, josephine! I'll keep buying guns and ammo. Worth more than gold!

@Lokmar. ...Biden is perhaps one of the nest American presidents of all time!

If the Dow goes down to 10,000 under his watch I applaud him for it.

It just makes it that much easier to invest after a market crash cuz once it hits bottom it has nowhere to go but back up.
Lemme guess: G.W. Bush..."thats different!"