Gee, if your horse shit claim is real can you explain why conservatives donate around 20 times, on average, more money to charity than liberals?
Because they give it all to those twisted mega chruches.
Who's they? I've never given a dime to any of hose turds
Mega churches barely do any charity.
Leftists don't know about anti trafficking work, crisis pregnancy help, adoptions, homeless help, life skills recovery programs Domestic Violence shelters. Et.
The only one of those things that righties give more to is "crisis pregnancy help," in other words, talking someone out of an abortion, and you know it.
Lotus I KNOW the exact opposite. In fact its conservatives running all of.
I have a list if you are interested. Turning Point(not that one), GCH, Night Angel's, AWOL, Choice42 on. There are tons of conservative ran outreaches. I occasionally speak at a few and typically volunteer.
The only leftists that were even donating to one of biggest and best outreaches in my state STOPPED because Eric Trump spent the day there.
There are MORE tons of liberal-run outreach orgs. Way more. You are just talking about what YOU know, not about the overall facts. You're obsessed with anti-abortion groups. What about poverty and homelessness? Fuck that stupid Eric Trump story. Just stop it.
.....There isnt.
All of the leftist orgs are about furthering politics.
And I only addressed crisis pregnancy resources. I actually listed anti trafficking, homelessness, recovery, domestic violence.
Eric Trump actually came to talk to real people. Not even to push politics. And he donated.
Why the anger? I'm being honest. As someone who YOU guys would claim to want to help(at least back when I was suffering and needed help).......the ONLY people available and welcoming were conservatives.
Please list or quote one single right winger HERE who has ever slammed ME because I was addicted to heroin. Or being an ex stripper.
Take a guess who uses those things as insults to degrade me. OR who uses class.
I mean....that kinda says something you know?
I'll add that if I were struggling with my sobriety and for some reason decided to reach out to one of these "cons" here? I know they would care about it sincerely. One of the lefties here would use it against me later. Maybe not you, because I really do not think you are a shit person. Your comrades suck though. And they are fake.