Floriduh-ians are pissing Covid


Have kink will travel.
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Gee, if your horse shit claim is real can you explain why conservatives donate around 20 times, on average, more money to charity than liberals?

Because they give it all to those twisted mega chruches.
Who's they? I've never given a dime to any of hose turds

How much money do you think other righties contribute to mega churhes and other born again hucksters? Come on. Righties aren't helping needy people. They're giving money to hucksters.

How's Haiti doing after the Clinton Foundation got through with them.... lulz

The Clintons aren't liberals. They are corporate whores of the worst kind. Like Donny, only smarter.

There are no true liberals.... even Bernie got his book deal proceeds and multiple homes, yet refused to spread the wealth or give an illegal alien family a place to live...

Liberals are hypocrites.... liberal in name only...
Notice how LotusBogus avoids completely the stark contradiction of her precious squad members currently making waves in news outlets who refuse to wholesale their credibility to this incompetent administration.

Some of the same squad exposed for having multiple rental properties yet pushing collectivism?

Saw that one?

*spits... hypocrite scum.. they're all the same

People forced to eat out of cans from Dollar Tree while Pelosi shows off her gourmet ice cream freezer....
bbbbbuuuuutttttttt.... occupy dummycrats told us all that Trump's advice was to drink bleach

The same sort of Democrats who fled Texas for DC rather than do their jobs.....mask free on a charter, where they infected Pelosi's staff with covid, and a couple of them proceeded to vacation in Europe... (while the remainder begged supporters for toiletries, snacks, and money donations)?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Gee, if your horse shit claim is real can you explain why conservatives donate around 20 times, on average, more money to charity than liberals?

Because they give it all to those twisted mega chruches.
Who's they? I've never given a dime to any of hose turds

How much money do you think other righties contribute to mega churhes and other born again hucksters? Come on. Righties aren't helping needy people. They're giving money to hucksters.

How's Haiti doing after the Clinton Foundation got through with them.... lulz

The Clintons aren't liberals. They are corporate whores of the worst kind. Like Donny, only smarter.

There are no true liberals.... even Bernie got his book deal proceeds and multiple homes, yet refused to spread the wealth or give an illegal alien family a place to live...

Liberals are hypocrites.... liberal in name only...
Notice how LotusBogus avoids completely the stark contradiction of her precious squad members currently making waves in news outlets who refuse to wholesale their credibility to this incompetent administration.

Some of the same squad exposed for having multiple rental properties yet pushing collectivism?

Saw that one?

*spits... hypocrite scum.. they're all the same

People forced to eat out of cans from Dollar Tree while Pelosi shows off her gourmet ice cream freezer....

Isnt that what you’re accustomed to?


Factory Bastard
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My precious squad members? Nah. AOC got crossed off my list when she started calling Pelosi "Mama Bear" and refused to support Force the Vote for Medicare for All. AOC started off like gangbusters, but she fucking sold out.

I think Pelosi's ice cream debacle was no better than Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" nonsense. Despicable rich, powerful, entitled corporate whores.

I support very few people in DC. Very bloody few.


Have kink will travel.
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My precious squad members? Nah. AOC got crossed off my list when she started calling Pelosi "Mama Bear" and refused to support Force the Vote for Medicare for All. AOC started off like gangbusters, but she fucking sold out.

I think Pelosi's ice cream debacle was no better than Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" nonsense. Despicable rich, powerful, entitled corporate whores.

I support very few people in DC. Very bloody few.

I really only support Rand Paul atm... the rest of the Republicans go from crap to worse...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
My precious squad members? Nah. AOC got crossed off my list when she started calling Pelosi "Mama Bear" and refused to support Force the Vote for Medicare for All. AOC started off like gangbusters, but she fucking sold out.

I think Pelosi's ice cream debacle was no better than Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" nonsense. Despicable rich, powerful, entitled corporate whores.

I support very few people in DC. Very bloody few.
We were all doing better under Trump


and by the way, AOC isn't one of the two squad members immersed in this current controversy

*cue slobbering spam engine with a stupid meme now


Domestically feral
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United states
Please list or quote one single right winger HERE who has ever slammed ME because I was addicted to heroin. Or being an ex stripper.

....I haven't, Dovey!

Since I've previously enjoyed the performances of strippers, I'd feel somewhat hypocrtical if I did.

Do you often feel that many people here shame you for your past occupation?

I think that when people get butthurted or frustrated with me and can no longer handle a respectful exchange, they assume I CAN be shamed by this.

What they are really doing is telling me that they have low classist opinions of others who likely didnt have the options they themselves had and had to make difficult choices to survive.

My point in bringing this up was that all the real venom behind attacks on me for either stripping or my substance abuse issues comes from those who view themselves as BETTER, more enlightened, more compassionate and less judgemental than their political opposition.

It shows that since they grab these things to use in a degrading way that THEY are the ones who harbor judgements and low opinions of people. People they see as below them.

I already know and knew at the time what normies from "polite" society would think of me and I'm not bothered by it. I dont need approval. Especailly not from others incapable of understanding all the circumstances and who are not there for other people. And to be honest? I have a confident presence that commands a degree of respect and warmness that draws others and makes them feel comfortable. People are often surprised to find out I was one of "those" people. I didnt bring this up to discuss how I feel about myself, it was about the hypocrisy I often see from the "compassion" crowd.

Like I said.....all the meaningful help available help comes from conservative people. They tend to be easier to talk to and more understanding. And....they wont enable people who are self destructing. A leftist will grab you like an injured bird and "love you" right too death while patting their own backs about how selfless and caring they are and use you to lecture other people about "taking the time to care". When they "help" it's entirely about them.

Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were. Without even considering how humiliating it is for that person, not a single pause for their dignity....or how exploitive they can be. And they might end their socail media preaching with some completely ignorant rip on Christian's....suggesting that as an atheist they "did more".

To be clear, I am speaking in generals....there is always a few left wingers who are exceptions to this. Just as there are self motivated shitty conservative exceptions. I'm speaking to the over all general.

If you need help? Like you are in a dire situation and you are vulnerable? You wont find a leftwing anything to help you. You'll be handed a list of state ran shit that treats you like cattle. It's better to go to one of the MANY outreaches ran by the evil cons because they will go way out of their way for you and treat you with dignity.

My case worker at the program I went through is like a mother to me and we are still connected to the this day. Shes retired now and I've been clean for almost 9 years but we still talk often and she genuinely loves us. She became very invested in me and my family.

It's not some cold, clinical and detached experience like you get at some democrat state resource. They just have people cycling in and out like products on a conveyor belt.
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Factory Bastard
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You’re full of shit DD, but I hope you survive covid. Lung cancer is another issue.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Gee, if your horse shit claim is real can you explain why conservatives donate around 20 times, on average, more money to charity than liberals?

Because they give it all to those twisted mega chruches.
Who's they? I've never given a dime to any of hose turds

Mega churches barely do any charity.

Leftists don't know about anti trafficking work, crisis pregnancy help, adoptions, homeless help, life skills recovery programs .....et. Domestic Violence shelters. Et.

All I know is when I was volunteering to help the homeless I saw a lot of religious people but not anyone who identified as a leftist or communist or socialist.

And you wont.

I have gone out myself with groups of Christian women.....and I'm not talking evangelical, tbn, Copeland heretics on that prosperity crap....I'm talking real women of God.

They have a prayer van and we made food for them. Sandwiches mostly,, because some of these women are borderline emaciated and heavy hot food can make them sick. They are given baggies of hygiene products. Sample sizes, because they cant store it and larger sizes get stolen. Many of the women dont even have periods anymore from lack of nutrition, drug use and stress.

And the presence of the van pisses off pimps and traffickers and these women knowingly put themselves in danger on a regular basis just so they can build relationships with these women and hopefully get them out of there.

They network with womens shelters so when a woman leaves with them, she has somewhere to go and they STAY involved and follow through for that woman.

You know what you'll see from the left? NOTHING. Up until the moment some MAN tries to come into one of these shelters or programs for women and gets denied. THEN you'll see the left, smearing them as bigots, vandalizing the shelter.....basically fighting to rip a safe place for women away and destroy it.

That's all you see from them, is hate and attacks.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Gee, if your horse shit claim is real can you explain why conservatives donate around 20 times, on average, more money to charity than liberals?

Because they give it all to those twisted mega chruches.
Who's they? I've never given a dime to any of hose turds

How much money do you think other righties contribute to mega churhes and other born again hucksters? Come on. Righties aren't helping needy people. They're giving money to hucksters.

How's Haiti doing after the Clinton Foundation got through with them.... lulz

The Clintons aren't liberals. They are corporate whores of the worst kind. Like Donny, only smarter.

There are no true liberals.... even Bernie got his book deal proceeds and multiple homes, yet refused to spread the wealth or give an illegal alien family a place to live...

Liberals are hypocrites.... liberal in name only...
Notice how LotusBogus avoids completely the stark contradiction of her precious squad members currently making waves in news outlets who refuse to wholesale their credibility to this incompetent administration.

To be fair, she does like Jimmy Dore and he roasts them regularly.

She is rather partisan so shes not likely to start shitting on them HERE.

Even though I think it would be a beautiful bonding moment and a step towards healing a divide but....I dunno. Left wingers comparing us to the taliban is beyond disgusting. I hope shes not doing that.


Domestically feral
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United states
I would like to know where all those leftwing outreaches were when I was trying to fight heroin addiction.

Literally everything I found that could help me were conservative ran.

The not conservative democrat state ran stuff you still needed insurance and to pay for it, as well. People who are in the depths of addiction dont have anyway to pay for that. So you gotta go get on state insurance....still using until they can get you covered and get you a bed. People who havent been through an addiction like this will never understand how HARD just that is while you are actively using. Your whole life revolves around avoiding the painful withdrawal.

When an addict finally wants help you gotta get their ass moving FAST. Everyday they use is a day they could die.

The three year program I went through (1 year in the mission, 2 in aftercare) was completely free. I could have my children with me as well. I wish I could show EVERYTHING they do for people and what they offer in the program and I want to, but I dont trust the random creeps.

It runs entirely on donations. Who do you think is donating and volunteering? Other Christian's and conservatives. That place absolutely saved my life and the lives of so many others.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Like I said.....all the meaningful help available help comes from conservative people. They tend to be easier to talk to and more understanding. And....they wont enable people who are self destructing. A leftist will grab you like an injured bird and "love you" right too death while patting their own backs about how selfless and caring they are and use you to lecture other people about "taking the time to care". When they "help" it's entirely about them.

Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were.

....do you really think all Liberals or people on the Left are cold, mean & heartless, Dovey?!


Here...I as someone more liberal, I extend my hand of friendship to YOU!


...now did that make you feel better?!?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like I said.....all the meaningful help available help comes from conservative people. They tend to be easier to talk to and more understanding. And....they wont enable people who are self destructing. A leftist will grab you like an injured bird and "love you" right too death while patting their own backs about how selfless and caring they are and use you to lecture other people about "taking the time to care". When they "help" it's entirely about them.

Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were.

....do you really think all Liberals or people on the Left are cold, mean & heartless, Dovey?!


Here...I as someone more liberal, I extend my hand of friendship to YOU!


...now did that make you feel better?!?

Well firstly leftists are not liberals.

I think they are altruism junkies who put of an act of caring about others but really are only invested in using others to feel good about themselves and to attack their opposition.

They like to see themselves as better and more compassionate. But they are not invested in BEING that. They want to use the state to do it.

I like they are very emotionally led and pretty self focused. It's a consistent obversation.....its not about me. I just have lived experience backing my observation.


Factory Bastard
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Anyways, here's a tune I used to listen to last year when it came out last year at the height of the Pandemic & No cure or remedy was in sight when the situation seemed so hopeless...

....Unfortunatenly, I don't know if I can embed it in this forum, but give it whirl anyays.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You guys should watch Dr Z. He has had the best videos about Covid since it started.

And he brings the facts in a calming manner and explains how we can get covid reduced to just a common cold. We already have a Corona virus that is just a common cold....in case you guys didnt know that.
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Factory Bastard
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Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were. Without even considering how humiliating it is for that person, not a single pause for their dignity....or how exploitive they can be. And they might end their socail media preaching with some completely ignorant rip on Christian's....suggesting that as an atheist they "did more".

Yeah, I gave some panhandler, a woman, some money outside MacDonald's the other day, Dovey.

And I told her I'd much rather give to her rather than some male panhandler cuz when the women beg for money, you give them something, they're grateful for it and they don't keep asking for more. In other words, they're generally not aggressive panhandlers.

I used to give to one guy outside a 7-11, but then one day he asked me for $20 cuz it was cold out and he needed a place to stay. So I gave it to him & the bugger didn't leave. So I suspect he didn't really need the money for the purpose he claimed. He was probably bumming to see how much money he could accumulate using the same trick on others or for drugs. And so I decided after that I wasn't gonna give to him anymore. And he was very aggressive and demanding about it. I don't wanna help those kinda people out, eh?

But as long as they're happy with what they get, they don't lie about what they need the money for like the majority of these female panhandlers, I actually mind giving money to them. I just don't like being scammed by an ungrateful or unappreciative panhandler like that guy.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Meanwhile, here in Florida, emergency room wait times by me are still 3 minutes

and admin is still a mongosexual degenerate sloth who likes to suck cock


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were. Without even considering how humiliating it is for that person, not a single pause for their dignity....or how exploitive they can be. And they might end their socail media preaching with some completely ignorant rip on Christian's....suggesting that as an atheist they "did more".

Yeah, I gave some panhandler, a woman, some money outside MacDonald's the other day, Dovey.

And I told her I'd much rather give to her rather than some male panhandler cuz when the women beg for money, you give them something, they're grateful for it and they don't keep asking for more. In other words, they're generally not aggressive panhandlers.

I used to give to one guy outside a 7-11, but then one day he asked me for $20 cuz it was cold out and he needed a place to stay. So I gave it to him & the bugger didn't leave. So I suspect he didn't really need the money for the purpose he claimed. He was probably bumming to see how much money he could accumulate using the same trick on others or for drugs. And so I decided after that I wasn't gonna give to him anymore. And he was very aggressive and demanding about it. I don't wanna help those kinda people out, eh?

But as long as they're happy with what they get, they don't lie about what they need the money for like the majority of these female panhandlers, I actually mind giving money to them. I just don't like being scammed by an ungrateful or unappreciative panhandler like that guy.

You are not a preachy sanctimonious leftwinger though. You are far more a centrist.

So you likely didnt take a selfy with that panhandler and go blasting it on socail media to praise right?

It's people who do random little things like that only when the opportunity finds them(which btw....nothing wrong with that) but then turn around and brag about it and get praise for it as if you are some big humanitarian.

My personal rule with beggers is once I give money whatever they do with it is on them. But I'll give it because of who I am. They could go buy food but I'm well aware they can and probably will go buy drugs or alcohol. These people are not going to change unless they want to. I'd rather give money to a liar who is going to buy crack than refuse to help a genuinely hungry person who would have bought food.

I like the ones who hang out at gas stations who want to work for it and wash your windshield or pump your gas for whatever you feel like giving them. I'll always let them wash my windshield and give them 10 to 20 bucks.
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Factory Bastard
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This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

I'm not going anywhere. Except for long weekends in Italy and Switzerland and Morocco, as soon as the Covid settles down.

I have a California friend who married, birthed, and raised her children here. Never moved back. You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason.

You seem like you might be jealous for some weird reason.

I spent 8 months in Portugal. A little too low rent and progressive for someone of my liberty based beliefs.... but you milk it for all your Cali dollars are worth.

What year, and how much Portuguese did you learn, Mr I Know Everything About Every Country On Earth Because I Have 74 Passports.? And how come you ran away after only 8 months here, you chicken shit?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Funny how Florida has the second lowest rate of covid infections and lowest in deaths for the last month or two yet idiots like Lotusbutt just dropped the story and pretended like it didn't exist. It is almost like these stupid brain damaged NPCs like her just repeat the talking points they are given and are unable to compare those talking points to reality and evidence.

Imagine going through life having so little I.Q..


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Funny how Florida has the second lowest rate of covid infections and lowest in deaths for the last month or two yet idiots like Lotusbutt just dropped the story and pretended like it didn't exist. It is almost like these stupid brain damaged NPCs like her just repeat the talking points they are given and are unable to compare those talking points to reality and evidence.

Imagine going through life having so little I.Q..

Just dropped the story? You know, I don't live in the US any more. I haven't seen any news about Flroiduh, so I just forgot about that god forsaken place.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Left wingers will buy a pan handler a number 2 at McDonalds, and then take a selfie with them for socail media to post about how they fed some poor homeless person and how "touched" they were. Without even considering how humiliating it is for that person, not a single pause for their dignity....or how exploitive they can be. And they might end their socail media preaching with some completely ignorant rip on Christian's....suggesting that as an atheist they "did more".

Yeah, I gave some panhandler, a woman, some money outside MacDonald's the other day, Dovey.

And I told her I'd much rather give to her rather than some male panhandler cuz when the women beg for money, you give them something, they're grateful for it and they don't keep asking for more. In other words, they're generally not aggressive panhandlers.

I used to give to one guy outside a 7-11, but then one day he asked me for $20 cuz it was cold out and he needed a place to stay. So I gave it to him & the bugger didn't leave. So I suspect he didn't really need the money for the purpose he claimed. He was probably bumming to see how much money he could accumulate using the same trick on others or for drugs. And so I decided after that I wasn't gonna give to him anymore. And he was very aggressive and demanding about it. I don't wanna help those kinda people out, eh?

But as long as they're happy with what they get, they don't lie about what they need the money for like the majority of these female panhandlers, I actually mind giving money to them. I just don't like being scammed by an ungrateful or unappreciative panhandler like that guy.

I rarely see panhndlers here, but in the States, when I saw them outside a store, I would buy them food and bring it out. Like a sandwich or something. They were always really appreciative. I bought one guy with a dog food for him, and dog food that he could open without a can opener. He was super grateful.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Funny how Florida has the second lowest rate of covid infections and lowest in deaths for the last month or two yet idiots like Lotusbutt just dropped the story and pretended like it didn't exist. It is almost like these stupid brain damaged NPCs like her just repeat the talking points they are given and are unable to compare those talking points to reality and evidence.

Imagine going through life having so little I.Q..

Just dropped the story? You know, I don't live in the US any more. I haven't seen any news about Flroiduh, so I just forgot about that god forsaken place.
Didnt your ass post about cali having the lowest numbers just 2 weeks ago?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
[QUOTE="Biggie Smiles, post: 341270, member: 203"
Yep admin is in this thread too. Sucking cock

An unhealthy dwarf wouldn’t last too long.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Funny how Florida has the second lowest rate of covid infections and lowest in deaths for the last month or two yet idiots like Lotusbutt just dropped the story and pretended like it didn't exist. It is almost like these stupid brain damaged NPCs like her just repeat the talking points they are given and are unable to compare those talking points to reality and evidence.

Imagine going through life having so little I.Q..

Just dropped the story? You know, I don't live in the US any more. I haven't seen any news about Flroiduh, so I just forgot about that god forsaken place.
Didnt your ass post about cali having the lowest numbers just 2 weeks ago?

No, you asswipe. I don't keep track of their numbers. I may have posted about Portugal's low numbers, since that's where I live, and the numbers here are low.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Funny how Florida has the second lowest rate of covid infections and lowest in deaths for the last month or two yet idiots like Lotusbutt just dropped the story and pretended like it didn't exist. It is almost like these stupid brain damaged NPCs like her just repeat the talking points they are given and are unable to compare those talking points to reality and evidence.

Imagine going through life having so little I.Q..

Just dropped the story? You know, I don't live in the US any more. I haven't seen any news about Flroiduh, so I just forgot about that god forsaken place.
Didnt your ass post about cali having the lowest numbers just 2 weeks ago?

No, you asswipe. I don't keep track of their numbers. I may have posted about Portugal's low numbers, since that's where I live, and the numbers here are low.
It mush have been your alter ego, oak.


Have kink will travel.
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This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol


This is exactly the kind of bullshit ignorant partisan propaganda you ignorant fucking people buy into.

The entire reason this was being discussed was in terms of likelihood to survive. Its NOT about refusing patients care based on whether or not they were vaccinated. It's about considering whether or not a patients vaccination status impacts their likelihood of survival....thusly using resources on the most likely to benefit in the event resources run low.

They are not even there at that point......these ethics guidelines are revised all the time.

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You know this why our country is being destroyed. Because you guys are too stupid and partisan to discern and understand information.

I know people on FB who deleted her because she was running around like a loonatic saying it’s a fake virus when this all kicked off lol
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.
Illinois has a high vax rate and its getting its ass kicked right now. LMFAO!

How is that funny? If you catch this virus, it can affect you for life and we don’t even know to what extent. I wouldn’t wish this sickness on anyone tbh. Not even a toothless hick stuck in his own corn maze like you, FIP.

How will the jab affect a person though...

I was lethargic for a few days and my arm was kinda sore. Nothing too serious. I told my mom that I was a hypochondriac because I thought I was feeling shooting pains in my joints after and she said your sister (my 27 yo half sister) gets brain scans after she has a headache, so I’m clearly not the paranoia winner in my fam bam.

I had pains in my knees and other joints after getting the first jab.

Those have gone away, but still have tightness of the muscles in the left arm.

I wish they had another alternative(s) to the products currently on the market.

I dunno about this mRNA stuff.

You guys have J&J yet?
THe J&J is the only one I'd actually take

It's the only one I was willing to take. I'm very happy with my choice.

People who got Pfizer here are boosting the shit with J&J lol.

I don't want a clot shot or a neurological spazz jab....

No thank you....

I suggest Pfeizer then. They need you alive so you can keep buying their boner meds.

I will have no experimental shot...

I want to live in full health. You idiots can get jabbed and die....but hear this, I will not bury Youse... I will go remote until your bones are picked clean by rodents.

Just don’t bury me in my garden. I want my ashes scattered on the ocean like a mermaid.

You might have to settle with dying besides someone with an uneaten tin of sardines in their pocket...

I seriously doubt I’ll die from a little prick. I’m immune to them at this point.

I expect you will die from these experimental jabs... and cities will rot because they can't carry away the dead quick enough...

So, I had my jab in early April. When do you think I will die?

The next couple of years... you're no spring chicken.... whatever co-morbidities you've got are going to swamp your body soon....

Says the guy who swore I was going to run home two years after arriving in Portugal.

Been here more than two years and the entrenchment is complete.

You'll flee Europe at the first sign of strife... 2 years isn't even enough to get melancholy for home.

You're not a world traveller. You're fragile...

How do you know this about me? You're a fool. And you swore over at SG that I would run home after two years. Keep moving those goal posts. Pretty soon, you'll be saying "Five years isn't enough to get melancholy for home," then, "Seven," and so on and so on...

You're a lib from Commiefornia... the question isn't if but when you'll pack up your picnic rug, cry foul, and retreat...

I've watched it happen over nearly three decades with every leftist sort.

You lot lack spines...

You're like big babies.

I'm not going anywhere. Except for long weekends in Italy and Switzerland and Morocco, as soon as the Covid settles down.

I have a California friend who married, birthed, and raised her children here. Never moved back. You have a weird habit of deciding you know everything about a particular group based on the behaviors of someone you dislike. That's what they call stereotyping. It's a pejorative term for a reason.

You seem like you might be jealous for some weird reason.

I spent 8 months in Portugal. A little too low rent and progressive for someone of my liberty based beliefs.... but you milk it for all your Cali dollars are worth.

What year, and how much Portuguese did you learn, Mr I Know Everything About Every Country On Earth Because I Have 74 Passports.? And how come you ran away after only 8 months here, you chicken shit?

None of your biz and esad, you rabid old cow shart.