I really wish black conservatives wouldn't do this

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Yeah, but remember, there is video of him saying "I cant breathe", before he was ever on the ground. He was saying it while standing and being arrested, and said it in the back of the cop car. Floyd begged for the officer to let him lay down on the ground, which the officer did. When it comes to the whole knee thing, which was standard procedure I believe, it would depend on the amount of pressure and where on the neck. That would be where any fault would be on the officer. I saw lots of angles, and lots of videos, and for the most part I wanna say the officer did his job. The toxicology report came back that he was full of fentanyl, and the "breathing" and elevated heart rate from it caused him to go out like he did.... I believe for the most part.

If only the ambulance had gotten there sooner, and if only George hadnt decided to do drugs and crime that day, things would of turned out much different, and I would still have my GAWD DAMN MONUMENTS!!!! lulz
I get all that

but had I been on the jury I'd have voted to convict as well. He was being told repeatedly that floyd was under extreme duress. By multiple people and remained steadfast in his commitment to further exasperate floyd's existing breathing problem with his knee on the man's neck. Training or not this showed a lack of empathy I just cannot get past. The man was little to no threat face down with his hands cuffed behind his back.

Have you been arrested? I have. Several times. Having your hands cuffed behind your back, despite what anyone INCLUDING a doctor tells you does impede your breathing to a significant extent and makes it really uncomfortable. And that's done on purpose to further subdue you and lessen your chances of having enough gumption to break free etc etc. Compound that with a knee on the neck for NINE minutes on a subject who is already expressing difficulty breathing.

2nd degree murder would have been a stretch as I do not believe he actually intended to cause death but manslaughter given the totality of the circumstance was spot on and the Prosecutor, unlike the TRavon Martin prosecutor, resisted the emotional pressure to over charge and put that scum bag pig right where he belongs.


Put your glasses on!
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I get all that

but had I been on the jury I'd have voted to convict as well. He was being told repeatedly that floyd was under extreme duress. By multiple people and remained steadfast in his commitment to further exasperate floyd's existing breathing problem with his knee on the man's neck. Training or not this showed a lack of empathy I just cannot get past. The man was little to no threat face down with his hands cuffed behind his back.

Have you been arrested? I have. Several times. Having your hands cuffed behind your back, despite what anyone INCLUDING a doctor tells you does impede your breathing to a significant extent and makes it really uncomfortable. And that's done on purpose to further subdue you and lessen your chances of having enough gumption to break free etc etc. Compound that with a knee on the neck for NINE minutes on a subject who is already expressing difficulty breathing.

2nd degree murder would have been a stretch as I do not believe he actually intended to cause death but manslaughter given the totality of the circumstance was spot on and the Prosecutor, unlike the TRavon Martin prosecutor, resisted the emotional pressure to over charge and put that scum bag pig right where he belongs.

Right on, I get all that too.

Nah, I hadnt been arrested, for a charge lol. I have been handcuffed though, was shown what its like, when I was a junior cadet at the police department. I dont recall the breathing difficulty, but Im a frickin' bean pole lol. Was 130lbs when I was a cadet.

As a side note, yes I was a junior cadet, Mom made me do it lol. It was her hopes of getting me away from all the other kids in my hood.... they were literal trouble. I stayed with the department for a year and a half, learned dispatch, rode with the officers. I mean, I even use to think of being an officer. You know, do good, protect others. Hell my first idol as a wee lad was The Lone Ranger lol. But after the experience, I didnt wanna be anymore. Mostly for 2 reasons, that there was laws I felt that I didnt want to enforce, and that most the cops were assholes and I didnt want to be associated with assholes, lol. There are good cops mind you, but not as many as the assholes and goons that enforce all authority.

Now that you mention it, he did seem to lack empathy when others were shouting at him, even after Floyd had pissed himself. It was the point Floyd pissed himself, that in my head even I was like "ok dude, you've done fucked up now". I remember the lil Asian dude was holding his guard against the folks shouting. Did surprise me that no other officer intervened with empathy either.

I forget the conspiracy theory, but something about the officer and Floyd actually knowing each other. Forgot what it was. Them knowing each other was fact, just cant remember what the whole thing was about.


Put your glasses on!
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the only fact i know for sure is that the msm loves race baiting and lying by ommission, so i will wait

Ding ding ding!!!!! We have a winner!!!!!!!

Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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the only fact i know for sure is that the msm loves race baiting and lying by ommission, so i will wait
Yep. Although I am leaning in the direction of this being unjustified I am willing to wait for ALL the facts to surface before making any final judgement

and that's what sets us a above these loser leftist vermin. They rush to judgement based on what their TeeVees tell them via propaganda outlets impersonating legitimate news sources
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Show of hands, how many of you think admin is a cock sucking noodle neck fairy?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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admin just doesn't find white dick as tasty and appealing as he does black dick


senior penor

Factory Bastard
I forewarned that letting Kyle Rittenhouse off was going to have dangerous consequences…
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This case took place BEFORE kyle's little kenosha trip and in a country you desparately wish the U.S. would model, so what are the consequences of this one? Please do tell how Canada's vigilanteism has spiked because a saskatchewan farmer shot an intruder trying to steal his ATV


Put your glasses on!
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I think you’re confused Roddy. It Stubbys dink in your mouth. Don’t worry it very small

The Lord Jesus Christ has a very special place in Hell for folks like you, and the time is coming soon, swiftly in fact, for your punishment.

Fun fact, there is no pineapple in Hell, only Boomba.


Put your glasses on!
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ewww you sick fuck, why do you have so much insight in that incredibly ghey shit?

I am all knowing. Never underestimate my powers again, mere mortal of the Commie Realm.

I see by not deciding on a certain donut, you assume the position of the Glory Hole donut, freak.


Domestically feral
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United states
Hahaha! Only took one post!


I mean shit, you started in with the bullshit, dear.

She often starts with bullshit and nasty comments and blaming others for shit she does.

She's a self obsessed sanctimonious narcissist who gives herself permission to do or say whatever she wishes while thinking she has authority over what others say or do.

Like it was okay for her to be a skank and fuck other men while married because that was what she needed at that "specific" time....but she can judge how other people manage their own private lives.

I like how she blames the board for disrespecting her relationship. So I guess she's not the one doing that either. Talking about another man's dick on a forum is just fine but other convos "disrespect" her current relationship lol.

Cracks me up when people announce their departure. Like....just go dude. No need to announce it lol.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
She often starts with bullshit and nasty comments and blaming others for shit she does.

She's a self obsessed sanctimonious narcissist who gives herself permission to do or say whatever she wishes while thinking she has authority over what others say or do.

Like it was okay for her to be a skank and fuck other men while married because that was what she needed at that "specific" time....but she can judge how other people manage their own private lives.

I like how she blames the board for disrespecting her relationship. So I guess she's not the one doing that either. Talking about another man's dick on a forum is just fine but other convos "disrespect" her current relationship lol.

Cracks me up when people announce their departure. Like....just go dude. No need to announce it lol.
BLM ‘cause if I squawk enough I get my ugly Karen arse some black cock! Blacks aren’t fussy… :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
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I’m going to say with 110% certainty that the “but… but… a black man walked though my front door” defense won’t get the old coot off.

EMINENT DANGER OF DEATH is the requirement even if someone enters your property. This kid didn’t even have a water gun on him.

Plus this old fuck took a kill shot to the face. DONE.

You are specifically wrong on both claims you made in that post. I posted a video going over the law in Missouri earlier.


Factory Bastard
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Why was the front door unlocked?

Jesus Christ, maybe learn basic facts before you chime in with nonsense. You should have learned that in the Rittenhouse case. The storm door was locked and one side claims the 6 foot tall younger man was beating on it and trying to force it open in a manner so loud that the neighbor claims he heard it in his house next door.

Missouri law says deadly force is legally justified if someone tries to force entry.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
BLM ‘cause if I squawk enough I get my ugly Karen arse some black cock! Blacks aren’t fussy… :LOL3:

I hate to errr… em ***cough***… break it to you…

But when I went to visit Dovid, the sheets weren’t clean and I ended up sleeping on top of all the blankets with a blanket I always bring for the plane. It was summer in Florida and hot assfuck, so no biggie.

We went to a club, despite having dinner plans… because she needed to get out. She left me at the bar for over an hour claiming that she needed to go to the bathroom. This was after she put a drink order in and the black dude she was grinding on all night followed her.

You know what they say about people who make assumptions…


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I hate to errr… em ***cough***… break it to you…

But when I went to visit Dovid, the sheets weren’t clean and I ended up sleeping on top of all the blankets with a blanket I always bring for the plane. It was summer in Florida and hot assfuck, so no biggie.

We went to a club, despite having dinner plans… because she needed to get out. She left me at the bar for over an hour claiming that she needed to go to the bathroom. This was after she put a drink order in and the black dude she was grinding on all night followed her.

You know what they say about people who make assumptions…
I don’t need to know the details other than she sat on your face and you liked it! Löl