If teachers cant discuss sex and gender identity to small children


Domestically feral
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United states
That is discriminating against GAY PEOPLE!

In order to be fair to gay people we know have to have sexual education (politicized sex ed and gender idenity) discussions in elementary school.

Because if we dont expose small children to sex and gender topics? That's LIFE and DEATH! We are literally KILLING gay people and trans people. We are DENYING their very humanity by not wanting these topics thrusted onto small children from kinder through 3rd grade!

You know what? If they really believe this bullshit I'm fine with it. I would literally kill someone and shit on their corpse if it was between them and my CHILD.

You want to try to force and use emotional blackmail and this level of gaslighting manipulation? I dont know ANYONE (and I dont want to) that would put the WANTS (or even needs, to be honest) of another person....some strange grown adults....over the well being of their OWN CHILD.

I'll use a common leftwing style "thought excersize" to express this clearly.

If my child was locked in one room, and then 200 gays and trans people were locked in the other, and I had to chose which room gets lit on fire?

Me and my child would be making smore and singing over the screams of the 200 poor bastards in the other locked room. And I'm not kidding. If saving my child meant every single gay and trans leftoid had to be dropped dead? Oh well BYE BITCHES.

I dont know what any of you are thinking. If having my child free of being burdened with sexual politcs in elementary school makes some other random person kill themselves....well they can go kill themselves.

THEY are not anyones responsibility. Our children ARE. I'm not obligated to invest any emotional heavy lifting for grown fucking people who are not my family. NO ONE is.

The fucking narcissistic audacity is amazing. These people need to take responsibility for THEMSELVES and stop forcing their burdens onto everyone else and trying to force people into compliance. No one owes anyone anything. No one has to validate anyone else. Live your damn life, and stop trying to shove it down everyone elses throat via government and schools. We dont force hetro sexuality on small children either. Nor do we scream about "visability" or demand validation for our sexuality or our identities.

Fucking hell it's not rocket science.