Is it time to now say that the Zionist state should not be allowed to exist?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

This is not a debate any more, Netanyahu decided long ago that Zionism trumped the Palestinian right to exist, simply because they shared the same land after 48. As the United Kingdom gave him and his ilk the right as the colonial ruler, and the right to own a state, I feel as a UK citizen I should get a choice as to whether the fucking UN should allow it to even exist in acknowledgement, henceforth!

After all, the horrific crimes against the Jewish race are well documented and filtered through a prism of international criminal worth via The Nuremberg Trials; but it has only taken the Israelis 80 years to truly confiscate the word 'genocide' in regard to what they consider to be their own survival.

And in truth, even after the horror of Oct. 7th, it was only ever strategically liable and truly beneficial in terms of keeping Netanyahu out of the reach of his own state judiciary. Does this sound familiar to proto-fascism within his own regime?

However, I have come to accept that the consensus of the Israeli people share his opinion on the Arab race in general. I believe they accept the right of the Israeli state to exist by wiping out the Arabs within what it considers to be its actual borders. Genocide Gaza and the West Bank against all semblance of international law, and forget how you along with the international community agreed to the confines of the reservations created for the 700,000 Palestinians dislocated from their own homes.

America and Britain have history in land and title robbery.

Should Isreal exist? Yes morally it should. Should Gaza and the West Bank?

I suppose that is up to how many missiles and bombs the UK and America are willing to provide, with literally no questions asked.

Can I ask a simple question that may cause discomfort, or indeed sound antisemitic. Why did the Jews not fight with the same degree of zeal in Europe, as they always have in the Middle East?

This isn't fighting for survival, nor is it a war. It's just a fucking slaughter.
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Apparatus Of Satan
☠️Private Forum Access
Your House
Why should any state have the right to exist. If they get conquered, they get conquered. If not, then so be it.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
This is not about the survival of the Jewish state, this was only ever about Netanyahu's criminal charges.

Just Like Hitler, he went to war to avoid his own judiciary, and Hamas gave him the reason. One has to question just why Mossad never got the slightest whiff of what was about to happen.


Apparatus Of Satan
☠️Private Forum Access
Your House
This seems to suggest a perpetual state of war. Given that there are nuclear weapons in some arsenals, it will lead us into nuclear Armageddon don't you think?
No. Nuclear weapons are better as a bargaining tool, given the outcomes of a nuclear war are too costly for the initiator, even if it doesn't cause Armageddon. See North Korea and Russia for good examples. Russia is only now being invaded for the first time since WW2, and North Korea hasn't seen invasion since the Korean war.

Creating barriers/ incentives to prevent direct military conflict is what creates the type of conflict we see in Israel now. Due to Israeli and Palestinian convergent interests, and their failure to bargain in order to achieve said interests, they are now in conflict. Instead of the war now being a conventional military conflict with a concise outcome, it has been a guerilla war with no side gaining any advantage over their opponent.