Jews will not replace us!!!!


It's done as a service to the NHS as penalty shoot outs are a major cause of heart disease in Western Europe beating smoking (Nicotine, Meth or Crack) and sex with an Orange in your mouth into second and third place respectively.
.I mean, the way I understand it they just play the regulation 80 boring ass minutes to give the rival fans time to get all fired up and into some skull cracking fights, which is really what the game is all about - is that right?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
into some skull cracking fights, which is really what the game is all about - is that right?

We had a holiday from football violence when Ecstacy was prevalent.

Cocaine seems to be back with all the bravado that causes so some of it appears to have returned.

I grew up going to matches for a fight but I wouldn't recommend it to the younger generation.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

A fair and balanced trade.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Here's another thread that needs to be moved into politics. What a big fucking surprise!

It started off ok with hating on Jews then quickly got derailed by the PC squad.

I'd like to cook them in a fuckin oven.

I hate to agree with you on anything, Prowler, but this time you've actually hit the fucking nail on the head this time without making yourself look stupid in the process.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Blazetard you go to sleep early on your weekend off night, later in the evening you hear the foot beat of hundreds of marchers in your can hear the cadence of their chant...

kill the white mens, kill the white mens, kill the white mens.....


And you were pregnant, what would you do?

Lol, all those scenarios are impossible for one thing lol.

And you act like I aint got Black friends that would stand up and say "Hey YO! That white muddafuckka aight! He aint like da others!"

In what way are you not like the others? You aure sound exactly like them.
There, I said it.


Now Im in the crosshairs of the alphabet group that monitors this site lulz.

To them, I say "Lick my taint! Cunt fucks!"

I don’t understand your racism. Why and for what? What does it get you? Besides Jews are White

There is lots you dont understand Sea, but I dont judge you cause you dont understand.

No I don’t understand racism because I don’t practice it. What’s it do for you?

Oh, I wouldnt know, Im not a racist. I've only had racist things done to me cause Im white.

Oh, you poor white boy. Life must be so hard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
jews r small in number but wherever they go, pitchforks and torches seem 2 follow


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Countless examples of this shit. Its frickin' crazy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
i wish i had elons money

offer 2 buy 44 bli $ companies, expose that its 90% bot posts then say 'nope' and leave them crushed lol


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
i wish i had elons money

offer 2 buy 44 bli $ companies, expose that its 90% bot posts then say 'nope' and leave them crushed lol

Its been awesome lol.

Even Project Veritas busted them they they always sensor Rightys and Conservatives.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter

Those names are cherry picked. There are many, many other "owners" in all of those media companies. They are all part of huge congolmerates. The 3 people in your meme who are identified as "owners" are only a small portion of the actual owners. It's a total bullshit meme.

Oh I know there is others. Dont make the meme bullshit. Eventually you will see though.

Hows that vax shot going?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

Those names are cherry picked. There are many, many other "owners" in all of those media companies. They are all part of huge congolmerates. The 3 people in your meme who are identified as "owners" are only a small portion of the actual owners. It's a total bullshit meme.

Oh I know there is others. Dont make the meme bullshit. Eventually you will see though.

Hows that vax shot going?

Eventually I will see what? That your paranoia is sad? I already see that.

How's that vax shot going? What?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

You know that's a bogus quote, right?

In 1978, a pamphlet entitled The Hidden Tyranny included an interview conducted by Walter White purportedly with Rosenthal that claimed Jewish Americans had implemented a
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style plan to take over the world. The pamphlet was republished in the 1990s and distributed in Idaho by the
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, funded by wealthy entrepreneurs
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
The Anti-Defamation League has called it "a fabricated document" and questioned why the author would "wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, years after he had 'spoken' with Rosenthal, who was killed by terrorists in 1976."
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reported in the
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website "that interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one... that interview is bogus."
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Daniel Levitas in his book The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right attributed the bogus interview to White's wife, Opal Tanner White, an aide to
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, writing "since Rosenthal was dead, White was free to attribute anything she wished—however scurrilous or hateful—to the onetime Javits aide."
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-- Wikipedia


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

You know that's a bogus quote, right?

In 1978, a pamphlet entitled The Hidden Tyranny included an interview conducted by Walter White purportedly with Rosenthal that claimed Jewish Americans had implemented a
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style plan to take over the world. The pamphlet was republished in the 1990s and distributed in Idaho by the
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, funded by wealthy entrepreneurs
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
The Anti-Defamation League has called it "a fabricated document" and questioned why the author would "wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, years after he had 'spoken' with Rosenthal, who was killed by terrorists in 1976."
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
reported in the
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website "that interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one... that interview is bogus."
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Daniel Levitas in his book The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right attributed the bogus interview to White's wife, Opal Tanner White, an aide to
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, writing "since Rosenthal was dead, White was free to attribute anything she wished—however scurrilous or hateful—to the onetime Javits aide."
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-- Wikipedia
ur citing wikipedia? :facepalm:

the same wiki that right after james gandolfini died some random person 'updated' it, claiming he died from choking on a canoli?



You know that's a bogus quote, right?
These turkeys believe whatever they're told to believe.
.That's why I have to laugh at the whole Tucker Carlson thing about Replacement with compliant 3rd worlders. Who is more pliable, brainwashed and compliant than today's conspiracy theory propounding conservatives? No need to replace them. LoLz

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Here's another thread that needs to be moved into politics. What a big fucking surprise!

I started it there lol. Some whiny lil bitch got it moved evidently. Pussies.
The JEEEEEWS got it moved, Blasértard.
They see all.
They control all.

They are watching you.

The Goyim know!!!!! Shut it down!!!


He really thinks that is what you are saying. As much as I dont agree with the jew thing, I do understand what you are saying.

This is why the left cant meme. You have to be able to mock what's real. Take a truth and comically show the absurdity.

They dont even get that first part. They dont even grasp their own party.

I swear, I started this thread as a troll lol.

BUT, it really is true that a good majority of those in power are Jews. Im not saying its all Jews. And Im not saying that all Jews are in on it.

@Aryan knows this too, but when he brings it up, he says the Jews. So people think he means all Jews and shit. But I've talked to him, and hes more in line with what I see, he just doesnt say the right words, and it hurts folks feelz lol. Thats why I always say THEY and THEM.

I could say so much more. But then the black helicopters will be over my place :GiggleBitch:

People are so fucking sensitive over the JQ that at this point even if I didn't believe any of it I'd still talk about it just to piss people off. LOL

Many Right wing Americans are particularly brainwashed with the pro-Juden shite, what with their Israel worship. It's very annoying.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Ffs .. Jesus was a bagel muncher people worship him, 100000s die for him

The Jew has infiltrated all aspects of our culture incorporated business practices and ethics geared for the jew that's elite shadow government strong...

Good luck with that..

ROTHCHILD dies in prances the nazis and the WEF

For all the nay-sayers, I ask this...

Name a single government policy in any western country which is detrimental to Jewish interests.

Here's a hint, there are none. Jews completely dominate every institution and influential sector of society in the west and have done since WW2 ended.

America is their cash cow and they plan on bleeding you guys drip dry. Only time will tell which country is going to be their next target.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Dont understand why this was moved to Meltdown. Thought BF wanted politics to stay in politics.


Anti Semetism isn't political.

It's just xenophobic hysteria.

It's also pretty pointless playing Where's Waldo with a white section of the population when there's enough blacks and browns to hate on.

You're so dumb you try to hate on a religion that is the basis for the Christianity which you hold so dear.

Another example of religion causing war and violence?

Maybe. Hey Dovey. Do you hate Jesus Jews?

You still a member of the Green Party you fucking water melon?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Countless examples of this shit. Its frickin' crazy.

And still crickets from most normies.

Then of course there's the endless stream of shills who know what we are saying is true but blatantly deny it.

I can't believe American libtards have the nerve to deny replacement theory when it's been reported countless times how whites are eventually going to become a minority in the US due to mass immigration.

Almost as though they want it to happen, isn't it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

You know that's a bogus quote, right?

In 1978, a pamphlet entitled The Hidden Tyranny included an interview conducted by Walter White purportedly with Rosenthal that claimed Jewish Americans had implemented a
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style plan to take over the world. The pamphlet was republished in the 1990s and distributed in Idaho by the
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, funded by wealthy entrepreneurs
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
The Anti-Defamation League has called it "a fabricated document" and questioned why the author would "wait to first publish the booklet until 1978, years after he had 'spoken' with Rosenthal, who was killed by terrorists in 1976."
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
reported in the
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website "that interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one... that interview is bogus."
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Daniel Levitas in his book The Terrorist Next Door: The Militia Movement and the Radical Right attributed the bogus interview to White's wife, Opal Tanner White, an aide to
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, writing "since Rosenthal was dead, White was free to attribute anything she wished—however scurrilous or hateful—to the onetime Javits aide."
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-- Wikipedia
ur citing wikipedia? :facepalm:

the same wiki that right after james gandolfini died some random person 'updated' it, claiming he died from choking on a canoli?


All you have to do to double check wikipedia is scroll down and check their sources. Unlike the stupid twitter and meme shit Blazor posts.