Just-elected Congressman dies of Covid, age 41


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I remember the awesome neighborhood you cum from

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
What a shame it wasnt biden.

Biden work a mask but the young Congressman refused to.

So pay the price.
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Dumb fucks like gerbil joe and the rest of the liberal cuckolds would wear pasta strainers on their faces if CNN told them too



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a shame it wasnt biden.

Biden work a mask but the young Congressman refused to.

So pay the price.
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.

Well since the doctors and health officials are giving me shitty advice, I'm just gonna take matters in my own hands, Lokmeer.

I was gonna get some shots for encephalitis and meningitis in addition to this COVID shot, cuz these diseases are showing up in COVID patients, eh?

...if you Repubs wanna blame someone, it shouldn't be the Democrats.

It's fucking China. They hatched this bloody virus in a lab.

And they did it to get rid of Trump cuz he wanted to re-arange all these Trade deals.

But Trump Pushed em a little too hard so they decided to bite back and poison the USA with this coronavirus, eh?

Trump should be on TV railing against China, not the Democrats.

They're the ones who wanted to bring him down. And they succeeded.

How can a virus infect so many, so pervasively and so fast?

And just the way it's being spread.

It's a goddam bioweapon, Lokmeer.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a shame it wasnt biden.

Biden work a mask but the young Congressman refused to.

So pay the price.
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.

Well since the doctors and health officials are giving me shitty advice, I'm just gonna take matters in my own hands, Lokmeer.

I was gonna get some shots for encephalitis and meningitis in addition to this COVID shot, cuz these diseases are showing up in COVID patients, eh?

...if you Repubs wanna blame someone, it shouldn't be the Democrats.

It's fucking China. They hatched this bloody virus in a lab.

And they did it to get rid of Trump cuz he wanted to re-arange all these Trade deals.

But Trump Pushed em a little too hard so they decided to bite back and poison the USA with this coronavirus, eh?

Trump should be on TV railing against China, not the Democrats.

They're the ones who wanted to bring him down. And they succeeded.

How can a virus infect so many, so pervasively and so fast?

And just the way it's being spread.

It's a goddam bioweapon, Lokmeer.

Bad news joe, you might have to agree with NEWSMAX!!!! Confused 5
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Top NSA Official Tells British: China Leaked COVID!!!

A whistleblower from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China has given the United States the "most credible" intelligence yet the global coronavirus pandemic was a "leak or an accident" in the lab.

"There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus," Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger told British parliamentarians in a Zoom call, the
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Pottinger, a U.S. Marine and military intelligence officer, is very knowledgeable on China, speaking fluent Mandarin and having worked 7 years as a China correspondent for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal, per the report.

Also, notably, his
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at the University of Washington.

"Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story," Pottinger noted, per the Mail.

"I was told the U.S. has an ex-scientist from the laboratory in America at the moment," he added, per the report. "That was what I heard a few weeks ago.

"I was led to believe this is how they have been able to stiffen up their position on how this outbreak originated."

The news comes as World Health Organization
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for the first time this month.

"MPs around the world have a moral role to play in exposing the WHO investigation as a Potemkin exercise," Pottinger said on the call, per the report, referring to fake villages in Crimea in the 18th Century, which intended to convince the Russian leaders the region was in good health.

The fact China was adamant for this long to keep WHO investigators out, signaled the lab was "ground zero" for the pandemic, according to Pottinger.

"The truth is there are people who have been in those labs who maintain that this is the case," Pottinger said on the call, per the report. "We don't know what they have been doing in that laboratory.

"They may well have been fiddling with bat coronaviruses and looking at them and they made a mistake. I've spoken to various people who believe that to be the case."

The call has spurred British officials to take the investigations into the Chinese and the lab seriously, per the Mail.

"With such a senior and respected intelligence official speaking in support of this claim, the time has come for the British Government to seek both answers about and compensation for COVID-19," Henry Jackson Society Communications Director Sam Armstrong told the Mail.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
What a shame it wasnt biden.

Biden work a mask but the young Congressman refused to.

So pay the price.
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.

Well since the doctors and health officials are giving me shitty advice, I'm just gonna take matters in my own hands, Lokmeer.

I was gonna get some shots for encephalitis and meningitis in addition to this COVID shot, cuz these diseases are showing up in COVID patients, eh?

...if you Repubs wanna blame someone, it shouldn't be the Democrats.

It's fucking China. They hatched this bloody virus in a lab.

And they did it to get rid of Trump cuz he wanted to re-arange all these Trade deals.

But Trump Pushed em a little too hard so they decided to bite back and poison the USA with this coronavirus, eh?

Trump should be on TV railing against China, not the Democrats.

They're the ones who wanted to bring him down. And they succeeded.

How can a virus infect so many, so pervasively and so fast?

And just the way it's being spread.

It's a goddam bioweapon, Lokmeer.

Bad news joe, you might have to agree with NEWSMAX!!!! Confused 5
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Top NSA Official Tells British: China Leaked COVID!!!

no no no ... the leader of the Butthurt Lemming Mafia says china is no threat to us at all



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a shame it wasnt biden.

Biden work a mask but the young Congressman refused to.

So pay the price.
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.

Well since the doctors and health officials are giving me shitty advice, I'm just gonna take matters in my own hands, Lokmeer.

I was gonna get some shots for encephalitis and meningitis in addition to this COVID shot, cuz these diseases are showing up in COVID patients, eh?

...if you Repubs wanna blame someone, it shouldn't be the Democrats.

It's fucking China. They hatched this bloody virus in a lab.

And they did it to get rid of Trump cuz he wanted to re-arange all these Trade deals.

But Trump Pushed em a little too hard so they decided to bite back and poison the USA with this coronavirus, eh?

Trump should be on TV railing against China, not the Democrats.

They're the ones who wanted to bring him down. And they succeeded.

How can a virus infect so many, so pervasively and so fast?

And just the way it's being spread.

It's a goddam bioweapon, Lokmeer.

Bad news joe, you might have to agree with NEWSMAX!!!! Confused 5
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Top NSA Official Tells British: China Leaked COVID!!!

A whistleblower from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China has given the United States the "most credible" intelligence yet the global coronavirus pandemic was a "leak or an accident" in the lab.

"There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus," Deputy National Security Adviser Matthew Pottinger told British parliamentarians in a Zoom call, the
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Pottinger, a U.S. Marine and military intelligence officer, is very knowledgeable on China, speaking fluent Mandarin and having worked 7 years as a China correspondent for Reuters and The Wall Street Journal, per the report.

Also, notably, his
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at the University of Washington.

"Even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story," Pottinger noted, per the Mail.

"I was told the U.S. has an ex-scientist from the laboratory in America at the moment," he added, per the report. "That was what I heard a few weeks ago.

"I was led to believe this is how they have been able to stiffen up their position on how this outbreak originated."

The news comes as World Health Organization
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for the first time this month.

"MPs around the world have a moral role to play in exposing the WHO investigation as a Potemkin exercise," Pottinger said on the call, per the report, referring to fake villages in Crimea in the 18th Century, which intended to convince the Russian leaders the region was in good health.

The fact China was adamant for this long to keep WHO investigators out, signaled the lab was "ground zero" for the pandemic, according to Pottinger.

"The truth is there are people who have been in those labs who maintain that this is the case," Pottinger said on the call, per the report. "We don't know what they have been doing in that laboratory.

"They may well have been fiddling with bat coronaviruses and looking at them and they made a mistake. I've spoken to various people who believe that to be the case."

The call has spurred British officials to take the investigations into the Chinese and the lab seriously, per the Mail.

"With such a senior and respected intelligence official speaking in support of this claim, the time has come for the British Government to seek both answers about and compensation for COVID-19," Henry Jackson Society Communications Director Sam Armstrong told the Mail.

You don't have to be on the Right or be a Republican to agree with that assessment.

Even those who are Democrats or are on the Left have suggested it too.

There was a Left leaning University of Chicago Law Professor Francis Boyle and legal expert on the topic who thinks it came from a lab too.

In fact, he said that the Chinese stole the formula from a lab in Canada & they used to make the coronavirus. The visiting scientist was caught and I believe told to back to China. But by then it may have been too late.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And now the election has been stolen by biden who is beholden to china because they've paid his family off for years!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?
Why don't you update the chamber of .45 with an ACP hollow tip, press the barrel up against either of your two saggy nostrils and pull the trigger


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:
duh derpa..
go away, dude


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Q got mad and disagreed lol
I am just going to explain this once: it was not worth my time to reply, so I just used the nice forum functionality.
You'll probably not able to understand the explanation, but deal with it. I'm not going to explain it any further