King Martini and TBSG



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
This is a question with a built-in answer. Flaming (as this non-flamer understands the term) is predicated on the utter destruction of a target in the most entertaining way possible. Put a bunch of such flamers in a small room and watch as they all begin to shoot at each other point blank in the chest and, inevitably, all you're left with is a lot of blood and corpses on the floor boards and, some time later, a survivor of the massacre pulling on a corncob pipe while rocking his bony ass in a chair on the porch, reminiscing about the now net-dead desperados, how their spurs and buckles shone in the lamplight just before the first trigger got pulled.

A "community" of flamers is a non-sensical concept. This is an ego-driven solo game. Ol' Swiftie over there has been chewing on the same corny cob pipe ever since he got gut shot at the Brawl Hall saloon over spilled whiskey and lost a big toe in the Great Stomping Groundz Stampede of Twenty-Nineteen.

There's a simple reason why message board flaming is dead, and it has nothing to do with anything other then one thing- talent.

It takes talent to keep throwing zingers up at a regular pace and staying entertaining. The greats are past tense on account of they couldn't keep up, found an avenue where they're talents can make them money, or burned out.

TDM is the GOAT. Remember those old school insult generators? He wrote the scripts on them. Everybody has ripped off TDM and many have done it without knowing they have or who he is. Read most of the generic flaming on twitter and 90% of it TDM wrote back in the early 2000's. TDM is the only poster ever who I stopped whatever I was doing to read his shit because it was something other worldly entertaining.

The mass ejection of talented writers, the propping up of second rate hacks, and the dependency of opinion over entertainment killed off these forums. And that will never come back only because whats left of this community is talentless.

It's been years, decades in some instances where gifted actors could come back....but they choose not to. And I don't blame them. There's a handful of members on either of these forums and nobody is worth reading outside of what? Three ppl? And big names from the past are going to come back for an audience of four or five?

Here's the truth- I made a forum and had Pickles, Bra1n, Nazi Admin, Cardy, and jiggy back and none of them posted but maybe once or twice. Nobody wants to be surrounded by idiots, incels, or complete wastes of fresh air.

Flaming didn't kill these forums. Talentless nobody's did.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

There's a simple reason why message board flaming is dead, and it has nothing to do with anything other then one thing- talent.

It takes talent to keep throwing zingers up at a regular pace and staying entertaining. The greats are past tense on account of they couldn't keep up, found an avenue where they're talents can make them money, or burned out.

TDM is the GOAT. Remember those old school insult generators? He wrote the scripts on them. Everybody has ripped off TDM and many have done it without knowing they have or who he is. Read most of the generic flaming on twitter and 90% of it TDM wrote back in the early 2000's. TDM is the only poster ever who I stopped whatever I was doing to read his shit because it was something other worldly entertaining.

The mass ejection of talented writers, the propping up of second rate hacks, and the dependency of opinion over entertainment killed off these forums. And that will never come back only because whats left of this community is talentless.

It's been years, decades in some instances where gifted actors could come back....but they choose not to. And I don't blame them. There's a handful of members on either of these forums and nobody is worth reading outside of what? Three ppl? And big names from the past are going to come back for an audience of four or five?

Here's the truth- I made a forum and had Pickles, Bra1n, Nazi Admin, Cardy, and jiggy back and none of them posted but maybe once or twice. Nobody wants to be surrounded by idiots, incels, or complete wastes of fresh air.

Flaming didn't kill these forums. Talentless nobody's did.

Simple question. Why are you here?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Simple question. Why are you here?
I am rarely here and chances are it will be x2 that in 2024.

I'm only here to see whomevers left completely kill off a once huge community then act like they were innocent of being responsible for it.

Let's face facts- I was never bringing anybody to a forum where I get nothing out the exchange. Any forum owner can spend money on a campaign and get traffic to their site. BF can do it, EKG can. They choose not to, the both of them. If owners are unwilling to market their forums, and in EKG's case I don't blame him on account of his shit hole is the biggest case of self penis hatred this side of a feminist convention, there's no need in somebody who still keeps in touch with old schoolers to do so just on principle.

I make money on tiktok, youtube, and Twitter. I made 13k off one viral tweet that hit 3 million views. That's why any post I make might be my last one here.

Owners need to buckle up and monetize members for their time. Nothing in this world is free.

Happy new year

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Who TDM?

Anyhow, the flame game died because it became apparent to late that it was rich waters for sociopaths to swim in.

BH lost the plot with their self styled internet terrorist shtick and self imposed isolation.

TDT died of weed overdosing and F4$ all fucking died, well most of them literally from a plethora of reasons, me PV and yellow beard are about the only survivors not including flea who is the webs premier drama whore. I think Deviot lives.

Also it got over taken by new style humour and social media, memes and fucking cats.


> you
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. o O
Who TDM?

Anyhow, the flame game died because it became apparent to late that it was rich waters for sociopaths to swim in.

BH lost the plot with their self styled internet terrorist shtick and self imposed isolation.

TDT died of weed overdosing and F4$ all fucking died, well most of them literally from a plethora of reasons, me PV and yellow beard are about the only survivors not including flea who is the webs premier drama whore. I think Deviot lives.

Also it got over taken by new style humour and social media, memes and fucking cats.
TDM = That Dastardly Man; posted on BH for a time.

YB is a helluva guy. He posted on some music feed I had for a while.


Also, fuck social media.


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I am rarely here and chances are it will be x2 that in 2024.

I'm only here to see whomevers left completely kill off a once huge community then act like they were innocent of being responsible for it.

Let's face facts- I was never bringing anybody to a forum where I get nothing out the exchange. Any forum owner can spend money on a campaign and get traffic to their site. BF can do it, EKG can. They choose not to, the both of them. If owners are unwilling to market their forums, and in EKG's case I don't blame him on account of his shit hole is the biggest case of self penis hatred this side of a feminist convention, there's no need in somebody who still keeps in touch with old schoolers to do so just on principle.

I make money on tiktok, youtube, and Twitter. I made 13k off one viral tweet that hit 3 million views. That's why any post I make might be my last one here.

Owners need to buckle up and monetize members for their time. Nothing in this world is free.

Happy new year


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am rarely here and chances are it will be x2 that in 2024.

I'm only here to see whomevers left completely kill off a once huge community then act like they were innocent of being responsible for it.

Let's face facts- I was never bringing anybody to a forum where I get nothing out the exchange. Any forum owner can spend money on a campaign and get traffic to their site. BF can do it, EKG can. They choose not to, the both of them. If owners are unwilling to market their forums, and in EKG's case I don't blame him on account of his shit hole is the biggest case of self penis hatred this side of a feminist convention, there's no need in somebody who still keeps in touch with old schoolers to do so just on principle.

I make money on tiktok, youtube, and Twitter. I made 13k off one viral tweet that hit 3 million views. That's why any post I make might be my last one here.

Owners need to buckle up and monetize members for their time. Nothing in this world is free.

Happy new year

Umm Evil Blood was like Donald Trump, every post got people tingly in the feels and riled up, he was what drove the early days of BH. That Bra19n guy at Third Rail held a yearly PYP flame contest and pretended to take trips around the world...I recall the only proof of these trips was a blurry photo of a glass of Coke that was supposably sitting on a restaurant table in the Greek aisles. He also wrote his name in sand on some beach and then said he bought a pizza at some famous pizza parlor, it was really strange.

Paymoneywubby is the closet twitch celeb that is similar to the humor of the flame groups and he aint posting on forums since all the money is on Twitch. Honestly if you are looking to discuss a specific topic most people go to Redit now, it allows you full control of your posts and stats on each one and the up/down votes keep the shit posters away.


Factory Bastard
This is a question with a built-in answer. Flaming (as this non-flamer understands the term) is predicated on the utter destruction of a target in the most entertaining way possible. Put a bunch of such flamers in a small room and watch as they all begin to shoot at each other point blank in the chest and, inevitably, all you're left with is a lot of blood and corpses on the floor boards and, some time later, a survivor of the massacre pulling on a corncob pipe while rocking his bony ass in a chair on the porch, reminiscing about the now net-dead desperados, how their spurs and buckles shone in the lamplight just before the first trigger got pulled.

A "community" of flamers is a non-sensical concept. This is an ego-driven solo game. Ol' Swiftie over there has been chewing on the same corny cob pipe ever since he got gut shot at the Brawl Hall saloon over spilled whiskey and lost a big toe in the Great Stomping Groundz Stampede of Twenty-Nineteen.
Ahh Blur, me ol'fashioned denizen of destructive prowess, we are not all foreigners to the concept of why flaming never really had a concept to build so insignificant a concept upon; but some of us still feel that those foundations have never really faltered, when confronted by an inability to confront anything that merely involves banging your head against a script wall.

I for one still enjoy the predictability of the lackbluster lackprose intolerant, and the potpourri of political nuance in any given site.

KM is still a survivor, like MK Ultra in a prison block, or on the speediest speed the CIA could never afford.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Who TDM?

Anyhow, the flame game died because it became apparent to late that it was rich waters for sociopaths to swim in.

BH lost the plot with their self styled internet terrorist shtick and self imposed isolation.

TDT died of weed overdosing and F4$ all fucking died, well most of them literally from a plethora of reasons, me PV and yellow beard are about the only survivors not including flea who is the webs premier drama whore. I think Deviot lives.

Also it got over taken by new style humour and social media, memes and fucking cats.
This prick acting llike he was ever a someone. I fucking destroyed you when I was just a noob and to this day you've never gotten over it.The reason f4$ went offlline was because P/V was a fucking retard that thought it would be a great troll to make you crew.When redeye saw what the idiot had done,he pulled the plug in absolute disgust at what f4$ had become.

You are so fucking awful that even a troll like Jiggy made you meltdown and beg the admins to ban him.This is the truth,ask Poofer casue he was their.This so called `great` of the game went begging to the admins on f4$ to ban Jiggy cause old Jiggy was showing him up for the tard that he is.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
This prick acting llike he was ever a someone. I fucking destroyed you when I was just a noob and to this day you've never gotten over it.The reason f4$ went offlline was because P/V was a fucking retard that thought it would be a great troll to make you crew.When redeye saw what the idiot had done,he pulled the plug in absolute disgust at what f4$ had become.

You are so fucking awful that even a troll like Jiggy made you meltdown and beg the admins to ban him.This is the truth,ask Poofer casue he was their.This so called `great` of the game went begging to the admins on f4$ to ban Jiggy cause old Jiggy was showing him up for the tard that he is.

You to retarded to even get your bullshit beleivable. I was never crew, I was mod twice and quit twice you 4ft 6in dolt.

Jiggy got banned on 2 boards after he melteded down in spectacular style, calling for me to be banned on boards I didn't poast on. Which brings me to the pufferfish, he also rarely posted at f4$.

We sent you on a spying mission to BH in a hope you would get lost and not come back, it did appear successful for a while but sadly you made the very rare very odd appearance back so we tried to sell you to Dra1n but he wasn't having any of it..


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Which brings me to the pufferfish, he also rarely posted at f4$.
Hey moron, nobody posted at that dustbowl outside of Weeps using you as his own personal speed bump he would drive over, back up, then drive over again then he time shared your carcass to Jiggy who then used you like a fucking speedbag with such unbridled determination it was like watching Rocky Balboa after Adrian told him to "win", but in text form. So save your vapid attempts at revisionist history to something a little less ridiculous like "I like women" or something so the four or five members here can just shake their head and scroll past your useless drivel.

You were never a player in this game and chances are BF gets a fucking kickback from Make a Wish for allowing you to shitpost here.

But.... let's just act like what grape brain here says is true;

He claims he was a twice mod for a dead forum. I wouldn't admit that but that's just me.

Weeps, on the other hand, took a dead forum and built that place up to respectable without the fucking catalog F4$ had.

Here, lemme paint this picture with board strokes-

Looney had one of the best archives of Flame matches to fall back on. Weeps, when he took over Murdys board, had nothing but retarded fractals.

Right there- Weeps>Looney.

Looney was also laughed off Turd Fail after he first demanded cock pics of all the male members then after Jiggy, who wasn't a flamer, mauled him in a flame match.

Now, I don't mind Looney and think his brand of retardation isn't bad for a message board....

....but he needs to know his place on the pecking order.


Mr. Excitement
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Hey moron, nobody posted at that dustbowl outside of Weeps using you as his own personal speed bump he would drive over, back up, then drive over again then he time shared your carcass to Jiggy who then used you like a fucking speedbag with such unbridled determination it was like watching Rocky Balboa after Adrian told him to "win", but in text form. So save your vapid attempts at revisionist history to something a little less ridiculous like "I like women" or something so the four or five members here can just shake their head and scroll past your useless drivel.

You were never a player in this game and chances are BF gets a fucking kickback from Make a Wish for allowing you to shitpost here.

But.... let's just act like what grape brain here says is true;

He claims he was a twice mod for a dead forum. I wouldn't admit that but that's just me.

Weeps, on the other hand, took a dead forum and built that place up to respectable without the fucking catalog F4$ had.

Here, lemme paint this picture with board strokes-

Looney had one of the best archives of Flame matches to fall back on. Weeps, when he took over Murdys board, had nothing but retarded fractals.

Right there- Weeps>Looney.

Looney was also laughed off Turd Fail after he first demanded cock pics of all the male members then after Jiggy, who wasn't a flamer, mauled him in a flame match.

Now, I don't mind Looney and think his brand of retardation isn't bad for a message board....

....but he needs to know his place on the pecking order.
You're awesome


Bastard of the Century
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Hey moron, nobody posted at that dustbowl outside of Weeps using you as his own personal speed bump he would drive over, back up, then drive over again then he time shared your carcass to Jiggy who then used you like a fucking speedbag with such unbridled determination it was like watching Rocky Balboa after Adrian told him to "win", but in text form. So save your vapid attempts at revisionist history to something a little less ridiculous like "I like women" or something so the four or five members here can just shake their head and scroll past your useless drivel.

You were never a player in this game and chances are BF gets a fucking kickback from Make a Wish for allowing you to shitpost here.

But.... let's just act like what grape brain here says is true;

He claims he was a twice mod for a dead forum. I wouldn't admit that but that's just me.

Weeps, on the other hand, took a dead forum and built that place up to respectable without the fucking catalog F4$ had.

Here, lemme paint this picture with board strokes-

Looney had one of the best archives of Flame matches to fall back on. Weeps, when he took over Murdys board, had nothing but retarded fractals.

Right there- Weeps>Looney.

Looney was also laughed off Turd Fail after he first demanded cock pics of all the male members then after Jiggy, who wasn't a flamer, mauled him in a flame match.

Now, I don't mind Looney and think his brand of retardation isn't bad for a message board....

....but he needs to know his place on the pecking order.

Still puffing on that corncob pipe, I see.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Hey moron, nobody posted at that dustbowl outside of Weeps using you as his own personal speed bump he would drive over, back up, then drive over again then he time shared your carcass to Jiggy who then used you like a fucking speedbag with such unbridled determination it was like watching Rocky Balboa after Adrian told him to "win", but in text form. So save your vapid attempts at revisionist history to something a little less ridiculous like "I like women" or something so the four or five members here can just shake their head and scroll past your useless drivel.

You were never a player in this game and chances are BF gets a fucking kickback from Make a Wish for allowing you to shitpost here.

But.... let's just act like what grape brain here says is true;

He claims he was a twice mod for a dead forum. I wouldn't admit that but that's just me.

Weeps, on the other hand, took a dead forum and built that place up to respectable without the fucking catalog F4$ had.

Here, lemme paint this picture with board strokes-

Looney had one of the best archives of Flame matches to fall back on. Weeps, when he took over Murdys board, had nothing but retarded fractals.

Right there- Weeps>Looney.

Looney was also laughed off Turd Fail after he first demanded cock pics of all the male members then after Jiggy, who wasn't a flamer, mauled him in a flame match.

Now, I don't mind Looney and think his brand of retardation isn't bad for a message board....

....but he needs to know his place on the pecking order.
LOL serious over reach. Those that know know. Yea you hang tight with weapy Team player.

But nice try at a historical rewrite footstool, one day you may make it somewhere. i'm getting my podcasts going in less than 2 weeks. We'll see.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
a flame is just a burn right ?

It as a root is 5th Genration warfare, the Grey Zone, Memetic warfare or Propoganda. It started with goons on F4$, I being the first to post the classic 2 sentence meme and it metastasised into meme war with Pepe the frog about 15 years later.

Team players like @Swiftie are a joke. Hey faggot, do you know how many posters at F4$ where Airborne vets? Who thrive on being outnumbered and surrounded.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Flaming (as this non-flamer understands the term) is predicated on the utter destruction of a target in the most entertaining way possible.

No matter how many times this particular clue is handed out you always drop it again so this is the last time I bother.

Flaming hasn't been a thing for literally decades.
What you see people currently trying to pass off as flaming is the same toxic bullshit that turned actual flaming into something actual flamers used to do but can't be bothered anymore.

The term flaming has been bastardized and twisted and misinterpreted and redefined until it bears no resemblance to the original term. None. At. All.

It's been hijacked by malicious narcissistic trolls who use it to provide themselves with otherwise unobtainable credibility (at least among those who don't know better). It's a scam. A con job. A confidence trick.

Make no mistake: flaming is dead and gone; has been for a long time.

Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is pissing on your leg and telling you it's raining.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
LOL serious over reach. Those that know know. Yea you hang tight with weapy Team player.

But nice try at a historical rewrite footstool, one day you may make it somewhere. i'm getting my podcasts going in less than 2 weeks. We'll see.
Yeah, you irrelevant moron with my nike swoosh imprinted into your fivehead, I know.

I know you had nothing to do with anything entertaining at F4$, wrote nothing of merit at any time within your feeble existence on these types of forums, and that Weeps and Jiggy used your decrepit carcass as a fucking tether ball and open hand slapped you around not one, but two forums, one of which you openly admitted to modding which had so much dust particles under your watch that if somebody wearing corduroy pants started doing a jazz dance the rubbing friction would have set that shit hole ablaze.

Da fuck you think you were? You were a benchwarmer, a fucking fluffer who didn't have a dick to prop up before the show began. This ain't the MCU where there's multiple universes where you come out the wood work like some super Villain from a different dimension, you crippled with dementia laced with senility and a healthy dose of genetic stupidity that surely members of your inbred family just consider some fucking curse, retard.

Tell me when I'm telling lies about your worthless existence on these forums and that your sole existence is being the fucking barnacle on the fag lame ship that sunk like the fucking titanic the minute the actual talent called it quits, or when you were laughed off Turd Fail when you found out they weren't gonna rig a flame match for you.

You ain't even yesterday's garbage. Your just garbage, period. Such garbage, I was actually thinking about creating a gif just to bury you completely then piss all over your forum grave....

.... But it turns out I don't even have to.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
No matter how many times this particular clue is handed out you always drop it again so this is the last time I bother.

Flaming hasn't been a thing for literally decades.
What you see people currently trying to pass off as flaming is the same toxic bullshit that turned actual flaming into something actual flamers used to do but can't be bothered anymore.

The term flaming has been bastardized and twisted and misinterpreted and redefined until it bears no resemblance to the original term. None. At. All.

It's been hijacked by malicious narcissistic trolls who use it to provide themselves with otherwise unobtainable credibility (at least among those who don't know better). It's a scam. A con job. A confidence trick.

Make no mistake: flaming is dead and gone; has been for a long time.

Anyone trying to convince you otherwise is pissing on your leg and telling you it's raining.
^^^ The effects of eating pencil shavings.

Hey moron, let Twitter, Kiwi, Discord, Tiktok, and YouTube know there isn't flaming.

What you think is flaming is most certainly different then what flaming is now. You never adapted, and outside of one post, you were never considered a flamer.

So take your stupid opinion back to that other shit hole with the rest of the nut punching incels. You, just like Looney, were never anything until everyone who has talent left these forums and me, the last remnant of the power flamers from days past is just pointing it out and putting you and your Karen-esque bleating back in pocket.

I find it hilarious that nobodies when flaming was at its peak suddenly act like they were something when somebody, moi, who actually was something back then, is still around to tell the truth. This overbearing sense of importance don't fool me one bit.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
Yeah, you irrelevant moron with my nike swoosh imprinted into your fivehead, I know.

I know you had nothing to do with anything entertaining at F4$, wrote nothing of merit at any time within your feeble existence on these types of forums, and that Weeps and Jiggy used your decrepit carcass as a fucking tether ball and open hand slapped you around not one, but two forums, one of which you openly admitted to modding which had so much dust particles under your watch that if somebody wearing corduroy pants started doing a jazz dance the rubbing friction would have set that shit hole ablaze.

Da fuck you think you were? You were a benchwarmer, a fucking fluffer who didn't have a dick to prop up before the show began. This ain't the MCU where there's multiple universes where you come out the wood work like some super Villain from a different dimension, you crippled with dementia laced with senility and a healthy dose of genetic stupidity that surely members of your inbred family just consider some fucking curse, retard.

Tell me when I'm telling lies about your worthless existence on these forums and that your sole existence is being the fucking barnacle on the fag lame ship that sunk like the fucking titanic the minute the actual talent called it quits, or when you were laughed off Turd Fail when you found out they weren't gonna rig a flame match for you.

You ain't even yesterday's garbage. Your just garbage, period. Such garbage, I was actually thinking about creating a gif just to bury you completely then piss all over your forum grave....

.... But it turns out I don't even have to.

So what you are saying is apart from being a smallish fish in the small BH pond you lurked when at F4$? Yea that figures no-mark. BH had some talent though SoG, Bumspud and Evil Blood and its not just my opinion as those names keep cropping up. Your name doesn't. Also my win ratios were a lot higher than losses, apart from Herro and Buzzsaw I was 2--2 with Baily hankins and up against Toothless and Redeye, Running gag and Deviot to mention a few. So I dont know who your trying to convince, yourself?

What you don't get is its about being funny, being a foil for others, self depreciating humour as well as the all out hammering. You dont even understand that less is more.

As I said people who matter know. FTR you can add a *sniff* and a *Waaahhhh* at the end of each paragraph you posted and it wouldn't be out of place unlike your distended underbite jaw.

This group hug thing you keep doing with Weepy and Porch. Seriously associating yourself with bottom feeders is not a good look, you have one clown who cant even fake a chop and another who's little more than a spammer with poor impulse control. I'm trying to help you here.


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
^^^ The effects of eating pencil shavings.

Hey moron, let Twitter, Kiwi, Discord, Tiktok, and YouTube know there isn't flaming.

What you think is flaming is most certainly different then what flaming is now. You never adapted, and outside of one post, you were never considered a flamer.

So take your stupid opinion back to that other shit hole with the rest of the nut punching incels. You, just like Looney, were never anything until everyone who has talent left these forums and me, the last remnant of the power flamers from days past is just pointing it out and putting you and your Karen-esque bleating back in pocket.

I find it hilarious that nobodies when flaming was at its peak suddenly act like they were something when somebody, moi, who actually was something back then, is still around to tell the truth. This overbearing sense of importance don't fool me one bit.
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