Lily's husband is gay as fuck


Factory Bastard
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Trying to get me to fight with Countess by playing a victim.. lmfao!!! Calling for Flynn and lotus.. desperate cunt!

Bitch, you do the same fucking shit. Even worse is you're a bandwagon jumper. You never had issues with anyone until the Axis of Stupidity let you join their little cry-fest club. How do I know? You copy word for fucking word everything they've said throughout the day. You are the same as DeportNutsIntoHisMouth and I Don'tDreamOfJeannie, those two snail brained losers spout out the same shit you do. Now either you dumb fucks are sharing a cucumber for a brain or you're just recycling shit that was said that very day. My guess is that it's both.

Nah it's not that shes repeating anything or jumping on a band wagon.

It's that everyone is right. We all see the same predictable shit. Same miserable people always spewing their drama and playing victim.

We have all defended this particular fuck knuckle at some point after she wasted her time pissing off people with her shitty insults and narcissistic "poor me I always get "dogpiled"".

We all know that none of your group.....let's call you Lily and the Fecal Crew, have NO problem with "dogpiling" whatsoever except when one of you are the ones getting it.

When it's you drooling drama addicts doing the dog piling and other people jump in because....well you are viscious guys cry "Wah! You've been MANIPULATED!! You bought a SOB STORY(that literally no one told)" and whine about others being grossed out by your behaviour.

Now that someone who does nothing but start shit is getting "dogpiled" because shes a straight up nasty bitch to people, its "WAH your jumping on BANDWAGONS!! Dogpiling is BAD! Wah!"

STFU. You people are WEAK. Weak and constant victims. That's why you guys claim OTHER people "play victim" when all theyve done is call out your shit, psychotic behavour. YOU are the perpetual weak whiney victims.


Dog fucker.

Oh but it is el stupido. You jerkoffs don't like it when other's get tired of your daily upchuckings of your usual vomit. Then you defend those that use exactly your same lames over and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking over. It's okay when the retards that have been clearly bitchslapped by me catch a ride on the retard express that's going no where at mach 9.

When you say "everyone," you must mean you, Biggie Flatulence, Dorkmar, Aryan, DeportDicksIntoHisAss, Raven and Jeannie? You're telling me that's "everyone?" So, now basic math skills also elude you? That's not everyone you hysterical cunt. "Everyone" would mean the whole fucking forum and there are those that know you're nothing more than a shit peddler, hoping that other's buy into your self made theories not even your bologna sandwich eating ass believes.

So now it's again someone else's fault that you're too fucking stupid to actually convey whst you actually mean? Why is it always the fault of others when things aren't going soo very swell for you and your merry gang of bigoted and race profiling dickheads? I find it very odd indeed that you would have the fucking nerve to attempt to call other's "racist" when in fact you defend Aryan, Brokemar and Blazor who are all self professed bigots. Then you have the nerve to turn a hypocritical cheek and accuse others of the very same thing which you defend. This why you're a fucking retard. Everyone has seen this and everyone already knows this. You can fool yourself but you can't fool the choir slut.

Once again you're soo full of Dove crap that it's coming out your Miss Piggy ears. The only dogpiling done is when you and Biggie Bitch start running up and down the forums with your idiot band of lifes losers and start blasting away on seamajor and admin and Lily with your unfunny repetitive female dishcharge that does nothing but spam up the forum. You and Biggie clown have a history of killing forums and yet you have the audacity to sit there and collect welfare knowing that your only intent is to destroy something you cannot control or own. I don't know what's sadder, your blinders or your overall intelligece when it comes to things that are right there in front of your nose that's up the asses of those you want on your team of proven dregs.

So now you admit to dogpiling when just before that you accused others if doing it. This is what I'm talking about, this disconnect from reality where your dogpiling is okay because "she asked for it." Yet you make no mention of when you sodden fucktards "ask for it." Even BF himself has had enough of Biggie Shitstain thread jacking every fucking post with "admin suck cock." But you don't seem to mind that although it has gone on for over 3 fucking years. If it were anyone else you'd be hot buttoning that pm tool to BF crying about someone being very repetitive. You ask for things that just aren't of this earth. You think that you and your circus troupe of mentally ill tards should have full run of every forum you're at and when people get tired of your lame crappolla you get overly defensive and hysterical to the point where people get worried you might try to kill yourself for a 5th time. You seriously need some counseling. You and your alliance of proven racists will never run shit here.

I like how you're accusing everyone of "playing the victim" when there's actual proof of you running up and down the forums wailing about nothing important just to get people to take notice that you're upset because no one's coming to your aid when you post stupid things and are viciously called out on them. If you can't handle it, you should do more smack or just really put an effort in committing suicide instead of play acting like you are for the much needed attention.

I will not STFU. You nor any of your sullen "friends" can do a fucking thing about. If I choose to kick your vulva through Biggie's chin I'll do it. That's what makes you the maddest is knowing I'm one of the posters that can actually expose you for what you really are...a psychopath that chooses to live her life out here on the forums. You haven't been able to do shit to me in the last 3.5 years. You're a gigantic bag of suck.

Now go shoit that into your collapsed veins bitch.



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
When we were at SG Flabba the Gutt would send me a whinny PM about rancid or aryan, sometimes both and then haunt the fucking who's online list with her F5 key to see when I'd login.

If I didn't respond within 5 minutes of my login she'd throw a fucking hissy fit of epic and smelly proportions

It's like the maniac read her own whiney pm aloud just to track the time it takes to read, then estimated how much time a favorable response would take to compose and started her fucking stop watch for the count down.

Good lord it was terrible

The best part is she started the shit with me as soon as I signed up. I don't think she was expecting me to defend myself and that it would be an easy "win" for her, seeing as how heavily outnumbered I was.

It didn't take long for her to realise that she had bitten off more than she could chew. LOL

You're delusional. And when he and I were friendly, he talked an enormous amount of shit about you. He talked shit to you at SG.

You two are fucking funny...lmao


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
When we were at SG Flabba the Gutt would send me a whinny PM about rancid or aryan, sometimes both and then haunt the fucking who's online list with her F5 key to see when I'd login.

If I didn't respond within 5 minutes of my login she'd throw a fucking hissy fit of epic and smelly proportions

It's like the maniac read her own whiney pm aloud just to track the time it takes to read, then estimated how much time a favorable response would take to compose and started her fucking stop watch for the count down.

Good lord it was terrible

The best part is she started the shit with me as soon as I signed up. I don't think she was expecting me to defend myself and that it would be an easy "win" for her, seeing as how heavily outnumbered I was.

It didn't take long for her to realise that she had bitten off more than she could chew. LOL

You're delusional. And when he and I were friendly, he talked an enormous amount of shit about you. He talked shit to you at SG.

You two are fucking funny...lmao

Yeah we didn't get along in the beginning. It is possible to change your mind about people though...

I know that you're used to the opposite, you'll be on good terms with someone and then they inevitably end up hating you Lulz.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Oh look, Lily's grandson has found his way here.

See, now you are talking about 6 year old children in a derogatory way, fucking creeper.

@Bastard Factory

Oh get fucked with your whiny snitching. Like I know how old your relatives are ffs.

Get fucked with your dragging kids into shit. You should learn to STFU asshole.

You should learn to control yourself at the dinner table.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
When we were at SG Flabba the Gutt would send me a whinny PM about rancid or aryan, sometimes both and then haunt the fucking who's online list with her F5 key to see when I'd login.

If I didn't respond within 5 minutes of my login she'd throw a fucking hissy fit of epic and smelly proportions

It's like the maniac read her own whiney pm aloud just to track the time it takes to read, then estimated how much time a favorable response would take to compose and started her fucking stop watch for the count down.

Good lord it was terrible

The best part is she started the shit with me as soon as I signed up. I don't think she was expecting me to defend myself and that it would be an easy "win" for her, seeing as how heavily outnumbered I was.

It didn't take long for her to realise that she had bitten off more than she could chew. LOL

You're delusional. And when he and I were friendly, he talked an enormous amount of shit about you. He talked shit to you at SG.

You two are fucking funny...lmao

Yeah we didn't get along in the beginning. It is possible to change your mind about people though...

I know that you're used to the opposite, you'll be on good terms with someone and then they inevitably end up hating you Lulz.

He has a black woman in his house. You are an online fuck buddy. That is the truth.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Oh look, Lily's grandson has found his way here.

See, now you are talking about 6 year old children in a derogatory way, fucking creeper.

@Bastard Factory

Oh get fucked with your whiny snitching. Like I know how old your relatives are ffs.

Get fucked with your dragging kids into shit. You should learn to STFU asshole.

You should learn to control yourself at the dinner table.

After you stop gobbling dicks, I'll consider your advice.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.



Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

Don't be fucking fake. You read every thing I post. You can't quit me, Mooslime.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.

Of course you don't remember what it was about. But, that was years ago. You have anything new, faggot?


@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.
That was the tactic years ago at trollvalhalla and the police said stop poasting there...lmao

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.
That was the tactic years ago at trollvalhalla and the police said stop poasting there...lmao

Imagine calling the internet police over hurt feelz.... Poarka must have them on speed dial.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.
That was the tactic years ago at trollvalhalla and the police said stop poasting there...lmao

Yes, and Farmer had the embarrassment of the police coming to his house. His wife (nice lady I hear) was thoroughly humiliated.

I did what I needed to do to protect my children. A picture of my home was posted online. I don't trust you whacked out motherfuckers. Lotus called the FBI, you don't make fun of her. And that was over a post with words, not her home address.

You are a worthless father. When my kids were 5 years old, there was no internet time for me that wasn't about grad school or work.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
@RAVEN @Lily ~ I’m gonna play devils advocate here and be honest with you both. This has gone too far with the threat of RL contact. Take a break from each other. Please.

I haven't threatened a thing. I don't need to. I don't feel threatened by words on a troll forum.

Which is why you threatened legal action on SG. LOL
She did??? Lmao moar soooopeeenas!

LOL yeah, can't remember what it was over. I remember thinking at the time that she's got a few screws loose to get so riled up about shit said on forums.
That was the tactic years ago at trollvalhalla and the police said stop poasting there...lmao

Imagine calling the internet police over hurt feelz.... Poarka must have them on speed dial.

No fucktard, I don't. If someone doxxed your ass, you'd probably never return, cowardly fuck.