Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Flynn begging for shekels again, Jesus Christ....

Breakfall, you've been told a 100 times that whoever uses that handle isn't the chick in the photos, not that she's anything special anyway, so why would you even consider paying $100 for fake pics?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

That's funny crackhead. Almost as funny as your probation.
SLUG!!!! Imagine not knowing if your a guy or a bitch??? What even are you except a junkie fucking try hard? Trying to climb your way up your own shit pile! Worthless parasite! KYS haha

Smoke more crack. Maybe you'll come up with an answer then, faggot.
Nothing like self owning is there? You keep replying because you're admittedly hurt AF!!! hahahaa worthless slug!! Pointless try hard!!

Put that rope round your neck ya wee dick!!

I'll do ALL OF THAT right after your probation is up.
Yet I'm not on probation ya fuckin headcase hahah awwwww wit! Yer a fuckn riot!!

Yeah. Right. Just like you don't smoke crack and hit women.
You made that up you fuckin imbecile! If you say it 1000 times it doesn't make it true! YOU on the other hand drowned defenceless puppies your evil fuckin bastard! Keep typing and keep self-owning! fuckin hell lololol
Hey Shamps, do you do sport?
Football 5 a sides and my mate's a personal trainer/boxer so I go to his gym when I can... Fishing which involves long walks up and down hills and wading through water, it's actually some work out and swimming...

Don't forget 3 reps of smacking around women along with 19 reps of smoking crack. Please include all your "sporty" activities you fucking homosexual crack fiend.
Do you keep saying that in the hope that you'll make me take crack then hit a woman? I CAN hit woman all I like with the new tech I just bought lmao you fuckin try hard SLUG!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.

What does that have to do with you? Once again you try and try to come to Dovey the cunts rescue. Before you try being a Captain-save-a-whore, first try being the guy that doesn't post clearly fake pictures to impress the retards our here.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh noes guys! Please someone rescue me from the incel dick police!!

His 3 year long angry repetitive rants are doing absolutely nothing to me whatsoever! Help!



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Is this a bad time to casually toss in that Big never once ever asked me if I came? Pretty much because it was obvious and unessesary to ask.

That should piss off some people lulz.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...
Reminds me of that misreable walrus oak


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...

*****Longish post alert discussing dick and sex****

Total incel.

If this were an in person gathering.....and we were in a bar or restaurant or something? You WOULD have to rescue me.

I have no doubt this nutcase would try to assault me. None.

That's the reason why he even used the word "rescued". He is a big big mad and full of pent up sexual aggresion and wants to make the whores pay. He keeps reliving the trauma of me fucking other men and wants me to feel as bad as he does.

Which is unhinged AF......considering he is just some rando retard from the internet and has absolutely zero place getting that emotional over who I(someone who wouldnt even care if he was hit by a bus) sleep with.

Just so its clear.....I loved every second of every time I slept with Big. I really think that needs to be very understood. I LOVED it. I dont post about it....its private and its ours. But since Flynn is so stuck on it and coming from a premise that I regret it or should be ashamed I did it? Yeah....not a chance. I loved sex with Big and there is not a single thing fuckhead Flynn can do about that. And it wasnt just once or twice either. I had sex with him so many times I lost count. I hope that HURTS whoever its gonna hurt.

Kevin however is pretty regretful. When I think about that I just feel repulsed. I got nothing out of that besides stress and disgust. BUT what's done is done...is done. I shake that right off. It means absolutely nothing to me at all.

It's another trait of narcissism they have. People like this have a lot of shame about themselves. They feel shame over sex and vulnerability. They probably deny masturbating. People like this hate people like me who have no shame and who are comfortable in their skin and with their sexual energy. I have that inner peace and freedom and it's very attractive to others. They HATE that.

If I wanted a dick in every single orface of my body......that's my body and my choice is it not? Its not like I'm killing another human being. They support THAT.

But they are leftards so they really feel entitled to try to control others. They are like fuck fascists. Sex nazis.

Youd think I cheated on Flynn the way he cries and yelps....all coming into upper boards to let me how hurt he still is lol. I mean is it just the impression IM getting that this unhinged methheaded dog fucker actually believes I OWE him something?

I've literally never slut shamed anyone so the sanctimonious drivel coming out of some of these people is just bizzare. Its jealousy. Plain and simple. Everytime that psycho dumb ass tries to make Big and Kevin equal it's just totally futile. Kevin is like a shit I took when I was sick. That's it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...

*****Longish post alert discussing dick and sex****

Total incel.

If this were an in person gathering.....and we were in a bar or restaurant or something? You WOULD have to rescue me.

I have no doubt this nutcase would try to assault me. None.

That's the reason why he even used the word "rescued". He is a big big mad and full of pent up sexual aggresion and wants to make the whores pay. He keeps reliving the trauma of me fucking other men and wants me to feel as bad as he does.

Which is unhinged AF......considering he is just some rando retard from the internet and has absolutely zero place getting that emotional over who I(someone who wouldnt even care if he was hit by a bus) sleep with.

Just so its clear.....I loved every second of every time I slept with Big. I really think that needs to be very understood. I LOVED it. I dont post about it....its private and its ours. But since Flynn is so stuck on it and coming from a premise that I regret it or should be ashamed I did it? Yeah....not a chance. I loved sex with Big and there is not a single thing fuckhead Flynn can do about that. And it wasnt just once or twice either. I had sex with him so many times I lost count. I hope that HURTS whoever its gonna hurt.

Kevin however is pretty regretful. When I think about that I just feel repulsed. I got nothing out of that besides stress and disgust. BUT what's done is done...is done. I shake that right off. It means absolutely nothing to me at all.

It's another trait of narcissism they have. People like this have a lot of shame about themselves. They feel shame over sex and vulnerability. They probably deny masturbating. People like this hate people like me who have no shame and who are comfortable in their skin and with their sexual energy. I have that inner peace and freedom and it's very attractive to others. They HATE that.

If I wanted a dick in every single orface of my body......that's my body and my choice is it not? Its not like I'm killing another human being. They support THAT.

But they are leftards so they really feel entitled to try to control others. They are like fuck fascists. Sex nazis.

Youd think I cheated on Flynn the way he cries and yelps....all coming into upper boards to let me how hurt he still is lol. I mean is it just the impression IM getting that this unhinged methheaded dog fucker actually believes I OWE him something?

I've literally never slut shamed anyone so the sanctimonious drivel coming out of some of these people is just bizzare. Its jealousy. Plain and simple. Everytime that psycho dumb ass tries to make Big and Kevin equal it's just totally futile. Kevin is like a shit I took when I was sick. That's it.
I'm telling you, NOBODY gets that obsessed about a woman fucking someone unless THEY are unhinged about it in some way. Its painfully obvious Flynn is seething at you because of it. While I dont know why, its level 10 cray cray.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...

*****Longish post alert discussing dick and sex****

Total incel.

If this were an in person gathering.....and we were in a bar or restaurant or something? You WOULD have to rescue me.

I have no doubt this nutcase would try to assault me. None.

That's the reason why he even used the word "rescued". He is a big big mad and full of pent up sexual aggresion and wants to make the whores pay. He keeps reliving the trauma of me fucking other men and wants me to feel as bad as he does.

Which is unhinged AF......considering he is just some rando retard from the internet and has absolutely zero place getting that emotional over who I(someone who wouldnt even care if he was hit by a bus) sleep with.

Just so its clear.....I loved every second of every time I slept with Big. I really think that needs to be very understood. I LOVED it. I dont post about it....its private and its ours. But since Flynn is so stuck on it and coming from a premise that I regret it or should be ashamed I did it? Yeah....not a chance. I loved sex with Big and there is not a single thing fuckhead Flynn can do about that. And it wasnt just once or twice either. I had sex with him so many times I lost count. I hope that HURTS whoever its gonna hurt.

Kevin however is pretty regretful. When I think about that I just feel repulsed. I got nothing out of that besides stress and disgust. BUT what's done is done...is done. I shake that right off. It means absolutely nothing to me at all.

It's another trait of narcissism they have. People like this have a lot of shame about themselves. They feel shame over sex and vulnerability. They probably deny masturbating. People like this hate people like me who have no shame and who are comfortable in their skin and with their sexual energy. I have that inner peace and freedom and it's very attractive to others. They HATE that.

If I wanted a dick in every single orface of my body......that's my body and my choice is it not? Its not like I'm killing another human being. They support THAT.

But they are leftards so they really feel entitled to try to control others. They are like fuck fascists. Sex nazis.

Youd think I cheated on Flynn the way he cries and yelps....all coming into upper boards to let me how hurt he still is lol. I mean is it just the impression IM getting that this unhinged methheaded dog fucker actually believes I OWE him something?

I've literally never slut shamed anyone so the sanctimonious drivel coming out of some of these people is just bizzare. Its jealousy. Plain and simple. Everytime that psycho dumb ass tries to make Big and Kevin equal it's just totally futile. Kevin is like a shit I took when I was sick. That's it.
I'm telling you, NOBODY gets that obsessed about a woman fucking someone unless THEY are unhinged about it in some way. Its painfully obvious Flynn is seething at you because of it. While I dont know why, its level 10 cray cray.

Lok......the man I'm married to? Doesnt even think about it. We were seperated and divorcing but that doesnt mean he wasnt angry and hurt.

And he past it entirely.

Probably because he still has me and that other one was discarded and means absolutely nothing while my husband has a ten year history with me. Just a guess.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Do you poop a little whenever you furiously type one of your trademark rage poasts?

(Poast is just a play on words and means "post" by the way, I know that kind of thing confuses you.)

Hi, bitch.

So. You're still trying in absolute vain to make believe that "sauce" and "source" are still in the same universe when it comes to their meanings?

Try again you fucking dullard, those two words couldn't play off of each other, even if you were in the middle of it all spanking your little sad monkey dick.

Show me your "sauce" for the two words meaning the same thing or how they can play off each other.

Fucking idiot.

"Dullard". Any moar (that means more by the way) outdated cringeworthy slang in your vocabularly that you wish to share?

Why exactly does word play get you so mad and what kind of medication are you on?

Yes. Matter of fact, I do.

Here are more "sauce" words to keep you company at night as you're fellating UncleFilTH'S oversized rectum with your tongue:


Anymore handy requests? I could always use Dovey's Puerto Rican face to jackhammer more answers into your well used anus. You know, like "sauce" and "source" meaning the same thing.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.
Remember Beano! Lol…Desperate Dan, the numbskulls. There was a lot of that old-time jabber in those classics. Cor blimey!

Yeah man, did you ever watch the old US 80's show Saved By The Bell? Flynn must be an avid fan and still thinks it's 1985 LOL.

This coming from the wannabe that watches Hogan's Heroes. That's your extent at being a Nazi. How come you don't have any tattoos or any hallmark traits of being a Nazi. Kinda like your teeth and your so called heterosexual lifestyle.

I guess it's like one of those things that play off each other like "sauce" and "source?" Right? Fake picture poster?
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

That's funny crackhead. Almost as funny as your probation.
SLUG!!!! Imagine not knowing if your a guy or a bitch??? What even are you except a junkie fucking try hard? Trying to climb your way up your own shit pile! Worthless parasite! KYS haha

Smoke more crack. Maybe you'll come up with an answer then, faggot.
Nothing like self owning is there? You keep replying because you're admittedly hurt AF!!! hahahaa worthless slug!! Pointless try hard!!

Put that rope round your neck ya wee dick!!

I'll do ALL OF THAT right after your probation is up.
Yet I'm not on probation ya fuckin headcase hahah awwwww wit! Yer a fuckn riot!!

Yeah. Right. Just like you don't smoke crack and hit women.
You made that up you fuckin imbecile! If you say it 1000 times it doesn't make it true! YOU on the other hand drowned defenceless puppies your evil fuckin bastard! Keep typing and keep self-owning! fuckin hell lololol
Hey Shamps, do you do sport?
Football 5 a sides and my mate's a personal trainer/boxer so I go to his gym when I can... Fishing which involves long walks up and down hills and wading through water, it's actually some work out and swimming...

Don't forget 3 reps of smacking around women along with 19 reps of smoking crack. Please include all your "sporty" activities you fucking homosexual crack fiend.
Do you keep saying that in the hope that you'll make me take crack then hit a woman? I CAN hit woman all I like with the new tech I just bought lmao you fuckin try hard SLUG!

No. Crackhead. I keep saying it because it's true.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Sure. Pal. And you're a real Nazi.

Thanks for showing how pathetic you are, as you continue to argue about your little fuck up typing.

Now stupid. Are you absolutely sure that "sauce" and "source" can play off each other like you claim? Please explain this to me.

I'll understand if you ignore this hurtful point as well.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

He's quite literally the angriest person I've ever encountered online. He never seems to calm down or mellow either, his blood pressure must be through the roof...

*****Longish post alert discussing dick and sex****

Total incel.

If this were an in person gathering.....and we were in a bar or restaurant or something? You WOULD have to rescue me.

I have no doubt this nutcase would try to assault me. None.

That's the reason why he even used the word "rescued". He is a big big mad and full of pent up sexual aggresion and wants to make the whores pay. He keeps reliving the trauma of me fucking other men and wants me to feel as bad as he does.

Which is unhinged AF......considering he is just some rando retard from the internet and has absolutely zero place getting that emotional over who I(someone who wouldnt even care if he was hit by a bus) sleep with.

Just so its clear.....I loved every second of every time I slept with Big. I really think that needs to be very understood. I LOVED it. I dont post about it....its private and its ours. But since Flynn is so stuck on it and coming from a premise that I regret it or should be ashamed I did it? Yeah....not a chance. I loved sex with Big and there is not a single thing fuckhead Flynn can do about that. And it wasnt just once or twice either. I had sex with him so many times I lost count. I hope that HURTS whoever its gonna hurt.

Kevin however is pretty regretful. When I think about that I just feel repulsed. I got nothing out of that besides stress and disgust. BUT what's done is done...is done. I shake that right off. It means absolutely nothing to me at all.

It's another trait of narcissism they have. People like this have a lot of shame about themselves. They feel shame over sex and vulnerability. They probably deny masturbating. People like this hate people like me who have no shame and who are comfortable in their skin and with their sexual energy. I have that inner peace and freedom and it's very attractive to others. They HATE that.

If I wanted a dick in every single orface of my body......that's my body and my choice is it not? Its not like I'm killing another human being. They support THAT.

But they are leftards so they really feel entitled to try to control others. They are like fuck fascists. Sex nazis.

Youd think I cheated on Flynn the way he cries and yelps....all coming into upper boards to let me how hurt he still is lol. I mean is it just the impression IM getting that this unhinged methheaded dog fucker actually believes I OWE him something?

I've literally never slut shamed anyone so the sanctimonious drivel coming out of some of these people is just bizzare. Its jealousy. Plain and simple. Everytime that psycho dumb ass tries to make Big and Kevin equal it's just totally futile. Kevin is like a shit I took when I was sick. That's it.

And Dovey wonders how people know about all of her slutty conquests? This is how. Here we an an essay from Dovey in Kindergarden form on her exploits while dating midgets off a forum for money.

I find it vaguely odd that Dovey keeps saying others keep bringing up her Herpe filled sex life, as retarded Dovey keeps feeding fuel to the exact fire she wants put out and how she wishes "everyone" would just drop the subject. Well, no. That couldn't be any good for Dovey's me first mindset. So, she'll throw another P.I. log onto the dwindling fire, just so the flames of attention are on her yet again.

Dovey outs herself with classic examples like this one. Also, Dovey is prone to making up more drama just for the sake of having drama centered around her once again. This latest meltdown is another attempt at being in the spotlight.

The next evolution of Dovey's delirium will be another shitty written diatribe on her experiences with opiates and how she's an expert when it comes to everything, yet can't even find a job. Furthermore, Dovey wants everyone to know just how slutty she is because her fucking guys off the forums for money is them "helping her out."

Next, Dovey will start accusing everyone that knows she's a dingbat as either being "narcissistic" and "libs." That's how she rationalizes her combining real life and the forums. Only lonely desperate broke people look for love on a forum while still being married with children.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
LOL nerve touched I see.

Listen Miami Vice, Dove's a big girl and certainly doesn't need me to defend her.

I just enjoy poking you with a stick whenever I see you using your outdated Bart Simpson slang words...

Flynn is what happens when you cant even afford a hooker and even Tinder has IP banned you.

Wait until he finds out I wasnt a virgin when I got married and how sometimes I get on top :O

See. More of you outting your own P.I. for the attention.

Fuck. You are pathetic and mentally ill.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn begging for shekels again, Jesus Christ....

Breakfall, you've been told a 100 times that whoever uses that handle isn't the chick in the photos, not that she's anything special anyway, so why would you even consider paying $100 for fake pics?

Because Breakfall doesn't listen to the Axis of Stupidity. What I really think is going on here is that you're jelly that no one wants your fake ass pictures that you pilfered off some Twink site.

Once again tard, no one is going to listen to a closet faggot that has bad oral hygiene and who posts pictures that are clearly not you.

Try again dicklips.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.
Remember Beano! Lol…Desperate Dan, the numbskulls. There was a lot of that old-time jabber in those classics. Cor blimey!

Yeah man, did you ever watch the old US 80's show Saved By The Bell? Flynn must be an avid fan and still thinks it's 1985 LOL.

This coming from the wannabe that watches Hogan's Heroes. That's your extent at being a Nazi. How come you don't have any tattoos or any hallmark traits of being a Nazi. Kinda like your teeth and your so called heterosexual lifestyle.

I guess it's like one of those things that play off each other like "sauce" and "source?" Right? Fake picture poster?

What are you on about? I do have tats, you deranged mental case. :Crazy:

I don't know why you keep banging on about my beliefs, as though it's relevant to the topic at hand or anything to do with your batshit crazy ass.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The copeage and projection is almost too much to bear....

When have I ever talked about selling my pics you fuckwit? It's basically unheard of and weird as fuck. Perhaps unsurprisingly, you're the only one who repeatedly mentions it, after stealing some poor cow's pics from a bulimia support forum.

If that isn't bad enough, your poverty-stricken ass is trying to cash in on it. I know you were clearly dragged up and have no morals or decency, but do you have absolutely no shame whatsoever?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^Christ. This is what being angry at the internet and the world in general looks like.

Right? :LOL3:

Angry and completely devoid of self awareness lol.

This wackjob could be put in a straight jacket and involuntarily hospitalized and still be screaming about how he owned the fuck out of everyone :Crazy:

That's what I thought cunt. Stay back. Hide and snipe. Otherwise, I'll fuck you up again and draw the pain out for 4 months this time around.


Ahahahaha Flynn is all stocked up on 4 months worth of meth and is ready to resume rage spam dumb shit until he has to recop.

4 months people. That or the nut house day passes are longer now.

Just try to pace yourself this time.....dont blow all your big guns in one post. Like Poofer butt sex and typos should be separate posts. Not just the same one copied and pasted 50 times.

Try not to OD.

Oh and PS.....glad you can spell your name now.

So you read this post between trying to seduce more helpless losers off a forum? I like how it's you that has all this drug experience, yet here you are trying to point your ugly little grilled cheese covered finger my way. Step off bitch, I'm not the one recounting how my NA meetings went and how about I'm in recovery; that would be you, you glass dick sucking drug addict. Aren't you the Karen always spouting off about other people and their projections?

4 months? As if you've been clean for that long ever. I can and will continue using using you for target practice and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it. Sure, you can meekly reply with your usual deluge of garbage that's based on a reality far far away from Earth. I've been uppercutting you and your ass kisding cronies for years, what's another four months, right skank?

I'll try not to post garbage like organizations that don't exist try my bestest to correctly 3 letter words, unlike you. Maybe when you get desperate enough, maybe your welfare collecting self and post a picture of some boxed macaroni and cheese in a well used plastic bowl, that'll really show me! As far as OD'ing goes, not to worry heroin addict, you'll bite the bullet sooner than me with all your made up health problems you no doubt use for sympathy on a sad forum.

I guess you never really ever had me on ignore?


More Dovey lies.
Bahahahahahaha JUNKIE NOBODY trying his heart out and still produces NOTHING!!! SLUG!

This is the person that goes out with someone like once.....gets ghosted for being intense and weird.....and than goes off on a psycho tangent until the police have to get involved.

Dovey is the person that jetted off with nimrods off a forum while being married with children.

Gee. Dovey isn't at all self centered.

Look, Dovey's melting....

"Nimrods"? Here we go again with the 1980's slang....

Looks like old fossil Flynn was using the handle last night.
Remember Beano! Lol…Desperate Dan, the numbskulls. There was a lot of that old-time jabber in those classics. Cor blimey!

Yeah man, did you ever watch the old US 80's show Saved By The Bell? Flynn must be an avid fan and still thinks it's 1985 LOL.

This coming from the wannabe that watches Hogan's Heroes. That's your extent at being a Nazi. How come you don't have any tattoos or any hallmark traits of being a Nazi. Kinda like your teeth and your so called heterosexual lifestyle.

I guess it's like one of those things that play off each other like "sauce" and "source?" Right? Fake picture poster?

What are you on about? I do have tats, you deranged mental case. :Crazy:

I don't know why you keep banging on about my beliefs, as though it's relevant to the topic at hand or anything to do with your batshit crazy ass.


You post fraudulent pictures. How does anyone know if you have "tats" of dicks on your chest and ass cheeks.

You've already been questioned about your pictures by others and yet you're so fucking smart that you think "sauce" and "source" can be interchanged.

What a fucking loser!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You are pathetic and mentally ill.

Pot kettle SMASH. :LOL3:

I wouldn't mind betting that you spend most of your day in a straightjacket and Hannibal Lecter style muzzle.

Because that would be like "sauce" and "source," right? You're the fucking idiot that thinks "sauce" and "source" are remotely the same.

You'd have better luck posting more fake ass pictures.