My Ignore list


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Scoundrels can be found in many a U-Bend world-wide, he caused an outbreak of Dengue fever in the DRC more than once, and Taylor Swift had to cancel a concert after he was discovered disguised as a floater that could not be flushed.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I want more than a fucking eye roll Garraty, I want you to post the podcast where your apathetic opinion was opposed to Trump!

From my web site, originally poasted on Facebook:

I know I'm going to catch some flack for this but here it is...

Trump -personally- does not have any nefarious ties to Putin or Russia. There are quite possibly some operators in his orbit who have entanglements in that way; there's certainly more than enough evidence of shady connections to support the contention that people *near* Trump have been engaged in shenanigans up to and including the treasonous variety. But Trump himself? I no longer believe so.

If you're still reading instead of Unfriending and/or Blocking me, I'll try to lay out how I reached this conclusion and let you be the judge of whether I'm onto something or losing my mind.

As I watched the Comey debacle unfold it suddenly struck me again on a whole new level:
Trump is an idiot. Trump is a thin-skinned ball of ineptitude dipped in ignorance, sprinkled with bullshit, and wrapped in narcissism. Trump is half con man and half carnival barker but excels at neither.

Donnie is most emphatically not a Lex Luthor. Not even close. Trump wouldn't even make a decent minion; he'd be constantly blowing covers, spilling secrets, and ruining plans with his oblivious braggadocio and hamfisted self-dealing.

There's only one thing Don sort of knows; it still rules his thinking to this very day- and that thing is branding. The same brand that's on his buildings, all of his "luxury" products, his so-called university, and everything else Don has tried (but mostly failed) to sell. Trump. The brand is the man and the man is the brand, inextricably entwined. Donnie didn't run for president because he wanted to *be* president much less because he had any interest in public service. Don ran for president as a means to expand and elevate his brand.

All of Don's missteps, lies, and seemingly guilt-ridden behavior that the democrat-leaning news organizations are determined to attribute to some sort of evidence that Donnie is in collusion with a foreign government are actually no more than the buffoonish attempts of a self-important moron trying to protect his brand.

Merely having his name associated -even peripherally- with an FBI investigation is unacceptable to Donnie because it's poisonous to his brand. If Don was still a private citizen and anyone so much as accused him of being investigated what would Donnie do? The same thing he has always done in such circumstances: he would have lawyered up and sued somebody. Only now that's not an option and it's driving poor Don literally insane.

Stop trying to turn Don into a supervillian.
He's simply not bright or adept enough to mastermind a complex multinational plot... hell, you couldn't even let him play any significant role in such an endeavor or he'd definitely find a way to fuck it up.

He's just a lummox who can't abide the name "Trump" being tarnished. It was and still is the only thing about which he actually cares.

That Don is only making things worse by flailing around and, as usual, mistaking brash ill-considered action for competent decision-making shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's a pattern that Don has repeated over and over throughout his career as a snake-oil salesman.

I don't know if it will make anyone feel better to consider that our president may only be a self-absorbed jackass instead of a treasonous villain, but there it is. Until and unless proven otherwise I will presume all of Donnie's future outrageous public relations disasters to be the result of him simply being a fuckwit; no Putin involvement necessary.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
From my web site, originally poasted on Facebook:

I know I'm going to catch some flack for this but here it is...

Trump -personally- does not have any nefarious ties to Putin or Russia. There are quite possibly some operators in his orbit who have entanglements in that way; there's certainly more than enough evidence of shady connections to support the contention that people *near* Trump have been engaged in shenanigans up to and including the treasonous variety. But Trump himself? I no longer believe so.

If you're still reading instead of Unfriending and/or Blocking me, I'll try to lay out how I reached this conclusion and let you be the judge of whether I'm onto something or losing my mind.

As I watched the Comey debacle unfold it suddenly struck me again on a whole new level:
Trump is an idiot. Trump is a thin-skinned ball of ineptitude dipped in ignorance, sprinkled with bullshit, and wrapped in narcissism. Trump is half con man and half carnival barker but excels at neither.

Donnie is most emphatically not a Lex Luthor. Not even close. Trump wouldn't even make a decent minion; he'd be constantly blowing covers, spilling secrets, and ruining plans with his oblivious braggadocio and hamfisted self-dealing.

There's only one thing Don sort of knows; it still rules his thinking to this very day- and that thing is branding. The same brand that's on his buildings, all of his "luxury" products, his so-called university, and everything else Don has tried (but mostly failed) to sell. Trump. The brand is the man and the man is the brand, inextricably entwined. Donnie didn't run for president because he wanted to *be* president much less because he had any interest in public service. Don ran for president as a means to expand and elevate his brand.

All of Don's missteps, lies, and seemingly guilt-ridden behavior that the democrat-leaning news organizations are determined to attribute to some sort of evidence that Donnie is in collusion with a foreign government are actually no more than the buffoonish attempts of a self-important moron trying to protect his brand.

Merely having his name associated -even peripherally- with an FBI investigation is unacceptable to Donnie because it's poisonous to his brand. If Don was still a private citizen and anyone so much as accused him of being investigated what would Donnie do? The same thing he has always done in such circumstances: he would have lawyered up and sued somebody. Only now that's not an option and it's driving poor Don literally insane.

Stop trying to turn Don into a supervillian.
He's simply not bright or adept enough to mastermind a complex multinational plot... hell, you couldn't even let him play any significant role in such an endeavor or he'd definitely find a way to fuck it up.

He's just a lummox who can't abide the name "Trump" being tarnished. It was and still is the only thing about which he actually cares.

That Don is only making things worse by flailing around and, as usual, mistaking brash ill-considered action for competent decision-making shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's a pattern that Don has repeated over and over throughout his career as a snake-oil salesman.

I don't know if it will make anyone feel better to consider that our president may only be a self-absorbed jackass instead of a treasonous villain, but there it is. Until and unless proven otherwise I will presume all of Donnie's future outrageous public relations disasters to be the result of him simply being a fuckwit; no Putin involvement necessary.

You see, small steps create larger footprints.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yeah good okay, Captain Oblivious.

Have you actually absorbed the clue this time or will you ridiculously demand I reapply it again next week?

Only time will tell.

Time has told us everything I need to know aboot yer politics laddie.

You wank into a MAGA hat while claiming to care not a jot about the political spectrum you are highly opinionated and confused by.

You hate more than you like, and this thread is the last thread to pull in your threadbare opinion not of us...but you!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
You see, small steps create larger footprints.

How does playing footsie with any of the world's dictators polish the brand though?

How did spending time alone with a high-ranking Russian diplomat in the Oval Office achieve anything for his brand?

He may not be a super villain, but he really might be otherwise compromised.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You people are really that oblivious, aren't you?
I don't Ignore people because I disagree with them.


I Ignore people who never poast anything worth looking at, however briefly that may be.

I Ignore people who drag the signal/noise ratio into negative values.

I Ignore people who consistently poast irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck. Ain't nobody got time for that nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

I am missing out on nothing and gain a great deal in avoiding stepping in the pooled incontinence of forum shitpoasters.

End of line.

If your ignore list is as big as you say...and the forum is now oversaturated with irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck, why not spend your valuable time at another venue. Did you know they have a fractal forum on Reddit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
If your ignore list is as big as you say...and the forum is now oversaturated with irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck, why not spend your valuable time at another venue. Did you know they have a fractal forum on Reddit.

Dare we say he's full of Adams?


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
If your ignore list is as big as you say

Did I?
Did I specify a number or even allude to the length of that list?

I don't believe I have.

It's not really that many, by the way.
They are the few... the shameful... the Ignored.
It ain't a big club but it's fairly exclusive; each member very much earned their admittance.

...and the forum is now oversaturated with irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck, why not spend your valuable time at another venue.

That's not a mystery.
It's not even a new question.
If you don't know the answer by now I can't see the point of giving it to you again.

Did you know they have a fractal forum on Reddit.

Why do you assume I have a Reddit account?


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
You people are really that oblivious, aren't you?
I don't Ignore people because I disagree with them.


I Ignore people who never poast anything worth looking at, however briefly that may be.

I Ignore people who drag the signal/noise ratio into negative values.

I Ignore people who consistently poast irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck. Ain't nobody got time for that nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

I am missing out on nothing and gain a great deal in avoiding stepping in the pooled incontinence of forum shitpoasters.

End of line.

"I Ignore people who consistently poast irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck. Ain't nobody got time for that nonsense as far as I'm concerned."

Posts much like this one huh?


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
"I Ignore people who consistently poast irrelevant, bad faith, insincere, duplicitous, malicious, worthless, and/or intentionally time-wasting dreck. Ain't nobody got time for that nonsense as far as I'm concerned."

Threads much like this one huh?

If that's your opinion then answer your own damn question. /shrug