My Ignore list

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Yeah good okay, Captain Oblivious.

Have you actually absorbed the clue this time or will you ridiculously demand I reapply it again next week?

Only time will tell.
I don't know how you find the patience to remain civil with the guy.

I mean sure, he's not as belligerent as the ghetto blimp and doesn't spam (quite) as much as Aidsman (mainly due to the fact that he isn't here 25/7 like the NAMBLA enthusiast), but holy fuck, is he hard work.

Regular TDS is bad enough, but when someone suffers from it who doesn't even live in America, it ought to set alarm bells ringing.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Lucky for me that means less than nothing in a digital medium, eh?

My syntactical kung-fu; although fallen mostly into disuse; is still strong, grasshopper.

Fuck around and find out.
Fair enough. I'm Bill Gates then punk! Don't mess with me pal.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
I don't know how you find the patience to remain civil with the guy.

Blandy is good people, fundamentally. Once "The Orange Menace" has exited stage right I'm cautiously optimistic ol' Blandy will become the lovable cantankerous Bastard of days gone by.

Patience is a virtue, they say.
I reckon I should probably have at least one...
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Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Me? Mess with you?
Need I remind you who threw the first punch in this little exchange?

Don't start none, won't be none.

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

I beg to differ. You set the tone early on by telling me to get the fuck off of your thread when all I was asking were simple questions in a polite manner. You then went on to troll me with *rolls eyes* reactions.

"Because I don't want to. At any moment I may feel a poast deserves to be sarcastic or even insulting; for instance as a reply in kind; and this is the proper place for such things.

So make a case (or cases) for removing someone from my Ignore list or get the fuck off my thread.

Please. Thank you."

Learn it. Know it. Live it.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I beg to differ. You set the tone early on by telling me to get the fuck off of your thread when all I was asking were simple questions in a polite manner. You then went on to troll me with *rolls eyes* reactions.

"Because I don't want to. At any moment I may feel a poast deserves to be sarcastic or even insulting; for instance as a reply in kind; and this is the proper place for such things.

So make a case (or cases) for removing someone from my Ignore list or get the fuck off my thread.

Please. Thank you."

Learn it. Know it. Live it.

I said "please" and "thank you", you thin-skinned whinging Karenesque fool.

If you want to hold a grudge because I wasn't polite *enough* in your opinion then toss that shit into a backpack and never go anywhere without it. Polish that turd every day. Stroke it lovingly and talk to it as if it was your one and only confidant. Keep it close. Keep it safe.

Or shove it right back up your ass and give it a twirl.

It's all the same to me.


Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
I said "please" and "thank you", you thin-skinned whinging Karenesque fool.

If you want to hold a grudge because I wasn't polite *enough* in your opinion then toss that shit into a backpack and never go anywhere without it. Polish that turd every day. Stroke it lovingly and talk to it as if it was your one and only confidant. Keep it close. Keep it safe.

Or shove it right back up your ass and give it a twirl.

It's all the same to me.
LOL Whatever G

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
You do fucking realise Cookie that disagreeing with you isn't an argument; it's just a reminder that your own narcissism now swims in a pool long forgotten by taught, beautifully sculptured immigrant pool boys, sweating sexily under an oppressively talented sky. As you drown in your own stage 1 diabetes.

You are what we should never strive to be, a hollowed out version of what you might have been, if you could attain anything but the designation never has-been.

I listened to all of your podcasts, and I need to tell you, you seem very bitter without ever self-discovering why you are so very bitter.

You say whit ye mean, without ever saying anything worth recalling.

It's not you emasculating us with a scalpel of truth, it's us watching you circumcise yourself with a chainsaw, as you bite down on a rolled up copy of yesterday's Daily Express.

Stupid people don't win arguments laddie, they just flatter themselves they can.

Just like you.

As I expected, an unhinged drunken ramble that goes knowhere. You could add the word "why?", "which", "where" or "what evidence?" to the end of each one of your sentences to leave you hanging.

When I was referring to the verbose and stupid on here you have a foot in each category but have company in the latter.

The fact I can take down your whole posting career in 2 sentences(which I just have) would give smarter people pause for thought.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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"Need" is a bit... strong of a word.
Rather call it Effective Time Management.
If one is constantly having to scroll past the same miscreants and their vapid repetitive poasts which one would in no way engage with in any event it only makes sense to remove those useless obstructions and maximize the appearance of other contributors who have at least a chance of presenting something readable.

Do I "need" to do it? No.
Is it logical and reasonable? Oh fuck yes.

The rest of you can expose yourselves to that shit if you like and you're welcome to it.

Again, for the I-Don't-Know-How-Many'th time, I've reached my saturation point with politics and war.

If that's all you got I ain't your Huckleberry.

You trash D's bu Not R's typical closet case methodology.


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Be patient. Word is Starmer will be gone when they give Andy Burnham a safe seat in a by election. 2 potential black swan events coming up at the end of Sept and Oct.

And yea your one of the Stupids.
You're one of the dickless cliche's, if you had a back bone you would go do civil war shit yourself....instead of hiding in your couch fort dreaming about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I agree. If someone with real skills decides to go after you they would never say a word about it.

I see it more as they talk, but they have no skin in the game.

They sit back and type paragraphs about how they have the shit all figured out.

Imagine calling yourself a revolutionary while posting on a troll forum?



Mr. Excitement
Moderator ☠️
Like the ones I have left of your face.

Being able to mumble out a sentence after being crushed does not remove the footprints.

Even if you say it with some exaggerated Scottish accent. Laddie.
Good to see you back Pinocchio. How is the non-existent Corvette?


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I said "please" and "thank you", you thin-skinned whinging Karenesque fool.

If you want to hold a grudge because I wasn't polite *enough* in your opinion then toss that shit into a backpack and never go anywhere without it. Polish that turd every day. Stroke it lovingly and talk to it as if it was your one and only confidant. Keep it close. Keep it safe.

Or shove it right back up your ass and give it a twirl.

It's all the same to me.

Pretty funny.

@Alticus whines because Vitty was a little impolite to him.

So Vitty shits down @Alticus's throat.

And does he respond?

LOL Whatever G

What a weak fuck.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
How is the non-existent Corvette?
Oh, here's comes a snappy comeback with a picture of a white Corvette.
I just got done polishing my Lamborghini.
No offense, Alti, but you do realize that owning a sports car doesn't automatically confer "hot" status for your or any man?

This is what I mean about the C0rvette Troll being highly effective.

It has people spinning....

And with the legal loophole I found in the Royalty Agreement, it will LIVE ON!!!!


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