Ohhh, Ohhhh I have a question!


Factory Bastard
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Any sense of humor and entertainment in the so-called community has long since vanished, these forums have a handful of people who generally despise one another, cross-forum orgies of bitterness and anger, and a hunchbacked Igor who reports back to the blue cashew like a gossiping old lady.

This is what two inner-city hair salons at war would look like.

For the record, Bastard Factory is now filled with outrageous posts about people's children and daily accusations of pee-do-do.

Why the fuck are supposed adults engaging in this abnormal behavior day after day?

This is sort of how the Third Rail Forum ended, the place degenerated into a hate fest with PI posts all over the place until the owner had a mental breakdown and turned the site into a blog, a blog that lasted a week before being closed.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
The spamtards raid BF when they can’t keep a forum alive with their toxic drama whoring and that has been the norm since 2018.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

Any sense of humor and entertainment in the so-called community has long since vanished, these forums have a handful of people who generally despise one another, cross-forum orgies of bitterness and anger, and a hunchbacked Igor who reports back to the blue cashew like a gossiping old lady.

This is what two inner-city hair salons at war would look like.

For the record, Bastard Factory is now filled with outrageous posts about people's children and daily accusations of pee-do-do.

Why the fuck are supposed adults engaging in this abnormal behavior day after day?

This is sort of how the Third Rail Forum ended, the place degenerated into a hate fest with PI posts all over the place until the owner had a mental breakdown and turned the site into a blog, a blog that lasted a week before being closed.

Yes, but the owner, ultimately, has to take control.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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☠️Private Forum Access
La La Land
I have zero regrets and no remorse for things I say to these miserable fucktards while engaged in battle.

Can’t take the heat??? … then stay the fuck outta my kitchen cause mama is baking a steaming hot loaf of fuck the hell off!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Any sense of humor and entertainment in the so-called community has long since vanished, these forums have a handful of people who generally despise one another, cross-forum orgies of bitterness and anger, and a hunchbacked Igor who reports back to the blue cashew like a gossiping old lady.

This is what two inner-city hair salons at war would look like.

For the record, Bastard Factory is now filled with outrageous posts about people's children and daily accusations of pee-do-do.

Why the fuck are supposed adults engaging in this abnormal behavior day after day?

This is sort of how the Third Rail Forum ended, the place degenerated into a hate fest with PI posts all over the place until the owner had a mental breakdown and turned the site into a blog, a blog that lasted a week before being closed.
This is Bastard Factory.
It is fuelled by the angst of others. It is lubricated by the tears of the offended. It is the last best hope for truely unregulated internet, as it was in the days of yore, as was the Olde Bastard Factory. Few remain that remember those days.
No one is obligated to remain if the Forum does not suit their tastes.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
This is Bastard Factory.
It is fuelled by the angst of others. It is lubricated by the tears of the offended. It is the last best hope for truely unregulated internet, as it was in the days of yore, as was the Olde Bastard Factory. Few remain that remember those days.
No one is obligated to remain if the Forum does not suit their tastes.
Not ironic that posters who actually lament the passing of flametard boards and are committed trolls should come finger wagging about disreputable behavior? LoLz

Your honesty is appreciated, Kreig, even though I disagree that there is anything of yore olden times worth preserving.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Not ironic that posters who actually lament the passing of flametard boards and are committed trolls should come finger wagging about disreputable behavior? LoLz

Your honesty is appreciated, Kreig, even though I disagree that there is anything of yore olden times worth preserving.

I too understand his world view.

What I find interesting is that they lament a complete loss of anti-social behavior online. Well, online is where cowards went to spew their venom. Couldn't get away with it in the real world.

In the real world, they would get punched in the face for what they say. It's not freedom they want. It's freedom from consequences.

I can't respect cowards. They might as well all wear hoods with eyeholes...it's similar anti-social behavior.

Larry Loungelizard

I appreciate irony as long as I'm not it's victim.
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard

Any sense of humor and entertainment in the so-called community has long since vanished, these forums have a handful of people who generally despise one another, cross-forum orgies of bitterness and anger, and a hunchbacked Igor who reports back to the blue cashew like a gossiping old lady.

This is what two inner-city hair salons at war would look like.

For the record, Bastard Factory is now filled with outrageous posts about people's children and daily accusations of pee-do-do.

Why the fuck are supposed adults engaging in this abnormal behavior day after day?

This is sort of how the Third Rail Forum ended, the place degenerated into a hate fest with PI posts all over the place until the owner had a mental breakdown and turned the site into a blog, a blog that lasted a week before being closed.
Excellent visual on the hair salons. Perfectly stated. I salute your snark.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
There is little, if anything, of the Old boards. I do not recognize this forum. Once there was banter with wit and style. It appears now to be a spot to see who can antagonize who the best.

It got infected with a porcine virus called "Biggie Smiles". He, and his miserable acolytes want to fight.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
There is little, if anything, of the Old boards. I do not recognize this forum. Once there was banter with wit and style. It appears now to be a spot to see who can antagonize who the best.
.. Seriously, dude, there was never wit or style on any flametard or general troll board. The entire point of trolling is to antagonize and annoy - they live in a land of emotional damage and arrested development - none more than the flametarded. If it was up to me I'd incarcerate all trolls in isolated cells, give them a computer on a closed net where they could all troll one another to their dying day. They'd be happy, and mentally/emotionally healthy people would be too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It got infected with a porcine virus called "Biggie Smiles". He, and his miserable acolytes want to fight.
It got infected.
From pearl cluchers and people expressing their "feelings" to the likes of Uncle Dilf and Co. looking for reactions.

I miss Troll. He made absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and it was a beautious sight to behold.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
It got infected.
From pearl cluchers and people expressing their "feelings" to the likes of Uncle Dilf and Co. looking for reactions.

I miss Troll. He made absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and it was a beautious sight to behold.

The only feelings that I know I have is over the use of children to troll. Other than that, I don't much care.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
.. Seriously, dude, there was never wit or style on any flametard or general troll board. The entire point of trolling is to antagonize and annoy - they live in a land of emotional damage and arrested development - none more that the flametarded. If it was up to me I'd incarcerate all trolls in isolated cells, give them a computer on a closed net where they could all troll one another to their dying day. They'd be happy, and mentally/emotionally healthy people would be too.
You and I apparently have different memories.

Regardless, that was then, this is now.

The point: No one is obliged to stay if they dislike the forums.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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Factory Bastard
The Road to Shambhala
You and I apparently have different memories.

Regardless, that was then, this is now.

The point: No one is obliged to stay if they dislike the forums.
That's true. I think the OP should fuck off and quit the finger wagging considering it's the essence of what is and always has been wrong. I mean, how disingenuous is it to lament the demise of flametarded boards, condemn trolling (making a pest of onesself like a petulent 8 year old), then go all waggy finger at the general population for flaming and trolling? LoLz....uh - that's just flaming and trolling. Good grief.
. Oh well, there's sure to be a several paragraph long critique of my lonely life sucking my old inverted cock, and getting all sour puss faced when I accidentally get hemorrhoid cream on my lips or some other juvenile nonsense.

You can stay though, Kreig. I like your honesty. You just need to grow up a bit. Others I have no real hope for.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's true. I think the OP should fuck off and quit the finger wagging considering it's the essence of what is and always has been wrong. I mean, how disingenuous is it to lament the demise of flametarded boards, condemn trolling (making a pest of onesself like a petulent 8 year old), then go all waggy finger at the general population for flaming and trolling? LoLz....uh - that's just flaming and trolling. Good grief.
. Oh well, there's sure to be a several paragraph long critique of my lonely life sucking my old inverted cock, and getting all sour puss faced when I accidentally get hemorrhoid cream on my lips or some other juvenile nonsense.

You can stay though, Kreig. I like your honesty. You just need to grow up a bit. Others I have no real hope for.

Bitch, go chase some house flies and get out of this thread.

Adam Hitler

Aidsman sucks homeless cock
Factory Bastard
New Swabia
Gaylana is another very suspect character, not just for the e-tranny routine, but for his love of Jap manga/anime or whatever the fuck its called.

Any middle aged man into that kind of shit always sets alarm bells ringing.


Site Supporter
Gaylana is another very suspect character, not just for the e-tranny routine, but for his love of Jap manga/anime or whatever the fuck its called.

Any middle aged man into that kind of shit always sets alarm bells ringing.
So does a fella’ with it on his mind 24 7 is it a hobby of yours ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Gaylana is another very suspect character, not just for the e-tranny routine, but for his love of Jap manga/anime or whatever the fuck its called.

Any middle aged man into that kind of shit always sets alarm bells ringing.

Funny, no mention of Dinky Dianna. She definitely has a an effect on you. Why Scouse?