Point of info for the low IQ crowd


Factory Bastard
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@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect


Factory Bastard
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Yes. Whenever you have nothing of substance to contribute, post an insulting image of Michelle Obama. You guys are still so deranged by the Obamas, it's laughable.
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Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.

Exactly and thats what I meant by financial obligations. It's not just employees they have to pay. The numbers I was using was an example. Not accurate data or research but my point is quite valid. The more employees a company has, the more out of pocket expenses they have- which means the more they charge for their product. Also you have to factor in the "demand" of the product they are selling. The more demand they have, the more likely they are to hire new employees. I still feel like you are not comprehending the goal I have set for you. You are so educated that you can't understand the most simplest of things. I get it, though. I'm a complex thinker, too. ;) My brain fries when I have to think about simple shit.


Factory Bastard
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Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs

In other words, you have a low IQ, I knew that already.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.

Exactly and thats what I meant by financial obligations. It's not just employees they have to pay. The numbers I was using was an example. Not accurate data or research but my point is quite valid. The more employees a company has, the more out of pocket expenses they have- which means the more they charge for their product. Also you have to factor in the "demand" of the product they are selling. The more demand they have, the more likely they are to hire new employees. I still feel like you are not comprehending the goal I have set for you. You are so educated that you can't understand the most simplest of things. I get it, though. I'm a complex thinker, too. ;) My brain fries when I have to think about simple shit.

Except for one thing: that's not how it works. Not at all. Usually you hire more employees because you are selling more product. That means you're making more money. Yeah, you're paying for more employees, but you're making more money, so the COST of making the product has not increased. You clearly know nothing about economics. Look up "economies of scale" on the innernets. Maybe that will help you to understand the simple fact that when production goes up, usually the cost of producing goes down. Really and truly, your post makes no sense at all.

It's adorable, though, that you think you're a complex thinker.
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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs
Some people enjoy an intelligent conversation. I was under the impression that this was allowed here....? Or do you have any other information?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
heres another problem with small businesses

when the minimum wage increases so do the layoffs. then when the govt mandates u have 2 pay for their health insurance too? oh forget it - they close shop

corporate places like walmart, home depot, amazon etc, can handle those hits. funny how they r the ONLY places also allowed 2 stay open during shutdowns...hmm


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.

Exactly and thats what I meant by financial obligations. It's not just employees they have to pay. The numbers I was using was an example. Not accurate data or research but my point is quite valid. The more employees a company has, the more out of pocket expenses they have- which means the more they charge for their product. Also you have to factor in the "demand" of the product they are selling. The more demand they have, the more likely they are to hire new employees. I still feel like you are not comprehending the goal I have set for you. You are so educated that you can't understand the most simplest of things. I get it, though. I'm a complex thinker, too. ;) My brain fries when I have to think about simple shit.

Except for one thing: that's not how it works. Not at all. Usually you hire more employees because you are selling more product. That means you're making more money. Yeah, you're paying for more employees, but you're making more money, so the COST of making the product has not increased. You clearly know nothing about economics.

Yes, I understand that but if minimum wage is REQUIRED to increase at some point in time then the other numbers go up, too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs
Some people enjoy an intelligent conversation. I was under the impression that this was allowed here....? Or do you have any other information?
get lost before i get my electric skeeter swatter


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs
Some people enjoy an intelligent conversation. I was under the impression that this was allowed here....? Or do you have any other information?
get lost before i get my electric skeeter swatter

I have tarantulas that would LOVE to eat Maxis for breakfast!!!!! Although, it may endanger their health to eat something expired so I may pass on that thought.....hmmm....


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs

In other words, you have a low IQ, I knew that already.
ur like the dog no one ever played with - someone picks up a stick 2 throw it and the hair goes up, the teeth show, tail between the legs.....


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
get lost before i get my electric skeeter swatter

I have tarantulas that would LOVE to eat Maxis for breakfast!!!!! Although, it may endanger their health to eat something expired so I may pass on that thought.....hmmm....

ur like the dog no one ever played with - someone picks up a stick 2 throw it and the hair goes up, the teeth show, tail between the legs.....

I know it must frustrating to not being able to understand the subject, but there is no reason to start misbehaving.

@Succubus my name is @maxis735. I know, that's also difficult, but please give it a try


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.

You may be self employed. That doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. You don't. Anyone who hires extra employees even though their production has not gone up needs their head examined.
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Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up
Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.
Unfortunately a lot of people are self employed or have a small business and still do not understand the concepts of it.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.

You may be self employed. That doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. You don't. Anyone who hires extra employees even though their production has not gone up needs their head examined.

I wouldn't hire extra employees if my production has not gone up. I still don't see where you are getting that I said that. Still misunderstanding my statement.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.
it was clear as a bell 2 me :)
they just make noise 2 sound smart


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

This is very true. Because the profit is often the biggest figures in there, and there's no way to guess what it is. And you're right about keeping the prices the same.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Business A

Overhead *rent, utilities, tools, etc): 10,000
Goods (stuff to make whatever they sell, like food): 20,000
Insurance and fees, taxes, etc: 10,000
Employee wages: 20,000

In the above scenario, total cost is 60,000 a month. Wages are 33% of costs. If wages are 10 an hour, and they go to 12 an hour in the first round of increases, that means wages will now be 24,000 a month. Total costs are now 64,000 a month. That is an increase of less than ten percent. To recoup costs, the $1 burger would have to be about $1.08. Most customers don't stop buying a product they like or need when its cost goes up 8%.

I know this is complicated, but life is complicated. When you make decisions that effect people's lives, you have to be willing to look at the facts, rather than simplistic propaganda that is meant to serve the rich and cheat the working class.
I see you have left out the profit for the company itself, but if you take this into account then the prices might not even go up.
It might be more profitable for a company to keep prices the same, even when their costs go up

Dude. I am self employed. I used to have employees but now I work alone. I know how this shit works. No one seems to understand wtf I'm saying sooooooooooo I shall save my hot air for a rainy day. It's quite precious, you know.

You may be self employed. That doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. You don't. Anyone who hires extra employees even though their production has not gone up needs their head examined.

I wouldn't hire extra employees if my production has not gone up. I still don't see where you are getting that I said that. Still misunderstanding my statement.

You're right. I must be misunderstanding you, because no business owner is going to hire more employees if production hasn't gone up. Now, if production has gone up but sales haven't, then THAT would be a costly scenario in which to hire more employees. And a stupid one.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
get lost before i get my electric skeeter swatter

I have tarantulas that would LOVE to eat Maxis for breakfast!!!!! Although, it may endanger their health to eat something expired so I may pass on that thought.....hmmm....

ur like the dog no one ever played with - someone picks up a stick 2 throw it and the hair goes up, the teeth show, tail between the legs.....

I know it must frustrating to not being able to understand the subject, but there is no reason to start misbehaving.

@Succubus my name is @maxis735. I know, that's also difficult, but please give it a try


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......


@Jeannie is telling the truth. Especially if minimum wage is increased. Example: Minimum wage $7.25 per hour. Cheeseburger $1. Minimum wage $15 per hour. Cheeseburger $5. The reason: restaurants will have to increase prices on their product in order to meet the minimum wage requirement. It's the same for any other company- burger flipper or not. It's also the same when you have illegal immigrants or migrants as you want to call them. The more workers you have to pay (even if minimum wage stays the same) the more you will have to increase price on product to pay all of your employees. If you fail to understand this (a first grader could understand this) then you need to take an economics class. Period.

They've already established a minimum wage of 15 in places like Seattle and none of what you claim is true. Prices did not quintuple. That's straight up bullshit. And why would you have to pay MORE workers if the minimum wage goes up?

It was an "example"- meaning the numbers aren't going to be "accurate" for me to get my point across. You're a fucking teacher for Pete's sake. It's basic math. Depending on how much you produce and the DEMAND of that product, if you have 10 employees vs 2 employees you would have to increase sales price in order to pay the 10 employees. The more employees you have to pay the more you charge for the product you sell. There are MANY variables. I may just have a low IQ but for a teacher you aren't that fucking smart. How did you get your degree again? They passed it to you through a McDonald's drive-thru window??? Oh ok.....it all makes sense now. Never mind. I will expect less of you next time you respond to anything I have to say.

Yes, I was a "teacher." And I understand that you got nothing right in your post. There has been actual research done on the impacts of wage increases, and A, it's far more nuanced than you suggest, meaning there are positives and negatives. B, overall the impact has been nothing but positive. C, again, suggesting that prices will go from $1 to $5 is straight up bullshit, like I said. Prices might go from $1 to $1.20, and if you're too much of a cheap ass to pay the extra 20 cents to help someone live with dignity, then fuck you. D, when wages go up, employers do not hire MORE people. Employers have for decades been in the business of hiring as few people as possible. How increased wages could in any way cause an increase in hiring is beyond me. Employers only hire more employees when sales have gone up. Hiring more employees, therefore, does not increase costs to the employer in the long run, because the profits have increased. I mean, are you serious with that shit? Where do you come up with this stuff? Do some research. Find an unbiased source that actually reports on the facts, not the wild accusations.

I didn't say that an increase in wages had anything to do with hiring more people. You are misinterpreting my post. I was using an example of how things would be prior to. If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands. I'm not saying if wages go up that a company will hire more people. I was using an example that the more people a company has working for them, the more they have to charge for their product in order to pay their employees. What about that didn't you get? Also, if minimum wage goes up then there will be an increase in the price of the product the company sells. Those are the only 2 points I was trying to get across and you combined them. They are 2 separate points of view.

"If an employer had 10 people and another employer had 2 people then the employer that had 10 people would probably increase price for their product to meet their financial demands."

That literally makes zero sense.

Usually when production goes up, prices go down. It's called "economies of scale." Look it up.
then what about doubling the minimum wage and the $1 burger doesnt double but increases by only 20¢
that made no sense
*btw when i suggested the price would quintuple i was exaggerating for effect

It would make sense if you understood that employers' expenses are not 100% made up of wages to employees. They have to pay for supplies, for overhead, for all kinds of insurance, etc. NONE of those costs have doubled, so, no, their operating costs DO NOT DOUBLE when wages double. Furthermore, none of these wage increase laws went from 7.25 to 15 overnight. The raises are all spread across YEARS, and you have to factor that into your extremely inept math calculations. And many employers are already paying more than the minimum wage, so again, the costs of wages do not double.

You people need to be more willing to research facts instead of making up your minds based on propaganda. You're making me exert too much energy trying to educate you.
dude its a casual web forum for lulz and light-hearted chat, not a think-tank tasked with fixing the world
i could debate u but if ur going 2 be a superior insulting snot nose, i will troll u for laughs
Jeaner Wiener, you could never hold your own in serious debate against LB. You've never demonstrated even mediocre intellect never mind a match for Lotus.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
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No where you'd like to be......
Ahhhh.......this thread isn't economics. It's bandwagon. I see this gang bang session for what it is. Still not gonna back me into a fucking corner. Agree/disagree with me. I don't give 2 shits. I made my point and I'm done. You'll NEVER see my white flag....I don't fucking OWN one!