Severe affordable housing crisis in the US

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Yes, of course.

So now you agree that taking the immigrant out of the equation will ease the pressure.

It is weird that you said "of course" when it contradicts your earlier posts. At least you might be learning something.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.

He can't afford to buy in Florida anyways @LotusBud.

At best @The Prowler is a Big Fish in a small pond where he lives....and a frozen one at that.


A Trailer Park rental is his best bet.

I met plenty of Ontario snowboards doin' that in Florida during the Winter.

Many of 'em weren't that well off, but it was their way to escape the oppressive Ontario Winters on the cheap - livin' in Trailer parks.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I can move to Florida and live with my kids or the house my mom and step dad bought that will be mine one day. I'm lucky like that. The average joe that would wind up in a trailer in Florida is STILL better than me in Illinois with my $350K house. Why? Cause illinois SUCKS!!!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I can move to Florida and live with my kids or the house my mom and step dad bought that will be mine one day. I'm lucky like that. The average joe that would wind up in a trailer in Florida is STILL better than me in Illinois with my $350K house. Why? Cause illinois SUCKS!!!

I love my shitty trailor in Michigan. It will be far from shitty when I'm done with it :D

And my only monthly expense is land rent. I pay 204 dollars. That's IT. I mean utilities we still pay bit as far as the house its nothing.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
If we bought a place in Florida, there is a good chance we would get a condo over a house because it would sit empty for 6-7 months every year. I like the idea of close neighbours watching the place.

We would also probably move from our current house and buy something for less money. Maybe moving to a smaller town; we have looked at real estate in cheaper provinces too, like New Brunswick.

We are in no rush, though. Usually when I go for a vacation I am home sick after a couple of weeks, so I better see if I can last even a month without being crazy homesick before doing anything drastic like buying a place!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
If we bought a place in Florida, there is a good chance we would get a condo over a house because it would sit empty for 6-7 months every year. I like the idea of close neighbours watching the place.

We would also probably move from our current house and buy something for less money. Maybe moving to a smaller town; we have looked at real estate in cheaper provinces too, like New Brunswick.

We are in no rush, though. Usually when I go for a vacation I am home sick after a couple of weeks, so I better see if I can last even a month without being crazy homesick before doing anything drastic like buying a place!

Once you move, its different. I know exactly what you mean because I'm the same way. After about a week im ready to get home. But I've moved out of state a lot in my life and once you make a mentally know you live there now so you dont really get "home sick". You just adjust.

I really liked living in FL. I definately got "winter sick". That's what they call it when you miss the seasons. Here in Michigan we get all 4 seasons. In Florida....its just hot, and hotter lol. I wasnt so much "home sick" but I really missed autumn. It's my favorite season. The whole flow of the seasons is what I missed.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I really liked living in FL. I definately got "winter sick". That's what they call it when you miss the seasons. Here in Michigan we get all 4 seasons. In Florida....its just hot, and hotter lol. I wasnt so much "home sick" but I really missed autumn. It's my favorite season. The whole flow of the seasons is what I missed.

Yeah, we would not live in Florida during autumn. We get a similar autumn to you and it is my wife's favourite season. The best time for long hikes with the dog.

A Florida home would be just to get away during the cold months. But it really is all up in the air. Before we do anything, we need to spend some time in the different areas and make sure we like it. There are small towns all around us that we know we like, so there is a good chance that we will just stick close to where we are for our main house. There is no rush to leave our current house. No matter what, the Florida house would just be for the winter...maybe the tail end of autumn or beginning of spring.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I really liked living in FL. I definately got "winter sick". That's what they call it when you miss the seasons. Here in Michigan we get all 4 seasons. In Florida....its just hot, and hotter lol. I wasnt so much "home sick" but I really missed autumn. It's my favorite season. The whole flow of the seasons is what I missed.

Yeah, we would not live in Florida during autumn. We get a similar autumn to you and it is my wife's favourite season. The best time for long hikes with the dog.

A Florida home would be just to get away during the cold months. But it really is all up in the air. Before we do anything, we need to spend some time in the different areas and make sure we like it. There are small towns all around us that we know we like, so there is a good chance that we will just stick close to where we are for our main house. There is no rush to leave our current house. No matter what, the Florida house would just be for the winter...maybe the tail end of autumn or beginning of spring.

Lots of retired people in Michigan do the snow bird thing(go their Florida home for the winter).

You really cannot beat autumn in the midwest. I love everything about it. The walks. The colors. The smell. Apple orchards. Bonfires. It's the best!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.

The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.

The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.

US should probably head in that direction rather than tear each other apart.

A couple of administrative zones, 2 Supreme Courts paying for some common services like National Defense & border control to keep the riff raff out.

More along the lines of an EU.

Canada already has a 2 state solution.

Quebec & the rest of us.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.

The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.

US should probably head in that direction rather than tear each other apart.

A couple of administrative zones, 2 Supreme Courts paying for some common services like National Defense & border control to keep the riff raff out.

More along the lines of an EU.

Canada already has a 2 state solution.

Quebec & the rest of us.

I genuinely see this as the only solution.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC)

It is CMHC, or Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Liar @Joe.

Do you fuck everything up?

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada....So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States.


No, Liar @Joe, that is not how it works.

Say they have 8.7x the population, but 10x the housing, then the demand pressure would be less than in Canada.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.

Yeah, according to @Joe, that would somehow solve housing problems.

Funny for a NWO person to be pushing for more nations....Haha!!

Well what do you suggest as an alternative Prowler?

Dovey & LB brought up national unity in their country not so much housing tho

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Well what do you suggest as an alternative Prowler?

Fuckin' Liar @Joe really does think that is a solution.

No more housing units.

No less population.

Just draw up some borders and Voila! people have homes!!



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Well what do you suggest as an alternative Prowler?

Fuckin' Liar @Joe really does think that is a solution.

No more housing units.

No less population.

Just draw up some borders and Voila! people have homes!!


I can tell in real life that you are a Liar @The Prowler. Because you always accuse everyone of being a Liar including @Lily & @LotusBud.

Anyone who accuses others of being a Liar is always a Liar irl Prowler.

You are Def a man who is not at peace with himself.

Ask @Dove ta help you find God Prowler.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Liar @Joe always resorts to making personal insults when I point out that he says stupid shit.

Here is another one:
Anyone who accuses others of being a Liar is always a Liar irl Prowler.

That is just stupid.

So there is a man who has never lied. He witnesses a man tell a lie.

If he accuses that man of lying, according to Liar @Joe, he would somehow magically become a liar.

Even though. He has. Never. Lied.

This is exactly why nobody should ever trust. Liar @Joe.

The Liar.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.

The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.

US should probably head in that direction rather than tear each other apart.

A couple of administrative zones, 2 Supreme Courts paying for some common services like National Defense & border control to keep the riff raff out.

More along the lines of an EU.

Canada already has a 2 state solution.

Quebec & the rest of us.

I think it would need to be at the very least 3, though, because of the huge political divides and the geographic ones as well. An EU-style central body would make sense. It's just too much at this point. No civil war required. Just a peaceful splitting apart, and let Washington be that place where the countries' reps gather to make common legislation and divvy up resources.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
I'm gonna just say make it four countries. The western 3 states, plus Hawaii, would be Cascadia. The Midwest plus Alaska would be Biblia. The South would be Trumplandia, and the East coast would be Old Guardia. The bottom half of Floriduh would be in Trumplandia, the top half in Old Guardia.

I've fixed all yer problems, USA! Now, leave me alone.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Liar @Joe always resorts to making personal insults when I point out that he says stupid shit.

Here is another one:
Anyone who accuses others of being a Liar is always a Liar irl Prowler.

That is just stupid.

So there is a man who has never lied. He witnesses a man tell a lie.

If he accuses that man of lying, according to Liar @Joe, he would somehow magically become a liar.

Even though. He has. Never. Lied.

This is exactly why nobody should ever trust. Liar @Joe.

The Liar.

Your preferred method of choice is called gaslighting @The Prowler. You are a gaslighter Prowler.

...but not a terribly clever or subtle one....but some schmoe with too much time on his hands who lives in the frozen armpit of Canada.

You accused both @LotusBud (@Lily too?) & myself of lying but we refuted one of your points. Hence you lost an argument.

You a genius? Hardly.

More like a nasty gaslighting troll @The Prowler.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I'm gonna just say make it four countries. The western 3 states, plus Hawaii, would be Cascadia. The Midwest plus Alaska would be Biblia. The South would be Trumplandia, and the East coast would be Old Guardia. The bottom half of Floriduh would be in Trumplandia, the top half in Old Guardia.

I've fixed all yer problems, USA! Now, leave me alone.

Or all the fuckwits and intellectual cowards could just fuck off to other nations like you have....


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
I'm gonna just say make it four countries. The western 3 states, plus Hawaii, would be Cascadia. The Midwest plus Alaska would be Biblia. The South would be Trumplandia, and the East coast would be Old Guardia. The bottom half of Floriduh would be in Trumplandia, the top half in Old Guardia.

I've fixed all yer problems, USA! Now, leave me alone.

Or all the fuckwits and intellectual cowards could just fuck off to other nations like you have....

Like you did, Mr, "Whoa, it's getting hot in here, time to change nationalities. Hey, Dad, I need a new passport!"?

Zip it up, fuckwit. Your hypocrisy is showing.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Your preferred method of choice is called gaslighting @The Prowler. You are a gaslighter Prowler.

...but not a terribly clever or subtle one....but some schmoe with too much time on his hands who lives in the frozen armpit of Canada.

You accused both @LotusBud (@Lily too?) & myself of lying but we refuted one of your points. Hence you lost an argument.

You a genius? Hardly.

More like a nasty gaslighting troll @The Prowler.


Such a generic, meaningless response, Liar @Joe.

You said this:
Anyone who accuses others of being a Liar is always a Liar irl Prowler.

And I refuted stupid statement that with an example.

Telling a lie, makes a person a liar, Liar @Joe.

Pointing out that a liar is a liar does not make someone a liar, Liar @Joe.

Calling this "gaslighting" is yet another example of your dishonesty, Liar @Joe.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I'm gonna just say make it four countries. The western 3 states, plus Hawaii, would be Cascadia. The Midwest plus Alaska would be Biblia. The South would be Trumplandia, and the East coast would be Old Guardia. The bottom half of Floriduh would be in Trumplandia, the top half in Old Guardia.

I've fixed all yer problems, USA! Now, leave me alone.

Or all the fuckwits and intellectual cowards could just fuck off to other nations like you have....

Like you did, Mr, "Whoa, it's getting hot in here, time to change nationalities. Hey, Dad, I need a new passport!"?

Zip it up, fuckwit. Your hypocrisy is showing.

I'm a citizen of the earth. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

Maybe I was born with it., Maybelline....

However there's not been any hypocrisy on my part. I've remained a liberty loving freedom fighter no matter where I've been whereas you are a communist cunt and spineless shit for brains stooge...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Rent control always results in fewer units being built while public housing has been a failure every where it has been tried. NYC has been building public housing since the 1930's yet everyone wants a free apartment so the wait list is almost 20 years long. In 90 years of trying they never once were able to keep up with demand because it just induces more demand.

Do you want the market to actually start working, like how it did from 1950 to about 1980? Tell politicians to stop blocking development. In California it is routine how politicians virtually always block all developments unless they first pay big bribes to those same politicians (as "campaign donations") and then triple prices to pay outrageous rates to union bosses. That is how it works and it is the biggest reason low cost housing can't be built.

Might work better in Canada or some small socialist state like in Scandinavia. We had something called the Canada Housing Mortgage Corporation (CHMC) which built apartments years ago.

But I can see yer point.

USA has 10x the amt of people than Canada.

California has more people than Canada.

So the demand & competition for housing is 10x worse in the States. I seem to remember now. And that was 30 yrs ago. Demand is high due to economis of scale.

There's always somebody to compete with you at something in America. A job housing business competitor whatever.

US economy population is the size of the EU.

The US should probaby be four or five countries. It's too big and too stupid to be one country.

US should probably head in that direction rather than tear each other apart.

A couple of administrative zones, 2 Supreme Courts paying for some common services like National Defense & border control to keep the riff raff out.

More along the lines of an EU.

Canada already has a 2 state solution.

Quebec & the rest of us.

I think it would need to be at the very least 3, though, because of the huge political divides and the geographic ones as well. An EU-style central body would make sense. It's just too much at this point. No civil war required. Just a peaceful splitting apart, and let Washington be that place where the countries' reps gather to make common legislation and divvy up resources.

Only the right can't exist without the tax base that the left and blue states provide.