Severe affordable housing crisis in the US


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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Bitch, the cost of goods keep going up too. democRAT inflation is a runaway fukin train. Congrats! YOU did this!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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Bitch, the cost of goods keep going up too. democRAT inflation is a runaway fukin train. Congrats! YOU did this!

Many of the socailist/communist "thinkers" are going through this "money is made up by man so what difference does it make how much is printed....just cancel it" kind of thinking. Almost like just getting rid of money. "Overthrow the system".

It's pretty scary.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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Bitch, the cost of goods keep going up too. democRAT inflation is a runaway fukin train. Congrats! YOU did this!

Many of the socailist/communist "thinkers" are going through this "money is made up by man so what difference does it make how much is printed....just cancel it" kind of thinking. Almost like just getting rid of money. "Overthrow the system".

It's pretty scary.
Yea, its all fukin fun and games to these shitheads until the executions and mass starvation starts. Then they're all "we just didnt implement ENOUGH communism!".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
"Increase minimum wage!!!"

"Increase immigration!!!"

"Create more jobs!!! Use less tech and more people power!!!!"

"What do you mean 'Shit costs more.'?!?!?!?!"


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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I agree.

Many landlords (but certainly by no means all) are taking advantage of tenants, this situation and milking it for all its worth.

The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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LettuceBrain posts a quote from an article that does nothing but cite some statistics.

@Joe agrees.


The statistics??

So, @Joe, did you actually perform some data-gathering and compile the stats from the 50 largest metro areas in the USA and come up with the exact same percentages?

That is just remarkable.

You fuckin' idiot.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Yet, @Joe has no fucking clue what it costs to build houses or multi-unit buildings.

Obviously that knowledge is required to know if his idea is even feasible.

I pointed this out several times already.

It seems that he is unable to grasp simple facts.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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LettuceBrain posts a quote from an article that does nothing but cite some statistics.

@Joe agrees.


The statistics??

So, @Joe, did you actually perform some data-gathering and compile the stats from the 50 largest metro areas in the USA and come up with the exact same percentages?

That is just remarkable.

You fuckin' idiot.

So, does that make the point of his posts, of my posts, and of the articles moot.

Yer the feckin idjit.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Yet, @Joe has no fucking clue what it costs to build houses or multi-unit buildings.

Obviously that knowledge is required to know if his idea is even feasible.

I pointed this out several times already.

It seems that he is unable to grasp simple facts.

Why does he need to know that? You have no argument. You're just an angry con who doesn't want poor people to live. Fuck off, jackass.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Yet, @Joe has no fucking clue what it costs to build houses or multi-unit buildings.

Obviously that knowledge is required to know if his idea is even feasible.

I pointed this out several times already.

It seems that he is unable to grasp simple facts.

Why does he need to know that? You have no argument. You're just an angry con who doesn't want poor people to live. Fuck off, jackass.

This is ridiculous. Anytime someone points out the reality of costs this is what the response is everytime.

So why arent dems/progs housing all those poor people then? There is a ton of homeless people on the streets in CA. Why not give them houses?

Just because someone is pointing out costs(which are a huge factor here) doesnt mean they "dont want poor people to live".

And costs are not going high because people are greedy. This is a consequence.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The governments should step in introduce rent controls & flood the market with low cost housing to drive rents and the cost of real estate down @LotusBud.

Yet, @Joe has no fucking clue what it costs to build houses or multi-unit buildings.

Obviously that knowledge is required to know if his idea is even feasible.

I pointed this out several times already.

It seems that he is unable to grasp simple facts.

Actually @The Prowler I support substantially higher taxes on the Super Rich (as opposed to the merely rich) to alleviate the extremes of poverty in North America.

Plus the Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Ellisons, Elon Musks, Warren Buffets should be forced to give up most of their fortunes to infrastructure projects, venture capital startup funds or worthy causes of their choice, when the DIE.

This is a healthy way to maintain the Capitalist System & regenerate it.

It might address issues such as the housing shortage as well.

We shouldn't discourage people from pursuing their dreams of fabulous wealth while they are alive. But when they are dead and in the grave, they simply don't need it anymore.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Obviously that knowledge is required to know if his idea is even feasible.
Why does he need to know that? You have no argument. You're just an angry con who doesn't want poor people to live. Fuck off, jackass.


LettuceBrain and @Joe have discussions like clueless teenagers who have not got a clue about the real world.

But at least most clueless teenagers would have the good sense to realize their mistake when someone points out that they have not done the research to determine if their "solution" is even feasible.

This is the problem with people like LettuceBrain who wasted their education on liberal arts types of programs.

"No Proof Required"



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Actually @The Prowler I am an idiot*.

* paraphrased

No argument here.

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

It was put forth by the richest man in the United States, Warren Buffet who suggested taxes should be raised on people like him.

He suggested leaving the tax rates alone for those making up to $1 million per year.

But don't worry @The Prowler you're not there yet.

And you won't get there in this lifetime either.

Such a measure wouldn't even affect peons like you nor would it ever.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Look!!! Up in the sky!!! It is....

Captain Obvious!!!!

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

You are a simpleton, @Joe.

Say they tax the fuck out of the ultra-rich.

How much money does it bring to the City of Vancouver, you stupid fuck?

It is not even a drop in the bucket.

Do the math, @Joe. (I know, I is beyond you.)

But don't worry

I am not the worrying, @Joe.

You are.

You are bitching and whining about the high cost of living.

You cannot turn that around, @Joe.

You fuckin' idiot.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Actually @The Prowler I am an idiot*.

* paraphrased

No argument here.

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

It was put forth by the richest man in the United States, Warren Buffet who suggested taxes should be raised on people like him.

He suggested leaving the tax rates alone for those making up to $1 million per year.

But don't worry @The Prowler you're not there yet.

And you won't get there in this lifetime either.

Such a measure wouldn't even affect peons like you nor would it ever.
You retarded buttfuk. Over taxation not alleviating poverty aint new either, shit for brains!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Actually @The Prowler I am an idiot*.

* paraphrased

No argument here.

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

It was put forth by the richest man in the United States, Warren Buffet who suggested taxes should be raised on people like him.

He suggested leaving the tax rates alone for those making up to $1 million per year.

But don't worry @The Prowler you're not there yet.

And you won't get there in this lifetime either.

Such a measure wouldn't even affect peons like you nor would it ever.
You retarded buttfuk. Over taxation not alleviating poverty aint new either, shit for brains!

He is so fuckin' stupid it becomes a tad annoying.

He owns basically nothing other than a couple of 15 year old computers.

He lives in subsidized housing on a government disability pension.

He cannot figure out how to be a productive member of society in what has to be the cushiest era in the history of man.

And he thinks he is enlightening people when he suggests "Tax the rich!!"

Fuck me.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Look!!! Up in the sky!!! It is....

Captain Obvious!!!!

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

You are a simpleton, @Joe.

Say they tax the fuck out of the ultra-rich.

How much money does it bring to the City of Vancouver, you stupid fuck?

It is not even a drop in the bucket.

Do the math, @Joe. (I know, I is beyond you.)

But don't worry

I am not the worrying, @Joe.

You are.

You are bitching and whining about the high cost of living.

You cannot turn that around, @Joe.

You fuckin' idiot.

But you're not ultra rich anyway and can never hope to be @The Prowler.

Like, so you have a direct line/cell phone number to wealthy billionaire sheiks?

Do you have a private jet?

Do you get driven by an entourage of 5 vehicles on your way to your private jet?

Do you manage assets with a market cap of $60 billion for which you have to fly back and forth between Bay Street and Vancouver each week?

Do you have a direct line to the White House and the President of the United States?

Do you have your own private chefs which you fly in from remote locations from the United States to your private multimillion dollar cabin in Whistler?

If you can answer 'Yes' to any of the above, I will accept that you are immensely wealthy, important and powerful.

However if you are not, then Shut the Fuck Up.

I can tell what a pretender is from the Real Thing because I've actually met these people.

You're a Pretender and wannabe Prowler.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
Look!!! Up in the sky!!! It is....

Captain Obvious!!!!

The idea of taxing the Super Rich is nothing new.

You are a simpleton, @Joe.

Say they tax the fuck out of the ultra-rich.

How much money does it bring to the City of Vancouver, you stupid fuck?

It is not even a drop in the bucket.

Do the math, @Joe. (I know, I is beyond you.)

But don't worry

I am not the worrying, @Joe.

You are.

You are bitching and whining about the high cost of living.

You cannot turn that around, @Joe.

You fuckin' idiot.

But you're not ultra rich anyway and can never hope to be @The Prowler.

Like, so you have a direct line/cell phone number to wealthy billionaire sheiks?

Do you have a private jet?

Do you get driven by an entourage of 5 vehicles on your way to your private jet?

Do you manage assets with a market cap of $60 billion for which you have to fly back and forth between Bay Street and Vancouver each week?

Do you have a direct line to the White House and the President of the United States?

Do you have your own private chefs which you fly in from remote locations from the United States to your private multimillion dollar cabin in Whistler?

If you can answer 'Yes' to any of the above, I will accept that you are immensely wealthy, important and powerful.

However if you are not, then Shut the Fuck Up.

I can tell what a pretender is from the Real Thing because I've actually met these people.

You're a Pretender and wannabe Prowler.

Burnt him to a crisp!

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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In tonight's episode of Reverse Fantasy Island, we are visited from a man who has lost touch with reality. When his long time fantasy collides with his tragic reality, will it be more than he can handle?

Starring, as The Dreamer, Liar Joe.

Featuring The Leaker as The Dreamer's retarded cousin.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In tonight's episode of Reverse Fantasy Island, we are visited from a man who has lost touch with reality. When his long time fantasy collides with his tragic reality, will it be more than he can handle?

Starring, as The Dreamer, Liar Joe.

Featuring The Leaker as The Dreamer's retarded cousin.

....the Super Rich make as much money in a day as you do in a year @TheProwler & quite possibly 10.

Sometimes in just a minute.

And not a Fantasy, Prowler.
Last edited:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
....the Super Rich make as much money in a day as you do in a year @TheProwler & quite possibly 10.

Sometimes in just a minute.

And not a Fantasy, Prowler.

Hahaha!!! Who gives a flying fuck, @Joe?

Unlike you, I do not live a life filled with envy and dissatisfaction.

I would not trade my life for anyone else's life.

It is funny that you value money so much, yet have so little of it. That has left you a shallow, pathetic man.

Me? I understand the value of money. But I do not overvalue it. I need money to purchase things that I want.

What do I want?

A nice house. Got it.

A very capable SUV that works as a daily driver and an off-road rec vehicle. Got it.

A nice sports car. Got it.

An awesome street fighter motorcycle. Got it.

An nice acoustic guitar. A nice travel guitar. A nice solid body electric guitar. A nice centre-block electric guitar. A nice hollow body electric guitar. A vintage tube amp for a rich sound for jams and recording. A high powered modelling amp for versatility and loud enough for large halls. A battery-powered amp for small gigs. A good jam room with a drum kit, PA system, several mics, etc.. I have all those things and more. And the musical ability to use it all.

I was blessed with the natural abilities to excel at and enjoy a wide variety of sports.

I have a wife who is funny and intelligent and beautiful and interesting and kind and considerate. And a great cook.

I have more sports and hobbies equipment than I know what to do with. From a camping trailer to disc golf to photography equipment to a kickass drone to archery to fishing I sometimes think I have too many hobbies.

I honestly do not think anyone who is so driven to make obscene amounts of money could be as happy person as I am. It requires sacrificing too much time. I would rather spend that time enjoying the variety of activities that I can enjoy.

If I was driven to make money, like you seem be imagining @Joe, I would not be 95% retired at the age of 55. I would not have encouraged my wife to fully retire at the age of 49. I would be busy making more money.

You really are a sad fucker, @Joe. Always focused on what other people have. Or what other people do. Or what other people think. You never talk about what you have or what you do or what you think.

I guess you know that you are not interesting. (Except in a clinical setting.)

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Liar @Joe decided to bail on this thread because things are getting too real.

What is kinda interesting here is that I know a number of people in real life who are in similar situations to Liar @Joe and I am friends with some of them.

Getting older. Have some mental/social/drug issues. Depend on the government for assistance.

The big difference, though, is that none of them are assholes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In tonight's episode of Reverse Fantasy Island, we are visited from a man who has lost touch with reality. When his long time fantasy collides with his tragic reality, will it be more than he can handle?

Starring, as The Dreamer, Liar Joe.

Featuring The Leaker as The Dreamer's retarded cousin.

....the Super Rich make as much money in a day as you do in a year @TheProwler & quite possibly 10.

Sometimes in just a minute.

And not a Fantasy, Prowler.
Jelly bitch. Should have applied yourself.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
....the Super Rich make as much money in a day as you do in a year @TheProwler & quite possibly 10.

Sometimes in just a minute.

And not a Fantasy, Prowler.

Hahaha!!! Who gives a flying fuck, @Joe?

Unlike you, I do not live a life filled with envy and dissatisfaction.

I would not trade my life for anyone else's life.

It is funny that you value money so much, yet have so little of it. That has left you a shallow, pathetic man.

Me? I understand the value of money. But I do not overvalue it. I need money to purchase things that I want.

What do I want?

A nice house. Got it.

A very capable SUV that works as a daily driver and an off-road rec vehicle. Got it.

A nice sports car. Got it.

An awesome street fighter motorcycle. Got it.

An nice acoustic guitar. A nice travel guitar. A nice solid body electric guitar. A nice centre-block electric guitar. A nice hollow body electric guitar. A vintage tube amp for a rich sound for jams and recording. A high powered modelling amp for versatility and loud enough for large halls. A battery-powered amp for small gigs. A good jam room with a drum kit, PA system, several mics, etc.. I have all those things and more. And the musical ability to use it all.

I was blessed with the natural abilities to excel at and enjoy a wide variety of sports.

I have a wife who is funny and intelligent and beautiful and interesting and kind and considerate. And a great cook.

I have more sports and hobbies equipment than I know what to do with. From a camping trailer to disc golf to photography equipment to a kickass drone to archery to fishing I sometimes think I have too many hobbies.

I honestly do not think anyone who is so driven to make obscene amounts of money could be as happy person as I am. It requires sacrificing too much time. I would rather spend that time enjoying the variety of activities that I can enjoy.

If I was driven to make money, like you seem be imagining @Joe, I would not be 95% retired at the age of 55. I would not have encouraged my wife to fully retire at the age of 49. I would be busy making more money.

You really are a sad fucker, @Joe. Always focused on what other people have. Or what other people do. Or what other people think. You never talk about what you have or what you do or what you think.

I guess you know that you are not interesting. (Except in a clinical setting.)

...are you finished, Rockefeller?

I hope you didn't use up all of your ammo on that rant.

You oughta save some for later @The Prowler

Ya might need it for another time.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Here's the title of the article, for those who have reading comprehension issues and were confused by the op

Landlords finding ways to evict after getting rental aid

I want to know WHY the landlord is able to enforce an agreement that was signed BEFORE he was granted $20,000 in emergency rental assistance.

The economic wrath of a gloabal pandemic now unfolds. What a shitshow nightmare.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That was a nice rant.

It was a beauty.

I wonder if miserable people like @Joe always focus on the super-rich so they can somehow justify their own failings. Like they try to convince themselves that it takes billions of dollars to be happy; so it is something only a few people can achieve. And having a modest amount of money is an excuse to be a miserable prick.

Then they do not have to face the fact that they are negative, miserable pricks based on nothing other than their own bad attitudes and poor decisions that they made in life.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That was a nice rant.

It was a beauty.

I wonder if miserable people like @Joe always focus on the super-rich so they can somehow justify their own failings. Like they try to convince themselves that it takes billions of dollars to be happy; so it is something only a few people can achieve. And having a modest amount of money is an excuse to be a miserable prick.

Then they do not have to face the fact that they are negative, miserable pricks based on nothing other than their own bad attitudes and poor decisions that they made in life.

You live in the Industrial Heartland of Canada which many Canadians refer to as 'The Armpit of the Nation' @The Prowler. Flyover country. Nobody stops over there unless they have to. And Yer house would buy you a 1 BR condo in DT Vancouver.

Nothin to envy where you come from.

You claim you're not envious of others but then you start threads bashing California. Yeah right. Where would most people wanna live? In Southern California? Or some icy cold shithole in Southern Ontario? Where it's -20 right now.