I am in severe fucking pain


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I didn't know you had kidney issues. That can be very serious so you need to keep in close contact with a doctor to monitor it closely.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I didn't know you had kidney issues. That can be very serious so you need to keep in close contact with a doctor to monitor it closely.

I know. I've been through it pretty hard with my left kidney.

I had a CT today so I'll be hearing from them tomorrow and my husband will probably schedule the partial nephrectomy I need to have. Just removing the lower part of my left kidney.

Fun stuff!

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Left and Wright Wing governments are both flawed.

The worst mistake we can make is to give either too much power.

aka - absolute power, majority governments.

Let unattended they corrupt very easily.

They both need oversight of their activities.

Absolute Power corrupts absolutley yknow.

That's the beauty of small government, Joe. Which is a "right wing" stance.

I can't think of a single first world country in recent times which has had a small government.

The state is always intrusive and full of bloated bureaucats, it's almost universally accepted at this point and why the average person has no love for the government in any country.

We're all taxed to the eyeballs and treated with utter contempt by the ruling class elite.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I hope you’re feeling better today, Dovey. The subject of kidney failure triggers me. My grandma passed away after she got a transplant. She caught an infection and I remember begging her not to go back to the hospital.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I hope you’re feeling better today, Dovey. The subject of kidney failure triggers me. My grandma passed away after she got a transplant. She caught an infection and I remember begging her not to go back to the hospital.

Yeah I'm on antibiotics. I'm just passing a stone. The CT showed it's not obstructing. Its 3mm so it's pretty painful lol.

My doctor told us to schedule the surgery as soon as we were ready. I havent scheduled it yet. We have to prepare for that because I have no clue if I'm gonna be up and at it the next day or laid out for a week.

I'm not looking at any sort of kidney failure though, thank God. My left kidneys function actually went up to 92 percent from 80 percent function. So it's actually healed. Dead opposite of what the doctor predicted years ago.

I do feel like it will be kidney failure that does me in eventually......but in my older years. I'm sorry about your grandma :/

My silly ass mother was trying to give me a kidney and I'm like.....WHY? I can live a long time with one kidney if this left one doesnt act right and it has to go lol. What sense would it make for her to give me a kidney so I have two and she has one? :Antagonize:

I would only need that if I was down to one kidney and that one kidney started failing. And by the time I get to that possibility, I'll be old and I will not want or take a transplant. Let someone younger with more years ahead have it. I'll die gracefully ♡ hopefully on lots of drugs. Lol.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
And I KNOW it's my kidney. The whole left side of my body is killing me.

This is the worst i felt in 3 years.

So my husband calls and tells me he will come home right now. And i tell him I'm "good".

I'm reading the ER reviews for the hospital out here and i do NOT want to go to the hospital.

But i have to. Because i cannot sit here like this

I literally told my husband I was "good". I'm definately not okay at all. And I'm posting about it. I'm sitting here posting about it.

You guys.....the ER reviews are terrible and my mother is sitting here bitching at me about infections. People talking about how dirty the ER. Sitting for hours and hours. People with covid spewing face goo everywhere. I really REALLY do not want to go to the stupid hospital.

I hope you went. And wore a mask so you don't get their covid.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
And I KNOW it's my kidney. The whole left side of my body is killing me.

This is the worst i felt in 3 years.

So my husband calls and tells me he will come home right now. And i tell him I'm "good".

I'm reading the ER reviews for the hospital out here and i do NOT want to go to the hospital.

But i have to. Because i cannot sit here like this

I literally told my husband I was "good". I'm definately not okay at all. And I'm posting about it. I'm sitting here posting about it.

You guys.....the ER reviews are terrible and my mother is sitting here bitching at me about infections. People talking about how dirty the ER. Sitting for hours and hours. People with covid spewing face goo everywhere. I really REALLY do not want to go to the stupid hospital.

I hope you went. And wore a mask so you don't get their covid.

No I got through the night and went to my urologist the following morning.

I'm good....just a stone that's passing on it's own.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Joe gets very upset when I call him out on his lies.

The questions are still unanswered...

Is @Joe even aware when he is lying?

Can @Joe distinguish between his real memories and those that were only fantasy?

When @Joe sees his lies, does it cause an internal conflict between the real @Joe and the fantasy @Joe?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Joe gets very upset when I call him out on his lies.

The questions are still unanswered...

Is @Joe even aware when he is lying?

Can @Joe distinguish between his real memories and those that were only fantasy?

When @Joe sees his lies, does it cause an internal conflict between the real @Joe and the fantasy @Joe?

There you go @The Prowler - gaslighting again.

You're nothing but a fucking gaslighter.

That's why it's impossible to establish a proper dialogue with you.
Last edited:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
First @Joe said he did not see a doctor.

Then @Joe said he did see a doctor.

Now @Joe is overusing the word "gaslighting" in his attempt to gaslight.

This is GOLD.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Factory Bastard
Happy Valley
So like. Dovey's dealer has cut her off?

Happens to the best of us but most suck it up and take Methadone rather than bleating out 4 pages on a public forum.

I don't get how that stops a rattle???


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Alright so today I guess I'm passing the damn thing.

Its fucking killing me. I have spent most of the day keeled over in the bathroom.

And there is no way I'm going to an ER because my husband is not here and we are BURIED in snow. Buried. We got dumped on last night.

I really just wanna sit in the snow with my pants off.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Alright so today I guess I'm passing the damn thing.

Its fucking killing me. I have spent most of the day keeled over in the bathroom.

And there is no way I'm going to an ER because my husband is not here and we are BURIED in snow. Buried. We got dumped on last night.

I really just wanna sit in the snow with my pants off.

When he was alive my grandfather used a recipe from a Depression era 1930s Reader Digest almanac @Dove. He had stones of some kind. Gall stones? Said this concoction consisted mainly of Apple Cider vinegar but he said it worked.

Maybe Google it to see of there are some natural homemade but drug free remedies like that


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Alright so today I guess I'm passing the damn thing.

Its fucking killing me. I have spent most of the day keeled over in the bathroom.

And there is no way I'm going to an ER because my husband is not here and we are BURIED in snow. Buried. We got dumped on last night.

I really just wanna sit in the snow with my pants off.

When he was alive my grandfather used a recipe from a Depression era 1930s Reader Digest almanac @Dove. He had stones of some kind. Gall stones? Said this concoction consisted mainly of Apple Cider vinegar but he said it worked.

Maybe Google it to see of there are some natural homemade but drug free remedies like that

Oh Lord no. I'm suffering enough. The last time I tried a "home recipe" for kidney I ended up with unspeakable intestinal problems on top of the damn stone.

I'm gonna stay right here on the bathroom floor. And when it passes I'm gonna EAT IT.

Just kidding. I'll probably take a picture of it and put it in a sandwich bag to give to my doctor lol.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
So like. Dovey's dealer has cut her off?

Happens to the best of us but most suck it up and take Methadone rather than bleating out 4 pages on a public forum.

I don't get how that stops a rattle???

Bahahahahaha Lily "agreed" with this post :LOL3:

You are gonna need explosives to get that extra large barnacle off your balls now. Just sayin!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
This is the view from my window

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Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
So like. Dovey's dealer has cut her off?

Happens to the best of us but most suck it up and take Methadone rather than bleating out 4 pages on a public forum.

I don't get how that stops a rattle???

Bahahahahaha Lily "agreed" with this post :LOL3:

You are gonna need explosives to get that extra large barnacle off your balls now. Just sayin!
It's the same old same old with people... Anyone says something a tad negative to one of their sworn "enemies" and it's immediately the funniest bestest post eva! lol


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
So like. Dovey's dealer has cut her off?

Happens to the best of us but most suck it up and take Methadone rather than bleating out 4 pages on a public forum.

I don't get how that stops a rattle???

Bahahahahaha Lily "agreed" with this post :LOL3:

You are gonna need explosives to get that extra large barnacle off your balls now. Just sayin!
It's the same old same old with people... Anyone says something a tad negative to one of their sworn "enemies" and it's immediately the funniest bestest post eva! lol

Scoundral is awesome. He isnt being negative at all.....its his sense of humor.

The funny part is Oak is so full of hate and bitterness she agreed with that because she thinks he is ripping me lmao.



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
So like. Dovey's dealer has cut her off?

Happens to the best of us but most suck it up and take Methadone rather than bleating out 4 pages on a public forum.

I don't get how that stops a rattle???

Bahahahahaha Lily "agreed" with this post :LOL3:

You are gonna need explosives to get that extra large barnacle off your balls now. Just sayin!
It's the same old same old with people... Anyone says something a tad negative to one of their sworn "enemies" and it's immediately the funniest bestest post eva! lol

Scoundral is awesome. He isnt being negative at all.....its his sense of humor.

The funny part is Oak is so full of hate and bitterness she agreed with that because she thinks he is ripping me lmao.

I know scoundrel was just having a bit of banter but she clearly didn't and agreed with it completely haha you know how things are =)


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
At the very least drink lots of water with lemon juice. Two table spoons of apple cider vinegar added to a pint of the water couldn't hurt either.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
At the very least drink lots of water with lemon juice. Two table spoons of apple cider vinegar added to a pint of the water couldn't hurt either.

Yeah I've doing that for a few days. I'm starting to feel better but I can tell it's not over yet. :/