Severe affordable housing crisis in the US

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

@Joe is such a miserable loser.

Hey Liar Joe, read it and weep!!!

Tourists to BC: 841, 850
Tourists to Ontario: 1,319,960

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You suck!!!


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard

I just checked this out.

Liar @Joe always brags about Vancouver weather.

He bitches and whines about the high cost of rent, all the Chinks, the corrupt government, the drug addicts, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

But at least he likes has the weather....

"In Vancouver, during the entire year, the rain falls for 192.4 days and collects up to 1325mm (52.17") of precipitation."

Holy fuck!!!!

I think I might have discovered @Joe's problem!!!!!

Water on the Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access

I just checked this out.

Liar @Joe always brags about Vancouver weather.

He bitches and whines about the high cost of rent, all the Chinks, the corrupt government, the drug addicts, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

But at least he likes has the weather....

"In Vancouver, during the entire year, the rain falls for 192.4 days and collects up to 1325mm (52.17") of precipitation."

Holy fuck!!!!

I think I might have discovered @Joe's problem!!!!!

Water on the Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You're jealous. Sad.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You're jealous. Sad.

Yeah. Reminds me of a backyard show I did last summer.

It was a clear, sunny day. About 27 degrees. Perfect.

In between sets, a guy from the audience came up to me and started chatting. He was obviously enjoying the refreshments.

He did the whole "You guys are really good. Fuckin' great band!" thing.

Then he said "This is almost perfect. The only thing that would make it better would be if it rained!"


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
You're jealous. Sad.

Yeah. Reminds me of a backyard show I did last summer.

It was a clear, sunny day. About 27 degrees. Perfect.

In between sets, a guy from the audience came up to me and started chatting. He was obviously enjoying the refreshments.

He did the whole "You guys are really good. Fuckin' great band!" thing.

Then he said "This is almost perfect. The only thing that would make it better would be if it rained!"

So, in other words, your band actually sucks.

Anyway, back to the cost of housing in the US.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
So, in other words, your band actually sucks.

Anyway, back to the cost of housing in the US.

That was actually a little funny.

But, no, I made up that part about hoping that it rained because it would be a ridiculous thing to say...since my band is pretty fuckin' decent!!!!


Factory Bastard
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Even Boise, Idaho is out of reach for people who live there now. Say, WTF? It's insane.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Housing prices are a huge issue, and I cannot see things ending well for those not already in the game. Below is my Grandparents house that they had built in the 1970's. Back then, Langley was considered rural. The house and property is maintained well by the current owners, but is really nothing special.

The point being, is that there's really nowhere left to run to anymore for affordable housing. It used to be one could flee to rural areas for affordable housing, but no longer... Even where I am now, which is really rural, assessments have gone up like 30% in the last year. There's nowhere left to run to, while wages remain stagnant...


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Florida becoming increasingly unaffordable. ....

My wife and I have been considering buying a house or condo in Florida. She says "We can just rent something every year." but I pointed out that rentals might start being hard to find during their peak seasons (Dec-Mar) and that owning would guarantee us a place every winter.

Time will tell. For next year we are probably going to book a site at a trailer park in Fort Lauderdale for a month. My oldest sister just booked a time-share there and the plan is to book the same time and hang out with her a lot.

I cannot see things ending well for those not already in the game.

Yeah, it really is mainly people in their 20's and early 30's who are in trouble here. People who are looking to get into their first house.

There is a lot of people like Liar @Joe and LettuceBrain posting articles and screaming "The sky is falling!!!", but none of them seem to want to look at solutions.

Those numbers you are showing breaking the value out by land and buildings is good to know. The land cost is high. The people looking for solutions must be talking about building up (taller multi-unit buildings) then...


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Florida becoming increasingly unaffordable. ....

My wife and I have been considering buying a house or condo in Florida. She says "We can just rent something every year." but I pointed out that rentals might start being hard to find during their peak seasons (Dec-Mar) and that owning would guarantee us a place every winter.

Time will tell. For next year we are probably going to book a site at a trailer park in Fort Lauderdale for a month. My oldest sister just booked a time-share there and the plan is to book the same time and hang out with her a lot.

I cannot see things ending well for those not already in the game.

Yeah, it really is mainly people in their 20's and early 30's who are in trouble here. People who are looking to get into their first house.

There is a lot of people like Liar @Joe and LettuceBrain posting articles and screaming "The sky is falling!!!", but none of them seem to want to look at solutions.

Those numbers you are showing breaking the value out by land and buildings is good to know. The land cost is high. The people looking for solutions must be talking about building up (taller multi-unit buildings) then...

Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd. You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.

LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd. You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.

LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.
Both the left and the right are unwilling to consider solutions.

One of our political parties wants to reduce immigration by 75%. That would certainly reduce pressure on available housing, and its costs.

The left doesn't like that, because "The more immigrants the better, for diversity." The right doesn't like it, "because less cheap labour to mow your lawn for five bucks"...


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd. You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.

LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.
Both the left and the right are unwilling to consider solutions.

One of our political parties wants to reduce immigration by 75%. That would certainly reduce pressure on available housing, and its costs.

The left doesn't like that, because "The more immigrants the better, for diversity." The right doesn't like it, "because less cheap labour to mow your lawn for five bucks"...

A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.


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In tonight's episode of Reverse Fantasy Island, we are visited from a man who has lost touch with reality. When his long time fantasy collides with his tragic reality, will it be more than he can handle?

Starring, as The Dreamer, Liar Joe.

Featuring The Leaker as The Dreamer's retarded cousin.
ha ha ha ha and youre the retarded kid with FAS

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd.

I noticed that in any thread about these subject, you never talk about solutions. You only seem to post an article and do not offer any insight whatsoever. Then when there is a discussion, you only offer "The sky is falling!!! How can you be so heartless!?!!?!?" types of posts.

But hey, if you are willing (and able?) to discuss solutions, I look forward to it.

You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.


LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.

Florida has nice weather in the winter. That is the main attraction.

Why do you think buying in Florida is "not smart"?

Can you articulate your thoughts like a functioning adult, or are you too busy LMAOing?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
That would certainly reduce pressure on available housing
A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.

Are you arguing against his statement?

A lower population would definitely reduce pressure on available housing.

This should not require much of an explanation, but I will try to explain if you really need. Do you have any understanding of the idea of the law or idea of "Supply and Demand"?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
....the Super Rich make as much money in a day as you do in a year @TheProwler & quite possibly 10.

Sometimes in just a minute.

And not a Fantasy, Prowler.

Hahaha!!! Who gives a flying fuck, @Joe?

Unlike you, I do not live a life filled with envy and dissatisfaction.

I would not trade my life for anyone else's life.

It is funny that you value money so much, yet have so little of it. That has left you a shallow, pathetic man.

Me? I understand the value of money. But I do not overvalue it. I need money to purchase things that I want.

What do I want?

A nice house. Got it.

A very capable SUV that works as a daily driver and an off-road rec vehicle. Got it.

A nice sports car. Got it.

An awesome street fighter motorcycle. Got it.

An nice acoustic guitar. A nice travel guitar. A nice solid body electric guitar. A nice centre-block electric guitar. A nice hollow body electric guitar. A vintage tube amp for a rich sound for jams and recording. A high powered modelling amp for versatility and loud enough for large halls. A battery-powered amp for small gigs. A good jam room with a drum kit, PA system, several mics, etc.. I have all those things and more. And the musical ability to use it all.

I was blessed with the natural abilities to excel at and enjoy a wide variety of sports.

I have a wife who is funny and intelligent and beautiful and interesting and kind and considerate. And a great cook.

I have more sports and hobbies equipment than I know what to do with. From a camping trailer to disc golf to photography equipment to a kickass drone to archery to fishing I sometimes think I have too many hobbies.

I honestly do not think anyone who is so driven to make obscene amounts of money could be as happy person as I am. It requires sacrificing too much time. I would rather spend that time enjoying the variety of activities that I can enjoy.

If I was driven to make money, like you seem be imagining @Joe, I would not be 95% retired at the age of 55. I would not have encouraged my wife to fully retire at the age of 49. I would be busy making more money.

You really are a sad fucker, @Joe. Always focused on what other people have. Or what other people do. Or what other people think. You never talk about what you have or what you do or what you think.

I guess you know that you are not interesting. (Except in a clinical setting.)

Someone is awfully defensive. Hahahahahahaha!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oh man, the minds of simpletons.

"You explained things coherently and in detail. I winzzz!!!"



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd. You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.

LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.
Both the left and the right are unwilling to consider solutions.

One of our political parties wants to reduce immigration by 75%. That would certainly reduce pressure on available housing, and its costs.

The left doesn't like that, because "The more immigrants the better, for diversity." The right doesn't like it, "because less cheap labour to mow your lawn for five bucks"...

A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.

I agree they're not the problem. But we cannot maintain all the green spaces some people want and not build if there are more and more bodies to fill houses.

It just can't be done.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Someone is awfully defensive. Hahahahahahaha!

He acts like that when he's oornered like a rat - especially when proven wrong.

I wish people with a little money would be humble about it. If Jeff Bezos woke up tomorrow and his portfolio looked anything like the Howler's...he would go into a deep depression, need to be on a suicide watch.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
The Leaker j
I wish people with a little money would be humble about it.

I am very humble.

'Greedy' is more accurate.

Not at all.

If I was greedy I would still be working. Making more and more money.

Instead, I saw that there were a lot of people whining about a job shortage, so I decided to exit the job market and open up two or three positions for other people.

I am very considerate of other people's needs. And very humble.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Who said I don't want to look at solutions? That's absurd. You righties are the ones who refuse solutions and always scream about free markets and the like, ignoring the very real human misery caused by unchecked greed.

LMAO@U for wanting to buy in Floriduh. Shows how smart you are.
Both the left and the right are unwilling to consider solutions.

One of our political parties wants to reduce immigration by 75%. That would certainly reduce pressure on available housing, and its costs.

The left doesn't like that, because "The more immigrants the better, for diversity." The right doesn't like it, "because less cheap labour to mow your lawn for five bucks"...

A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.

It certainly would put huge a dent in human sex/labor trafficking.

Is this really just some nonissue for people? No one gives a fuck about that?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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Yep. What did you think your idiotic socialist policies would result in? You morons never figure out cause and effect.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.
I never singled out undocumented immigration. When I say immigration, I mean all immigration.

As a Canadian resident, I know all too well about housing market prices. As The Prowler had mentioned, it's the simple law of supply and demand.

I'll explain to you how this Ponzi Scheme works: A rich Honger immigrant buys a shit shack in Vancouver for $3,000,000 from a local. That local then moves to the Okanagan and buys a nice house from a local there for $1,000,000.

Still with me? That local Okanagan resident then moves to the Kootenays or to Alberta with his $1,000,000, and buys a house there.

The problem with this ripple effect, is that wages/earnings are no longer tied to home prices in any particular region, as they once historically were. And the only way for this to occur, is for outside money flowing in... And that outside money is immigration.

You may disagree, but that's how this works. Housing is considered a very important investment for homeowners in both Canada and the US, and it's often the only investment that they hold. The powers that be cannot allow that to fail. The left does not want it to fail, nor does the right.

The damages would be colossal to many if we allowed this Ponzi Scheme to fail, and immigration props it up. I don't give a fuck either way, since I own my home outright... If my house is worth 50% less tomorrow, so is my neighbours house, so it is of no consequence to me... but not everyone is in this position.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access

I just checked this out.

Liar @Joe always brags about Vancouver weather.

He bitches and whines about the high cost of rent, all the Chinks, the corrupt government, the drug addicts, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

But at least he likes has the weather....

"In Vancouver, during the entire year, the rain falls for 192.4 days and collects up to 1325mm (52.17") of precipitation."

Holy fuck!!!!

I think I might have discovered @Joe's problem!!!!!

Water on the Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You're jealous. Sad.
A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.
I never singled out undocumented immigration. When I say immigration, I mean all immigration.

As a Canadian resident, I know all too well about housing market prices. As The Prowler had mentioned, it's the simple law of supply and demand.

I'll explain to you how this Ponzi Scheme works: A rich Honger immigrant buys a shit shack in Vancouver for $3,000,000 from a local. That local then moves to the Okanagan and buys a nice house from a local there for $1,000,000.

Still with me? That local Okanagan resident then moves to the Kootenays or to Alberta with his $1,000,000, and buys a house there.

The problem with this ripple effect, is that wages/earnings are no longer tied to home prices in any particular region, as they once historically were. And the only way for this to occur, is for outside money flowing in... And that outside money is immigration.

You may disagree, but that's how this works. Housing is considered a very important investment for homeowners in both Canada and the US, and it's often the only investment that they hold. The powers that be cannot allow that to fail. The left does not want it to fail, nor does the right.

The damages would be colossal to many if we allowed this Ponzi Scheme to fail, and immigration props it up. I don't give a fuck either way, since I own my home outright... If my house is worth 50% less tomorrow, so is my neighbours house, so it is of no consequence to me... but not everyone is in this position.

Yes, of course. But you also have rich people who buy second and third homes. This is a bigger and bigger problem with the huge migration of wealth to the upper class. These people also drive up property values, as do people who work remotely and are now able to live in areas that historically didn't have much of a job market. It's not a simple formula, but it does revolve around greed for the most part.

The upward climb of housing costs doesn't only affect young people buying their first home. It also affects people who weren't previously in the market for whatever reason -- they lost their home in 2008, they have to relocate, etc etc etc, and people who are underwater on their mortgages, had to take out second mortgages because of medical bills, etc. So the pricing that may not affect you negatively could very well ruin someone else's life.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

I just checked this out.

Liar @Joe always brags about Vancouver weather.

He bitches and whines about the high cost of rent, all the Chinks, the corrupt government, the drug addicts, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

But at least he likes has the weather....

"In Vancouver, during the entire year, the rain falls for 192.4 days and collects up to 1325mm (52.17") of precipitation."

Holy fuck!!!!

I think I might have discovered @Joe's problem!!!!!

Water on the Brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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You're jealous. Sad.
A lot of people scream about undocumented immigration as if eliminating it would solve all the US's problems. That's a total fantasy. All of the problems would still be there, even if every single undocumented person disappeared. They are not the cause of this problem. Not at all.
I never singled out undocumented immigration. When I say immigration, I mean all immigration.

As a Canadian resident, I know all too well about housing market prices. As The Prowler had mentioned, it's the simple law of supply and demand.

I'll explain to you how this Ponzi Scheme works: A rich Honger immigrant buys a shit shack in Vancouver for $3,000,000 from a local. That local then moves to the Okanagan and buys a nice house from a local there for $1,000,000.

Still with me? That local Okanagan resident then moves to the Kootenays or to Alberta with his $1,000,000, and buys a house there.

The problem with this ripple effect, is that wages/earnings are no longer tied to home prices in any particular region, as they once historically were. And the only way for this to occur, is for outside money flowing in... And that outside money is immigration.

You may disagree, but that's how this works. Housing is considered a very important investment for homeowners in both Canada and the US, and it's often the only investment that they hold. The powers that be cannot allow that to fail. The left does not want it to fail, nor does the right.

The damages would be colossal to many if we allowed this Ponzi Scheme to fail, and immigration props it up. I don't give a fuck either way, since I own my home outright... If my house is worth 50% less tomorrow, so is my neighbours house, so it is of no consequence to me... but not everyone is in this position.

Yes, of course. But you also have rich people who buy second and third homes. This is a bigger and bigger problem with the huge migration of wealth to the upper class. These people also drive up property values, as do people who work remotely and are now able to live in areas that historically didn't have much of a job market. It's not a simple formula, but it does revolve around greed for the most part.

The upward climb of housing costs doesn't only affect young people buying their first home. It also affects people who weren't previously in the market for whatever reason -- they lost their home in 2008, they have to relocate, etc etc etc, and people who are underwater on their mortgages, had to take out second mortgages because of medical bills, etc. So the pricing that may not affect you negatively could very well ruin someone else's life.
Dumb cunt, what you consider rich, isnt rich. Lots of average people own multiple homes. They arent all Duponts and Vanderbuilts.