I am in severe fucking pain



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
And I KNOW it's my kidney. The whole left side of my body is killing me.

This is the worst i felt in 3 years.

So my husband calls and tells me he will come home right now. And i tell him I'm "good".

I'm reading the ER reviews for the hospital out here and i do NOT want to go to the hospital.

But i have to. Because i cannot sit here like this

I literally told my husband I was "good". I'm definately not okay at all. And I'm posting about it. I'm sitting here posting about it.

You guys.....the ER reviews are terrible and my mother is sitting here bitching at me about infections. People talking about how dirty the ER. Sitting for hours and hours. People with covid spewing face goo everywhere. I really REALLY do not want to go to the stupid hospital.

I fell down the stairs on my back near the area where my kidneys are on New Years eve.. I was in excruciating pain. But I never went to emergency at the local hospital for the same reason you cited - lack of sanitation and the people in ER.

Doctor thought I might have cracked a rib or 2. Gradually the pain seems to be subsiding.

I know of people who got COVID at the hospital. Apparently they may not be very clean depending on where you live?

Did you fall on your back or hit it like I did @Dove?

No no I didnt fall. I have chronic kidney stones.

Glad you are feeling better :)

Anyways my left side was hurting too.

So I hope it didnt injure my kidney.

Get it checked out. Kidney problems suck badly.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Can Gene drive you to a better hospital? What you’re describing is what county hospitals are like here and I totally get why you’d rather not go. You know your body tho so if you need to go, just go. Sending prayers for healing


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Can Gene drive you to a better hospital? What you’re describing is what county hospitals are like here and I totally get why you’d rather not go. You know your body tho so if you need to go, just go. Sending prayers for healing

I'm gonna try to get through tonight and we are gonna go right to the doctor tomorrow. If I need the hospital (and I know I do) my doctor will get me admitted and I can go right in.

All they can do for me at the ER is better drugs but if I can just stay on the couch with my heating pad, kratom and motrin I can wait.

Better than sitting in a car right now and then in the cold gross hospital.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

The American right wing holds the view that Nazi's are leftists. It's because they used the word "socialist" in their party name.

The American right wing is small government.

Leftists are big government.

Nazis were big government.

Is that right? lol

"Despite campaign promises to the contrary, Trump opened the contract and grant spigots instead, adding more than 2 million jobs to the blended federal workforce, including 1 million in the Departments of Defense, Transportation, and Health and Human Services alone."

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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

You are a small gov person.

I think you think things about the nazis and Hitler that most people do not think. And I'm convinced if that were going down today, you would be in opposition to it.

I absolutely file the nazi movement as left wing....although at the time and in that part of the world, they were called right wing.

If you strip the labels off and looked at actions, rhetoric and policy.....our left wing has more in common with authoritarian movements than you do.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

You are a small gov person.

I think you think things about the nazis and Hitler that most people do not think. And I'm convinced if that were going down today, you would be in opposition to it.

I absolutely file the nazi movement as left wing....although at the time and in that part of the world, they were called right wing.

If you strip the labels off and looked at actions, rhetoric and policy.....our left wing has more in common with authoritarian movements than you do.

It's because they were racial Nationalists which makes the left wing label seem absurd. Leftists are pro race-mixing, LGBT, open borders etc.... NS Germany espoused traditional Christian Conservative values, not degenerate Cultural Marxism.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

You are a small gov person.

I think you think things about the nazis and Hitler that most people do not think. And I'm convinced if that were going down today, you would be in opposition to it.

I absolutely file the nazi movement as left wing....although at the time and in that part of the world, they were called right wing.

If you strip the labels off and looked at actions, rhetoric and policy.....our left wing has more in common with authoritarian movements than you do.

It's because they were racial Nationalists which makes the left wing label seem absurd. Leftists are pro race-mixing, LGBT, open borders etc.... NS Germany espoused traditional Christian Conservative values, not degenerate Cultural Marxism.
Take your bullshit down the road fucktard, the girl is in pain this is NOT the venue your your puerile jerk offing.


Hello dad, I'm in jail, Hi dad, Happy Birthday Dad
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the things you own end up owning you
This was the best moment in this thread for me so far.

I say this....

The American right wing is small government.

And The Leaker responds

Is that right? lol

And then posts two articles that state Trump was voted-in for promising small government.


She is not exactly a genius. Hahaha!!!!
Funnily enough, the sad part is the point soaring 8 miles high over your head. Good luck wit dat.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

You are a small gov person.

I think you think things about the nazis and Hitler that most people do not think. And I'm convinced if that were going down today, you would be in opposition to it.

I absolutely file the nazi movement as left wing....although at the time and in that part of the world, they were called right wing.

If you strip the labels off and looked at actions, rhetoric and policy.....our left wing has more in common with authoritarian movements than you do.

It's because they were racial Nationalists which makes the left wing label seem absurd. Leftists are pro race-mixing, LGBT, open borders etc.... NS Germany espoused traditional Christian Conservative values, not degenerate Cultural Marxism.

Well it's two different forms of leftism.

In my view the main identifiers are big government and socailism/communism. Focus on community over the individual. Propaganda and division. We really have some ruthless division and bullshit here.

The rest is just like toppings on a sundae.

Not really trying to get into some politcal argument in here though. I've never considered myself a Republican or a democrat. I definately think there are some real wackjobs on the right. The big difference in why I go after left ones the most is because they have mostly all the power and influence. And they are pushing things into law I find very harmful.

And I'm about individual rights and liberties and core American values.

America views immigration much differently than you guys because we have always been a mixed country. We welcome immigrants. It's just that we want them to come in legally and assimilate. Open borders are bad for so many reasons and one of the biggest and most important is human trafficking.

You guys probably have some really bad trafficking over there :/

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Funnily enough, the sad part is the point soaring 8 miles high over your head. Good luck wit dat.

Imagine being so fuckin' stupid that you think leftists want out-of-control inflation because Biden is delivering out-of-control inflation.

Imagine thinking leftists do not want a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers because Joe Biden has not drafted a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers. Even though his promise to send a bill to Congress to repeal liability protection for gun manufacturers was one of the reasons he was voted-in. Because he has not done it, leftists do not want it.

Imagine being that stupid.

The Leaker and Admin do not have to imagine.



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
This was the best moment in this thread for me so far.

I say this....

The American right wing is small government.

And The Leaker responds

Is that right? lol

And then posts two articles that state Trump was voted-in for promising small government.


She is not exactly a genius. Hahaha!!!!

I really wish people were people willing to hear other people out. Lily will end convos or get nasty before hearing anything that might help her hate people less.

Shes emotionally invested in her beliefs and low opinions about people who do not support Democrats or progressive causes. She needs to feel like shes smarter and better than others and politics is the avenue she chooses to do that on.

Shes set in the narratives about how trump supporters are back water racist hicks who are ignorant about everything. And she isnt ever gonna let her mind be changed or even apply equal standards. They avoid conversations like the plague.

America wasnt even supposed to have parties like this because of how easy it is to exploit that and take down the whole country. But here we are. :/


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I really wish people were people willing to hear other people out. Lily will end convos or get nasty before hearing anything that might help her hate people less.

She is really stupid. She is not able to follow a train of thought.

If you look at the exchange I had with her, you will see that her mind is as simple as "Trump did. Must be right-wing."

It is basic knowledge that right-wing policies tend to be smaller government, less government control, less government-imposed restrictions, etc..

What is funny, too, is that if Trump does it, the leftists criticize it, even when it is exactly what they would want of their own leadership.

Anyways, you need to have fun with The Leaker. She is bitter and hateful. You are not gonna change that, so enjoy making her turn her hate inward. Rest assured she deserves it. Hahahahaha!!!!


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Funnily enough, the sad part is the point soaring 8 miles high over your head. Good luck wit dat.

Imagine being so fuckin' stupid that you think leftists want out-of-control inflation because Biden is delivering out-of-control inflation.

Imagine thinking leftists do not want a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers because Joe Biden has not drafted a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers. Even though his promise to send a bill to Congress to repeal liability protection for gun manufacturers was one of the reasons he was voted-in. Because he has not done it, leftists do not want it.

Imagine being that stupid.

The Leaker and Admin do not have to imagine.


Biden isn't really the cause of the current inflation @The Prowler. It began last year with Trump's stimulus program. But he isn't to blame either. All nations of the world piled on the debt thanks to this Pandemic. I'd be inclined to blame China than any Western leader. Fuckers should pay for the mess they caused.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I really wish people were people willing to hear other people out. Lily will end convos or get nasty before hearing anything that might help her hate people less.

She is really stupid. She is not able to follow a train of thought.

If you look at the exchange I had with her, you will see that her mind is as simple as "Trump did. Must be right-wing."

It is basic knowledge that right-wing policies tend to be smaller government, less government control, less government-imposed restrictions, etc..

What is funny, too, is that if Trump does it, the leftists criticize it, even when it is exactly what they would want of their own leadership.

Anyways, you need to have fun with The Leaker. She is bitter and hateful. You are not gonna change that, so enjoy making her turn her hate inward. Rest assured she deserves it. Hahahahaha!!!!

Oh I know. I've tried with her and she refuses to see anything besides "Trump bad and stupid". You cant have honest discussions because she just gets mad and insulting.

I had to throw her and Murd on ignore because they went next level vile and nasty and I'm not even going to read genuinely hateful shit from people that vindictive over politcs (or anything). Dragging things about family in an effort to attack someone as personally as possible because they CANT just argue their positions says everything needed to know about them.

She cant even address me with bitter personal attacks. I have her on ignore and barely even acknowledge her and she was foaming at her maw calling my husband a cuck.

She absolutely does deserve it however, she enjoys it.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Funnily enough, the sad part is the point soaring 8 miles high over your head. Good luck wit dat.

Imagine being so fuckin' stupid that you think leftists want out-of-control inflation because Biden is delivering out-of-control inflation.

Imagine thinking leftists do not want a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers because Joe Biden has not drafted a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers. Even though his promise to send a bill to Congress to repeal liability protection for gun manufacturers was one of the reasons he was voted-in. Because he has not done it, leftists do not want it.

Imagine being that stupid.

The Leaker and Admin do not have to imagine.


Biden isn't really the cause of the current inflation @The Prowler. It began last year with Trump's stimulus program. But he isn't to blame either. All nations of the world piled on the debt thanks to this Pandemic. I'd be inclined to blame China than any Western leader. Fuckers should pay for the mess they caused.

I agree with this. But Biden isnt doing much to lead through it. He is doing the opposite and more worried about forcing a vaccine. Ane being a very one sided divisive fucking asshole.

I've never liked Biden. Even when I voted for Obama I didnt like him.


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.

Well, maybe it's a stone. You probably need to be catheterized. You should go first thing in the morning if not before.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Funnily enough, the sad part is the point soaring 8 miles high over your head. Good luck wit dat.

Imagine being so fuckin' stupid that you think leftists want out-of-control inflation because Biden is delivering out-of-control inflation.

Imagine thinking leftists do not want a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers because Joe Biden has not drafted a bill repealing liability protection for gun manufacturers. Even though his promise to send a bill to Congress to repeal liability protection for gun manufacturers was one of the reasons he was voted-in. Because he has not done it, leftists do not want it.

Imagine being that stupid.

The Leaker and Admin do not have to imagine.


Biden isn't really the cause of the current inflation @The Prowler. It began last year with Trump's stimulus program. But he isn't to blame either. All nations of the world piled on the debt thanks to this Pandemic. I'd be inclined to blame China than any Western leader. Fuckers should pay for the mess they caused.

I agree with this. But Biden isnt doing much to lead through it. He is doing the opposite and more worried about forcing a vaccine. Ane being a very one sided divisive fucking asshole.

I've never liked Biden. Even when I voted for Obama I didnt like him.

Biden needs to allow other vaccines and treatments if he is to have a chance to get the Pandemic under control. I think that's what other countries are doing as they realized the limitations of vaccines only, specifically Pfizer/ Moderna. Turning to other treatments. In that regard Biden has been too slow & flat footed.