Severe affordable housing crisis in the US


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
@Joe the Liar: Quote of the Day

"I am not lying. At least not right this second."

Did you read the following link @The Prowler?

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shooting at the hip as usual with no bullets.

...get some bullets to shoot with Prowler & learn to know what yer talking about.

Otherwise you look like a fool.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oh look!!

An article on the Interwebz!!

If only I knew how do perform an Interwebz Search I could find articles too!!!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oh look!!

An article on the Interwebz!!

If only I knew how do perform an Interwebz Search I could find articles too!!!

I can provide you with severAL more links & verifiable listing if you'd like @The Prowler.

However yer such a dolt that I hardly think yer worth the bother.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I wonder if there is a way to find out what the average rent for an apartment is in Memphis.

Since you asked, here are some verifiable links you can contact:

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There may be cheaper places to be found

...but the very cheapest I saw seemed like the best value in Metro Vancouver:

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Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.
Yea, convince everyone who thinks like you to leave the country! We'll call it MAGA!


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Joshua Beadle of Sarasota, Florida, lived in a 950 sq ft loft apartment for four years for about $900 a month until about one year ago when the owner sold the building and he was forced to move.

He found a smaller, more expensive 700 sq ft apartment for $1,500 a month. After living there for one year, he recently received a lease renewal letter stating his monthly rent would be increased to $1,947.

“Over the course of one year my rent has increased 116%. How does someone who works gigs and is making the same amount of money afford a price increase of $1,050 a month?” said Beadle. “Every month that I pay my rent I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can live one more month, but I know that I am one emergency away from not being able to afford living expenses."

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That trailor was renting before I moved here to this giant project I'm living in raised rent twice before Covid.

It was a comfy and smaller 3 bedroom that I rented with the intention I would be covering the bills and living there with my 3 kids.

I started off paying 875 a month. Which was a GREAT deal in my state for place NOT in the hood(Flint, Detroit, Pontiac).

By the time Covid hit the rent was at 975. That was less than a year. They had raised it 50 dollars twice. And I'm sure that was going to continue.

Before that place i was renting a 3 bedroom townhouse with a finished basement. We started at 1,050. By the end of that year they had raised rent a total of three times and we were paying 1250 at the end of the lease. The last 3 months of it, it was 1250. Mind you.....shit was falling apart and they wouldnt fix a thing either. I was mad enough about the situation that I wasnt gonna pay the rest of it.

I ended up paying it so it wouldnt fuck up my rental "record" but still.

When you rent from companies it sucks. It's much better to find a place either family owned or where your landlord is just a regular person. I've had the best renting relationships with individuals. I've rented from companies 3 times in my entire life, and each time was awful. The first time was when I moved to MS and found out AFTER I moved in and was living in the house for a few months that it had been submerged in Katrina and the fucking place didnt replace or even work on the ELECTRIC. After the whole box had been submerged in water. I had a huge fight on my hands that I did not need.

What's really disgusting are companies who lure in people on fixed incomes and who are poor into buying mobile homes in mobile home communities (trailor parks), and than steadily raise the lot rent until they cant afford it and end up having to lose their house. I didnt even know that was a thing until I saw it happening at my last place. We were affording rent just fine...albeit we were annoyed by the two raises and wondering how high it was gonna get. But an elderly lady on our street ended up having to leave and move in with her son. She owned the house and had that paid off......but they raised her lot rent so high she couldnt afford to live. I was disgusted hearing that. Her lot rent was up to 800 something. Almost as much as what we were paying and we were renting the house as well. She owned hers.

I'm sure more "pure" capitalism would allow these issues to correct themselves. I do not think getting rid of all the individual landlords so corps can buy up all the properties is a good solution.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I wonder if there is a way to find out what the average rent for an apartment is in Memphis.

You can search for rentals almost anywhere. Do you know what a computer is?

That is The Point, you fucktard.

People like @Joe and you are on here posting links to shit that anyone can lookup for themselves if they are interested. Which would be okay, if you provided some interesting commentary or provided some insight.

But you do not.

Half the time you quote something from the linked material and do not add a single word of your own.

Fuck, you are dumb.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I wonder if there is a way to find out what the average rent for an apartment is in Memphis.

You can search for rentals almost anywhere. Do you know what a computer is?

That is The Point, you fucktard.

People like @Joe and you are on here posting links to shit that anyone can lookup for themselves if they are interested. Which would be okay, if you provided some interesting commentary or provided some insight.

But you do not.

Half the time you quote something from the linked material and do not add a single word of your own.

Fuck, you are dumb.

....if you are still unaware of the actual rents in my area, why don't you just contact the landlords yourself, Junior?

Would that eliminate your skepticism @The Prowler?

Here's a link:

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You can email or phone them to verify the information. there. Did this toilet training session fulfill your needs @The Prowler?

You can go potty now.
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.

You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

Too much reasoning.

This is the kind of post LettuceBrain would like to see:
You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee.

Because then she could refute that with "Nahh hah! It is capitalism!!"

At this point, I think you lost her.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.

You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

I'm afraid @LotusBud is right Oerdin.

The system is broken and needs a fix.

It's not even mom and pop operations that are throwing the market off but large corporations that are buying everyone out including the mom and pops.

If Fox News agrees with that assessment then there must be some truth in it.

Small landlords like yourself who own a few properties aren't causing the problem and never have. It's the corporations which are devouring everyone else that are the problem.

They are monopolizing and canibalizing the real estate market. And they should be broken up regulated.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.

You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

I dont know where capitalism killed millions but communism and socailism sure have a high body count.

I always ask who is gonna be the oversight to make sure corrupt power hungry fuckwads do not get behind the wheel. Like we have now. They would just have more power and money.

I never get an answer. I guess theyll just collectively say "oops" when it goes poorly and we have been stripped of more rights and liberties? Government over involvement is how we got these problems.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.

You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

I'm afraid @LotusBud is right Oerdin.

The system is broken and needs a fix.

It's not even mom and pop operations that are throwing the market off but large corporations that are buying everyone out including the mom and pops.

If Fox News agrees with that assessment then there must be some truth in it.

Small landlords like yourself who own a few properties aren't causing the problem and never have. It's the corporations which are devouring everyone else that are the problem.

They are monopolizing and canibalizing the real estate market. And they should be broken up regulated.
Quiet cunt and get back to sukin True Dope's dik.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good thing the strong minds of LettuceBrain and Liar Joe are working on a solution to the affordable housing crisis.

It should be all under control soon.

Prowler I'm not lying

Rents a re like over $2000 aon average for a 1 bR apartmnet in Vancouver now.
At least $1300-1400 for a bachelor/studio/part.

That is not a lie.

I hope it's a lot better fer renters where you live @The Prowler.

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It's way higher in Los Angeles. Probably throughout California at this point. But rents are going up everywhere in the US. Portugal as well.

Capitalism is a failed system. It kills millions and millions of people and causes billions to live lives of desperation. We need a new system.

You are an idiot. Capitalism has little to do with high housing pricee. Government regulations constantly prevent developers from building and that is the problem.

I dont know where capitalism killed millions but communism and socailism sure have a high body count.

I always ask who is gonna be the oversight to make sure corrupt power hungry fuckwads do not get behind the wheel. Like we have now. They would just have more power and money.

I never get an answer. I guess theyll just collectively say "oops" when it goes poorly and we have been stripped of more rights and liberties? Government over involvement is how we got these problems.
Motherfuckin commie cunts killed more than 100 million last century!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Joshua Beadle of Sarasota, Florida, lived in a 950 sq ft loft apartment for four years for about $900 a month until about one year ago when the owner sold the building and he was forced to move.

He found a smaller, more expensive 700 sq ft apartment for $1,500 a month. After living there for one year, he recently received a lease renewal letter stating his monthly rent would be increased to $1,947.

“Over the course of one year my rent has increased 116%. How does someone who works gigs and is making the same amount of money afford a price increase of $1,050 a month?” said Beadle. “Every month that I pay my rent I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can live one more month, but I know that I am one emergency away from not being able to afford living expenses."

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That trailor was renting before I moved here to this giant project I'm living in raised rent twice before Covid.

It was a comfy and smaller 3 bedroom that I rented with the intention I would be covering the bills and living there with my 3 kids.

I started off paying 875 a month. Which was a GREAT deal in my state for place NOT in the hood(Flint, Detroit, Pontiac).

By the time Covid hit the rent was at 975. That was less than a year. They had raised it 50 dollars twice. And I'm sure that was going to continue.

Before that place i was renting a 3 bedroom townhouse with a finished basement. We started at 1,050. By the end of that year they had raised rent a total of three times and we were paying 1250 at the end of the lease. The last 3 months of it, it was 1250. Mind you.....shit was falling apart and they wouldnt fix a thing either. I was mad enough about the situation that I wasnt gonna pay the rest of it.

I ended up paying it so it wouldnt fuck up my rental "record" but still.

When you rent from companies it sucks. It's much better to find a place either family owned or where your landlord is just a regular person. I've had the best renting relationships with individuals. I've rented from companies 3 times in my entire life, and each time was awful. The first time was when I moved to MS and found out AFTER I moved in and was living in the house for a few months that it had been submerged in Katrina and the fucking place didnt replace or even work on the ELECTRIC. After the whole box had been submerged in water. I had a huge fight on my hands that I did not need.

What's really disgusting are companies who lure in people on fixed incomes and who are poor into buying mobile homes in mobile home communities (trailor parks), and than steadily raise the lot rent until they cant afford it and end up having to lose their house. I didnt even know that was a thing until I saw it happening at my last place. We were affording rent just fine...albeit we were annoyed by the two raises and wondering how high it was gonna get. But an elderly lady on our street ended up having to leave and move in with her son. She owned the house and had that paid off......but they raised her lot rent so high she couldnt afford to live. I was disgusted hearing that. Her lot rent was up to 800 something. Almost as much as what we were paying and we were renting the house as well. She owned hers.

I'm sure more "pure" capitalism would allow these issues to correct themselves. I do not think getting rid of all the individual landlords so corps can buy up all the properties is a good solution.

The conditions you describe @Dove y are not even capitalism but monopolistic practices which are the antithesis of true free market capitalism. Real capitalism gives you choice & hence lower prices. But monopolies corner the market by buying up all the available land (corporations ) to provide you with less choice so you have to pay more. A lot more.

The reasoning behind this is to wait for the current generation to die off so future generations like your daughters will be saddled with exorbitant rents & no one will be the wiser cuz they'll assume that's the way things always were.

Wipe out the past to bring in monopolistic 'capitalism' which is in reality just an oligarchy not a democracy. That is the essence of their evil practices. Make people forget the way things were when they were better.

This modern corporate 'capitalism' is in reality just modern feudalism in an attempt to make the masses into their own private serfs who will feed 'the machine'. Orwell's dream cometh true.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joshua Beadle of Sarasota, Florida, lived in a 950 sq ft loft apartment for four years for about $900 a month until about one year ago when the owner sold the building and he was forced to move.

He found a smaller, more expensive 700 sq ft apartment for $1,500 a month. After living there for one year, he recently received a lease renewal letter stating his monthly rent would be increased to $1,947.

“Over the course of one year my rent has increased 116%. How does someone who works gigs and is making the same amount of money afford a price increase of $1,050 a month?” said Beadle. “Every month that I pay my rent I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can live one more month, but I know that I am one emergency away from not being able to afford living expenses."

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That trailor was renting before I moved here to this giant project I'm living in raised rent twice before Covid.

It was a comfy and smaller 3 bedroom that I rented with the intention I would be covering the bills and living there with my 3 kids.

I started off paying 875 a month. Which was a GREAT deal in my state for place NOT in the hood(Flint, Detroit, Pontiac).

By the time Covid hit the rent was at 975. That was less than a year. They had raised it 50 dollars twice. And I'm sure that was going to continue.

Before that place i was renting a 3 bedroom townhouse with a finished basement. We started at 1,050. By the end of that year they had raised rent a total of three times and we were paying 1250 at the end of the lease. The last 3 months of it, it was 1250. Mind you.....shit was falling apart and they wouldnt fix a thing either. I was mad enough about the situation that I wasnt gonna pay the rest of it.

I ended up paying it so it wouldnt fuck up my rental "record" but still.

When you rent from companies it sucks. It's much better to find a place either family owned or where your landlord is just a regular person. I've had the best renting relationships with individuals. I've rented from companies 3 times in my entire life, and each time was awful. The first time was when I moved to MS and found out AFTER I moved in and was living in the house for a few months that it had been submerged in Katrina and the fucking place didnt replace or even work on the ELECTRIC. After the whole box had been submerged in water. I had a huge fight on my hands that I did not need.

What's really disgusting are companies who lure in people on fixed incomes and who are poor into buying mobile homes in mobile home communities (trailor parks), and than steadily raise the lot rent until they cant afford it and end up having to lose their house. I didnt even know that was a thing until I saw it happening at my last place. We were affording rent just fine...albeit we were annoyed by the two raises and wondering how high it was gonna get. But an elderly lady on our street ended up having to leave and move in with her son. She owned the house and had that paid off......but they raised her lot rent so high she couldnt afford to live. I was disgusted hearing that. Her lot rent was up to 800 something. Almost as much as what we were paying and we were renting the house as well. She owned hers.

I'm sure more "pure" capitalism would allow these issues to correct themselves. I do not think getting rid of all the individual landlords so corps can buy up all the properties is a good solution.

The conditions you describe @Dove y are not even capitalism but monopolistic practices which are the antithesis of true free market capitalism. Real capitalism gives you choice & hence lower prices. But monopolies corner the market by buying up all the available land (corporations ) to provide you with less choice so you have to pay more. A lot more.

The reasoning behind this is to wait for the current generation to die off so future generations like your daughters will be saddled with exorbitant rents & no one will be the wiser cuz they'll assume that's the way things always were.

Wipe out the past to bring in monopolistic 'capitalism' which is in reality just an oligarchy not a democracy. That is the essence of their evil practices. Make people forget the way things were when they were better.
STFU josephine.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Joshua Beadle of Sarasota, Florida, lived in a 950 sq ft loft apartment for four years for about $900 a month until about one year ago when the owner sold the building and he was forced to move.

He found a smaller, more expensive 700 sq ft apartment for $1,500 a month. After living there for one year, he recently received a lease renewal letter stating his monthly rent would be increased to $1,947.

“Over the course of one year my rent has increased 116%. How does someone who works gigs and is making the same amount of money afford a price increase of $1,050 a month?” said Beadle. “Every month that I pay my rent I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can live one more month, but I know that I am one emergency away from not being able to afford living expenses."

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That trailor was renting before I moved here to this giant project I'm living in raised rent twice before Covid.

It was a comfy and smaller 3 bedroom that I rented with the intention I would be covering the bills and living there with my 3 kids.

I started off paying 875 a month. Which was a GREAT deal in my state for place NOT in the hood(Flint, Detroit, Pontiac).

By the time Covid hit the rent was at 975. That was less than a year. They had raised it 50 dollars twice. And I'm sure that was going to continue.

Before that place i was renting a 3 bedroom townhouse with a finished basement. We started at 1,050. By the end of that year they had raised rent a total of three times and we were paying 1250 at the end of the lease. The last 3 months of it, it was 1250. Mind you.....shit was falling apart and they wouldnt fix a thing either. I was mad enough about the situation that I wasnt gonna pay the rest of it.

I ended up paying it so it wouldnt fuck up my rental "record" but still.

When you rent from companies it sucks. It's much better to find a place either family owned or where your landlord is just a regular person. I've had the best renting relationships with individuals. I've rented from companies 3 times in my entire life, and each time was awful. The first time was when I moved to MS and found out AFTER I moved in and was living in the house for a few months that it had been submerged in Katrina and the fucking place didnt replace or even work on the ELECTRIC. After the whole box had been submerged in water. I had a huge fight on my hands that I did not need.

What's really disgusting are companies who lure in people on fixed incomes and who are poor into buying mobile homes in mobile home communities (trailor parks), and than steadily raise the lot rent until they cant afford it and end up having to lose their house. I didnt even know that was a thing until I saw it happening at my last place. We were affording rent just fine...albeit we were annoyed by the two raises and wondering how high it was gonna get. But an elderly lady on our street ended up having to leave and move in with her son. She owned the house and had that paid off......but they raised her lot rent so high she couldnt afford to live. I was disgusted hearing that. Her lot rent was up to 800 something. Almost as much as what we were paying and we were renting the house as well. She owned hers.

I'm sure more "pure" capitalism would allow these issues to correct themselves. I do not think getting rid of all the individual landlords so corps can buy up all the properties is a good solution.

The conditions you describe @Dove y are not even capitalism but monopolistic practices which are the antithesis of true free market capitalism. Real capitalism gives you choice & hence lower prices. But monopolies corner the market by buying up all the available land (corporations ) to provide you with less choice so you have to pay more. A lot more.

The reasoning behind this is to wait for the current generation to die off so future generations like your daughters will be saddled with exorbitant rents & no one will be the wiser cuz they'll assume that's the way things always were.

Wipe out the past to bring in monopolistic 'capitalism' which is in reality just an oligarchy not a democracy. That is the essence of their evil practices. Make people forget the way things were when they were better.
STFU josephine.

The evil corporations and their nefarious elites just wanna wipe out the middle class which they're quickly eliminating in America. ..Lokmeer!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joshua Beadle of Sarasota, Florida, lived in a 950 sq ft loft apartment for four years for about $900 a month until about one year ago when the owner sold the building and he was forced to move.

He found a smaller, more expensive 700 sq ft apartment for $1,500 a month. After living there for one year, he recently received a lease renewal letter stating his monthly rent would be increased to $1,947.

“Over the course of one year my rent has increased 116%. How does someone who works gigs and is making the same amount of money afford a price increase of $1,050 a month?” said Beadle. “Every month that I pay my rent I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I can live one more month, but I know that I am one emergency away from not being able to afford living expenses."

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That trailor was renting before I moved here to this giant project I'm living in raised rent twice before Covid.

It was a comfy and smaller 3 bedroom that I rented with the intention I would be covering the bills and living there with my 3 kids.

I started off paying 875 a month. Which was a GREAT deal in my state for place NOT in the hood(Flint, Detroit, Pontiac).

By the time Covid hit the rent was at 975. That was less than a year. They had raised it 50 dollars twice. And I'm sure that was going to continue.

Before that place i was renting a 3 bedroom townhouse with a finished basement. We started at 1,050. By the end of that year they had raised rent a total of three times and we were paying 1250 at the end of the lease. The last 3 months of it, it was 1250. Mind you.....shit was falling apart and they wouldnt fix a thing either. I was mad enough about the situation that I wasnt gonna pay the rest of it.

I ended up paying it so it wouldnt fuck up my rental "record" but still.

When you rent from companies it sucks. It's much better to find a place either family owned or where your landlord is just a regular person. I've had the best renting relationships with individuals. I've rented from companies 3 times in my entire life, and each time was awful. The first time was when I moved to MS and found out AFTER I moved in and was living in the house for a few months that it had been submerged in Katrina and the fucking place didnt replace or even work on the ELECTRIC. After the whole box had been submerged in water. I had a huge fight on my hands that I did not need.

What's really disgusting are companies who lure in people on fixed incomes and who are poor into buying mobile homes in mobile home communities (trailor parks), and than steadily raise the lot rent until they cant afford it and end up having to lose their house. I didnt even know that was a thing until I saw it happening at my last place. We were affording rent just fine...albeit we were annoyed by the two raises and wondering how high it was gonna get. But an elderly lady on our street ended up having to leave and move in with her son. She owned the house and had that paid off......but they raised her lot rent so high she couldnt afford to live. I was disgusted hearing that. Her lot rent was up to 800 something. Almost as much as what we were paying and we were renting the house as well. She owned hers.

I'm sure more "pure" capitalism would allow these issues to correct themselves. I do not think getting rid of all the individual landlords so corps can buy up all the properties is a good solution.

The conditions you describe @Dove y are not even capitalism but monopolistic practices which are the antithesis of true free market capitalism. Real capitalism gives you choice & hence lower prices. But monopolies corner the market by buying up all the available land (corporations ) to provide you with less choice so you have to pay more. A lot more.

The reasoning behind this is to wait for the current generation to die off so future generations like your daughters will be saddled with exorbitant rents & no one will be the wiser cuz they'll assume that's the way things always were.

Wipe out the past to bring in monopolistic 'capitalism' which is in reality just an oligarchy not a democracy. That is the essence of their evil practices. Make people forget the way things were when they were better.
STFU josephine.

The evil corporations and their nefarious elites just wanna wipe out the middle class which they're quickly eliminating in America. ..Lokmeer!
Look retard, shit tons of corporations cant sell their shit to the poors. STFU.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
In the 50 largest U.S. metro areas, median rent rose an astounding 19.3% from December 2020 to December 2021, according to a
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of properties with two or fewer bedrooms. And nowhere was the jump bigger than in the Miami metro area, where the median rent exploded to $2,850, 49.8% higher than the previous year.

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