I am in severe fucking pain



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
She absolutely does deserve it however, she enjoys it.

Yeah, right. She enjoys it so much that she cries herself to sleep when I turn up the heat.

She will seriously have angry meltdowns that spill into PMs to mods/admins and she will absolutely flipping out and she will not just walk away. She will stay glued to some unpleasant exchange and be obviously spun up and melting and she wont stop.

It HAS to be she enjoys miserable drama. Otherwise who does that? If I get upset like that I remove myself.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.

Well, maybe it's a stone. You probably need to be catheterized. You should go first thing in the morning if not before.

That's exactly what it is. It's awful. :(


An Claidheam Anam
Factory Bastard
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.

Well, maybe it's a stone. You probably need to be catheterized. You should go first thing in the morning if not before.

That's exactly what it is. It's awful. :(

Well, keep yourself distracted by yammering until you crash and go to the doc in the morning. Only go to the Emergency Room if you have to. I don't like Emergency Rooms.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.

Well, maybe it's a stone. You probably need to be catheterized. You should go first thing in the morning if not before.

That's exactly what it is. It's awful. :(

Well, keep yourself distracted by yammering until you crash and go to the doc in the morning. Only go to the Emergency Room if you have to. I don't like Emergency Rooms.

That's my plan.

I took one and a half of the only 5 ativans I'm allowed to have per month now that my husband is here and I'm just kinda laying here waiting to zonk lol


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Now my heart rate is 98 and my BP is 142/60.

My husband called my urologist after hours and was able to get him(had him paged). I hate that shit.

But he said he will contact the ER so if I go I'm expected. He wants me to go but said to definately call the office right away in the morning he will get me in and make sure I have no kidney infection.

Bleh. I need to have that part of my kidney removed.

Are you peeing? You might be experiencing urinary retention. It can be quite painful.

Yes and its horribly painful.

And it's not easy so I'm 90 percent sure I have an obstruction. I have to work to pee.

Well, maybe it's a stone. You probably need to be catheterized. You should go first thing in the morning if not before.

That's exactly what it is. It's awful. :(

Well, keep yourself distracted by yammering until you crash and go to the doc in the morning. Only go to the Emergency Room if you have to. I don't like Emergency Rooms.

That's my plan.

I took one and a half of the only 5 ativans I'm allowed to have per month now that my husband is here and I'm just kinda laying here waiting to zonk lol
I hope you feel better tomorrow @Dove

I remember what it was like when I fell on New Years Eve.
I was in a very great state of pain.
But I have a high threshold for pain so I managed to pull myself back up.

I still haven't seen a doctor yet.
suppose I should to see if there's any long term damage.

Like you said, it's risky to go into hospitals right now.
I understand your reluctance.

That's also te reason I didn't go into emergency.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Is that right? lol

Yup, and you just proved it.


Trump growing government is not proof that the GOP is for small government. It's quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

No, that was obviously not the proof, you retard. Hahahaha!!!!

Of course it was. Government
This was the best moment in this thread for me so far.

I say this....

The American right wing is small government.

And The Leaker responds

Is that right? lol

And then posts two articles that state Trump was voted-in for promising small government.


She is not exactly a genius. Hahaha!!!!

He promised and the numbers of government employees and contractors went up under his watch. Another unmet promise among many. And his hard core supporters voted for him again in 2020 with this information readily at hand.

But then, you're a moron, so I'm not surprised at the idiocy where you think I proved your point.

Belief in small government is hogwash when you support the politician that fails to reduce the size of government.
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I really wish people were people willing to hear other people out. Lily will end convos or get nasty before hearing anything that might help her hate people less.

She is really stupid. She is not able to follow a train of thought.

If you look at the exchange I had with her, you will see that her mind is as simple as "Trump did. Must be right-wing."

It is basic knowledge that right-wing policies tend to be smaller government, less government control, less government-imposed restrictions, etc..

What is funny, too, is that if Trump does it, the leftists criticize it, even when it is exactly what they would want of their own leadership.

Anyways, you need to have fun with The Leaker. She is bitter and hateful. You are not gonna change that, so enjoy making her turn her hate inward. Rest assured she deserves it. Hahahahaha!!!!

Oh I know. I've tried with her and she refuses to see anything besides "Trump bad and stupid". You cant have honest discussions because she just gets mad and insulting.

I had to throw her and Murd on ignore because they went next level vile and nasty and I'm not even going to read genuinely hateful shit from people that vindictive over politcs (or anything). Dragging things about family in an effort to attack someone as personally as possible because they CANT just argue their positions says everything needed to know about them.

She cant even address me with bitter personal attacks. I have her on ignore and barely even acknowledge her and she was foaming at her maw calling my husband a cuck.

She absolutely does deserve it however, she enjoys it.

You have us on ignore because we know what a piece of shit you are. But then you talk about us anyway, even when we're not a part of the discussion, salty bitch.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Doctor thought I might have cracked a rib or 2. Gradually the pain seems to be subsiding.

I still haven't seen a doctor yet.

@Joe If you are going to lie, you need to learn to keep track of your lies.

Yeah I saw a doctor for a verbal consultation but didn't go to the hospital for X rays like I should have

Just like Dove said about her situation I didn't wanna go to emergency at the dt hospital cuz of the sanitary conditions & the potential danger of COVID. and it's probably much worse where u & she live.

We got COVID here but nothing like Michigan or Ontario.

Anyways there's another hospital in the suburbs I should go to tho it's rather far away. But it's cleaner than the dt one.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I didn't wanna go to the ER because I dont wanna be there for 13 hours. They are all short staffed due to Covid mandates and people quitting.

So there are people who have been in the ER for days waiting on a bed on the floor they need. Like a full hospital stay in the ER....which isnt equipped for that.

And yeah the reviews of the ER close to me were gawd awful. Usually bad hospital reviews mean nothing(I work in a hospital. A lot of people mad enough to leave a review are people who wanted their way and didnt get it...either with meds or they were mad because the nurse wasnt at their personal beck and call.....you know, other patients exist and a hospital is not a hotel. But some act like it is).

These reviews were a totally different tone. And I've never seen so many people complain about conditions like that. I know at the hospital my husband works at, a lot of people in housekeeping quit. But the staff has been swinging it as best they can. My husband got a few retention bonuses and raises because they lost so much staff in the hospital in all dept and he is still with them. As more people started quitting, the hospital really started kissing asses. He isnt easily replaceable either.

So it's been good for that but I will avoid the ERs right now at all costs. I'd have to be unconscious and taken via ambulance to go in to that war zone.

I'm glad I got through it last night. I'm very sore and woke up a lot last night but I made to the urologist this morning and I'm in the waiting room.
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Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Hope you get well soon, Dove.

Even though you called me a fucking leftist earlier. :Pissed5:

You are a small gov person.

I think you think things about the nazis and Hitler that most people do not think. And I'm convinced if that were going down today, you would be in opposition to it.

I absolutely file the nazi movement as left wing....although at the time and in that part of the world, they were called right wing.

If you strip the labels off and looked at actions, rhetoric and policy.....our left wing has more in common with authoritarian movements than you do.

It's because they were racial Nationalists which makes the left wing label seem absurd. Leftists are pro race-mixing, LGBT, open borders etc.... NS Germany espoused traditional Christian Conservative values, not degenerate Cultural Marxism.
Take your bullshit down the road fucktard, the girl is in pain this is NOT the venue your your puerile jerk offing.

Oh get fucked you despicable little turd, are you of all people really going to try and do the white knight routine?

We were having a civilised convo, there was really no need for you to stick your rainbow LGBT beak in.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
I think it was my light hearted remark about not being happy about being called a leftist which changed the direction of the convo.... fucking LMAO @ Aidsman performing an elderly Captain save a hoe impersonation.

I hope he remembered his inhaler. :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
I thought it was sweet he defended my kidney thread. He is usually a total dick to me lol.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I still haven't seen a doctor yet.
Yeah I saw a doctor for a verbal consultation but didn't go to the hospital for X rays like I should have

@Joe The more you lie, the less people will believe your bullshit.

WTF am I supposed to say?

Yeah I saw a Doctor but I didn't go emergency

And I wish I had.

Doctor said he thought I broke a few ris But that they'd heal in 6 weeks.

however, I didn't get any x rays and I wish I had.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
☠️Private Forum Access
De donde me da la gana.
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Yes, you're wrong. I'm glad that we agree.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Confused Fuckwit Alert!!!!
Yes, you're wrong. I'm glad that we agree.

It is no wonder The Leaker finds life such a struggle!



Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Left and Wright Wing governments are both flawed.

The worst mistake we can make is to give either too much power.

aka - absolute power, majority governments.

Left unattended they corrupt very easily.

They both need oversight of their activities.

Absolute Power corrupts absolutley yknow.
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Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Left and Wright Wing governments are both flawed.

The worst mistake we can make is to give either too much power.

aka - absolute power, majority governments.

Let unattended they corrupt very easily.

They both need oversight of their activities.

Absolute Power corrupts absolutley yknow.

That's the beauty of small government, Joe. Which is a "right wing" stance.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Left and Wright Wing governments are both flawed.

The worst mistake we can make is to give either too much power.

aka - absolute power, majority governments.

Let unattended they corrupt very easily.

They both need oversight of their activities.

Absolute Power corrupts absolutley yknow.

That's the beauty of small government, Joe. Which is a "right wing" stance.

A Right Wing Government brought the USA and the world the Iraq War and several other unecessary conflicts.

It also destabilised the USA and trashed the world economy in the process.

so don't tell me that Right Wing Governments necessarily the best.

they're like thugs in pin striped suits when they get their kick at the can.

All this debt we've built up over th decades is because of Right wing governments
W Bush was a monster.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
He promised

And the right voted for him.

End of.

No, not end of. He was voted for again after he failed to keep his promise and he is STILL a frontrunner for 2024 for the GOP.

It's end of when I say it's end of...End of!

It is like you have never followed politics.

Politicians are constantly breaking promises. That does not all of a sudden alter the core values and beliefs of their base.

Left wing - Big government

Right wing - Limited government

This is basic stuff that even a Leaker should know.

Left and Wright Wing governments are both flawed.

The worst mistake we can make is to give either too much power.

aka - absolute power, majority governments.

Let unattended they corrupt very easily.

They both need oversight of their activities.

Absolute Power corrupts absolutley yknow.

That's the beauty of small government, Joe. Which is a "right wing" stance.

A Right Wing Government brought the USA and the world the Iraq War and several other unecessary conflicts.

It also destabilised the USA and trashed the world economy in the process.

so don't tell me that Right Wing Governments necessarily the best.

they're like thugs in pin striped suits when they get their kick at the can.

All this debt we've built up over th decades is because of Right wing governments
W Bush was a monster.

No, establishment Republicans did that, Joe.

Small government stance is right wing. We havent had a "right wing" government here is a very long time.

You know Bush is aligned with calling us terrorists?