I blame the Jews, greedy, shekel-grabbing fucks.
Not saying who's to blame
@Aryan but I think the hike in rents & astronomical rise in housing prices is due to greed not actual increases in the real value of homes, real estate or costs incurred by landlords. It's all profit taking and milking the cow & the masses for as much as they can.
What I noticed where I live sometimes the rents would jump by 30% after someone moved out. The governments should have stepped in and outlawed this practice.
That's why the rents are so high because the landlords took advantage of the situation. At least where I live many of them are very greedy.
What the guvs should do is build more housing and then flood the market with rentals or housing at 1/2 the price to drive down the prices & bring them down to where they should be.
There aren't enough homes being built to accommodate all those that need them. A lot of it in California is elite "liberal" policy where they want their "green spaces" preserved and have restricted housing development and other nimby bullshit.
Where the hell are people supposed to live? If the left of center supports immigration into the country, we need more homes.
There is an elite suburban town in California, Woodside, that declared itself an Mountain Lion sanctuary in order to block the building of "affordable housing"...they are looking out for the property values in their town.
The right wants every fuck to turn into a baby, so there's a population problem too. They elite right wants to protect themselves from the riff raff to protect their property values as well.
There are solutions, no one wants to sacrifice for them though.