Should Lily remain Mod?

Should Lily remain Mod?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Pull her Mod status, then Purge the filthy Pig

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Well, you know what 'they' say, "If you're bored, you're boring".

Anyway, looking on the bright side isn't dull, it's shiny.

there yoo go again

Like yer a professional boring'er :LOL3:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I actually didn't give you powers to move posts, only threads.
Moving posts can ruin continuity so I faded that until you guys got going... so only threads.
You both had like, no fucking powers other than sticky and move threads.


So you kept, The Leaker on a short leash and she still managed to fuck everything up.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
he knew it would be controversial, thats y he did it

look at the shit storm it created. he knows


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Children should be kept from growing until 18, than you shove them into hyper politcal unis where they are completely unprepared for the real world.

While supporting partisan activism seeping into fucking elementary school.

Perhaps instead of teaching my daughters how safely navigate the internet, I should have just taken them to drag queen shows when they were 5 through 10 years old. Perhaps I should have taught them they could be in the wrong body and transed them as small children.

I should have made sure they knew about gay sex and read books about minors giving blow jobs to grow men.

Yeah keep your fucking opinions. Far the fuck away from other peoples children and families. I do not take anyone seriously who supports child sexual PLEASE ASS BOX ME! in elementary schools, opposes bills that protect children and supports the LGBTQA which is far more about politcs and sex PLEASE ASS BOX ME! than anyones "rights".

All this shit in schools being done behind parents backs.......but my daughter coming to us and reporting internet predators is somehow some testimony about MY parenting. Such a fucking hypocrite.

Seriously what a fucking joke. I never allowed MY kids to have a live in situation with a boyfriend/girlfriend before adulthood....but reporting predators is terrible parenting.

Maybe Oak and Murd feel like the more appropriate way to introduce minors to sexual topics is to take them to drag bars at 10 or give them porn. Or both.

It has absolutely infested prime free to air TV ... our streaming services and kids are exposed 24/7 to same sex shows and not even the reality... it is like same sex couples are the good guys and hetros are the dysfunctional bad guys.

I don't even know how they get away with this garbage.

And then there is the Mardi Gras that parents take their kids too.

It's a conditioning but really more like a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
u were dumb for taking the job, like 'assistant 2 the assistant regional manager' in 'the office'

good goin, dwight

sweet tea

those who fear, are lost
Site Supporter
Already said this once, somewhere...

It takes a certain kind of someone to be a mod.
Modding changes people, it's not an easy task especially in the hotbed of political chaos. Despite ones views amd despite a history amongst the users, a balance of said mod must come first. Sitting back, allowing a proper back and forth, holding, and only stepping in with grace(again despite that mods belief), is paramount.

Otherwise, one would not succeed.


Site Supporter
Already said this once, somewhere...

It takes a certain kind of someone to be a mod.
Modding changes people, it's not an easy task especially in the hotbed of political chaos. Despite ones views amd despite a history amongst the users, a balance of said mod must come first. Sitting back, allowing a proper back and forth, holding, and only stepping in with grace(again despite that mods belief), is paramount.

Otherwise, one would not succeed.

its a fucking janitor you idiot .. could you wipe a floor, yeh so could a retard

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Resume your duties Lily

The whining is still going on days later. Can you imagine the meltdown if I were to ask to resume modding?
At this point I'd slide my legs under a moving bus so I could sit in front of my PC all day again on sick pay and take the mod spot back and let there be harmony again...
You're just not a very nice person Oak, bad heart and all...

She messaged me offering a truce and it lasted less than 24 hours....

Almost immediately after I had reluctantly agreed to it, she said or did something which pissed me off, but I let it slide.

Then the next day, she tried ratting me out to BF for allegedly posting PI (which I hadn't) after Lotus had been having one of her senile dementia episodes in the shoutbox and claiming that I'd posted her PI, which would be quite the feat, seeing as I don't fucking have any.

So yeah, put quite simply, Poarka is seemingly incapable of coexisting peacefully with other human beings. Presumably she suffers from some sort of personality disorder or something.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Resume your duties Lily

The whining is still going on days later. Can you imagine the meltdown if I were to ask to resume modding?
At this point I'd slide my legs under a moving bus so I could sit in front of my PC all day again on sick pay and take the mod spot back and let there be harmony again...
You're just not a very nice person Oak, bad heart and all...

She messaged me offering a truce and it lasted less than 24 hours....

Almost immediately after I had reluctantly agreed to it, she said or did something which pissed me off, but I let it slide.

Then the next day, she tried ratting me out to BF for allegedly posting PI (which I hadn't) after Lotus had been having one of her senile dementia episodes in the shoutbox and claiming that I'd posted her PI, which would be quite the feat, seeing as I don't fucking have any.

So yeah, put quite simply, Poarka is seemingly incapable of coexisting peacefully with other human beings. Presumably she suffers from some sort of personality disorder or something.

That's what happens. She gets pissed and starts shit over the dumbest fucking things.

She doesnt know how to respectfully deal with conflict or accept other people.

The ironic thing is, shes everything she claims Republicans are. The racism. The sanctimony. The harsh judgements and inability to get over oneself.....that applies to them far more than any of us.

But once people become convinced of a lie, it's pretty hard to shake them out of it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It was worth it simply to see Bigly Stupid controlled from posting "admin sucks cock" all over the forum.

It's what I wanted. I achieved what I wanted. I call that a win.

Thanks @Bastard Factory for the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of the forum.

:Awesomeness: It’s all Stubby thinks about.


Resume your duties Lily

The whining is still going on days later. Can you imagine the meltdown if I were to ask to resume modding?
At this point I'd slide my legs under a moving bus so I could sit in front of my PC all day again on sick pay and take the mod spot back and let there be harmony again...
You're just not a very nice person Oak, bad heart and all...

She messaged me offering a truce and it lasted less than 24 hours....

Almost immediately after I had reluctantly agreed to it, she said or did something which pissed me off, but I let it slide.

Then the next day, she tried ratting me out to BF for allegedly posting PI (which I hadn't) after Lotus had been having one of her senile dementia episodes in the shoutbox and claiming that I'd posted her PI, which would be quite the feat, seeing as I don't fucking have any.

So yeah, put quite simply, Poarka is seemingly incapable of coexisting peacefully with other human beings. Presumably she suffers from some sort of personality disorder or something.
Lol...a truce?


Resume your duties Lily

The whining is still going on days later. Can you imagine the meltdown if I were to ask to resume modding?
At this point I'd slide my legs under a moving bus so I could sit in front of my PC all day again on sick pay and take the mod spot back and let there be harmony again...
You're just not a very nice person Oak, bad heart and all...

She messaged me offering a truce and it lasted less than 24 hours....

Almost immediately after I had reluctantly agreed to it, she said or did something which pissed me off, but I let it slide.

Then the next day, she tried ratting me out to BF for allegedly posting PI (which I hadn't) after Lotus had been having one of her senile dementia episodes in the shoutbox and claiming that I'd posted her PI, which would be quite the feat, seeing as I don't fucking have any.

So yeah, put quite simply, Poarka is seemingly incapable of coexisting peacefully with other human beings. Presumably she suffers from some sort of personality disorder or something.

That's what happens. She gets pissed and starts shit over the dumbest fucking things.

She doesnt know how to respectfully deal with conflict or accept other people.

The ironic thing is, shes everything she claims Republicans are. The racism. The sanctimony. The harsh judgements and inability to get over oneself.....that applies to them far more than any of us.

But once people become convinced of a lie, it's pretty hard to shake them out of it.
A thoroughly objectionable vulgarian. A creature of pure belligerence.