...by myself, none of my family accompanying me... into the state of NSW. If what's been reported is to be believed, come December 1st or 4th 2021(can't exactly recall) all lockdown measures and mandates are gone. The only thing left is company policy on vaxxhole status.... and there are regions resisting them still in NSW, so I can still find work somewhere if I'm not too picky.
It could be professional work or it could be more likely seasonal fruit or veg picking/packing roles, or something in-between... I don't give a fuck at this point. I will sweep fucking floors, clean toilets, or even work as a farm hand at a remote cattle station if it means I can send money home to my family. We're not on welfare but we're not permitted to work until possibly 2023 or beyond.... our savings are getting beat down by Kim Jong Dan Andrews, our Glorious Leader, and his dictates...
I'm going to hate not seeing my kids but especially my 9 year old daughter who started sobbing yesterday when I tried to delicately pitch what her mum and I are intending to do.
Didn't help that a day before our kid went down to the local supermarket by herself to purchase Halloween face paint and encountered Vic Police harassing shoppers at the doors and she ran away in tears.
I've got a vehicle set up for living comfortably on the road though I'd prefer a roof over my head and no hassles...
...but check this thread if I often go missing because it will be an update of an anti communist road warrior...
You come visit your brother Ryano!
We'll have to hit the Bundy or Turkey sometime...
‘Kin oath! My head is sore just now. I polished that Captain Morgan. Lol
...wind storm ripped through early morning and kept me from sleeping further, so I had the 6 fingers left of a Scottish friend and am stewing in a hot bath contemplating hitting the bottle-O and shops for some mince for a greasy H with the lot cooked on a cheap butane stove on the front loader with the windows wide open because ta daaaa.... power knocked out a fucking 'gin...
I could do with a Big Mac right about now! Lol
Beef, pickles, lettuce, Mayo, mashed avocado, cheese, mustard, and horseradish cream.... fresh bakery roll lightly toasted....
Oh baby.... get into me tummy!
(When I can bothered getting out of the tub, dry off, get dressed, put on shoes, go to the shops, and cook it up)