So whats Oaks excuse for not getting married?


Factory Bastard
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All women would rather be married.

Find me a woman who is an adult over 35, living with a "partner" who wouldnt much prefer to be married.

I'm sure Reaps relationship is good. I'm also sure she would marry him this week if he went home said "Alright let's get married".

I'm not sure Oaks is doing so well :0
I told my old women when she moved in with me.I do not wish to get married again nor have anymore children.If she wasn't happy with that then I wasn't the man for her.17 years now and still going strong.I actually didn't think we would last 5 mins tbh,I was 34 when we got together and she was 21.I just can't seem to get rid of her lol.
All joking aside I'd be heart broken if I lost her now.
She knows what I do on the net aswell and couldn't careless.She's a gooden,I think Freud,Gayyity and Mr.X have heard her talking once when I was on discord.She was like `who are you talking too`. I was like `oh,just some fellow weird fuckers on the net` lol.


Domestically feral
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United states
I told my old women when she moved in with me.I do not wish to get married again nor have anymore children.If she wasn't happy with that then I wasn't the man for her.17 years now and still going strong.I actually didn't think we would last 5 mins tbh,I was 34 when we got together and she was 21.I just can't seem to get rid of her lol.
All joking aside I'd be heart broken if I lost her now.
She knows what I do on the net aswell and couldn't careless.She's a gooden,I think Freud,Gayyity and Mr.X have heard her talking once when I was on discord.She was like `who are you talking too`. I was like `oh,just some fellow weird fuckers on the net` lol.

I'm not picking on you.

I'm just saying if you told her "hey let's go get married Monday" she would do it. Enthusiastically.

Marriage is a very worthy endeavor for so many reasons ....and reasons people dont normally think about when they think about marriage.

I'm not saying shes going to leave you. Just saying she would likely jump on the marriage thing. Women who live as live in girlfriend are always gonna have a part of them that is insecure and worried that you have a foot out the door at all times. You are the gatekeeper here as the man. Men are really at underestimating the power they have over women.

Personally for me I have abandonment issues. And part of that shows as an overcompensating to show that I DONT actually have abandonment issue. It would be stressful for me to not have that commitment because I would view it as he wants to make sure it's easily to walk out....and if he doesnt want to provide that security and he doesnt trust me on that level why would I give that person all the best of me? See what I'm saying? Give yourself completely to a person who is thinking the worst of you that you might abuse their commitment or who just wants to keep his pathway out the door clear of any substantial blockers.

We got Oak here who just doesnt have any reason bit shes in the epitome of healthy and loving relationships and Murd who is planning who is planning a full blown Catholic wedding. Both of these women are past 40 lol.

Oak immediately goes to her EX. Shes BTDT. I used to think that logic made sense but at 42 if I wanted to settle down into a solid commitment i would be offended by that. I would feel I was getting scraps off someone elses table who was not nearly as good as me. Why does the current partner....the one she has a healthy and loving relationship with for over 5 years have to have his life and future decided by the prick from the past who didnt value his marriage?

This is just shows that I'm not actually the "damaged goods" here at all because the only things from my past I bring into my future are the core lessons learned.

Im by far MORE of a loving person. Not so much less. And I know myself pretty well and know that if a man was flakey or dodgey about marriage I wouldnt ever trust he was all in and I wouldnt put either of us through a relationship where I lack the emotional security I require.

I wouldnt be sucking it up and coming online all mad at everyone else like Oak does.

I'm trying to give her a safe place to talk about it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Pig is in a healthy relationship tho

One that involves staring at the ceiling fan wondering whats the last time it's been dusted while her man closes his eyes and tries to imagine himself in a better place. Like a 6x9 prison cell or the mouth of a wood chipper.

Yes, folks, we all need to consider THAT as a roadway to inner peace and romantic bliss.



Domestically feral
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United states
Oh yeah that reminds me. @Admin. Asked if my husband knew how I act online and how "much time" I'm on

And the answer is yes. Of course he fucking knows.

And as long as the house is clean, the kids are good and my family is being taken care of and happy he really doesnt give a shit how I troll or talk to establishment cucks on the internet.

My husband didnt even ask me to marry him. He straight up told me we were getting married. It caught me off guard really because I was a few months deep into my recovery program.

They dont encourage dating relationships in that program and he wanted to stay close to me so he decided the best way to do that was marry me.

So far he hasnt regretted it at all.....yes even when I filed for divorce and that disgusting poofer incident.

He knows I'm here right now and knows exactly what I'm typing and he even asked if Admin is the guy who sucks cock LOL


Factory Bastard
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I'm not picking on you.

I'm just saying if you told her "hey let's go get married Monday" she would do it. Enthusiastically.

Marriage is a very worthy endeavor for so many reasons ....and reasons people dont normally think about when they think about marriage.

I'm not saying shes going to leave you. Just saying she would likely jump on the marriage thing. Women who live as live in girlfriend are always gonna have a part of them that is insecure and worried that you have a foot out the door at all times. You are the gatekeeper here as the man. Men are really at underestimating the power they have over women.

Personally for me I have abandonment issues. And part of that shows as an overcompensating to show that I DONT actually have abandonment issue. It would be stressful for me to not have that commitment because I would view it as he wants to make sure it's easily to walk out....and if he doesnt want to provide that security and he doesnt trust me on that level why would I give that person all the best of me? See what I'm saying? Give yourself completely to a person who is thinking the worst of you that you might abuse their commitment or who just wants to keep his pathway out the door clear of any substantial blockers.

We got Oak here who just doesnt have any reason bit shes in the epitome of healthy and loving relationships and Murd who is planning who is planning a full blown Catholic wedding. Both of these women are past 40 lol.

Oak immediately goes to her EX. Shes BTDT. I used to think that logic made sense but at 42 if I wanted to settle down into a solid commitment i would be offended by that. I would feel I was getting scraps off someone elses table who was not nearly as good as me. Why does the current partner....the one she has a healthy and loving relationship with for over 5 years have to have his life and future decided by the prick from the past who didnt value his marriage?

This is just shows that I'm not actually the "damaged goods" here at all because the only things from my past I bring into my future are the core lessons learned.

Im by far MORE of a loving person. Not so much less. And I know myself pretty well and know that if a man was flakey or dodgey about marriage I wouldnt ever trust he was all in and I wouldnt put either of us through a relationship where I lack the emotional security I require.

I wouldnt be sucking it up and coming online all mad at everyone else like Oak does.

I'm trying to give her a safe place to talk about it.
Everyone is different in the way they view things.

Personally I think it's kinda sad that people need a piece of paper to feel secure.The piece of paper means fuck all in all realities sake.Well unless you're in it for the $.


Domestically feral
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United states
Everyone is different in the way they view things.

Personally I think it's kinda sad that people need a piece of paper to feel secure.The piece of paper means fuck all in all realities sake.Well unless you're in it for the $.

That piece of paper has a lot of power, Reaper.

In reality without that legally binding piece of paper.....if you got forbid had a stroke....she gets no say in anything. If one of you dies you have no say in anything.

It's not just paper. The paper is just a document stating that the two of you are bound by law.

I would definately not feel secure in a relationship without marriage being a goal and then happening. I KNOW I wouldnt live with a man again without the protection and security of marriage.

It's not about money at all. Look at what I'm personally willing to go through. I'm sticking shit out in this pain in the ass trailor long after we decided we are not going to pay to renovate it (we cant move it...the state wont let us) so we can our living expenses this LOW so that I can homeschool and my husband can finish his degree.

Would I fucking do this for a man who isnt willing to make me his legal owner? Fuck no.

Maybe im a bit culturally backwards. I think a lot of people view dating as an audition instead of interviews for future spouses and this is how I would treat dating. And then what happens is....people get married and change. Because they "nailed it down" and now they can be themselves. And I think that's shit. Putting a ring on my finger is an upgrade to a better program....yanno?

There are things i would only do for a husband that I wouldn't do for a boyfriend. And no....its not anal.

This is me, Reaps. If you and your woman are happy with the situation than you are. I think she would LOVE to be married to you. No matter what women may say...we really do not view marriage as paper. A lot of women will say this and not mean it because she wants him that badly. All I'm saying is I would never compromise certain needs of mine especially when I view them as common sense and noble.
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Factory Bastard
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That piece of paper has a lot of power, Reaper.

In reality without that legally binding piece of paper.....if you got forbid had a stroke....she gets no say in anything. If one of you dies you have no say in anything.

It's not just paper. The paper is just a document stating that the two of you are bound by law.

I would definately not feel secure in a relationship without marriage being a goal and then happening. I KNOW I wouldnt live with a man again without the protection and security of marriage.

It's not about money at all. Look at what I'm personally willing to go through. I'm sticking shit out in this pain in the ass trailor long after we decided we are not going to pay to renovate it (we cant move it...the state wont let us) so we can our living expenses this LOW so that I can homeschool and my husband can finish his degree.

Would I fucking do this for a man who isnt willing to make me his legal owner? Fuck no.

Maybe im a bit culturally backwards. I think a lot of people view dating as an audition instead of interviews for future spouses and this is how I would treat dating. And then what happens is....people get married and change. Because they "nailed it down" and now they can be themselves. And I think that's shit. Putting a ring on my finger is an upgrade to a better program....yanno?

There are things i would only do for a husband that I wouldn't do for a boyfriend. And no....its not anal.
I get it,your religeous so it's kind of a sticking point for you.

As for money my old women is well taken care of if I pass.She gets the lot.

My pensions must be worth 50 g's +.

My Premium bonds (they are probably a UK thing) which are around 20 k are all down on paper as going to her.Plus my bank account is always arond the 5k mark.And if I pass as most of my immediate family have passed (apart from my kids) she has full say in what happens.All you have to do is go to a solicitor and sign a piece of paper.Which wasn't really necessary becasue in UK law she has the right to half of everything as my common law wife (might be different in the US).Perhaps you don't have the common law partner thing in the US as we do here.


Domestically feral
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United states
I get it,your religeous so it's kind of a sticking point for you.

As for money my old women is well taken care of if I pass.She gets the lot.

My pensions must be worth 50 g's +.

My Premium bonds (they are probably a UK thing) which are around 20 k are all down on paper as going to her.Plus my bank account is always arond the 5k mark.And if I pass as most of my immediate family have passed (apart from my kids) she has full say in what happens.All you have to do is go to a solicitor and sign a piece of paper.Which wasn't really necessary becasue in UK law she has the right to half of everything as my common law wife (might be different in the US).Perhaps you don't have the common law partner thing in the US as we do here.

Common law is a state dependent thing. But if you are willing to be common law married why not just be regular law married? You know?

I dont know how things are there but I've personally witnessed some heart wrenching situations with couples who were not married or they were common law. In a common law marriage here their children can trump your decisions regarding their care.

I suppose being religious impacts my views of marriage certainly but I'm being very honest about how I would feel and I know A LOT of women feel that way. The forever girlfriend topic is a hot one.

I mean im practical and romantic. I my husband understood this about me before I even did. Also he kind of stepped in as some care taker when I was so sick because of my kidney problems. When he dropped me off at rehab, once I signed papers that was it. His line to me was severed. He couldnt call. Couldnt get info. Nothing. It didnt matter if he was my emergency contact either.

I think when he was told by the rehab nurses that he wasnt my spouse and they cant confirm or deny that I was even still there he decided he was going to marry me asap because that is exactly what he did.

He just cant stay outta my business you know? He is nosey as fuck.

Of course it's more than this. He would throw himself in front of a grizzly bear for me. There really isnt much he wouldnt do for me and because I KNOW that I actually require very little. Funny how that works isnt it?


Domestically feral
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United states

So this podcast and this dude is terrible and he gives terrible advice. However a lot of men agree with this nonsense.

Shitlib angry femnazis always think they can fuck a guy into compliance and you cant. You cannot do it.

This is why you shouldnt live with a guy before he agrees to be married as well. We teach men how to treat us and value us. And if he can get away with getting what he wants for the least amount of effort he WILL take it.

If you are buying into the bullshit "female sexual liberation" bullshit and gaslighting yourself that we are "just as horny" as are gonna end up getting poked and revoked a lot. Its gonna destroy your self esteem. You devalue yourself.

Than you end up shacked up with Alfonso in a house you provided planning some elaborate Catholic wedding past the age of 40. Creating some needless and shallow romantic scene for a day to compensate for the lack of substantial romance in the relationship.

Dont bang a dude or live with them unless they are willing to invest. Men WILL lie so make him prove it. Just drag his ass to the court house.


Domestically feral
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United states
Make pigs melty a 500 before 24?

They are warming up for another round of "Dovey doesnt take care of her kids!"

At least its not 2am and they are bitching should be with my kids and dig them out of bed lol.

Let's see I was up at 5am as usual. Ran. Came home. Had coffee. Made walnut pancakes and eggs. Cleaned up. 17 year old went for a bike ride. Squish painted and Husband and I watch all the latest Crowder vs the Daily Wire drama.

Did sight words with Squish. Brushed cats.

It's been a pretty chill day. At this very moment I'm sitting Indian style on the couch, Hubby is playing that game, Squish is sitting on the floor right under me playing with this wooden vanity set she has....shes doing spa stuff with her lol dolls. 17 year old is out somewhere with her bestie. This boy calls me "big momma S" and I'm getting ready to run to the store for milk and shit. Theyll probably tag along because they love store runs with Big Momma S.

My oldest was gonna stop by today and have lunch with us and play with Squish but she got called into work.

Sounds pretty normal doesnt it?! As I've said if I had to sit at a PC I'd probably be here.

It's so funny to me how people like Oak and such immediately go for the family members. And after over a year of that....I start asking her why she isnt married. And now Admin jumps on that as a reason to go for MY personal life ....I guess to make a point?

When that's what IM doing after well over a year of this rabid bush hog verbally attacking my household.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Everyone is different in the way they view things.

Personally I think it's kinda sad that people need a piece of paper to feel secure.The piece of paper means fuck all in all realities sake.Well unless you're in it for the $.

That piece of paper means everything LEGALLY. Just sayin


Have kink will travel.
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So this podcast and this dude is terrible and he gives terrible advice. However a lot of men agree with this nonsense.

Shitlib angry femnazis always think they can fuck a guy into compliance and you cant. You cannot do it.

This is why you shouldnt live with a guy before he agrees to be married as well. We teach men how to treat us and value us. And if he can get away with getting what he wants for the least amount of effort he WILL take it.

If you are buying into the bullshit "female sexual liberation" bullshit and gaslighting yourself that we are "just as horny" as are gonna end up getting poked and revoked a lot. Its gonna destroy your self esteem. You devalue yourself.

Than you end up shacked up with Alfonso in a house you provided planning some elaborate Catholic wedding past the age of 40. Creating some needless and shallow romantic scene for a day to compensate for the lack of substantial romance in the relationship.

Dont bang a dude or live with them unless they are willing to invest. Men WILL lie so make him prove it. Just drag his ass to the court house.

Nah, fuck that. I don't buy a car without test driving it first.

Bitches are no different.


Domestically feral
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United states
That piece of paper means everything LEGALLY. Just sayin

It really does. It's very important.

Could you imagine being married and your husband dies and you end up single....could you imagine being the "girlfriend" living with a guy for years? Or living with him unmarried at all? Always feeling he has a foot in the door. Stressing the relationship. You basically have a quasi marriage without the benefits and the security.

I have to be the absolute only one and I have to have that piece of paper.

Otherwise I'd just live in a converted RV and fill my life with other quasi marriages for me thanks!

And you could imagine being our age and planning a Catholic wedding.....and you dont even like Jesus? Bahahahaha wtf?!


Domestically feral
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United states
Nah, fuck that. I don't buy a car without test driving it first.

Bitches are no different.

If there is no chemistry or vibe it doesnt matter well the car drives.


Would you wanna release bonding brain chemicals over someone who was test driving you?


Domestically feral
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United states
The envy never

I can't imagine giving a rat's ass where someone holds their wedding.

Envy of WHAT?

You are over 50. Your ass should be married.....take him to court house and get it done, ffs.

You wont be able to share a room at the senior living facility if you arent married.

You know women who always think other women are jealous of them are typically the jealous ones. Js.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The envy never

I can't imagine giving a rat's ass where someone holds their wedding.
Pig, for real. Land the space ship already and let's discuss this on planet earth.

What the hell would you have that anyone in their right mind would be envious of?

You're dumb as dirt, You got the body of a fully inflated balloon and your personality stinks.

Get real.