So whats Oaks excuse for not getting married?



Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
it does, you're not fooling anyone ...

Why the fuck would I need to "fool" people on the internet?

I'm not a lawn care guy looking motherfucker who gets bullied in real life.

I dont give two shits if a guy who rolls in dumpsters harrassing the trash pandas thinks my house smells.

I was having a normal exchange about taking care of cats with Break, idiot. I wasnt even addressing you, let alone out to "fool" your scrubby ass.

You are just mad that you are the off brand raw hot dog stuck in the sumo bunz with all that yeast and Catholic weddings.
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Factory Bastard
:LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:


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Factory Bastard
Why the fuck would I need to "fool" people on the internet?

I'm not a law care guy looking motherfucker who gets bullied in real life.

I dont give two shits if a guy who rolls in dumpsters harrassing the trash pandas thinks my house smells.

I was having a normal exchange about taking care of cats with Break, idiot. I wasnt even addressing you, let alone out to "fool" your scrubby ass.

You are just mad that you are the off brand raw hot dog stuck in the sumo bunz with all that yeast and Catholic weddings.
I bet your clothes smell like cat piss too


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Factory Bastard
a lesson like fuck it I'm not going there yes I am :LOL3::LOL3:


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
Here is a reason why my husband is awesome.

He doesn't even like cats that much....and he is a total softy for them.

He once got up super early in the morning, got 14 cats (11 kittens and 3 adults) all wrangled, loaded in the car, dropped them off at the vets so they could all be sterilized, have all their shots, micro chips, dewormer and flea/tick meds.

Paid 890 some dollars.

Went back that evening, picked them all up, brought them home and helped me get them all settled.

Since coming here we have helped and found good homes for nearly 30 cats and kittens.

And now we have this momma and her 5 kittens we are fostering. They all have their vet appointments for sterilization and shots and all that as well.

We get a really good deal from the town vet because he loves that we are helping the cats.

All of ours are chonkers and spoiled as fuck.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
You love getting all personal. Going this route will only make you bitter and twisted fella. Chin up!

That's what asshurt, low intelligence people do. And they hate seeing people enjoying themselves.

That's why Oak is always snorting and stomping.

For real people like this get mad at and hate everything LOL
  • Confused
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Oh my Lord. Reaper i will have to fill you in.

She never really was a "friend".

Also yeah we are here to have fun as well. We arent the ones who got viscious but when you have viscious people who insists on coming at you and they start using PI and telling some of the most disgusting fucking lies.....Reaper she came here and started trying to convince people (including Biggie) that I was allowing my daughter ( 17 year old ...who Murd claimed was 12 just to make it worse) to solicite dick pictures from grown men.

So she uses the fact that we were "friends" for a long time to speak on my family to a forum....and paints my daughter as a young pervert who goes after grown men....and claims I'm allowing her to be sexually exploited.

And I ignored this for a few MONTHS. Until I decided to post the text convo she got this nasty shit from. Where I told her my (15 year old V) was on discord with her friends during Covid. And a couple grown men got in there and showed dick pics. To which my daughter got a screen shot, blocked them, and got me involved and we reported to discord and police.

She brought THIS to board to warn people that my daughter is a cyber pervert at 12 and I allow it.

And this is just one gross and hateful outburst she has had.

I dont want to throw her in front of an oncoming bus anymore so I'm getting better.

At this point ignoring it doesnt work so we are having fun with it.

We didnt fall out with her. She flat out turned like a rabid dog.
She seems like the sort to engage in Munchausens by proxy.


Domestically feral
Factory Bastard
United states
She seems like the sort to engage in Munchausens by proxy.

That first time she turned on me, she had been going to mutual friends and telling them how "concerned" she was for me and telling them that I had relapsed on drugs and that I was spiraling.

She did this so that she could make ME look like the crazy one when she turned. She was laying the ground work to get our mutual online friends on HER side by telling them I was losing it.

I'm sure she didnt anticipate they would be genuinely worried and alarmed and come check on me themselves. But they did.

She was also talking about being so concerned that she was going to contact my husband.....LOL. She was talked out of it, I think by Big. Told her absolutely fucking NOT.

I mean she could have, he would have probably told her to fuck right off.

But she is one of those manipulative and abusive narcissists who will work to make other people view you as the fucked up, crazy one and theyll lie and gaslight.

Shes the false rape and harrassment accusation spewer and the false CPS report caller who will twist something into this big thing it isnt in effort to attack her opponents character and have plausible deniability(well i was really cOnCeRnEd!).

We are all in our 40s and most all of us see right through this narcissistic and pathetic shit. That's the amazing part. They dont realize how transparent their bullshit is and how we fuck with them so hard because it's easy and they deserve it.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Murd's a two face piece of shit. End of.

Ain't nobody turned on her. She turned on me when she went full mental libtard as if I was supposed to follow that bullshit because I'm Hispanic and grew up in the hood. As if I don't clearly see with my own two eyes she turned into a total wanna be black activist. What, I'm supposed to be impressed when I see a total transparent phony pontificating with hollow words and selfish intentions right there in plain sight? When I know full well this hoe was delivering that bearded clam to avowed racists not but a few years before?

Yeah, lick your finger, stick it up in the air and see which way the wind blowing this week you fucking tail following minion.

Protesting black violence? Bitch please. You wouldn't know jack shit about the black community if one crash landed right there on your floppy tits you obnoxious phony. Drop that fucking marshmallow cow off in a real hood for 5 minutes after midnight and watch her clinch her pearls and bug the fuck out like a stunned cat. Total fucking poser. You ain't never been in the struggle. Hell you ain't even seen the real struggle on your TV. That's how far removed you are from the reality of it all. Attending these so called peaceful protests looking for sex partners of either gender and drug plugs. end of. Don't front on me like I don't know what time it is boo.

Your card was timestamped a long time ago so come at someone else who doesn't have their watch synchronized with your shallow concern for black people and the violence they've endured. 100s of black kids die in the hood every day and like every other virtue signaling hypocrite you don't give the slightest fuck. You care only when it's someone else with a skin tone similar to yours is bearing the consequences, financial burdens etc etc and such an event provides you and hypocrites like you another chance to draw attention to yourselves.

You got it all twisted just like you got it all twisted that you some dime piece men are fawning over. This shit right here has nothing to do with your beef with Dove. Pfft - Like I needed to back her up when she was soundly kicking your fat ass up and down the forum effortlessly like you was peewee Herman in the high school lockers with a kick me sign on his back. You and only you turned your back on your friends hoping to be inducted fully in the libtard cretin club. And that's all on you.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Dove needs to change her name to the Gorda ‘s fisherman after this thread

675 in less than 48. Sheesh

Ask a Latina what Gorda means


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Prepare for a mind numbing 30 min vocapoo cause old noncescape has just logged on.

I wonder who he's going to beat up today lulz.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Prepare for a mind numbing 30 min vocapoo cause old noncescape has just logged on.

I wonder who he's going to beat up today lulz.

Keep your voice down...maybe if everyone pretends he's not here, he'll leave without beating anyone up today.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Bowelscape seems to have wandered off into the politics board so that he could vomit all over a park bench there