Suck my politics...


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Politicians aren't capable of thinking for themselves (they're too accustomed to having corporations and the donor class think for them) so they pay "consultants" to formulate game plans and policy platforms then, like the shady used car salespersons they are in their souls, they go out and peddle those plans and platforms to the rubes in their districts. Principles are variable depending on the audience and promises are merely facades with no underlying substance. Ethics is only a word in a dictionary. Everything is performative and transactional because their careers and their personal wealth are all that matter.

So of course the establishment wants to tighten its grip on the already farcical process of selecting candidates. And by "select" I don't mean the exercise in pointlessness that is modern 'Murican electoralism... I mean the focus groups and closed-door conferences of party and corporate elites that actually appoint the options from which voters are allowed to choose.

Outliers are complicated and unpredictable, therefore they must be removed from the equation. The consultant class hates uncertainty almost as much as they hate the very notion of a candidate who thinks for his or her self and runs a campaign built around a core of issues rather than malleable messaging and commodified celebrity. The horror! What would happen to the consulting industry if candidates stopped wanting to be consulted?

So here we are.
An entire governmental system captured by moneyed interests and the military imperialism they use to strengthen and secure their control while the citizenry is distracted by flashy puppet theater and banal manufactured drama.

I find no comfort in the fact that we're literally doing it to ourselves. It's not as if this is all happening in secret; the establishment hardly even bothers to disguise its deceptions anymore. We've become lazy and complacent and self-absorbed.

But just because we deserve it doesn't mean I have to like it.



Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
@King Martini

I cant read what this oldfag posted.

But we need a policy here, for scum to post! They should ask us. Or beforehand it needs approval or this forum will be spammed with crap like this!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Why is this shit in meltdown?

Hey Vitty, take your political bullshit over to some manpon accepting sissy forum where it belongs and not here.

Nobody wants to read this shit here. This is alpha country you pillow biting neck bearded incel. Your a disgrace to every penis swinging male with this feminine drivel.

Your such a fucking old maid your brain has a yeast infection. Look at the rules, you butt plug licking lemming.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
@King Martini @Omnipotent

Your whinging useless asses can Block me too, as DoOF has (allegedly) already figured out. No one is forcing you to click on anything unless you've got an imp riding your shoulder, painfully twisting your ear until you do as it says.

Just keep scrolling, dumbasses.
That is literally your only option because fuck you that's why.


> you
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. o O
Thread needs moar pie chart:



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Politicians aren't capable of thinking for themselves (they're too accustomed to having corporations and the donor class think for them) so they pay "consultants" to formulate game plans and policy platforms then, like the shady used car salespersons they are in their souls, they go out and peddle those plans and platforms to the rubes in their districts. Principles are variable depending on the audience and promises are merely facades with no underlying substance. Ethics is only a word in a dictionary. Everything is performative and transactional because their careers and their personal wealth are all that matter.

So of course the establishment wants to tighten its grip on the already farcical process of selecting candidates. And by "select" I don't mean the exercise in pointlessness that is modern 'Murican electoralism... I mean the focus groups and closed-door conferences of party and corporate elites that actually appoint the options from which voters are allowed to choose.

Outliers are complicated and unpredictable, therefore they must be removed from the equation. The consultant class hates uncertainty almost as much as they hate the very notion of a candidate who thinks for his or her self and runs a campaign built around a core of issues rather than malleable messaging and commodified celebrity. The horror! What would happen to the consulting industry if candidates stopped wanting to be consulted?

So here we are.
An entire governmental system captured by moneyed interests and the military imperialism they use to strengthen and secure their control while the citizenry is distracted by flashy puppet theater and banal manufactured drama.

I find no comfort in the fact that we're literally doing it to ourselves. It's not as if this is all happening in secret; the establishment hardly even bothers to disguise its deceptions anymore. We've become lazy and complacent and self-absorbed.

But just because we deserve it doesn't mean I have to like it.


Is this about the Electoral Count Act of 2022 of a general statement of American political theater as you see it now?

Perhaps we can ask a moderator to take it to one of the political subs. It probably won't get as much play as how evil Oak is and how she's running the forum *eyeroll* but you can try.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Is this about the Electoral Count Act of 2022 of a general statement of American political theater as you see it now?

The inspiration was from a recent article/editorial (NYT? I'd have to look it up to be sure) someone quoted that was crying about Tulsi Gabbard and other non-establishment-approved candidates "wasting" space on debate stages and confusing voters with their non-establishment-approved narratives.

The gist was that the field of candidates should be more closely monitored and managed so loose cannons like Tulsi can't unexpectedly blow gaping holes in the prospects of establishment darlings like Kamala or bring up inconvenient truths like Bernie.

The consultant class' answer to shite candidates isn't finding better candidates; it's preventing people from knowing how shite the pre-selected candidates actually are. How's that working out for us?

Perhaps we can ask a moderator to take it to one of the political subs. It probably won't get as much play as how evil Oak is and how she's running the forum *eyeroll* but you can try.

I asked about that already and got zero responses.
It's neither conservative nor liberal so it belongs in both or none.
Posting it twice (once in each political Lounge) seemed very silly to me so...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Sorry you got punched hard in your anal donut, Vitty, but here’s the cold hard facts;

This site hovers around 50 ppl online where as them other two combined have a hard time getting half that.

I’d like to keep it that way. And a good way of doing that is dumping this shit stain right into the dumpster.

You have special needs, as in your inept tripe is dance routine simpleton, not special privileges that your above the rules of this forum.

Granted, I didn’t read it because I hardly read you, but it is what it is.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I absolutely believe that all voices ought to be heard to bring ideas to the table, including Tulsi Gabbard's voice. I personally don't trust her, but that's my opinion. As for Kamala, fuck Kamala. You'd be surprised how much she's disliked by voters in her own party. She's not quite the darling you think she is...she cannot win office, no matter how hard they try to push her in.

As for your posting...once you've written it why not post it in both forums? It might actually be an interesting experiment since you are an independent. See what comes of it. Just something to think about since all it takes is copying and pasting at this point.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Sorry you got punched hard in your anal donut, Vitty, but here’s the cold hard facts;

The only "cold hard fact" in evidence is that you're a slave to my poasts.
You're entirely unable to scroll on past one.
It's like an involuntary muscle twitch that *forces* you to read them.

It would be pathetic if it wasn't so funny.
Yeah I know, that's usually the other way 'round but you're just a speshul little unit aren't you?



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
The only "cold hard fact" in evidence is that you're a slave to my poasts.
You're entirely unable to scroll on past one.
It's like an involuntary muscle twitch that *forces* you to read them.

It would be pathetic if it wasn't so funny.
Yeah I know, that's usually the other way 'round but you're just a speshul little unit aren't you?

You mean I shouldnt kick enough dents in that head of yours you can trick or treat this year as a golfball?

Get the fuck outta here


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I absolutely believe that all voices ought to be heard to bring ideas to the table, including Tulsi Gabbard's voice. I personally don't trust her, but that's my opinion. As for Kamala, fuck Kamala. You'd be surprised how much she's disliked by voters in her own party. She's not quite the darling you think she is...she cannot win office, no matter how hard they try to push her in.

I didn't say a democrat voter favorite; she's obviously not when she couldn't even get a delegate in her own state when she ran for president. I said she's an "establishment" darling and if you need proof of that remember what we just discussed about her popularity among democrat voters and then ask yourself how she ended up as VP.

As for your posting...once you've written it why not post it in both forums? It might actually be an interesting experiment since you are an independent. See what comes of it. Just something to think about since all it takes is copying and pasting at this point.

As I said, that seems very silly to me.
I'll not be hopping back and forth between the two subs when most of the forum membership can read and post in both of them anyway. That's absurd, in my opinion.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Right, Kamala is only there because she Joe Biden needed to have a running mate to appease the Clyburn block in the Democratic Party.

As for hopping back and forth, they're all just a click away, but certainly it is your right to avoid the entire thing.

See, before you joined us, politics was really just used as a springboard for troll fights. BF, the administrator, separated them out because they simply became spam boards with repetitive insults that could be counted into the thousands. Same exact ones, over and over and over and over...


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
See, before you joined us, politics was really just used as a springboard for troll fights. BF, the administrator, separated them out because they simply became spam boards with repetitive insults that could be counted into the thousands. Same exact ones, over and over and over and over...

I understand and respect that but with political discussion neatly bifurcated the way it is that kind of leaves people like me out in the cold. I'm not interested in identifying as either "liberal" or "conservative".

As far as I'm concerned this sub will do nicely for whatever politics or politics-adjacent rants I might feel like posting. In here I can use whatever language I want (if I want) and I don't have to worry about stepping on one team's toes or the other's. I'm perfectly satisfied with things as they are now.

The fact that it'll cause a certain amount of heartburn for a few of my haters is just a bonus. lulz