SUV mows down people at Christmas Parade in Wisconsin


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I hate this old 'puter here at work, I cant see the tweets Oerdin posts lol.

I think he should be banned from spamming the forum with this magnitude if twitter posts tbh.

Ahh, does the truth upset you? Do you dislike it when people point out how stupid and nonsensical your racist drivel is?

I have a Twitter account. I don’t need bullet notes and a daily outline posted here on a flame forum.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I used to have Twitter... Just got to be too ugly, but I do have an anonymous Fakebook account that I photoshop with. I don't use it for socializing, tho. I can't believe how people spill their whole lives on that site :/ Makes for interesting reads, tho :D


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Definitely sounds like Democrats.


And these people are terrorists. Anti American domestic terrorists who are using political violence against innocent people for the purpose of subverting the country.

They attack and destroy communities, beat, murder and rape innocent people. It's literally a terrorist army of felons, abusers and rapists.

These radicals get mad and they attack innocent fucking people. They dont care if they kill CHILDREN.

And this guy plowed down innocent people and children at a fucking Christmas parade because he was mad that Kyle was acquitted and they do not want any of the innocent people they violently attack to have their basic human and constitutional rights to DEFEND themselves. That is what this all IS.

Anyone that can defend these savages is heartless, hateful and devoid of empathy and is NOT any friend to regular Americans. All they do is spread lies, hatred, racism and destruction. Its evil. Demented and a cancer in the country.

These people are an active danger to everyone. Fucking legitimate terrorists.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The leftists current favorite pedophile was already out on bail for.... Wait for it... Running a woman over with his car.



Domestically feral
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United states
I understand what you are saying @Levon.. but Lilly still said this was karma... Doesn't matter the scenario.. see what I'm saying?

You shouldnt have to explain this. This is one of those things that if you have to explain it.... it's a lost cause. It's a level of political brainwashing hatred we are not qualified to deal with.

Once people are propagandized to the point where they dont see humanity anymore and devolved into absurdity on this level where plowing down kids is called "karma" because an innocent boy didnt get convicted for obvious self defense. ....Raven. Let that really sink in.

They've dehumanized their own countrymen. Read up on the psychology of genocide and you'll see what I'm saying and they will make more sense to you. It didnt make any sense to me at all until I saw it explained.

It's sad and scary but it's what we are dealing with. They not only dont see fellow Americans anymore.....they dont see human beings at all.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
No information out yet. Kinda instant karma for Wisconsin...
children died in that one

what a civil thing to say you vile miserable pig

I’ll just leave this here….

Dove for the 30 day win

There's no coming back from taht one

"I ran out of gas".... OMG... I'm fucking coughing up blood here :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:
Oak is so fat she, shops for nightgowns at circus Estate sales...

Oak is so fat when I drove through the BLM riot and she was in the road, I swerved to miss her and ran out of gas.

PS there were children present during the Floyd protests before a curfew was implemented as it shifted into riots.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I hate this old 'puter here at work, I cant see the tweets Oerdin posts lol.

I think he should be banned from spamming the forum with this magnitude if twitter posts tbh.

His twitter posts are definitely spam. And then he claims to have "covered" some topic, as if he's done some in-depth research by reading tweets he agrees with and re-posting them. Holy crap.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
No information out yet. Kinda instant karma for Wisconsin...

And it’s going to keep happening due to civil unrest in the wake of a miscarriage of injustice.

There were children present in the BLM crowd of peaceful protestors who were victimized by another driver who did this… but that was comedic fodder for these assfucks.

Dont tell me your siding with the racist who is glad kids died. Please, you're not that low are ya?

Kyle defended himself. It wasnt a miscarriage of injustice. Stop listening to your mainstream media. They are fooling you with their propaganda. Obama started this shit when he made it legal to push propaganda onto U.S. citizens, something that was illegal before. Oh, and that they can legally lie.

Trust me for once.

I’m pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of the wolf in sheep’s clothing crying foul in this thread.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I hate this old 'puter here at work, I cant see the tweets Oerdin posts lol.

I think he should be banned from spamming the forum with this magnitude if twitter posts tbh.

His twitter posts are definitely spam. And then he claims to have "covered" some topic, as if he's done some in-depth research by reading tweets he agrees with and re-posting them. Holy crap.

to me it’s proof he believes he is losing his own argument and relies on Twitter since his righty followers here have become completely unhinged lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is good useful information. That it makes you libs cry that the truth is being told, well, that is just a bonus.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I hate this old 'puter here at work, I cant see the tweets Oerdin posts lol.

I think he should be banned from spamming the forum with this magnitude if twitter posts tbh.

His twitter posts are definitely spam. And then he claims to have "covered" some topic, as if he's done some in-depth research by reading tweets he agrees with and re-posting them. Holy crap.

It's not spam. It's all on topic and relevant.

Put him on ignore or scroll past if you dont want to see it. You coming on to threads to trash the content, insult people and not contribute would be spam.

Do you have shit to say to say about the terrorist attack? Or just more of the same negative opinions of other posters here?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
What does Disne
Blurt, stop being so diplomatic. Let's see some raw emotion, like that time your favourite wig shrunk in the wash...

Diplomatic? Raw emotion?

Here's the thing, Scouse, while everyone here appears to be engaged in games of political oneupmanship, trying to "out-outrage" the "other side" and to chalk up more damage at that hands of their political enemies on their own scoreboards than their nemeses do, Americans are turning against each other and people are dying.

I find that loss of life tragic, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it visits. Tragic, because, in a land that lauds everybody's freedom to speak their mind, you'd think people would choose to use that freedom to express their beliefs rather than resort to looting, burning, rioting, shooting, and vehicular homicide.

Y'all need to shake your damn heads and snap out of it.

And another thing, Scouse, having spent as many years, decades even, as I have in dealing with crisis situations, I've come to see that "raw emotion," as you call it, is the one thing that will get people hurt or killed. Rage, anger, and hatred are the gasoline that continuously fuels tragedy. Let cooler heads prevail and there's a better chance that a situation where "raw emotions" are exploding everywhere like mishandled fireworks will be amenable to some kind of de-escalation. De-escaltation means a reduction in harm and loss of life.

Now I know that de-escalation never ranks very highly as a strategy with the dick-swinging knuckle-draggers who work as doormen at the local club, but you ought to look into it anyway.

A drowning man asea is also high on "raw emotion." If you join him in his panicked flailing and start similarly thrashing about, because "raw emotion," you're not only not helping him, but you're going down under, too. Keep yer wits about ye, lad. In a crisis, be helpful, even-tempered, cool-headed, and diplomatic.

And always hand wash your wigs.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
No information out yet. Kinda instant karma for Wisconsin...
children died in that one

what a civil thing to say you vile miserable pig

I’ll just leave this here….

Dove for the 30 day win

There's no coming back from taht one

"I ran out of gas".... OMG... I'm fucking coughing up blood here :LOL3: :LOL3: :LOL3:
Oak is so fat she, shops for nightgowns at circus Estate sales...

Oak is so fat when I drove through the BLM riot and she was in the road, I swerved to miss her and ran out of gas.

PS there were children present during the Floyd protests before a curfew was implemented as it shifted into riots.

^^^^ when brain damage goes untreated


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I hate this old 'puter here at work, I cant see the tweets Oerdin posts lol.

I think he should be banned from spamming the forum with this magnitude if twitter posts tbh.

If they were the same tweet, I would agree with you. But if its info, and all different, I see nothing wrong with it. I can see it on my other puter lol. Just cant at work.

If they were the same tweet? Who even does that?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It is good useful information. That it makes you libs cry that the truth is being told, well, that is just a bonus.

And Rittenhouse posted about taking out protestors, but you have no problem with that.

Here's my take: Both Rittenhouse and the guy who drove his car into the parade are murderers. Straight up. But I don't think any liberals are going to make a hero out of the car killer.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
What does Disne
Blurt, stop being so diplomatic. Let's see some raw emotion, like that time your favourite wig shrunk in the wash...

Diplomatic? Raw emotion?

Here's the thing, Scouse, while everyone here appears to be engaged in games of political oneupmanship, trying to "out-outrage" the "other side" and to chalk up more damage at that hands of their political enemies on their own scoreboards than their nemeses do, Americans are turning against each other and people are dying.

I find that loss of life tragic, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it visits. Tragic, because, in a land that lauds everybody's freedom to speak their mind, you'd think people would choose to use that freedom to express their beliefs rather than resort to looting, burning, rioting, shooting, and vehicular homicide.

Y'all need to shake your damn heads and snap out of it.

And another thing, Scouse, having spent as many years, decades even, as I have in dealing with crisis situations, I've come to see that "raw emotion," as you call it, is the one thing that will get people hurt or killed. Rage, anger, and hatred are the gasoline that continuously fuels tragedy. Let cooler heads prevail and there's a better chance that a situation where "raw emotions" are exploding everywhere like mishandled fireworks will be amenable to some kind of de-escalation. De-escaltation means a reduction in harm and loss of life.

Now I know that de-escalation never ranks very highly as a strategy with the dick-swinging knuckle-draggers who work as doormen at the local club, but you ought to look into it anyway.

A drowning man asea is also high on "raw emotion." If you join him in his panicked flailing and start similarly thrashing about, because "raw emotion," you're not only not helping him, but you're going down under, too. Keep yer wits about ye, lad. In a crisis, be helpful, even-tempered, cool-headed, and diplomatic.

And always hand wash your wigs.

Well said, my fellow humanitarian <3


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What does Disne
Blurt, stop being so diplomatic. Let's see some raw emotion, like that time your favourite wig shrunk in the wash...

Diplomatic? Raw emotion?

Here's the thing, Scouse, while everyone here appears to be engaged in games of political oneupmanship, trying to "out-outrage" the "other side" and to chalk up more damage at that hands of their political enemies on their own scoreboards than their nemeses do, Americans are turning against each other and people are dying.

I find that loss of life tragic, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it visits. Tragic, because, in a land that lauds everybody's freedom to speak their mind, you'd think people would choose to use that freedom to express their beliefs rather than resort to looting, burning, rioting, shooting, and vehicular homicide.

Y'all need to shake your damn heads and snap out of it.

And another thing, Scouse, having spent as many years, decades even, as I have in dealing with crisis situations, I've come to see that "raw emotion," as you call it, is the one thing that will get people hurt or killed. Rage, anger, and hatred are the gasoline that continuously fuels tragedy. Let cooler heads prevail and there's a better chance that a situation where "raw emotions" are exploding everywhere like mishandled fireworks will be amenable to some kind of de-escalation. De-escaltation means a reduction in harm and loss of life.

Now I know that de-escalation never ranks very highly as a strategy with the dick-swinging knuckle-draggers who work as doormen at the local club, but you ought to look into it anyway.

A drowning man asea is also high on "raw emotion." If you join him in his panicked flailing and start similarly thrashing about, because "raw emotion," you're not only not helping him, but you're going down under, too. Keep yer wits about ye, lad. In a crisis, be helpful, even-tempered, cool-headed, and diplomatic.

And always hand wash your wigs.
I too would have given you a gold medal for this if you hadn't cut down someone's occupation.. Kind of cheapened everything else you said :/ sigh.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What does Disne
Blurt, stop being so diplomatic. Let's see some raw emotion, like that time your favourite wig shrunk in the wash...

Diplomatic? Raw emotion?

Here's the thing, Scouse, while everyone here appears to be engaged in games of political oneupmanship, trying to "out-outrage" the "other side" and to chalk up more damage at that hands of their political enemies on their own scoreboards

And that's exactly what I've said many times over that's all YOU guys ever see......because it's what you guys do yourselves.

So you think when WE ars upset about racist hatred and VIOLENCE on innocent people that we couldnt POSSIBLY be genuinely upset. Nope. Its gotta be "right wing talking points".

And then we see Admin and Lotus and these lefties with their ridiculous complaints about Republicans.....even thise none of even support, going for that political oneupmanship.

None of you truly hear ANYONE. You guys are so lost in yourselves and how you think the world is for everyone

Believe or not, SOME of us still fucking CARE when we have radicalized groups forcing violence on innocent people, attacking basic rights to self defense, trying to push school curriculums that brainwash kids into a racist activist cult. Plowing down children.

The emotion you see from us is ALWAYS genuine and has fuck all to do with "oneupmanship". That's how YOU apparently think. Otherwise you wouldnt be reading that into OTHERS.

If these groups were "right wing" we would be JUST as outrage and upset. The only ones here that have decided we are partisans ourselves while they flip flop and ignore shit depending on what "side" is doing it is team blue.

But this wont get through to you, because you already believe your judgements are solid and you clearly "see" people and since you've placed us below you, and you have, you arent going hear any of us over the sound of yourself.

Anyone says anything anyone of you disagree with you decide THEY are partisans. Only nonpartisans see it your way. Which is exactly how the mainstream establishment shills see things. Funny that.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It is good useful information. That it makes you libs cry that the truth is being told, well, that is just a bonus.

And Rittenhouse posted about taking out protestors, but you have no problem with that.

Here's my take: Both Rittenhouse and the guy who drove his car into the parade are murderers. Straight up. But I don't think any liberals are going to make a hero out of the car killer.

So you disagree with Jimmy Dore who walked through the Rittenhouse incident with all the videos and evidence, and called out all the establishment media lies on the topic since Rittenhouse obviously defended himself?

Are you too proud to admit you were wrong on this and believed a ton of establishment bullshit?

Because if I were THIS wrong on something this important I would admit it and oppose the liars. Like a good handful of principled progs have been doing on Kyle.

You cant preach on convicting innocent people when you do it yourself as long as you can make that person "THE right".
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh and FYI.....Rittenhouse never tweeted about taking out protesters. That never fucking happened.

It was GROSS who posted he only regrets not pulling the trigger faster.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
At the end of the lily is still a loathsome pig for calling this horrific event justice for the Rittenhouse verdict

But notice how fellow libs are not disturbed by such a statement


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
When I went to the BLM protest (before Antifa joined) I was walking down the street with my girlfriends and this black man walking with his children crossed paths with us. His daughter looked at me and asked me “ you’re here for BLM too?” and she was about 6 years old, so I gave her an age appropriate response ~

We heard you needed our help to get this message out, so we came to help!

I’m hoping this child will remember the kindness of a white stranger for the remainder of her life… and I hope she realizes that we are not all racist, especially when she inevitably endures a racist white person.