The Ban Hammer Strikes Again


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
***long post alert****my own observations and arm chair psychoanalysis and insight***

It would be one thing if I cared about or valued some sort of relationship with this spazzy fuckwit.

If we had actually HAD that level of bond or relationship. Maybe the anger and pleas for some sort of retribution would be excusable. Maybe. Doing it publically is crass.

But it was nothing. I have a whole life and whole relationship with another person. A ten year long relationship with a child born into it. I belong to someone else. There is NO reason whatsoever to give a single shit about this guys emotional problems.

And I was more than put off by this drama and the almost daily fights being picked and unreasonable demands being made so I shut it down. I very clearly have NO desire or motivation to "fix" anything, or make "peace" with anything. Because i do not value or care much at all about this guys thoughts and feelings. I'm not receiving it.

So what does he do? Why.....he goes on a damn near 4 year hissy fit where he has the audacity and entitlement to not just feel slighted....but gets over the top angry and emotional expecting me to "change my ways", to hear him, to take his cognitive menstrual clots to heart, to conform myself in some respond emotionally and thoughtfully to his pained, warbled shrieks for some sort of justice he feels entitled to.

The fact that this person is still so emotionally enmeshed in this fantasy of me is disturbing enough. The anger he brings to the table and the inability to accept reality and come to terms with his lack of importance in my mind and my life is disturbing.

You would think ibwas married to him and fucked him over leaving for another guy with the energy he has been consistently bringing to me for YEARS now.

The fuckwad does not even know me. The short period of time we did talk.....he clearly didnt listen to anything. He made notes of stuff he thought he could use as ammo or manipulation fuel later on in efforts to keep me in line. That's what narcissistic abusers do.

They love bomb. They start negging(small comments intended to knock down the self esteem of the person theyve targeted, because they know they are out od their league), the bizzare fights they start picking and escalating I'm effort to create a trauma bond.

This guy whips through the abuse cycle pretty fast and I wasnt supposed to be SERIOUS when I finally HAD IT and told him to fuck right off and take his insecure bullshit drama with him. So when he realized there was no way I was gonna continue on with him......the anger was unleashed.

It's a red hot indignant anger that stems from deep seeded fears of abdonement. He has focused upon me all his insecurity and fears of abdonement and exposure. He projects his motives, dysfunction and insecurities onto me. All his rants in my direction is all shit he is yelling in the mirror. Narcs do not see others as autonomous individuals with their own personalities and preferences and experiences. They view others as extensions of themselves and props on the their stage. People are tools to use. He is projecting on me everything he knows is fucked up about himself.

And because HE feels ashamed and embarrassed about himself....he really thinks I'm just sitting over here beside myself upset over all this "truth" he is dropping about me. I ain't even reading the dumb dramatic shit.

Its truly mental and there is no reaching people like this. They dont really consider or think about anything said. They are constantly thinking of what to say back or what the next tactic they will use will be.

And it is to no end. The reward is the response itself. When they can keep you enagaging them that's where they get supply. He needs my attention like oxygen.....hence how often he name drops me and rants like a lunatic. If he can get me entangled in some retarded argument, in his head that means it's not "over" and he isnt really being rejected. Because I still care about it enough to argue with him about it. He works hard for that weak and deluded validation.

And it has NOTHING....absolutely nothing to do with me or who I am at all. He has no insight or clue on that. It's all entirely about HIM and I'm just a prop here for him to rage out all his own issues and self loathing.

Wacky and unhinged as fuck that years later he still has the same intense energy about it that he did when the wound was fresh. I wouldnt be surprised to find out he has violent and sexual fantasies about me in his never ending quest to feel he has conquered and dominated me once and for all. Probably wants to stab me, hump my innards and wear my skin while posting on Dovey alts.


I like how nothing I say is true but here you are again typing out what amounts to be fucking jack shit as you try to fend off all the accusations about you. I thought you didn't care or needed to defend yourself?

Nice going you fucking hypocrite. Not only do you step on your tongue daily but you also confirm that what I post truly does indeed bother you or you wouldn't be out here yet again trying to impress the braindead with your mountain of typical meaningless words that do nothing except prove my point on how you are the problem here.

See, it's quite easy to push you to the brink of suicide because you will never be able to post your way out of the truth no matter how many words or pictures you decide to post. You are a waste of bandwidth and you know this, which is why you're in complete hysterics right now as your tsunami of words indicate. Is Flea going to have to talk you out of relapsing again? Will there be another suicide attempt couple with your very own P.T.S.D.?

I own you. I have always owned you or you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself against the obvious truth. You really need to go and not come back. You're useless and you cause drama at every single board you're at. No one would miss you if you left and disappeared. Do the board a favor and find a way to die.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is still at this? :Crazy:

Hi Fashionista!!! How does it feel to be the only dumb chink on this board?
You seem pretty angry today. Tooth decay got you down and out again? Try an acid bath, that might help

That was really witty, Fashionista!!! What's for dinner today? Bat or fish heads? Try not spreading Covid too much today you yellow skinned buddah head.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I have never seen Shen li log in this much.

Yiu guys must have pissed her off
Kinda creepy, eh?

But, considering I wrote something similar to that gum line bit to one of the other chuletas i left grilled marks all over here, I’ll take a blind guess and say it’s Biggie.

Poor guy is literally crying because he wants to be with the cool kids and the owner here kicked sand in his failure face.

No means no.

Haw Haw


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Flynn is still at this? :Crazy:

Amazing you can completely pull this drooling idiots number and he keeps right at it and claims it's a "victim" card.

It's like he is completely psychologically castrated and unable to touch base with reality.

The biggest crying, entitled and wailing victim on the forums......accusing other people of that which only he does lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I have never seen Shen li log in this much.

Yiu guys must have pissed her off
Kinda creepy, eh?

But, considering I wrote something similar to that gum line bit to one of the other chuletas i left grilled marks all over here, I’ll take a blind guess and say it’s Biggie.

Poor guy is literally crying because he wants to be with the cool kids and the owner here kicked sand in his failure face.

No means no.

Haw Haw

Of course it's him.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is still at this? :Crazy:

Amazing you can completely pull this drooling idiots number and he keeps right at it and claims it's a "victim" card.

It's like he is completely psychologically castrated and unable to touch base with reality.

The biggest crying, entitled and wailing victim on the forums......accusing other people of that which only he does lol.

More comedy. I'm not the one crying about how everyone picks on me. Nor am I the one pilfering comments made about you and performing a huge, "NO YUO!" How very interesting that I'm now "playing the victim card" as many other poster's have already said that about you and your behavior. But now all of a sudden it's me playing the victim? Just now? You're not even good at this.

You're the person going around calling people racist while openly defending a Neo Nazi. I've said this over and over but you ignore this because you can't bluster your way out of this. Which is why you choose to ignore this like you do all the other truthful facts about you, which only validate my claims against you.

Now I'm the one crying and such? I love how you're just rehashing what everyone says about you. Yeah. You're bitter and butthurt as one can see when you cry about me all day long over at TBC.

*Moonwalks across your face*

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
More comedy. I'm not the one crying about how everyone picks on me.

Talk about deja vu, you always accuse me of this, when it's complete horse shit. You genuinely just pull allegations out of your ass and run with them.

Flynn said:
You're the person going around calling people racist while openly defending a Neo Nazi. I've said this over and over but you ignore this because you can't bluster your way out of this. Which is why you choose to ignore this like you do all the other truthful facts about you, which only validate my claims against you.

Which is absolutely hilarious when you call the Asians over on BC every racist name you can find on Joogle. You really don't have any room to talk when it comes to being racist, dumb ass.